Magento - Multiselect color attribute - magento

is it possible to create products in Magento with one or more colors ? For example a T-shirt can be "red", "white" or/and "red and white" (composed with 2 or more colours) ??
I want to have a multiselect in the color attribute and not only one colour in a list box.
Is that possible ?

Can't you make one of the simple products of your configurable product have "red/white" as color? In your example, you'd create 3 simple product, 1 red, 1 white, 1 red and white.
Then you join them in 1 configurable product, and so in the frontend you'd have 1 simple select with the 3 options, red, white and "red and white".
I know this is not exactly what you're asking, but maybe it would suit your need, and this way you don't have to write a module.
Hope that helps


How to sort product collection in shopify?

I have a problem with my shopify collection. in the theme only i have sort by date , name etc but i am looking for sorting through colour.
For example: I have a collection of product in Red, Blue, Pink, Black, and Brown colour. I want to sorting out these collection in Pink, Black, Brown, Red and Blue colour format.
Can anyone give me an idea how could i do this?
It could have changed, but the last time I checked, if you sorted your products in a collection using Shopify Admin, that would not reflect on your website. So a company asked me to fix that. I made an App where you could sort the elements in a collection, for example, by colour, and then once that was done, the products would show up in that order on your website.
If it turns out you still cannot sort products in a collection, send me a message and maybe I can install that old App on your store for a small fee.

OpenCart 3 add a hidden option

I have an OpenCart store where each product has multiple sizes, they also have different colors but each color is a different product.
Now I want to be able to filter the products by size and color too using Brainy Filter.
However that would mean that I have to add Color option to products. The problem is that this color option will have only one item (white for example, or blue, or green, etc.), so it is not necessary to show this option to the customer [see image].
I'm guessing that I can count how many items an option has and if it's less than 2, then apply a class to hide the it, however the option is still visible in cart/checkout/order history and other pages.
My question is - is there any better way to do color filtering than to create a Color option (not using Tags)? If not, is there a clever way (except hiding it with CSS on every page that it's visible) to hide this option from the customer since they don't really need to see it.

Magento Colour Swatches for simple products

I did search the site before I ask this question. But I really couldn't figure it out.
I have some products which come with a few different colours. I know I could use configurable product feature but I do want each variation display in the catalog. Here is what I want to do (and also saw a few sites doing this):
For Example, I have a blue lamp product. I want to have a colour swatch for other colours like, Red, White, Green and Red. When you click the colour swatch, it will take you to that particularly product.
How do I do it? Is there an extension available?
Thank you very much for your help!
There is a native module in magento
The name of the module you wrote correctly. You can also try to search on magento connect for 'Color swatches'

Magento: Multiple Attributes with same (identic) values - inheritable?

I am about to set up an online store and I am kinda "testing" if magento fits my needs. I think I got the idea behind categorizing and attributing products. But I have a question to the attributes concerning products - or in detail: for configurable products.
Is it possible to "inherit" attribute values (options) from another existing attribute?
I'll give you an example to visualize my question:
Let's say we sell boxes. We would have three different types of boxes:
uni-color boxes ("box-color")
boxes with a seperate "top-color"
boxes with a special printing on it, which has its own color ("highlight color")
To assign colors to box type #1, I would have the possible values
Box type #2 might come as
black box / black top (it might seem redundant, but there is a difference to uni-colored boxes),
black box / white top,
black box / orange top,
white box / black top,
white box / white top,
white box / orange top,
and so on.
And finally, box type #3 might come as
black box / black top / black highlight,
black / white / orange,
black / black / white,
I think you get the idea.
I would like to have one attribute of color-options which I would maintain (like add new colors, delete old ones, etc.) - and use it as all three different types of configurable color sets.
To be able to create configurable products I would add the color-attribute to my special "boxes" attribute set(s). But when it comes to the two-colored-boxes, I am not able to add the color attribute a second time.
Is there any other (simple) way to achieve this? Since I am new to Magento I would not like to dig too deep into the code or even want to develop a module (?).
Thanks in advance, I appreciate your answers :-)

Configurable Products - Change Dropdown based on first dropdown selection

I need to set up a product that is very similar to a configurable product but where the options can change depending on the attribute that has been selected. For instance, if I had the following attributes Size and Colour. Lets say I had small, medium, large for the size attribute. On my product, red is only available in the medium size but green and blue are available in all sizes. I would need the colour drop down box to change based on the selection of the size drop down.
Is this possible?
Note: I know this isn't strictly a programming question but I have seen a lot of other "setup" questions about magento on SO that haven't been closed so assume this appropriate.
You can use Configurable prodcuts to do this for you. Configurable products will only allow the user to select variations you have setup in the store.
for example:
If you have a configurable prodcut with Size and Colour Attributes, and add variations as follows:
Size: S, M, L
Colour: Red, Blue
You then only add (and enable/make in stock) Variations (simple child products) with combinations where Red is available in S,M only, and Blue is abailable in size L.
When a user tries to buy the product they will be asked to select a size, if they then select Size: S then the Colour dropdown will dynamically change to only allow the user to select Red as an option.
