Test if remote TCP port is open from a shell script - shell

I'm looking for a quick and simple method for properly testing if a given TCP port is open on a remote server, from inside a Shell script.
I've managed to do it with the telnet command, and it works fine when the port is opened, but it doesn't seem to timeout when it's not and just hangs there...
Here's a sample:
l_TELNET=`echo "quit" | telnet $SERVER $PORT | grep "Escape character is"`
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Connection to $SERVER on port $PORT failed"
exit 1
echo "Connection to $SERVER on port $PORT succeeded"
exit 0
I either need a better way, or a way to force telnet to timeout if it doesn't connect in under 8 seconds for example, and return something I can catch in Shell (return code, or string in stdout).
I know of the Perl method, which uses the IO::Socket::INET module and wrote a successful script that tests a port, but would rather like to avoid using Perl if possible.
Note: This is what my server is running (where I need to run this from)
SunOS 5.10 Generic_139556-08 i86pc i386 i86pc

As pointed by B. Rhodes, nc (netcat) will do the job. A more compact way to use it:
nc -z <host> <port>
That way nc will only check if the port is open, exiting with 0 on success, 1 on failure.
For a quick interactive check (with a 5 seconds timeout):
nc -z -v -w5 <host> <port>

It's easy enough to do with the -z and -w TIMEOUT options to nc, but not all systems have nc installed. If you have a recent enough version of bash, this will work:
# Connection successful:
$ timeout 1 bash -c 'cat < /dev/null > /dev/tcp/google.com/80'
$ echo $?
# Connection failure prior to the timeout
$ timeout 1 bash -c 'cat < /dev/null > /dev/tcp/sfsfdfdff.com/80'
bash: sfsfdfdff.com: Name or service not known
bash: /dev/tcp/sfsfdfdff.com/80: Invalid argument
$ echo $?
# Connection not established by the timeout
$ timeout 1 bash -c 'cat < /dev/null > /dev/tcp/google.com/81'
$ echo $?
What's happening here is that timeout will run the subcommand and kill it if it doesn't exit within the specified timeout (1 second in the above example). In this case bash is the subcommand and uses its special /dev/tcp handling to try and open a connection to the server and port specified. If bash can open the connection within the timeout, cat will just close it immediately (since it's reading from /dev/null) and exit with a status code of 0 which will propagate through bash and then timeout. If bash gets a connection failure prior to the specified timeout, then bash will exit with an exit code of 1 which timeout will also return. And if bash isn't able to establish a connection and the specified timeout expires, then timeout will kill bash and exit with a status of 124.

