Sharing visual studio C# project with native dependencies on the file system - visual-studio

I have a shared C# project that uses assemblies which rely on native dlls in the current directory. This project is used by developers and a build server which uses msbuild to build and deploy the project with clickonce. There are environmental variables on these machines that specify these native library paths. I tried to find a way to add the dll to the project and set copy local to true, but there doesn't seem to be a way to add a file link using an environment variable.
Is it even possible to use environment variables in the visual studio IDE? If not, what is the correct/normal way to handle this? The dlls need to be found and copied to the output when developers are building and debugging the project from source control, and they need to be added to the click once Application Files when the build server does an msbuild publish.

The msbuild project can use environment variables, so you could add a "post build"
task that uses the environment to and start devenv with "devenv /useenv".
For example:
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<Copy SourceFiles="$(DatabaseSourcePath)\NORTHWND.MDF"
DestinationFolder="$(TargetAppDataPath)" />


Visual Studio: How can I find corresponding CLI command for a GUI build operation?

I've been a linux/make guy and recently I'm learning to build UE5 engine from VS 2022. I need to figure out a CLI way to build it.
For example, I right click on one of the modules (not sure if it's the most proper name) and choose 'Build' then the build will start. I want to automate the procedure using CLI.
How can I find the corresponding CLI command for this manual operation?
I don't have access to the Unreal Engine source code and I don't know if Epic has done anything highly unconventional.
From your start menu launch the "Developer Command Prompt for VS2022". This is a shortcut file for launching the Windows command line with a batch file run to set up the PATH and other environment variables for the Visual Studio development tools.
Visual Studio project files (.csproj for C# and .vcxproj for C++ for example) are MSBuild files. (MSBuild was inspired by Ant, if that helps.)
Solution files (.sln) are a completely different format but MSBuild can build a solution file.
From the screenshot in the question I can see that the solution is UE5 which will be UE5.sln. I can also see that you want to build a C++ project. I'm guessing the project may be named BenchmarkTest (BenchmarkTest.vcxproj)?
MSBuild has a notion of targets. A target always has a name and it groups a set of tasks to be performed. (It's like a makefile rule in some respects but it's not the same.)
Solutions and projects created with Visual Studio support some standard targets. The 'Build', 'Rebuild', and 'Clean' menu items map directly to some of these targets.
Visual Studio solutions and projects support Configurations and Platforms. The standard Configurations are Debug and Release. The screenshot shows a non-standard configuration of Develop. The screenshot also shows a platform of Win64.
In the Developer Command Prompt, msbuild should be in the PATH. Try the following command:
msbuild --version
To build the solution with the default target (which is 'build') and the default configuration and platform:
msbuild UE5.sln
To run a 'clean':
msbuild UE5.sln -target:clean
The target switch can be shortened to -t.
The configuration and platform are passed as properties using the -property switch. The short form is -p. Multiple property switches can be provided and multiple properties, delimited by ';', can be provided in one property switch.
msbuild UE5.sln -t:rebuild -p:Configuration=Develop -p:Platform=Win64
msbuild UE5.sln -t:rebuild -p:Configuration=Develop;Platform=Win64
To build the BenchmarkTest project, specify the project file:
msbuild BenchmarkTest.vcxproj -t:build -p:Configuration=Develop;Platform=Win64

Build Wix installer Project in Teamcity 9.1, but how to set the `WixToolPath` in build machine?

I'm using Win10 64bit OS, with Wix3.11RC Toolset installed. My VS2017 have created a Wix v3 installer Project. Our team is using TeamCity9.1 as the CI tool.
Now I want to make the Build Agent in TeamCity to support wixproj build without touch CI server settings(I don't have privilege ). I basically follow some tutorials to checked in all necessary Wix build files(the wix Bin folder, and the wix.targets ) which is put in a relative path to the source code, now I'm blocked with the path issue in editing .wixproj file, the official doc said:
And this is mine:
The reason I'm using the relative path for WixToolPath is the $(SourceCodeControlRoot) was resolved as D:\ here, but actually the source code will be checked out by CI server and put under a random folder like D:\ABC\f14c7929aa63f1fc. By my configuration, the local build even can't go through, the build error indicates the WixTasksPath had been resolved to a non-existed path: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\WiX\v3.x\..\..\wix\3.11\wixtasks.dll
So how can I achieve? thanks!
One of the approaches you can try is to change the path in the file to the absolute path using TeamCity-provided references before invoking the tool. In TeamCity settings you can reference the checkout directory path as or use ${} within MSBuild step if run as MSBuild build step.
You can do the replacement in the first build step or just use TeamCity file content replacer to change the old value to new one.
just use
this worked for me.

