Access to filter var attribute? - magento

In Mage_Catalog_Block_Layer_View there is a variable called $_filters, that loops through and displays properties in the $_filter var. Whenever I try to var dump this variable, my server throws an error. This behavior is completely mysterious. Does anyone know if I can get back to the attribute code? I'd like to do something like this:

Have you tried $_filter->getAttributeModel()->getAttributeCode()?

public function getFilters()
$filters = array();
if ($categoryFilter = $this->_getCategoryFilter()) {
$filters[] = $categoryFilter;
$filterableAttributes = $this->_getFilterableAttributes();
foreach ($filterableAttributes as $attribute) {
$filters[] = $this->getChild($attribute->getAttributeCode().'_filter');
return $filters;
you can see where the variable setting to this array takes place and how the attribute code is used in this class. Note that this is an array containing view objects not a object itself and dumping out all this just eats up your server memory. And of course you can't call methods on this array.
So there is no actual way to get this code out of this array and you probably have more success in template or subobject level or if you need this in the same class you can get the filters out of $this->_getFilterableAttributes() method or you can try and iterate over each filters array member and their sub-members


gettin request/query parameters with less code

Is this:
$paginate = $request->get('paginate');
Equivalent to this, for getting a query param if it is present or assign to the associated variable "null" it it is not present:
if ($request->has('paginate')) {
$paginate = $request->get('paginate');
} else {
According to get() method documentation:
This method belongs to Symfony HttpFoundation and is not usually needed when using Laravel.
Alternatively you can use filled and $request->paginate
So it checks if the request has the "item"and it has value.
$paginate = null;
if ($request->filled('paginate')){
$paginate = $request->paginate;

error foreach in View Codeigniter : Illegal string offset

Please help, i use foreach to return data from database, but it only return the last data (array always update with last data). So i modified the code but i got error : Illegal string offset in foreach.
here is my controller
foreach($dataDesa as $desa)
$namaDesa = json_decode($this->curl->simple_get($desa->alamat_api.'/info_desa?ID_DESA=1'));
$datakonten[$namaDesa] = array(
'proyek' =>json_decode($this->curl->simple_get($desa->alamat_api.'/proyek_pertanian')),
'nama_desa' =>json_decode($this->curl->simple_get($desa->alamat_api.'/info_desa?ID_DESA=1')),
'lelang' =>json_decode($this->curl->simple_get($desa->alamat_api.'/pelelangan'))
$datakonten['getAllDesa'] = $this->M_desa->getAllDesa($idStatus);
$nama_Desa = array();
foreach($datakonten['getAllDesa'] as $row)
$nama_Desa[] = $row->nama_desa;
$data['content'] = $this->load->view('public/konten/v_home',$datakonten,TRUE);
and here is my view
foreach($nama_desa[$i]['proyek'] as $rows)
$nama = $rows->nama_proyek;
i've tested $nama_desa[0] and $nama_desa[1] and they have value returned (the value is "Kranon" and "Wulung") and i use the value like $Kranon['proyek'] and theres no error and returned the value that i want, but when i combined it with $nama_desa[$i]['proyek'] i got this error.
Please help, thanks in advance
You only push $row->nama_desa to $nama_desa. and try to get ['proyek'] from $nama_desa?
As you explained above, you getting value with this $nama_desa[1] but you trying to access this key $nama_desa[$i]['proyek'] which means its looking for $nama_desa[1]['proyek'] which is not exist.
Just do
You will find there is no key present with the name of 'proyek' on $name_desa[1] (key '1' i have only given for example. It can be any number of key)
I guess you will get your value by accessing this $nama_desa['proyek'] OR You will get idea with print result.
I have just found my solution.
I always getting an error whenever i want to pass variable that refers another value into foreach, so I modified my controller so I can pass the value into foreach in View directly. And I moved kind of "get-data-from-API" from Controller into View.
My Controller :
$datakonten['getAllDesa'] = $this->M_desa->getAllDesa($idStatus);
$data['content'] = $this->load>view('public/konten/v_home',$datakonten,TRUE);
My View :
foreach($getAllDesa as $rows)
$proyek = json_decode($this->curl->simple_get($rows->alamat_api_lelang));
foreach($proyek as $baris)
$namaProyek = $baris->nama_proyek;
Nama Proyek : <?php echo $namaProyek;?></br>

Web API parameter filtering

This must be simple and I'm being incredibly dense but I can't find an example to help me figure it out. I want to filter my list of tblAsset items by their assessmentId which is passed in through a parameter. I'm able to get the parameter value ok, but I'm not sure how to write the query.
My model is built from an existing Database using the Model creation wizard.
Thanks for any help!
public IEnumerable<tblAsset> GettblAssets()
NameValueCollection nvc = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.RequestUri.Query);
var assessmentId = nvc["aid"];
//limit the assets by assessmentId somehow and return
You could use the .Where extension method on the IQueryable<tblAsset> instance returned by your database:
public IEnumerable<tblAsset> GettblAssets()
NameValueCollection nvc = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.RequestUri.Query);
var assessmentId = nvc["aid"];
// TODO: you might need to adjust the property names of your model accordingly
// Also if the assessmentId property is an integer on your model type
// you will need to parse the value you read from the request to an integer
// using the int.Parse method
return db.tblAsset.Where(a => a.assessmentId == assessmentId);