Using bash and timeout
Using nc
RHEL 6 (nc-1.84)
RHEL 7 (nmap-ncat-6.40)
Using bash and timeout:
Note that timeout should be present with RHEL 6+, or is alternatively found in GNU coreutils 8.22. On MacOS, install it using brew install coreutils and use it as gtimeout.
$ timeout $TIMEOUT_SECONDS bash -c "</dev/tcp/${HOST}/${PORT}"; echo $?
If parametrizing the host and port, be sure to specify them as ${HOST} and ${PORT} as is above. Do not specify them merely as $HOST and $PORT, i.e. without the braces; it won't work in this case.
$ timeout 2 bash -c "</dev/tcp/canyouseeme.org/80"; echo $?
$ timeout 2 bash -c "</dev/tcp/canyouseeme.org/81"; echo $?
If you must preserve the exit status of bash,
$ timeout --preserve-status 2 bash -c "</dev/tcp/canyouseeme.org/81"; echo $?
Using nc:
Note that a backward incompatible version of nc gets installed on RHEL 7.
Note that the command below is unique in that it is identical for both RHEL 6 and 7. It's just the installation and output that are different.
$ nc -w $TIMEOUT_SECONDS -v $HOST $PORT </dev/null; echo $?
RHEL 6 (nc-1.84):
$ sudo yum install nc
$ nc -w 2 -v canyouseeme.org 80 </dev/null; echo $?
Connection to canyouseeme.org 80 port [tcp/http] succeeded!
$ nc -w 2 -v canyouseeme.org 81 </dev/null; echo $?
nc: connect to canyouseeme.org port 81 (tcp) timed out: Operation now in progress
If the hostname maps to multiple IPs, the above failing command will cycle through many or all of them. For example:
$ nc -w 2 -v microsoft.com 81 </dev/null; echo $?
nc: connect to microsoft.com port 81 (tcp) timed out: Operation now in progress
nc: connect to microsoft.com port 81 (tcp) timed out: Operation now in progress
nc: connect to microsoft.com port 81 (tcp) timed out: Operation now in progress
nc: connect to microsoft.com port 81 (tcp) timed out: Operation now in progress
nc: connect to microsoft.com port 81 (tcp) timed out: Operation now in progress
RHEL 7 (nmap-ncat-6.40):
$ sudo yum install nmap-ncat
$ nc -w 2 -v canyouseeme.org 80 </dev/null; echo $?
Ncat: Version 6.40 ( http://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Connected to
Ncat: 0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received in 0.22 seconds.
$ nc -w 2 -v canyouseeme.org 81 </dev/null; echo $?
Ncat: Version 6.40 ( http://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Connection timed out.
If the hostname maps to multiple IPs, the above failing command will cycle through many or all of them. For example:
$ nc -w 2 -v microsoft.com 81 </dev/null; echo $?
Ncat: Version 6.40 ( http://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Connection to failed: Connection timed out.
Ncat: Trying next address...
Ncat: Connection to failed: Connection timed out.
Ncat: Trying next address...
Ncat: Connection to failed: Connection timed out.
Ncat: Trying next address...
Ncat: Connection to failed: Connection timed out.
Ncat: Trying next address...
Ncat: Connection timed out.
The -v (--verbose) argument and the echo $? command are of course for illustration only.

With netcat you can check whether a port is open like this:
nc my.example.com 80 < /dev/null
The return value of nc will be success if the TCP port was opened, and failure (typically the return code 1) if it could not make the TCP connection.
Some versions of nc will hang when you try this, because they do not close the sending half of their socket even after receiving the end-of-file from /dev/null. On my own Ubuntu laptop (18.04), the netcat-openbsd version of netcat that I have installed offers a workaround: the -N option is necessary to get an immediate result:
nc -N my.example.com 80 < /dev/null

In Bash using pseudo-device files for TCP/UDP connections is straight forward. Here is the script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Connection to $SERVER on port $PORT failed"
exit 1
echo "Connection to $SERVER on port $PORT succeeded"
exit 0
$ ./test.sh
Connection to example.com on port 80 succeeded
Here is one-liner (Bash syntax):
</dev/tcp/localhost/11211 && echo Port open. || echo Port closed.
Note that some servers can be firewall protected from SYN flood attacks, so you may experience a TCP connection timeout (~75secs). To workaround the timeout issue, try:
timeout 1 bash -c "</dev/tcp/stackoverflow.com/81" && echo Port open. || echo Port closed.
See: How to decrease TCP connect() system call timeout?

I needed a more flexible solution for working on multiple git repositories so I wrote the following sh code based on 1 and 2. You can use your server address instead of gitlab.com and your port in replace of 22.
nc -z -v -w5 $SERVER $PORT
#Do whatever you want
if [ "$result1" != 0 ]; then
echo 'port 22 is closed'
echo 'port 22 is open'

check ports using bash
$ ./test_port_bash.sh 22
the port 22 is open
exec 3> /dev/tcp/${HOST}/${PORT}
if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "the port $2 is open";else echo "the port $2 is closed";fi

