Standards for software functional testing [closed] - functional-testing

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Closed 10 years ago.
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What documented standards for functional testing exists?
I know about the "Standard for Software Component Testing" (BS 7925-2), which is a unit testing standard.
I need something similar but for functional testing.

Maybe you should search through the huge amount of IEEE standards. Also, check if the ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001 standard will work for you.

functinal testing standards makes life easier for use, because these standards can be converted into checklist and application can be tested easily against the checklist.
Check that the link takes you to the page it said it would.
Ensure to have no orphan pages (a page that has no links to it)
Check all of your links to other websites
Are all referenced web sites or email addresses hyper-linked?
If we have removed some of the pages from our own site, set up a custom 404 page that redirects your visitors to your home page (or a search page) when the user try to access a page that no longer exists.
Check all mailto links and whether it reaches properly
Acceptance of invalid input
Optional versus mandatory fields
Input longer than field allows
Radio buttons
Default values on page load/reload(Also terms and conditions should be disabled)
Is Command Button can be used for HyperLinks and Continue Links ?
Is all the datas inside combo/list box are arranged in chronolgical order?
Are all of the parts of a table or form present? Correctly laid out? Can you confirm that selected texts are in the "right place?
Does a scrollbar appear if required?
Is the Privacy Policy clearly defined and available for user access?
At no point of time the system should behave awkwardly when an invalid data is fed
Check to see what happens if a user deletes cookies while in site
Check to see what happens if a user deletes cookies after visiting a site
Check the maximum field lengths to ensure that there are no truncated characters?
If numeric fields accept negative values can these be stored correctly on the database and does it make sense for the field to accept negative numbers?
If a particular set of data is saved to the database check that each value gets saved fully to the database. (i.e.) Beware of truncation (of strings) and rounding of numeric values.
Assure that leap years are validated correctly & do not cause errors/miscalculations.
Assure that Feb. 28, 29, 30 are validated correctly & do not cause errors/ miscalculations.
Is copyright for all the sites includes Yahoo co-branded sites are updated
Assure that lowest and highest values are handled correctly.
Assure that numeric fields with a blank in position 1 are processed or reported as an error.
Assure that fields with a blank in the last position are processed or reported as an error an error.
Assure that both + and - values are correctly processed.
Assure that division by zero does not occur.
Include value zero in all calculations.
Assure that upper and lower values in ranges are handled correctly. (Using BVA)
Use blank and non-blank data.
Include lowest and highest values.
Include invalid characters & symbols.
Include valid characters.
Include data items with first position blank.
Include data items with last position blank.


If a generic form control is disabled and also have an error should you show that error?

We are making a design system, and in that system we want to have a nice form with form elements that look and feel the same.
Part of such a system would be validation. And the posibility to programatically set the form elements (like text inputs, checkboxes etc) in an error state.
Working on this we came over a state that I have never considered before, what if the element is both in a disabled AND an error state? Should we show the error or not?
Important to understand that these are generic elements we are talking about so I cannot know the specific case this would happen in. But I suppose I can speculate that this could happen in a situation with old data in a database that is somehow now illegal could set you in such a situation.

Edge browser cookie store location and access

How can I programmatically enumerate and delete Edge browser's cookies?
They don't appear to be among the IE cookies in temporary internet files, and therefore seem not to be returned by the FindFirstUrlCacheEntry/FindNextUrlCacheEntry API calls.
I can see cookie files in
What is the distinction of the three directories? How can they be accessed and individual cookies be deleted programatically?
This isn't going to be a perfect answer, but perfect enemy of good etc.
It seems like Edge still uses at least the first two locations. I don't see any recent cookies in the last one. However, maybe that is just coincidence.
I've tried running several windows and tabs to see if different folders get used by different content processes, but I've not been able to figure out much in that department, either.
What I can tell you is the format of these files: they are "*\n" separated cookie collections. Every cookie has a number of fields, which are "\n"-separated.
Edit (2015/12/16): Just stumbled across my own answer here again, and I need to note that some of the cookie field values themselves can end with "*" in which case searching for the "*\n" delimiter will think that the cookie finishes early. No, the values are not escaped (which would make sense...). So your best bet is really to just count the number of lines, which is unfortunate. This was fixed in the first portion of this patch for Firefox, which is present in Firefox 44 and later.
The cookie fields are documented in Firefox's source code:
The cookie file format is a newline-separated-values with a "*" used as delimeter between multiple records.
Each cookie has the following fields:
List item
Expiration time most significant integer
Expiration time least significant integer
Creation time most significant integer
Creation time least significant integer
At least, this seems to have been the format in IE, and the format here seems to be so similar that I would be surprised if they were materially different.
I just submitted a patch for using Firefox's existing IE cookie reading code for Edge's cookies, and that seemed to work. Here's the reviewboard review for it, and the revlink in hg.

