After doing grep and passing it to vim then quitting, why am I experiencing this weird console malfunctioning? - bash

I tried this just now:
grep -RlI "id=\"kw\"" * | xargs vim
That gave me 16 results. It opened the first result in Vim. I made my very first edit and hit :q since I didn't know the shortcut to jump to the next file.
It threw me back to the console ( I am SSHed in to a server ). My console is messed up now. Anything I type I can't see, and anytime I hit enter it seems like it processes the command but the display/view is screwed up so
[meder#linode] is tabbed in on my console, at least halfway. reset does nothing since it seems to have messed up my real console.
Can anyone offer a solution that doesn't have this same downside? Or can anyone provide an explanation for why :qing out of the very first file messed up my console?
Background information: My PC is Debian Ubuntu, I am SSHed into a RHEL box. The files I opened were text/ascii files phtml/php files and not some weird binary files with crazy characters in them.
Here's a screenshot of what happened
EDIT #1: I just typed reset again and it seemed to work. The first reset did not work I think because somehow the console inserted some whitespaceish character inside it? Anyways, I would like an explanation for this weird behaviour.

vim -o `grep -RlI "id=\"kw\"" * `

From the man page for xargs:
Undefined behavior may occur if utility reads from the standard input.
That line isn't in the Linux man page but it is present on my Mac. If you want to run a program that you intend to read standard input, the usual linux version of xargs will need an argument to read its input from a file:
--arg-file=file, -a file
Read items from file instead of standard input.
If you use this option, stdin remains unchanged
when commands are run. Otherwise, stdin is
redirected from /dev/null.
Vim is intended to run with both standard input and standard output connected to real (a very rare case these days) or pseudo tty devices. Wierd things will happen if you upset this arrangement.
The fundamental problem with your command was that, with standard input redirected to the pipe, xargs had no way to run a vim with a "normal" standard input. So the vim mode changes and command input were not what you expected.
You can probably fix this by typing a return, a tilde, and a period. This will force your ssh session closed from your end, you can then ssh in again, and run "ps" to check for anything left hung in the background that you should kill(1).

You can use :next or :n to get to the next file to edit. You can also use vim -o to open up all the matching files in different windows in Vim.
Not sure why your console is messed up though. I tried using your command and my console was fine.

Console options are set by stty, so you may want to save its options to a bash variable and restore them after vim exits, like this:
function vim()
STTYOPTS="$(stty --save)"
vim "$#"
stty "${STTYOPTS}"
But it is probably the better way to use zsh for this task: if you put the only line ttyctl -f into your ~/.zshrc, then zsh will automatically restore terminal options after program exits. ttyctl is a zsh builtin, so you cannot use it from bash.

Other folks covered what happened and what to do about it. As to why, the answer to that probably lies in what input Vim received from the xargs command and tried to execute as if that input came from a terminal. I don't know how to talk terminal, but you can imagine that Vim got some strange commands that crashed it or told it to quit. Similarly unpredictable things happen when you cat a binary file.
Anway, I have another idea. Have you tried using vimgrep to browse a list of files matching a pattern?
:vimgrep /id="kw"/ *
This greps for id="kw" in all files in the current directory. :copen opens up a window with a list of matches. You can browse that list, clicking enter to jump to a file position.
For more information, see
:help grep
:help :vimgrep
:help :copen
:help quickfix
If you really need that -I option, see
:help :grep
:help 'grepprg'
See also: Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal

Try to use ... | xargs sh -c '...' and then read from the controlling terminal device /dev/tty.
echo ~/.profile ~/.bashrc | xargs sh -c 'vim "$#" </dev/tty' dummy_script_name
# based on a tip by Laszlo Ersek on
#find . -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs sh -c 'rm -i "$#" </dev/tty' dummy_script_name


How to start emacs from the terminal with an emacs command that runs soon after emacs is opened

Is there a way to launch Emacs from terminal and execute some Emacs command automatically soon after Emacs is launched (the command to be executed inside of emacs is provided along with the Emacs-launching command executed from the shell.)
What I want to do exactly is to have a command to launch Emacs and then open a new empty buffer and activate org mode inside of this buffer.
I want something that might look like this
emacs -fs --command="evil-buffer-new && org-mode"
I want the -fs flag because I want Emacs to open in full-screen in this case.
--eval flag didn't work. Forget about evil-buffer-new, I have tried something as simple as:
emacs --eval="(org-mode)" txt.txt
txt.txt is an empty text file created before executing the above command (and please don't ask me why I didn't use .org file extension).
after Emacs opened, org-mode wasn't active. I had to run pp-eval-expression then (org-mode) to activate it, and then it worked.
Am I missing something here? How about rephrasing the question like this:
How to open an empty text file (having .txt file extension) with Emacs from the terminal and have org-mode activated in that buffer automatically?
See C-hig (emacs)Action Arguments or even just run emacs --help -- there are several options for loading and evaluating arbitrary code.
--command="evil-buffer-new && org-mode"
More like:
--eval="(progn (evil-buffer-new) (org-mode))"
But you'll have to figure it out for yourself, because I don't know what evil-buffer-new is specifically.
You told an empty file is created before emacs is started. But instead of an empty file could you create a file with file-local mode variable specifying the org mode ? For example with bash:
cat <<EOF >> "$1"
; -*- mode: Org;-*-
emacs "$1" &
Now the mode is always resolved correctly with normal major mode selection procedure.

How to know when you have a file open in vi while using the shell?