If you're using ksh or bash they both support IO redirection to/from a socket using the /dev/tcp/IP/PORT construct. In this Korn shell example I am redirecting no-op's (:) std-in from a socket:
W$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer &
[1] 16833
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...
W$ : </dev/tcp/
The shell prints an error if the socket is not open:
W$ : </dev/tcp/
ksh: /dev/tcp/ cannot open [Connection refused]
You can therefore use this as the test in an if condition:
if (: < /dev/tcp/$SERVER/$PORT) 2>/dev/null
print succeeded
print failed
The no-op is in a subshell so I can throw std-err away if the std-in redirection fails.
I often use /dev/tcp for checking the availability of a resource over HTTP:
W$ print arghhh > grr.html
W$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer &
[1] 16863
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...
W$ (print -u9 'GET /grr.html HTTP/1.0\n';cat <&9) 9<>/dev/tcp/
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: SimpleHTTP/0.6 Python/2.6.1
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 12:56:29 GMT
Content-type: text/html
Content-Length: 7
Last-Modified: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 12:55:44 GMT
This one-liner opens file descriptor 9 for reading from and writing to the socket, prints the HTTP GET to the socket and uses cat to read from the socket.

While an old question, I've just dealt with a variant of it, but none of the solutions here were applicable, so I found another, and am adding it for posterity. Yes, I know the OP said they were aware of this option and it didn't suit them, but for anyone following afterwards it might prove useful.
In my case, I want to test for the availability of a local apt-cacher-ng service from a docker build. That means absolutely nothing can be installed prior to the test. No nc, nmap, expect, telnet or python. perl however is present, along with the core libraries, so I used this:
perl -MIO::Socket::INET -e 'exit(! defined( IO::Socket::INET->new("")))'

In some cases where tools like curl, telnet, nc o nmap are unavailable you still have a chance with wget
if [[ $(wget -q -t 1 --spider --dns-timeout 3 --connect-timeout 10 host:port; echo $?) -eq 0 ]]; then echo "OK"; else echo "FAIL"; fi

If you want to use nc but don't have a version that support -z, try using --send-only:
nc --send-only <IP> <PORT> </dev/null
and with timeout:
nc -w 1 --send-only <IP> <PORT> </dev/null
and without DNS lookup if it's an IP:
nc -n -w 1 --send-only <IP> <PORT> </dev/null
It returns the codes as the -z based on if it can connect or not.

Building on the most highly voted answer, here is a function to wait for two ports to be open, with a timeout as well. Note the two ports that mus be open, 8890 and 1111, as well as the max_attempts (1 per second).
function wait_for_server_to_boot()
echo "Waiting for server to boot up..."
while ( nc 8890 < /dev/null || nc 1111 < /dev/null ) && [[ $attempts < $max_attempts ]] ; do
sleep 1;
echo "waiting... (${attempts}/${max_attempts})"

I needed short script which was run in cron and hasn't output. I solve my trouble using nmap
open=`nmap -p $PORT $SERVER | grep "$PORT" | grep open`
if [ -z "$open" ]; then
echo "Connection to $SERVER on port $PORT failed"
exit 1
echo "Connection to $SERVER on port $PORT succeeded"
exit 0
To run it You should install nmap because it is not default installed package.

I'm guessing that it's too late for an answer, and this might not be a good one, but here you go...
What about putting it inside of a while loop with a timer on it of some sort. I'm more of a Perl guy than Solaris, but depending on the shell you're using, you should be able to do something like:
TIME = 'date +%s' + 15
while TIME != `date +%s'
do whatever
And then just add a flag in the while loop, so that if it times out before completing, you can cite the timeout as reason for failure.
I suspect that the telnet has a timeout switch as well, but just off the top of my head, I think the above will work.

