Ruby's YAML only loads first Records from a large File, why? - ruby

Okay, I have the following YAML file that was generated by using yaml_db for Rails. So this is basically an autogenerated export of my Rails database:
- id
- username
- email
- encrypted_password
- password_salt
- sign_in_count
- current_sign_in_at
- last_sign_in_at
- current_sign_in_ip
- last_sign_in_ip
- failed_attempts
- unlock_token
- locked_at
- created_at
- updated_at
- - 1
- $2a$10$dZU50HD6paWS7EjKuWAruOFdwt9eqxiNTRh/D4sj8cqSzy5gjYd2i
- $2a$10$dZU50HD6paWS7EjKuWAruO
- 86
- 2011-01-27 07:37:45 Z
- 2011-01-26 13:27:13 Z
- 0
- 2010-12-23 09:20:46 Z
- 2011-01-27 07:37:45 Z
- - 2
- admin
- $2a$10$3DML64hdCCvG90bnhIpN/unEEm6C.a9FqGrAFlFHU0.2D54DSQ1Ni
- $2a$10$3DML64hdCCvG90bnhIpN/u
- 1
- 2011-01-21 09:52:14 Z
- 2011-01-21 09:52:14 Z
- 0
- 2011-01-05 14:29:49 Z
- 2011-01-21 09:52:14 Z
- id
- description
- startdate
- enddate
- maps_base_URI
- maps_count
- queries_count
- proposals_count
- created_at
- updated_at
Now when I try to load this YAML file in Ruby with:
file = YAML.load("data-2011-01-27.yml"))
It doesn't load more than the first admin, not even the experiments:
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > file.keys
=> ["admins"]
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > file["admins"]["records"].count
=> 1
Why is that? I would assume that the autogenerated .yml file is syntactically correct? When I run rake:db:dump and rake:db:load it works just fine.

Three hyphens (---) separate multiple documents. See YAML.load_stream to load them all:
documents = YAML.load_stream(open("data-2011-01-27.yml")).documents
#=> [["admins"], ["experiments"]]


Lookup table not working after training the model in rasa

I am new to rasa. I am training a model to recognize certain entities using lookup tables. I have multiple entities in the single sentence and I am trying to extract them.
version: "2.0"
- intent: intent_1
examples : |
- how many deaths were there last year in [Ohio](Filter-State)?
- death count of [Florida](Filter-State) this year
- death count of [Texas](Filter-State) this year
- what's the death count for this quarter in [CA](Filter-State)?
- lookup: Filter-State
examples: |
- Alabama
- AL
- Alaska
- AK
- Arizona
- AZ
- Arkansas
- AR
- California
- CA
- Colorado
- CO
- Connecticut
- CT
- Delaware
- DE
- District of Columbia
- DC
- Florida
- FL
- Georgia
- GA
language: en
- name: WhitespaceTokenizer
- name: RegexFeaturizer
- name: LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer
- name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
- name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
analyzer: "char_wb"
min_ngram: 1
max_ngram: 4
- name: DIETClassifier
epochs: 150
random_seed: 1
- name: FallbackClassifier
threshold: 0.7
- name: DucklingEntityExtractor
- email
- time
- name: EntitySynonymMapper
- name: AugmentedMemoizationPolicy
max_history: 4
- name: TEDPolicy
max_history: 4
epochs: 100
- name: RulePolicy
core_fallback_threshold: 0.4
core_fallback_action_name: "action_default_fallback"
enable_fallback_prediction: True
When I train the model and try using the api, It doesn't recognize cases from the states in the lookup table and as a result can't assign it to slot filter_state.
Can anyone advise me as to what am I doing wrong here for making the lookup table work!
I'm new to Rasa and searching for another issue, but I just ran into and solved this issue last night.
For lookup tables to work, you need to add "RegexEntityExtractor" to your pipeline and possibly remove RegexFeaturizer. You also need to enable lookup tables in the RegexEntityExtractor config.
- name: WhitespaceTokenizer
- name: LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer
- name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
- name: RegexEntityExtractor
case_sensitive: False
use_lookup_tables: True
use_regexes: True
Could you, please, post on the Rasa forum and include more details of your setup? In particular, what version of Rasa Open Source are you using? Is the above your complete NLU data? (I think that you need at least 2 intents for an intent classifier to train.) I also recommend that you test the system using rasa interactive --debug and share e.g. a screenshot, this will help everyone see the exact input message and how it gets processed by Rasa. I'm sure we'll trace the issue down to its roots :-)