MSBuild task to Build other solution projects fails in VS but works with MSBuild.exe command line

I have a custom MSBuild task which among other things adds embedded resources to other projects in the solution. After adding the resources I'd like to then build those projects, but found I can't get this working within Visual Studio.
To test, I stripped out the custom task entirely and redefined a simple AfterBuild target in the web project of a Silverlight solution. The target uses the MSBuild task to build the Silverlight application project in the solution, and looks like this:
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<MSBuild Condition="'$(LinkedProject)' != '' "
Properties="CustomFlag=true" >
The odd thing is that this works perfectly when using MSBuild from the command line, yet does not work in Visual Studio when building the web project. I thought this might be some sort of Silverlight problem, and had the task build a .NET class library project instead, but the result was the same - it worked from the command line but not within VS. In VS there's no actual error - it's just that the Csc task does not compile the assembly and generates no output.
What do I need to do to get this working within Visual Studio?
Pass the 'UseHostCompilerIfAvailable=false' property to the MSBuild task.
It looks like Visual Studio breaks badly if csc is invoked from a MSBuild task as it reuses the initial project build settings for its in-process host compiler. In my case, I was building the same project twice - default build was using target framework v3.5, with a AfterBuild MSBuild task specifying v4.0. I ended up with the same issue - csc appeared to run but produced no output. I think what was happening was that with the UseHostCompilerIfAvailable property set to true, csc was calling the hosted compiler which reused my initial project settings, so even though the command line showed csc "building" my v4.0 assembly, the host compiler was simply overwriting the v3.5 one I had just built!
Change Visual Studio verbosity to detailed and check build log. I think that CoreBuild is not executed if your files have not changed, so you could try to use AfterCompile instead of AfterBuild.

How can I build a SharePoint 2010 package using command line?

I have a Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint project. If I choose 'Package' from the project menu, a .wsp file is generated. How can I invoke the same build from command line (i.e. what /target is required for MSBuild)?
I got it to work, finally. The tricky part is the fact that the SharePoint targets do not exist when MSBuild loads the .sln file, you have to load the individual .csproj files.
set msbuild="C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe"
set config=Debug
set outdir="C:\out\"
%msbuild% /p:Configuration=%config% /m ../My.SharePoint.Project/My.SharePoint.Projectcsproj /t:Package /p:BasePackagePath=%outdir%
This is also a useful document here:
"To generate packages when building in
TFS 2010, set the parameter
/p:IsPackaging=True on MSBuild"
Also to package project with msbuild you can use target Package:
Define new target "BuildAndPackage"
<Target Name="BuildAndPackage">
<CallTarget Targets="Build"/>
<CallTarget Targets="Package"/>
Use new target in build process:
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="BuildAndPackage">
But this approach not recommended because it may cause errors in TFS Build process..
Set the MSBuild's verbosity to 'maximum' and you should see what is called from the build console.
In VS2010 of course :)