This uses telnet behind the scenes, and seems to work fine on mac/linux. It doesn't use netcat because of the differences between the versions on linux/mac, and this works with a default mac install.
$ is_port_open.sh 80 google.com
$ is_port_open.sh 8080 google.com
function eztern()
if [ "$1" == "$2" ]
echo $3
echo $4
# cross platform timeout util to support mac mostly
# https://gist.github.com/jaytaylor/6527607
function eztimeout() { perl -e 'alarm shift; exec #ARGV' "$#"; }
function testPort()
# find out if port is open using telnet
# by saving telnet output to temporary file
# and looking for "Escape character" response
# from telnet
RESULT=$(eztimeout $TIMEOUT_IN_SEC telnet $HOST $PORT &> $FILENAME; cat $FILENAME | tail -n1)
rm -f $FILENAME;
SUCCESS=$(eztern "$RESULT" "Escape character is '^]'." "$VALUE_IF_OPEN" "$VALUE_IF_CLOSED")
echo "$SUCCESS"

My machine does not support nc or /dev/tcp/$hostname/$port but timeout, so I came back to telnet as follows:
if echo "quit" | timeout 2 telnet $SERVER $PORT 2>&1 | grep -q 'Connected to'; then
echo "Connection to $SERVER on port $PORT succeeded"
exit 0
echo "Connection to $SERVER on port $PORT failed"
exit 1

nmap-ncat to test for local port that is not already in use
availabletobindon() {
nc -w 2 -i 1 localhost "$port" 2>&1 | grep -v -q 'Idle timeout expired'
return "$?"


Bash script that accepts TCP connection, when a client connection occurs, send the time of day as a response to the client