Rasa how to get a value (slot) from a user

I want rasa to respond to a user when they ask for a forecast for a part number.
From what I have read, I understand I need to use a slot, but I can't find a clear example that I can understand on how to get the part number from the user.
It would give me a head start if I could see an example nlu, story and domain where
the user is asked for a part number
The user enters the part number
Rasa responds with the part number.
here is what I have so far.
- greet
- goodbye
- affirm
- deny
- mood_great
- mood_unhappy
- bot_challenge
- get_supplier_forecast
- partnumber
type: text
- text: Hey! How are you?
- text: 'Here is something to cheer you up:'
- text: Did that help you?
- text: Great, carry on!
- text: Bye
- text: I am a bot, powered by Rasa.
- text: can you give me the part number please
- text: Give me a minute while I see if I can find a forecast for {partnumber}
- text: Thanks you asked for forecast for {partnumber} did this help?
- utter_greet
- utter_cheer_up
- utter_did_that_help
- utter_happy
- utter_goodbye
- utter_iamabot
- utter_get_part_number
- utter_give_me_a_minute_while_i_check
- utter_confirm_part_number
## intent:greet
- hey
- hello
- hi
- good morning
- good evening
- hey there
## intent:goodbye
- bye
- goodbye
- see you around
- see you later
## intent:affirm
- yes
- indeed
- of course
- that sounds good
- correct
## intent:deny
- no
- never
- I don't think so
- don't like that
- no way
- not really
## intent:mood_great
- perfect
- very good
- great
- amazing
- wonderful
- I am feeling very good
- I am great
- I'm good
## intent:mood_unhappy
- sad
- very sad
- unhappy
- bad
- very bad
- awful
- terrible
- not very good
- extremely sad
- so sad
## intent:bot_challenge
- are you a bot?
- are you a human?
- am I talking to a bot?
- am I talking to a human?
## intent:get_supplier_forecast
- Give me a forecast
- Give me a part number forecast
- I want a forecast
- I want a part number forecast
- I want a forecast for a part
- I want a supplier forecast
- Forecast delivery date
- I need a part number delivery date
- I need an item delivery date
- When will i get a part delivered
## happy path
* greet
- utter_greet
* mood_great
- utter_happy
## sad path 1
* greet
- utter_greet
* mood_unhappy
- utter_cheer_up
- utter_did_that_help
* affirm
- utter_happy
## sad path 2
* greet
- utter_greet
* mood_unhappy
- utter_cheer_up
- utter_did_that_help
* deny
- utter_goodbye
## say goodbye
* goodbye
- utter_goodbye
## bot challenge
* bot_challenge
- utter_iamabot
## give me a forecast
* get_supplier_forecast{"partnumber":"J12345-001"}
- slot {"partnumber":"J12345-001"}
- utter_get_part_number
- utter_confirm_part_number
Domain file remain as the same. Try below things.
Story file:
## give me a forecast path1
* get_supplier_forecast{"partnumber":null}
- slot {"partnumber":null}
- utter_get_part_number
## give me a forecast path2
* get_supplier_forecast{"partnumber":"J12345-001"}
- slot {"partnumber":"J12345-001"}
- utter_confirm_part_number
Include this NLU file:
## intent:get_supplier_forecast
#this is how to mention slots in nlu file
- ['J12345-001'](partnumber)
Note: I don't know what is "partnumber" in your case. If there is so many of them you might wanna use "lookup tables".
From above changes first if the slot is null utter_get_part_number will trigger and if the slot is filled with a value utter_confirm_part_number will trigger
If this doesn't fulfill your need or doesn't work as expected, you can try rasa interactive training. Just run rasa interactive on CMD or try rasa x interactive talk. From this you can choose what you expect from the bot