How to correlate the below given scenario for check boxes?

in my script i have a scenario like the page contains multiple check boxes for example 10, as per the user need user selects check boxes for example one user selects 4 check boxes and other user clicks 5 check boxes, so per each it will vary.
so how to correlate those values,
thanking you.
From the website: "Please don’t share your solutions, ask for help, or help others. This is meant to be a challenge."
So you appear to be violating one of the primary rules in this website. I have looked at this challenge and it's really good to gauge someone's knowledge.
However, to address technology generally - in reading your question I get the sense you may be missing certain fundamental knowledge for this kind of thing. Here's some fundamental knowledge. Hopefully my answer will help increase your knowledge. And hopefully you can use this increased general knowledge to address this specific question.
Correlation - you're taking data the SERVER sends to the browser, capturing it and sending it back. Information present on web pages would fit into this category.
Parameterization - you've got a set of values you'd like to put into web forms. This is usually values like names, addresses, etc
Also understand exactly what is happening when you conduct certain actions on your browser. When you "click" a checkbox does that actually send a message to a server? That usually doesn't (though not always) happen. So when you use phrases like 'click a checkbox' that tells me you may not appreciate the fact that performance testing is server focused, not browser focused.
Performance testing isn't intuitive so you need to understand these concepts. If you dedicate time to understanding the concepts I've outlined above you'll have the knowledge to complete the challenge.
Good luck.
What is driving the variation on check boxes being checked? Is it the result of something that comes back from the server, from a previous request? Or is it somewhat random based on whatever the user wants to do at runtime?

retrieving subset of FHIR resource [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm interested in the ability to retrieve a specific element within a FHIR resource using a single URL call. For example, suppose I'm interested in the gender of my patients. I would read the using the URL, without having to walk the XML node path every time. Right now, this functionality does not appear to exist. What do you think about the usefulness of this? Would like to get a sense of the community interest. Thanks.
For the default query mechanism, you can't bring anything back other than the full resource. (And don't even have a guarantee that the desired element will be present on all instances of the resource unless that element was part of your search criteria - in which case, why bother asking? :>). There's a new mechanism for defining custom queries. Refer to _query in the search/query section of the FHIR spec. However, it's not clear whether this will allow retrieval of anything other than full resource instances either.
This functionality does not exist at this time. It's on the wishlist, and we're trying to decide whether we can frame it in a sensible and safe fashion. The case you describe is relatively obvious, but many others aren't. And, in fact, when I think about it, it's not really clear to me how it works. what do you get back? just the gender element? so the server needs to - in effect - do the node walk for you, and you get, instead, to deal with a profusion of different schemas. It's not really obvious to me that this is a net saving for the client, and it's certainly a greater cost for the server.

html email outlook asks to download images

There may be absolutely no way to do this, and it might also be frowned upon. When I send a html email to outlook, the user is sometimes asked if they want to download the images and sometimes they just load. My first question is why is that? And my second question is, is there a way to prevent outlook from asking and have the images auto download, or is that something only the user can do?
If the images are embedded image attachments, there won't be a prompt.
If the HTML references external images, the message must be stamped with a special property that cannot be transmitted and can only be set locally, either by the end user or programmatically (PR_BLOCK_STATUS property - see an excerpt from [MS-OXOMSG].pdf below.
If you are using Redemption (I am its author), you can set set PR_BLOCK_STATUS property using RDOMail.DownloadPictures property: PidTagBlockStatus
Type: PtypInteger32 8
Indicates the user's preference for viewing external content (such as links
to images on an HTTP server) in the message body. A client MAY ignore this
value and always allow or block external content based on other factors
(such as whether the sender is on a safe list). If this property is used,
then the default action is to block the external content. However, if the
value of this property falls within a certain range, then viewing external
content is allowed. The allowed value is computed from
PidTagMessageDeliveryTime: since the sender of a message does not have
knowledge of this value, the sender cannot reliably set PidTagBlockStatus to
the allowed values.
To compute the allowed values, convert the value of
PidTagMessageDeliveryTime to a PtypDouble, floatdate, where the date is
represented as the number of days from midnight, December 30, 1899. Apply
the following formula: result = ((floatdate - floor(floatdate)) * 100000000)
3; where floor(x) returns the largest integer ? x. Convert the PtypDouble
value result to a 32-bit integer computedvalue. Clients SHOULD set
PidTagBlockStatus to computedvalue to allow external content. However, when
determining whether to accept external content, clients SHOULD allow
external content if the absolute value of the difference between
computedvalue and the value of PidTagBlockStatus is 1 or less.