I'm not going to lie this is an homework assignment, but I've been googling constantly to try to get some idea on how the heck to approach this particular question.
"Create a script named lab6s6 that accepts TCP connections. When a client connection
occurs, send the time of day as a response to client. You may choose any port number as
the listening port, and don’t forget to close your connections."
I'm running the latest fedora OS on my virtualbox
So far after doing some research I've come across this particular piece of code
$ exec {file-descriptor}<>/dev/{protocol}/{host}/{port}
What i've come up with after doing some research would be
exec 3<>/dev/TCP/
So from my general understanding the file descriptor tends to always be set to 3 (is this because of the stdin, stdout, stderr, what is the purpose of this?) also the "<>" which represents reading and writing, and the directory is a way to actually use those protocols. and lastly, for my ip I read somewhere that I shouldnt be using the loopback that this wouldn't work but I'll be honest I was a bit clueless while reading the article, and for the port I never really understood that, is it like the higher the number the more available your signal is?
and another side question, do I need to install any other type of software to even accomplish something like this? If anyone could clarify if I'm basically opening up like a phone line on my computer to be able to talk to other computers at are on my LAN, is that even possible?
I'm not asking for direct answers, but if someone could nudge me in the right direction I would appreciate it greatly!
Thanks again!
I have prepared for you two scripts: client and server
after giving them the execution right: chmod u+x script_name you can run them in any order (client -> server or server -> client)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#define port on which the server will listen
#and the output file that will be used to store the client port to send an answer
readonly PORT_LISTEN=22222;
readonly SERVER_FILE=server_file_tmp.out;
echo "Removing the server temporary file: ${SERVER_FILE}";
rm -f "${SERVER_FILE}";
#will open/bind/listen on PORT_LISTEN and whenever some information is received
#it will write it in the SERVER FILE
echo "Starting the server on port: ${PORT_LISTEN} with configuration file: ${SERVER_FILE}";
nc -k -l "${PORT_LISTEN}" | tee "${SERVER_FILE}" &
echo "Waiting for connection..."
#active listening to entry connection
while true;
#get always information about the external connection trying to connect to our open port
tmpNetworkString=$(lsof -i:"${PORT_LISTEN}" | grep "localhost:${PORT_LISTEN} (ESTABLISHED)" | awk '{print $9}');
echo -n "${tmpNetworkString}";
if [ -s "${SERVER_FILE}" ] && [ ! -z "${tmpNetworkString}" ]; then
answerPORT=$(cat "${SERVER_FILE}");
echo "Connection received on port ${PORT_LISTEN}...";
incomingIP=$(echo $tmpNetworkString | cut -d':' -f1);
incomingPort=$(echo $tmpNetworkString | cut -d'-' -f1 | cut -d':' -f2);
echo ">>Incoming traffic IP: ${incomingIP}";
echo ">>Incoming traffic Port: ${incomingPort}";
echo "Answering on IP: ${incomingIP}, port: ${answerPORT}...";
#wait client port to be ready
nc -z "${incomingIP}" "${answerPORT}";
while [ ! "${isOpen}" -eq 0 ];
nc -z "${incomingIP}" "${answerPORT}";
echo $(date) | nc -q 2 "${incomingIP}" "${answerPORT}";
echo "Closing the server, port: ${PORT_LISTEN}";
fuser -k -n tcp "${PORT_LISTEN}";
echo "Removing the server temporary file: ${SERVER_FILE}";
rm -f "${SERVER_FILE}";
exit 0;
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#define port on which the client will listen
#and the output file that will be used to store the answer from the server
readonly PORT_LISTEN=33333;
readonly CLIENT_FILE=client_file_tmp.out;
readonly SERVER_PORT=22222;
readonly SERVER_IP=localhost
echo "Removing the client temporary file: ${CLIENT_FILE}";
rm -f "${CLIENT_FILE}";
#will open/bind/listen on PORT_LISTEN and whenever some information is received
#it will write it in the CLIENT FILE
echo "Starting the server on port: ${PORT_LISTEN} with configuration file: ${CLIENT_FILE}";
nc -k -l "${PORT_LISTEN}" > "${CLIENT_FILE}" &
echo "Connecting to the server: ${SERVER_IP}, on port: ${SERVER_PORT} and waiting for answer";
#sending port information for answer:
#wait client port to be ready
nc -z "${SERVER_IP}" "${SERVER_PORT}";
while [ ! "${isOpen}" -eq 0 ];
nc -z "${SERVER_IP}" "${SERVER_PORT}";
echo "${PORT_LISTEN}" | nc -q 2 "${SERVER_IP}" "${SERVER_PORT}";
while true;
if [ -s "${CLIENT_FILE}" ]; then
echo "Answer received from server...";
echo "##############################";
echo "##############################";
cat "${CLIENT_FILE}";
echo "##############################";
echo "##############################";
#sleep 10;
echo "Closing the open port of the client, port: ${PORT_LISTEN}";
fuser -k -n tcp "${PORT_LISTEN}";
echo "Removing the answer file: ${CLIENT_FILE}";
rm -f "${CLIENT_FILE}";
exit 0;

Easyway to test two way network connectivity

I have a situation where I'd need to check network connectivity from client A to 40 hosts and vice versa. As logging on to each client takes time. I was wondering is there an easy way to achieve this, Please show some light.
Destination 1:
Source to destination: OK
Destination to Source: KO
Port: 8080
Can anyone help which module should I be using? Please.
This should work but I did not test it. Let me know if it helps you.
EDIT : Im editing since I realize you needed a "viceversa" way too. so here it is, assuming you have ssh keys between your main server and the 40 hosts you are trying to test. And as noted on the comments this will work in Bash.
while read line
result=$( echo > /dev/tcp/$line/$port )
if [ -z "$result" ]
echo "Server : $line ; Port : $port ; The port is closed!!"
echo "Server : $line ; Port : $port ; The port is open!!"
viceversa_result=$( ssh -n $line " echo > /dev/tcp/$viceversaIp/$port " | tail -1 )
if [ -z "$viceversa_result" ]
echo "Server $line can reach $viceversaIp at port $port "
echo "Server $line can NOT reach $viceversaIp at port $port "
done <( cat ips.txt )
This is a oneliner using netcat nc:
cat hosts.txt| xargs -n 1 sh -c 'nc -G1 -w1 -z $1 8080' argv0
In where the file hosts.txt contains an IP/domain per line.
if you have custom port per IP you could follow this format:
# IP PORT 8080 80
And do:
cat hosts.txt| xargs -n 2 sh -c 'nc -G1 -w1 -z $1 $2' argv0
netcat is connecting via TPC which connection is bidirectional (three-way handshake) so maybe satisfy your requirement of testing in "two way"
The option -G and -w are for timeouts:
-G conntimeout TCP connection timeout in seconds
-w If a connection and stdin are idle for more than timeout sec-
onds, then the connection is silently closed.