When I am editting a file in vi or vim, I frequently will be editting the file, and then I need to open a shell to execute a shell command. So, I go to the shell by doing :sh.
This brings me to the shell. Now, when I want to return to the file I'm editting, I will freqquently do control + D to return the file. This works fine. I followed the instructions here.
I do a lot of work on remote AWS machines which I am ssh-d into. And, control+D is one way to exit those machines. Unfortunately, while ssh-d into those machines, sometimes I do not know if I have a file open in vi/vim and when I do control + D to go back to the file, it exits my ssh session entirely.
Is there a way to either
1) know that I have a file currently open in vi or
2) exit the shell and go back to my file safely without risking accidentally closing my ssh session?
It looks like the problem you're having isn't trying to figure out whether vi is running but rather how to jump between the parent shell and vi using "job control" (grep for job control in the bash or sh man page).
Use ctrl-z to background vi and use fg to resume. This works in all POSIX-derived shells and it works over ssh.
This is preferred over using :sh and ctrl-d since you avoid the problem you're having, you get the same shell that you were working with when you started vi, and you have one less shell running (this isn't often a performance issue but if you have a lot of shells running it's easier to look at their PIDs when needed).
There may be other reasons for :sh but the only one I know of is getting a shell in a vi session that wasn't started from a shell to begin with.
Having said that, vi -r (with no args) prints a list of swap files that subsumes the set of files open in vi. Commands like vi -r |& grep -B 3 'still running' are useful.
You can use lsof +D <dir> | grep REG
Will give you all regular files opened in your directory
For more filtering you can specify user by -u as well.

weird behavior when deleting a chrome file

I got this problem in which I sometimes have to delete a certain file before I can acces google-chrome. So for a quick fix I tried to make a bash file to delete it:
rm -r /home/NAME_OF_USER/.config/google-chrome/SingletonLock
but everytime I want to open google-chrome after executing this little bash program, I have to open the path in the file explorer. Else I get the same error. The error says that this file should be deleted befor launch. Is there a way I can kind of "simulate" that I opened the path in the same bash program?
Kill the handlers of the file first:
lsof -t /home/NAME_OF_USER/.config/google-chrome/SingletonLock|xargs kill
From lsof manual:
-t This option specifies that lsof should produce terse output with process identifiers only and no header - e.g., so that the output
may be piped to kill(1).

Open a small window while in Vim for executing commands

I need to write lot of code and compile very often. I hate switching back and forth various windows just to compile the code. Is it possible to open a small window at bottom and run invoke shell and close that window when needed?
With GVim or MacVim, you can run external commands in the command-line: Gvim/MacVim comes with a (very) limited shell that will happily show you whatever the compiler outputs. The general usage pattern is:
:!command %
With CLI Vim, the same method will pause Vim and return to the shell to execute your command.
In both cases, you'll get a message asking you to press ENTER to come back to your normal editing.
Using :make | cw would be a slightly more sophisticated alternative, with the added bonus of showing the errors in the quickfix window.
An even more sophisticated approach would be to use Tim Pope's Dispatch plugin in combination with tmux or screen.
Sounds like a problem for Screen
Quick reference of commands
I use tmux to achieve something like that. I have the following in my ~/.tmux.conf file:
bind s splitw -v -p 25 -c '#{pane_current_path}' '/bin/bash'
bind q kill-pane
On pressing Ctrl-b + s (prefix + s), a new pane containing a bash shell opens up at the bottom. I can run shell commands from there: find, grep, make, etc. When I'm done, I press Ctrl-b + q to close the shell.
To enable tmux on every bash session, add the following to your ~/.bashrc:
[[ -z "$TMUX" ]] && exec tmux
Maybe map a key to shell out to the compiler and run the program if compilation is successful:
:map F8 :!cc % && ./a.out
Or maybe just
make run
Another option is to suspend vi, using Ctrl-Z and do your stuff in the shell, then type fg to bring vim back to the foreground. Note that this is actually a feature of your shell, rather than vim but it produces the effect you seek.
Note this idea originates from the book "Efficient Linux at the Command Line" by Daniel Barrett. I forget the page number.

Weird problem in running bash script

I wrote a bash script that fetches lyrics from a website. The script is here --> (the indentations in the script are correct unlike how it looks on the blog)
This script works perfectly well when executed from the terminal. Now i created a custom keyboard shortcut using compiz commands, that executes the following command when the right key combination is pressed :
gnome-terminal --working-directory="/home/tapan/sandbox/bash/" --window-with-profile=lyrics -e "/home/tapan/sandbox/bash/" -t "`rhythmbox-client --print-playing`"
I created a new profile called "lyrics" to give the terminal that opens up a custom look. When i open up a terminal with this profile and run the script, it works perfectly fine again. However, when i use the keyboard shortcut to run the custom command, i get the following error:
Pink Floyd - Is There Anybody Out There?
wget: missing URL
Usage: wget [OPTION]... [URL]...
Try `wget --help' for more options.
cat: 3.txt: No such file or directory
I cannot figure out whats wrong. I mean if it works perfectly well in the terminal normally, why shouldn't this work? Any suggestions?
PS: The script i have written is pretty elementary and noobish, so any suggestions to improve it are also welcome in the comments :)
EDIT: The output has changed a little, now it just shows the name of the song playing and nothing else. Though sometimes it still shows the wget error.
EDIT2: When i run that gnome terminal command from a terminal, it works. The problem is only when running it with the keyboard shortcut using compiz commands or if i use the run dialog (the alt+f2 one).
The two wget commands should probably have the url variables in double quotes, for example: wget -q -U Mozilla -O 1.txt $link should be wget -q -U Mozilla -O 1.txt "$link"
You need to uriencode your song title so that special characters like '?', '&', '%', and '+' are not passed literally in your URL.
searchq=${name3// /+}
will handle the ?'s. I don't know of a more general solution in bash without resorting to one-line Perl or Python scripts.