Configuring Sass Lint for BEM

So i'm moving to writing my sass to the BEM convention. I've used the sass-lint configuration generator to create my config and only edited the class-name-format's - convention: to strictbem however I'm still having some issues with it.
Maybe I'm misinterpreting BEM?
[sass-lint] Class '.bus__tyre--front' should be written in BEM (Block
Element Modifier) format (class-name-format)
<element class="bus__tyre--front">
.bus {
position: relative;
&__tyre {
position: absolute;
&--front {
bottom: -22px;
right: 3%;
width: 17%;
# sass-lint config generated by make-sass-lint-config v0.1.2
# The following scss-lint Linters are not yet supported by sass-lint:
# DisableLinterReason, ElsePlacement, PropertyCount, SelectorDepth
# SpaceAroundOperator, TrailingWhitespace, UnnecessaryParentReference, Compass::*
# The following settings/values are unsupported by sass-lint:
# Linter Indentation, option "allow_non_nested_indentation"
# Linter Indentation, option "character"
# Linter NestingDepth, option "ignore_parent_selectors"
# Linter PropertySortOrder, option "min_properties"
# Linter PropertySortOrder, option "separate_groups"
# Linter SpaceBeforeBrace, option "allow_single_line_padding"
# Linter VendorPrefix, option "identifier_list"
include: '**/*.scss'
formatter: stylish
merge-default-rules: false
- 0
- max-depth: 1
- 1
- convention: zero
- 1
- allow-single-line: true
- 1
- convention: strictbem
- 1
- filename-extension: false
leading-underscore: false
- 1
- ignore-single-line-rulesets: true
extends-before-declarations: 1
extends-before-mixins: 1
- 1
- include: true
force-attribute-nesting: 1
force-element-nesting: 1
force-pseudo-nesting: 1
- 1
- allow-leading-underscore: true
convention: hyphenatedlowercase
- 1
- style: short
- 1
- style: lowercase
- 1
- convention: hyphenatedlowercase
- 1
- size: 2
- 1
- include: false
- 1
- allow-leading-underscore: true
convention: hyphenatedlowercase
mixins-before-declarations: 1
- 1
- max-depth: 3
no-color-keywords: 1
no-color-literals: 1
no-css-comments: 1
no-debug: 1
no-duplicate-properties: 1
no-empty-rulesets: 1
no-extends: 0
no-ids: 1
no-important: 1
no-invalid-hex: 1
no-mergeable-selectors: 1
- 1
- extra-properties: []
- 1
- allow-element-with-attribute: false
allow-element-with-class: false
allow-element-with-id: false
no-trailing-zero: 1
no-transition-all: 0
no-url-protocols: 1
- 1
- additional-identifiers: []
excluded-identifiers: []
placeholder-in-extend: 1
- 1
- convention: hyphenatedlowercase
- 1
- ignore-custom-properties: false
- 1
- global:
- ch
- em
- ex
- rem
- cm
- in
- mm
- pc
- pt
- px
- q
- vh
- vw
- vmin
- vmax
- deg
- grad
- rad
- turn
- ms
- s
- Hz
- kHz
- dpi
- dpcm
- dppx
- '%'
per-property: {}
- 1
- style: single
- 1
- allowed-shorthands:
- 1
- 2
- 3
single-line-per-selector: 1
- 1
- include: false
- 1
- include: true
- 1
- include: true
- 1
- include: true
- 1
- include: true
space-before-colon: 1
- 1
- include: false
trailing-semicolon: 1
url-quotes: 1
- 0
- properties: []
- 1
- allow-leading-underscore: true
convention: hyphenatedlowercase
zero-unit: 1
Judging by #335 and #319 in the scss-lint repo, it looks like you need to change:
- 1
- convention: strictbem
- 1
- convention: hyphenatedbem
I hope that helps!
Instead of hyphenated_BEM it should be hyphenatedbem.
Example from the sass-lint docs

YAML parsing - c++

I'm very new to YAML and what to parse a file I have made and verified is of correct structure. Here is the YAML:
DocType: DAQ Configuration File
# Creation Date: Wed Sep 21 10:34:06 2016
File Settings:
- Configuration Path: /mnt/sigma/daqengine/config/
- Configuration Name: daqengine.yaml
- Build File Path: ./bld
- Log File Path: ./log
- Record H5 Files: true
Engine Data:
- Make: EOS
- Model: M280
- Number of DAQs: 1
DAQ01 Settings:
- IP Address:
- Log DAQ Internal Temps: true
- T0 Temp. Limit: 55
- T0 Clear OTC Level Temp.: 50
- T0 Sample Averaging: 5
- T1 Temp. Limit: 60
- T1 Clear OTC Level Temp.: 55
- T1 Sample Averaging: 2
- No. Layers Used: 1
DAQ01 Layer 0 Settings:
- Model: AI-218
- Sample Rate: 50000
- Channels Used: 8
- Channel01: HF Temp
- Channel02: On-Axis PD
- Channel03: Off-Axis PD
- Channel04: X-Position
- Channel05: Y-Position
- Channel06: LDS
- Channel07: Laser Power
- Channel08: Unused
I need to extract the sequenced values to each key it is tagged to in C++.