Alternative in CentOS 7 for "nc -z"

I have a bash program that checks that a daemon in a given port is working:
nc -z localhost $port > /dev/null
if [ "$?" != "0" ]
echo The server on port $port is not working
This program works perfectly in CentOS 6. However, it seems that CentOS 7 has changed the underlying implementation for nc command (CentOS 6 seems to use Netcat and CentOS 7 uses another thing called Ncat) and now the -z switch doesn't work:
$ nc -z localhost 8080
nc: invalid option -- 'z'
Looking to the man nc page in CentOS 7 I don't see any clear alternative to -z. Any suggestion on how I should fix my bash program to make it work in CentOS 7?
And a trimmed down version for what you really want:
# Start command: nohup ./check_server.sh 2>&1 &
check_server(){ # Start shell function
checkHTTPcode=$(curl -sLf -m 2 -w "%{http_code}\n" "" -o /dev/null)
if [ $checkHTTPcode -ne 200 ]
# Check failed. Do something here and take any corrective measure here if nedded like restarting server
# /sbin/service httpd restart >> /var/log/check_server.log
echo "$(date) Check Failed " >> /var/log/check_server.log
# Everything's OK. Lets move on.
echo "$(date) Check OK " >> /var/log/check_server.log
while true # infinite check
# Call function every 30 seconds
sleep 30
according this post, I used:
nc -w1 localhost $port < /dev/null
( this work on debian too, but it's slower than nc -z )

How to wait for an open port with netcat?

