TFS Bug template + Adding custom fields - visual-studio

I am trying to add custom field to a bug in TFS.
I opened the Bug Work Item Type but i have to enter the RefName as show in the image below.
Does any body know how can create Custom RefName
I tried to do as Ewald Hofman said, i got the below error

Just enter a name. It is used as the identifier for the column in the rest of the work item and in the warehouse.
A possible format is YourCompanyName.Category.FieldName


Deploying solution from Dev to Production fails because column with same schema name data type was changed. Object dependencies won't get deleted

So the column in question was a lookup column, which i deleted in the unmanaged solution, and mistakenly created a new column with the same name. Dynamics by default will use the same auto-generated schema name based on the display name. So when I go to import the unmanaged solution in my dev environment into the production environment as managed, obviously it throws an error because of the mismatched of data types per column schema name.
Error returned by Azure Pipeline
So I did the sensible next thing, and went to delete this column in my dev environment. But oh no! There are object dependencies which prevent me from deleting it, okay I look at which objects depend on this column, it is a form, i remove the column from the form, go to delete and oh no again! There is still a dependency on the form I just deleted the column from.
So what do I do? I can't change the column schema name, I can't change the data type back to the data type that's currently in the managed solution. Is this when I open up a microsoft support ticket? Hopefully someone here has some insight. Thanks!
The attribute can be associated with a custom control. Try removing this custom control using the classic form designer. It should be visible on one of the field property tabs.
If the attribute cannot be found anywhere on the form using the classic or modern form designer, try this:
Create a solution with this form only. Export the solution as unmanaged. Extract the customization.xml from the zip. Edit the xml and remove all references to your attribute. Paste the customization.xml into the zip and import and publish the solution.
The only way to delete a managed component is to upgrade the solution. In your case, you can delete the field and dependency in solution and apply the upgrade to target environment. Please noticed that all data in this field would get deleted when you apply the upgrade. You may check this link for more detail

Fullname control is not working in Dynamics 365 Unified interface

We've recently enabled the Unified Interface on our Dynamics 365 CE web client and noticed that the fullname is missing from the Contact forms and several views. It is there when we open the Form editor, but when we're running formContext.getAttribute("fullname") it returns a null.
It's causing us a big headache as we're using the fullname basically everywhere: in forms, views, Document templates, JavaScripts etc.
Has anyone come across this problem or knows a workaround without having to replace the fullname with first and last name everywhere in our environment?
According to Microsoft it's officially not ready before April 2020 (, but we need to start testing before that.
Many thanks in advance
Composite control is not available in UCI yet. So the popup will not be showing up to do data entry. That means the Full name field will display as the child individual fields, ie. First name & Last name. The data changes in any of the First name or Last name will replicate to Full name field.
Only changes needed is in form scripting. Whenever/wherever you are accessing the Full name field like formContext.getAttribute("fullname") just switch it to formContext.getAttribute("firstname") + " " + formContext.getAttribute("lastname") if the script is executing in UCI.
I just tested this quickly in my UCI. Also views showing the Full name field without issues. Templates should not be a problem if data is there. Only problem is in form, so the above script will solve the issue.

Oracle endeca property not displaying in jsp ref app

I am trying to implement partial update in Oracle Endeca. I have a property named "depth" in developer studio. The full update works fine but in partial update I get the error that "Unable to parse value 15.1 for property depth". Why does this happen. Please ask for any information you might need.
Can you please check property type of depth. Also check mapping for partial update pipeline.
The property were not showing as MDEX engine had different datatype from the updates. To fix this I used a perl manipulator to format the properties .

How can a Sonar widget show a project level property?

I am attempting to display a project level property on a widget. Global properties work fine, but project properties come up blank.
I am using:
<%= configuration('sonar.projectlevel.prop1') -%>
in the .erb file, where sonar.projectlevel.prop1 is property name. It comes up blank. If I put in a global property instead of the project property,the property is displayed.
When I open the project dashboard and go into Configuration | Settings, I can see the project property and the value. I can also retrieve it using the ws properties api specifying the resource name, so the value must be there.
Should this work? If so, how?
I have also posted this question to the mailing, but have not had a response. Surely this can work and is easy to do. I must be missing something simple.
Thanks, Ben
Simon Brandhof replied to the mailing list question with the solution. To display a project level property in a widget use:
instead of:
Thanks Simon!

Lookup site column not saving/storing metadata for Office 2007 documents?

I'm having this issue on several server environments.
We have a list at the site collection root. There is a site column created as a multi-value lookup on that list's Title field. This site column is used in document libraries in subsites as a required field. When we upload anything but an Office 2007 document, the user is presented with the document metadata fill-in screen (EditForm.aspx?Mode=Upload), the user fills in the appropriate data (including picking a value(s) for this lookup), and clicks "check in" - the document is checked in as expected, with the lookup field's value filled in.
With an Office 2007 document, this fails. The user selected values for the lookup field do not ever make it to the server - no errors are thrown, but the field is not saved with the document. We have an event listener on these document libraries, and if we inspect the incoming SPListItem on the event listener method before a single line of our code has run, we see that the value for the lookup field is null.
It smells like a SharePoint bug to me - but before I go calling Microsoft, has anyone seen this & worked around it?
Edit: the only entry I see in the SP trace logs relating to the problem:
CMS/Publishing/8ztg/Medium/Got List Item Version, but item was null
Wound up having to open a ticket with Microsoft for this one, and found a bug in the MSDN documentation to boot.
In order to get a multiselect lookup, we had been setting the "Mult" attribute in our lookup field CAML to "true" in the XML we passed to SPFieldCollection.AddFieldAsXml. However, even though the API will throw no errors & appear to work in the UI, this clashes with how Office 2007 & 2010 documents & their SharePoint integration works.
The official, supported way to add a multiselect lookup field is to use the LookupMulti field type in the Field CAML. Doing this, and setting the "Mult" attribute to "true" gives the result I was looking for.
The MSDN documentation for "Mult" has still not been updated for the SP 2007 documentation, and can safely be ignored as it is completely wrong.