change the time zone in config/app.php in laravel 5 on windows 8.1 machine

When I'm trying to change the timezone there to 'timezone' => 'UTC+5:30h', it will display an error like below.
Notice: date_default_timezone_set(): Timezone ID 'UTC+5:30h' is invalid in...
How to solve it?
You should use this list:
For example, for America the timezones are:
America/Adak - America/Anchorage - America/Anguilla - America/Antigua
America/Araguaina - America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires -
America/Argentina/Catamarca - America/Argentina/Cordoba
America/Argentina/Jujuy - America/Argentina/La_Rioja -
America/Argentina/Mendoza - America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos
America/Argentina/Salta - America/Argentina/San_Juan -
America/Argentina/San_Luis - America/Argentina/Tucuman
America/Argentina/Ushuaia - America/Aruba - America/Asuncion -
America/Bahia - America/Bahia_Banderas - America/Barbados - America/Belem
America/Belize - America/Blanc-Sablon - America/Boa_Vista - America/Bogota
America/Boise - America/Cambridge_Bay - America/Campo_Grande - America/Cancun
America/Caracas - America/Cayenne - America/Cayman - America/Chicago
America/Chihuahua - America/Costa_Rica - America/Creston - America/Cuiaba
America/Curacao - America/Danmarkshavn - America/Dawson - America/Dawson_Creek
America/Denver - America/Detroit - America/Dominica - America/Edmonton
America/Eirunepe - America/El_Salvador - America/Fort_Nelson - America/Fortaleza
America/Glace_Bay - America/Godthab - America/Goose_Bay - America/Grand_Turk
America/Grenada - America/Guadeloupe - America/Guatemala - America/Guayaquil
America/Guyana - America/Halifax - America/Havana - America/Hermosillo
America/Indiana/Indianapolis - America/Indiana/Knox - America/Indiana/Marengo - America/Indiana/Petersburg
America/Indiana/Tell_City - America/Indiana/Vevay - America/Indiana/Vincennes - America/Indiana/Winamac
America/Inuvik - America/Iqaluit - America/Jamaica - America/Juneau
America/Kentucky/Louisville - America/Kentucky/Monticello - America/Kralendijk - America/La_Paz
America/Lima - America/Los_Angeles - America/Lower_Princes - America/Maceio
America/Managua - America/Manaus - America/Marigot - America/Martinique
America/Matamoros - America/Mazatlan - America/Menominee - America/Merida
America/Metlakatla - America/Mexico_City - America/Miquelon - America/Moncton
America/Monterrey - America/Montevideo - America/Montserrat - America/Nassau
America/New_York - America/Nipigon - America/Nome - America/Noronha
America/North_Dakota/Beulah - America/North_Dakota/Center - America/North_Dakota/New_Salem - America/Ojinaga
America/Panama - America/Pangnirtung - America/Paramaribo - America/Phoenix
America/Port-au-Prince - America/Port_of_Spain - America/Porto_Velho - America/Puerto_Rico America/Punta_Arenas - America/Rainy_River - America/Rankin_Inlet - America/Recife
America/Regina - America/Resolute - America/Rio_Branco - America/Santarem
America/Santiago - America/Santo_Domingo - America/Sao_Paulo - America/Scoresbysund
America/Sitka - America/St_Barthelemy - America/St_Johns - America/St_Kitts
America/St_Lucia - America/St_Thomas - America/St_Vincent - America/Swift_Current
America/Tegucigalpa - America/Thule - America/Thunder_Bay - America/Tijuana
America/Toronto - America/Tortola - America/Vancouver - America/Whitehorse
America/Winnipeg - America/Yakutat - America/Yellowknife
I'm not sure if laravel accepts this parameter for the timezone, Try this format 'America/Chicago'. Replacing the value that match in your case.