I'm trying to do a custom dockerfile with jenkins on it. I would to wait until port 8080 is open instead of doing an ugly 'sleep 60' with netcat but I'm not very confident with bash scripts and netcat.
Here is an example of what i'm trying to do:
while [ "$opened" == "0" ]; do
echo "Waiting jenkins to launch on 8080..."
nc -vz localhost 8080
echo "Jenkins launched"
You can't set netcat to wait until some port is open, so you have to add part for waiting before next check is made. Try this:
echo "Waiting jenkins to launch on 8080..."
while ! nc -z localhost 8080; do
sleep 0.1 # wait for 1/10 of the second before check again
echo "Jenkins launched"
I suggest the following one liners:
## netcat version:
timeout 22 sh -c 'until nc -z $0 $1; do sleep 1; done' stackoverflow.com 443
## pure bash version:
timeout 22 bash -c 'until printf "" 2>>/dev/null >>/dev/tcp/$0/$1; do sleep 1; done' stackoverflow.com 443
Both commands exit as soon as connection is established, trying every second for up to 22 seconds.
Note that thanks to timeout command exit code is 0 when port is accessible otherwise 124 (if no connection established within given time).
As suggested here, you could also do the following if you don't have nc installed but just bash and coreutils:
echo "Waiting jenkins to launch on 8080..."
while ! timeout 1 bash -c "echo > /dev/tcp/localhost/8080"; do
sleep 1
echo "Jenkins launched"
I have found this a common enough problem to write a utility to wait for a port to open, with an optional timeout:
# without timeout
wait-port localhost:8080
# timeout after a minute
wait-port -t 60000 localhost:8080
It's open source and available at github.com/dwmkerr/wait-port. Hopefully others will find it useful!
To expand on user987339's answer, here's how to easily wait for a port in your terminal:
waitport function
Add this function to your ~/.bashrc setup file:
waitport() {
while ! nc -z localhost $1 ; do sleep 1 ; done
Log out then back in to load ~/.bashrc. Then, run this command to verify that port 3000 has a server listening to it:
$ waitport 3000
Connection to localhost port 3000 [tcp/hbci] succeeded!
This has been validated on macOS. It might not work on Fedora/CentOS, as they lack the -z option for netcat.
To add onto the excellent answers above, if this is something used very often it may be worthwhile to use tooling for that purpose. I wrote and use uup all the time for this use case.
In your example, the command to run would be:
uup localhost:8080 -r
providing an output like:
Here is a for-loop example that has a timeout, so it tries e.g. for 10 times, with exponential backoff (2,4,8,16 seconds etc), but finally gives up. Netcat has also 1 second timeout.
for EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF in {1..10}; do
nc -w 1 -z db.local 3306 && break;
echo "db not yet available, sleeping for $DELAY seconds"
sleep $DELAY
The output is:
db not yet available, sleeping for 2 seconds
db not yet available, sleeping for 4 seconds
db not yet available, sleeping for 8 seconds
db not yet available, sleeping for 16 seconds
I use this script to check the port before running tests on CI.
for _ in `seq 1 20`; do
echo -n .
if nc -z localhost $1; then
exit 0
sleep 0.5
exit 1
$ bin/wait-port 3306
Here is my one-line Bash solution (with netcat) that waits for 10 sec for a TCP connection, and give you feedback whether succeeded or not and while is waiting, and return an exit 0 code if the port is open, otherwise 1:
bash -c 'echo -n "Waiting port 8080 .."; for _ in `seq 1 40`; do echo -n .; sleep 0.25; nc -z localhost 8080 && echo " Open." && exit ; done; echo " Timeout!" >&2; exit 1'
You can replace the hardcoded port 8080 by $1 and remove the bash -c if the snippet is saved in a script file wait-port than then is called within a console with: wait-port 8080.
This is a recording of 3 terminals, two waiting until a port is opened and the other terminals open one of the port, so while one of the wait succeed, the other timed-out:
Although the line has many instructions not one, it may be useful if you need to execute the wait "remotely" in a host where you cannot store the script first, e.g. in a Docker container.
I used this to wait for a couple of ports to be open, without netcat:
while (! (: </dev/tcp/localhost/27017) &> /dev/null || ! (: </dev/tcp/localhost/9200) &> /dev/null); do
sleep 2;
Change localhost and the ports as needed.
For those people who are having trouble with nc: invalid option -- 'z'
I was trying to set this up in a docker image. Surprisingly, there was no option of -z in nc in that image.
Image was - Linux elasticsearch 4.4.0-101-generic #124~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 10 19:05:36 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
I used the following loop to wait until the port was opened.
echo "Waiting elastic search to launch on 9200..."
while [ $open -eq 0 ]
check_port=`nc -v -w 1 -i 1 9200 &> /dev/stdout`
echo $check_port
if [[ "$check_port" == *"Connected to"* ]]
sleep 1
echo "Elastic Search launched"
Following is the one-liner of the above script:
open=0;while [ $open -eq 0 ]; do check_port=`nc -v -w 1 -i 1 9200 &> /dev/stdout`; echo $check_port; if [[ "$check_port" == *"Connected to"* ]]; then break; fi; sleep 1; done
I have written a utility to wait for a port to open, it can also check MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis and etc availability.
# Checking TCP port
wait4x tcp localhost:8080
# Checking TCP port with specific timeout (5 Minutes)
wait4x tcp localhost:8080 -t 5m
It's open source and available at https://github.com/atkrad/wait4x. Hopefully others will find it useful!
If you are looking for a docker-run-one-liner, check out my Docker image based on the netcat loop:
$ docker run --rm igops/wait-for-port HOST PORT
$ docker run --rm igops/wait-for-port 80
will query each 0.1s and exit when the connection is established:
Waiting for
Waiting for another container to response:
$ docker network create my-bridge
$ docker run --rm -d --net my-bridge --net-alias my-mongo mongo
$ docker run --rm --net my-bridge igops/wait-for-port my-mongo 27017
$ echo "Mongo is up at this point, do some useful stuff here"
Waiting for some service on the docker host:
$ docker run --rm --add-host="docker-host:host-gateway" igops/wait-for-port docker-host 22
$ echo "SSH server is running"
Waiting for another container which published some port:
$ docker run --rm -d -p 27017:27107 mongo
$ docker run --rm --add-host="docker-host:host-gateway" igops/wait-for-port docker-host 27017
$ echo "Mongo is up"
Read more