How to return the result set with columns with Linq

I have a function inside a class that will run a Linq to Entities query (or any type of Linq query actually), and it's gonna return 2 columns in the resultset. I would like to return an object to whoever is calling my function that will allow Intellisense to know what I have returned.
Let me explain. If I have a function like this:
public static IQueryable GetInfo(MyEntityModel oEntityModel)
var query =
(from t in oEntityModel.Table1
from u in t.Table2
where t.Status == true &&
u.Status == true
select new
return query;
What can (should) I put instead of IQueryable so that whoever calls my GetInfo function, will get Intellisense from the resultset, and show that it has a Column1 and Column2?
var linqresult = ClsLinqTeste.GetInfo(oEntityModel);
if (linqresult.Column1 == 1)
foreach (var oItem in linqresult)
.. do stuff...
You cannot return an anonymous type from a function, they are strictly "inline" classes. When you return it, the foreach loop will only be able to interpret the result as an plain object. I guess you could use reflection to query the property names and values, however it seems much more straight forward to define a data transfer type to hold the results.
See this question, and this blog post.
So you could create a simple struct or class:
public class MyDataResult
public object Column1 { get; set; }
public object Column2 { get; set; }
Then modify your query in the function:
public static IQueryable<MyDataResult> GetInfo(MyEntityModel oEntityModel)
var query =
(from t in oEntityModel.Table1
from u in t.Table2
where t.Status == true &&
u.Status == true
select new MyDataResult
Column1 = t.Column1,
Column2 = u.Column2
return query;
Something like that should work. Note that I used "object" for the properties in MyDataResult. I don't know the types of the columns you are returning, you should use the actual types in order to get full intellisense.
You are returning a collection of anonymous types, they will be casted to objects, so when you try to iterate over them, altough they will be your objects (and they will contain your properties) at compile time they will be casted to objects:
foreach (var x in ClsLinqTeste.GetInfo(oEntityModel))
//x is an Object
You can read more about it here.
If you want to have intellisense, I suggest you create a custom class they will hold your properties and return not an anonymous type (using new {}) but object of your class (new MyClass(prop1, prop2)). You also need to change signature of your method, so it returns IQueryable<YourClass> and not just plain non-generic IQueryable.
As others have said, creating a new type to hold the two columns is usually the best option.
But if, for some reason, you don't want to do that and you are using .Net 4.0, you can use Tuple:
public static IQueryable<Tuple<Column1Type, Column2Type>>
GetInfo(MyEntityModel oEntityModel)
return from …
select Tuple.Create(t.Column1, u.Column2);
var linqresult = ClsLinqTeste.GetInfo(oEntityModel);
foreach (var oItem in linqresult)
Console.WriteLIne(oItem.Item1, oItem.Item2);
When you return your resultset AsQueryable, the app is already able to give you intellisense, however in your example, you must specify either .FirstOrDefault if you know your collection will only have a single row, or iterate over your collection to get the items from it, like so:
This is what you're doing:
var linqresult = ClsLinqTeste.GetInfo(oEntityModel);
if (linqresult.Column1 == 1)
{ stuff...
This is how you should do it:
var linqresult = ClsLinqTeste.GetInfo(oEntityModel);
foreach(var item in linqresult)
if (item.Column1 == 1)
{ stuff...
You must iterate over linqresult because when you query with link, it returns a result set, even if it just has one column. As with any collection, your data columns aren't available on the whole result set, only with individual items.
If you want to strongly typed enumerate a non-generic IEnumerable (IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() instead of IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator<T>()) you can use the Cast<>() extension, like so
var myquery = GetQueryable();
for (var item in myquery.Cast<MyDataType>())
// use item.Column1 directly and strongly typed with intellisense

Converting Foreach Loop to Linq and getting error

I've currently got the following foreach loop:
List<SearchResult> searchResults = new List<SearchResult>();
foreach (Transmission trans in Results)
searchResults.Add(new SearchResult(trans));
return searchResults;
And I'd like to convert this to a Linq expression, I've tried the following which looks like it achieve the same thing in linq to me:
return Results.Select(x => new SearchResult(x)).ToList();
However when executed I get the following error:
System.InvalidCastException: Object must implement IConvertible.
I think I understand the gist of that error but the issue I have is that I'm not actually trying to convert the Transmission Objects in the Results collection to SearchResult objects but instead to return a list of SearchResult objects, a SearchResult object being intialized like so:
Transmission transmission = new Transmission(...);
SearchResult result = new SearchResult(trans);
Any help on this would be great, I've been tearing my hair out!
EDIT: As per comments here is the full method stub:
public IQueryable<Transmission> Results
public virtual IEnumerable<SearchResult> ResultsNetwork
List<SearchResult> searchResults = new List<SearchResult>();
foreach (Transmission trans in Results)
searchResults.Add(new SearchResult(trans));
return searchResults;
I get the impression that Results is a collection of object, so Select is defining x as object, but you want it to be Transmission.
Try either of these options:
return Results.Cast<Transmission>().Select(x => new SearchResult(x)).ToList();
return Results.OfType<Transmission>().Select(x => new SearchResult(x)).ToList();
Its hard to guess what you are trying to cast (you need to show your method signature, as well as a blurb showing how you convert Transmissions to SearchResult)
However and easier way to do it:
return Results.ConvertAll(x=> new SearchResult(x));