TeamCity - problem with Publish on site

I am trying to configure TeamCity 5.0 to run "Publish" target on one of my projects.
When I load the solution in VS 2008 and click publish on the project the website is being build nicely - files on server appearing by themselves etc. Yet when I run the sln file via TeamCity Sln2008 runner the TeamCity returns:
[Project "Portal.csproj" (Publish target(s)):] Skipping unpublishable project.
Has anyone had the same problem?
You could create your own simple build file. For example:
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="3.5" xmlns="">
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\MSBuildCommunityTasks\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets"/>
<Target Name="Build" DependsOnTargets="BeforeBuild">
<MSBuild Projects="TeamWork-AppServer.sln"
Or you can use VS 2008 Web Deployment Project. Here is a great turtorial.
If it is a WebProject you can use the Microsoft.WebApplication.targets. Unless you have installed the windows SDK on your build agent you will need to copy the targets file into your source control and reference it from your web project by adding:
<Import Project="{path to your tools}\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" />
You can find the targets file here (depending on your os):
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v9.0\WebApplications
Now you just need to update your msbuild task to reference the right targets:
<MSBuild Projects="{path to your web project file}"
Properties="Configuration=Release;Architecture=Any;WebProjectOutputDir={your web root};OutDir={your web root}\bin\" />
Here is how I modified the .csproj file for an ASP.NET MVC project to deploy via TeamCity 5.1.2. In the .csproj file, replace the AfterBuild target with this XML (If there are already commands in your existing AfterBuild, you will have to merge them into these targets):
<Target Name="PublishProperties">
<CreateProperty Value="$(PublishFolder)">
<Output TaskParameter="Value" PropertyName="WebProjectOutputDir"/>
<CreateProperty Value="$(PublishFolder)\bin\">
<Output TaskParameter="Value" PropertyName="OutDir"/>
<Target Name="WebPublish" DependsOnTargets="BeforeBuild;PublishProperties">
<RemoveDir Directories="$(PublishFolder)"
ContinueOnError="true" />
<CallTarget Targets="ResolveReferences;_CopyWebApplication" />
<Target Name="Deploy" DependsOnTargets="WebPublish">
<CreateProperty Value="Path\To\Your\Server" Condition="$(DeployFolder) == ''">
<Output TaskParameter="Value" PropertyName="DeployFolder"/>
<RemoveDir Directories="$(DeployFolder)" Condition="$(CleanDeploy) == 1" />
<DeploymentFiles Include="$(PublishFolder)\**\*.*" />
<Copy SourceFiles="#(DeploymentFiles)"
DestinationFolder="$(DeployFolder)\%(RecursiveDir)" />
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<CallTarget Targets="WebPublish" Condition="$(PublishTarget) == 1" />
<CallTarget Targets="Deploy" Condition="$(DeployTarget) == 1" />
This script uses the $(PublishTarget) and $(DeployTarget) properties to trigger additional steps after your project is built. The PropertyGroup at the beginning sets the default values to 0, so the extra targets are not run. You can override the default in TeamCity by going to the Properties and Environment Variables page of your build configuration and adding System Properties names "PublishTarget" and "DeployTarget" and setting their value to 1.
The Publish target contains most of the magic. This makes a call to the Visual Studio _CopyWebApplication target to output the website to the PublishFolder. By default the publish folder is "..\Deployment\YourWebsiteName" relative to the project file, but this can also be overridden with a System Property. The Deploy target takes the files output by the Publish target and copies them to the DeployFolder. DeployFolder can be set with a System Property in TeamCity or you can replace the "Path\To\Your\Server" path in the Deploy target.
You could also skip the extra Deploy step by simply setting the PublishFolder to whatever your deployment destination is. This script depends on the "Microsoft.WebApplication.Build.Tasks.Dll" and "Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" files installed by Visual Studio, but you can simply copy the files from your developer workstation to the build server. The default location is "C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\WebApplications".
I have this same problem, here's what I've tried:
I have a solution file in Visual Studio 2010, committed to a Mercurial repository.
I have setup an FTP server for the root directory of the site to publish to, and publishing from within Visual Studio 2010 locally works nicely, it connects and uploads everything as expected, and the website works.
Now, I wanted to automate this on every push to the central Mercurial repository, and since I'm using TeamCity, I discovered that the field to specify the Target of the build, usually "Rebuild" can also take "Publish", so I specified "Rebuild;Publish", as per the documentation and help.