Issue with netcat timeout

Why does the following netcat command not time out if the attempt to connect takes longer than 3 seconds (ie: when the port isn't open)? I assumed that the -w flag would be what I needed. OS is OSX 10.9.
nc -v -z -w 3 5050
Assuming that worked, I planned to implement like this (unsure if this will work, total bash noob)
nc -v -z -w 3 5050 | /dev/null && echo "Online" || echo "Offline"
You need to redirect to /dev/null, not pipe to it. Try the following:
nc -v -z -w 3 5050 &> /dev/null && echo "Online" || echo "Offline"
On my machine, port 5050 isn't open, and I get the following:
$ nc -v -z -w 3 localhost 5050 &> /dev/null && echo "Online" || echo "Offline"
Since Mac OS X 10.8.x, nc has used the -G option to set the timeout for initiating a connection. This is separate from the -w option, which sets the timeout for a connection that has been made but has gone idle.
If you are trying to use nc for port scanning, i.e. nc -v -z 1-1023, it will spend over a minute trying to connect to each non-responding port unless you add a -G timeout value:
nc -v -z -G 1 1-1023
That's one second per port scanned — much more useful.
Nc: nc is usually installed already , however on some systems such as Mac OS X, the command hangs on unreachable systems without the -G option. If that does not work use the Workaround.
nc -v -z -w 3 22 &> /dev/null && echo "Online" || echo "Offline"
Mac OSX:
nc -z -G 3 22 &> /dev/null && echo "Online" || echo "Offline"
Alternative workaround option:
bash -c '(sleep 3; kill $$) & exec nc -z 22' &> /dev/null
echo $?
bash -c '(sleep 3; kill $$) & exec nc -z 22' &> /dev/null
echo $?
(examples illustrate connecting to port 22 ssh over a good and bad host example, use the $? to determine if it reached the host with the sleep time of 3 seconds)
Alternatively For Mac Users (mainly) etc, you can use the command in the script like so :
# -- use NMAP, if not avail. go with nc --
if command -v nmap | grep -iq nmap ; then
nmap ${ip} -PN -p ${ssh_port} | grep -iq "open"
elif command -v nc | grep -iq nc ; then
# -- run command if fails to complete in 3 secs assume host unreachable --
( nc -z ${ip} ${ssh_port} ) & pid=$!
( sleep 3 && kill -HUP $pid ) 2>/dev/null & watcher=$!
if wait $pid 2>/dev/null; then
pkill -HUP -P $watcher
wait $watcher
# -- command finished (we have connection) --
# -- command failed (no connection) --
echo "Error: You must have NC or NMAP installed"
if [[ ${res} -lt 1 ]] ;then
echo "testing => $ip SUCCESS connection over port ${ssh_port}"
echo "testing => $ip FAILED connection over port ${ssh_port}"
There is an old bug report about this on debian (https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=97583) and still having the same behavior in Debian GNU/Linux 7.7 (wheezy)
I found a "solution" to this: installing the openbsd version of nc:
apt-get install netcat-openbsd
On Mac OS X (10.14.6) the -w 3 parameter is somehow ignored.
The workaround I found is: timeout 3 nc -vz 23