I have verified that after publishing in Visual Studio, and committing new files, a file named ProjectName.Publish.xml is accompanying my ProjectName.csproj file, and this file is pulled down into the server directory when TeamCity builds.
Yet, no publishing is done, and when I check the build log, it says:
[19:01:02]: [Project "Test.sln" (Rebuild;Publish target(s)):] Project "Test.UI.Web.csproj" (Publish target(s)):
[19:01:02]: [Project "Test.UI.Web.csproj" (Publish target(s)):] Skipping unpublishable project.
Exactly as the question here says.
Note that this is a development site, publishing just so that we can let more people test changes, so don't get into a discussion of whether this is actually a good idea or not.
Note: I do not care in which way the files are published, I just need the single TeamCity build-step to actually do it, so if anyone got a MSBuild-like solution that just sidesteps TeamCity, then I would be satisfied
Have you tried to execute Visual Studio directly, rather than relying on MSBuild to publish the project directly. MSBuild can't execute certain kinds of projects. I had a similar problem with getting MSI's built from within Team City.
I'm taking a guess at the exact commandline settings to this, since I don't know your exact setup.
<DevEnv>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\</DevEnv>
<Exec Command="%22$(DevEnv)%22 /build $(buildconfiguration) $(teamcity_build_checkoutDir)\Test.sln /project Test.UI.Web.csproj"/>
If you're using the Team City solution runner as your build runner, you'll have to switch to MSBuild.
If you want to stay with the Team City runner, you could always try adding a project to your solution that will be the last one built, (or do it on the project that currently gets built last), and do the spawning trick as a post-build command line on the project.
Can TeamCity publish a Web project using the sln2008 build runner
Can TeamCity publish a Web project using the sln2008 build runner?
What type of project are you trying to publish?
Taken from above link:
What I discovered is that "Shared-addins" are not publishable
and are distinct and different from document and application level
VSTO addins, which are deployable.
When I rebuilt my application as an application level
VSTO addin, the publish option was available.
Taken from above link:
Assuming you're using Visual Studio 2008, we're unable to execute the web site
publish feature from FinalBuilder as it's partially implemented by the VS IDE.
You'll need to use to the MSBuild action to compile the application and then
use one of the other actions (FTP, File Copy, etc) in FinalBuilder to perform
the deployment. Visual Studio 2010 has fixed this problem by performing the
entire publish using MSBuild, see this post for more info:
Two threads that might help;jsessionid=5E8948AE810FFFF251996D85E7EB3FE3
Visual Studio. Publish project from command line
For anyone using Web Application Projects in VS2010, I managed to get TeamCity to package the deliverables and then Web Deploy the package after successfully building the solution.
With a little tweaking, this had the same effect as hitting the 'Publish' button in VS.
My solution has a handful of projects, 1 of which is an ASP.NET MVC Web Application project. I build the solution, package the web app project, and msdeploy the package in 3 steps. I haven't figured out a (better|shorter|simpler|more elegant) way to do this.
I don't have VS installed on my TeamCity server, so I needed to grab both C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web and C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web Applications and put them both in the same spot on the TeamCity server (the second depends on the first). If you're working w/x64 machines, I'd grab them from both Program Files (x86) and Program Files. You also need to have Web Deploy installed on your machine and (I believe) IIS Management Service (i.e., something listening on https://yourservername:8172/MsDeploy.axd)
There are 3 build steps:
Visusal Studio (sln), Target=Rebuild, Configuration=Debug
MSBuild WebProject.csproj, Targets=Package Commandline=/\ /p:Configuration=Debug
Commandline,\Debug.deploy.cmd, Parameters=
/Y "-setParam:'IIS Web Application Name'='Default Web Site/PreCreatedAppInIis'"
In that last step, 'IIS Web Application Name' is an actual parameter name, don't change it. It's value can either be something like 'Default Web Site' or whatever you named your website in IIS and/or it can be an IIS application path below it. If the application doesn't exist, you may run into errors about the app pool not being configured correctly to host the application. Rather than investigate it, I just created an application in the appropriate app pool. In my case, I'm targeting ASP.NET 4.0 x64 where the default app pool is ASP.NET 2.0 x64.
