Load Multiple files in same map function in Hadoop - hadoop

I have two data sets one is historical quote data and other is historical trade data. Data is splitted per symbol per day basis. My question is how to load two files of same symbol in a same map function for example I want to process 2011-01-27 IBM quotes and same date IBM trade file simultaneously. How do i configure Hadoop to do this? I have read about MultlipleFileReader but this does not give us independence of load specific files together.

Output a <$date-$symbol, $data> pair in your map function, where $date-$symbol is a compound key with the date and symbol concatenated together, and where $data is either quote data or trade data. Hadoop will group together all pairs that share the same key and you can process the data in the reduce() function.
The reducer will need some logic to distinguish between quote data or trade data, depending on how you're serializing that data.

While you can do the way defined above, you can also create text file, with names of the files from both datasets - and use it as an input to the job. You can build it automatically by scanning HDFS tree. The main drawback of this solution that you will not enjoy data locality - so most of the data will travel over the network.


Handling incremental data - Hadoop

We had 5 years of data in cluster and we are loading the data everyday. The data that gets added everyday might contain duplicate data , partially modified data etc ..
1 . How to handle duplicate data - should that be handled as part of highlevel programming interfaces pig, hive etc .. or any other alternatives.
Say if there is a usecase to find out what is changed between two records given the key to find out the row.
What is the best way to model the data, using which hadoop eco system components.
How to handle duplicate data
It's very hard to remove duplicates from HDFS raw data,
so I guess your approach is right: remove using pig or hive while loading those data.
Say if there is a usecase to find out what is changed between two records given the key to find out the row.
For this case, do you meaning that two records has the same key?
Then what kind of changes you want to capture?
When you say that, you need to remove duplicates and also the delta between two records when you know the key, you should have some criteria of which data to be removed in case of partial changed data.
In both scenarios, you can have a handle of the key and write logic to remove duplicates. Map reduce seems to be a good choice, given the parallelism, performance and ability to manage based on keys. Mostly your requirements could be handled in reducer
See if Sqoop-merge fits your use case.
From the doc:
The merge tool allows you to combine two datasets where entries in one dataset should overwrite entries of an older dataset. For example, an incremental import run in last-modified mode will generate multiple datasets in HDFS where successively newer data appears in each dataset. The merge tool will "flatten" two datasets into one, taking the newest available records for each primary key.

How do I store data in multiple, partitioned files on HDFS using Pig

I've got a pig job that analyzes a large number of log files and generates a relationship between a group of attributes and a bag of IDs that have those attributes. I'd like to store that relationship on HDFS, but I'd like to do so in a way that is friendly for other Hive/Pig/MapReduce jobs to operate on the data, or subsets of the data without having to ingest the full output of my pig job, as that is a significant amount of data.
For example, if the schema of my relationship is something like:
relation: {group: (attr1: long,attr2: chararray,attr3: chararray),ids: {(id: chararray)}}
I'd really like to be able to partition this data, storing it in a file structure that looks like:
where the attrX values in the path are the values from the group, and the file(s) contain only ids. This would allow me to easily subset my data for subsequent analysis without duplicating data.
Is such a thing possible, even with a custom StoreFunc? Is there a different approach that I should be taking to accomplish this goal?
I'm pretty new to Pig, so any help or general suggestions about my approach would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Multistore wasn't a perfect fit for what I was trying to do, but it proved a good example of how to write a custom StoreFunc that writes multiple, partitioned output files. I downloaded the Pig source code and created my own storage function that parsed the group tuple, using each of the items to build up the HDFS path, and then parsed the bag of ids, writing one ID per line into the result file.

Merge multiple document categorizer models in OpenNLP

I am trying to write a map-reduce implementation of Document Categorizer using OpenNLP.
During the training phase, I am planning to read a large amount of files and create a model file as result of the map-reduce computation(may be a chain of jobs). I will distribute the files to different mappers, I would create a number of model files as result of this step. Now, I wish to reduce these model files to a single model file to be used for classification.
I understand that this is not the most intuitive of use cases, but I am ready to get my hands dirty and extend/modify the OpenNLP source code, assuming it is possible to tweak the maxent algorithm to work this way.
In case this seems too far fetched, I request for suggestions to do this by generating document samples corresponding to the input files as output of map-reduce step and reducing them to model files by feeding them to document categorizer trainer.
I've done this before, and my approach was to not have each reducer produce the model, but rather only produce the properly formatted data.
Rather than use a category as a key, which separates all the categories Just use a single key and make the value the proper format (cat sample newline) then in the single reducer you can read in that data as (a string) a bytearrayinputstream and train the model. Of course this is not the only way. You wouldn't have to modify opennlp at all to do this.
Simply put, my recommendation is to use a single job that behaves like this:
Map: read in your data, create category label and sample pair. Use a key called 'ALL' and context.write each pair with that key .
Reduce: use a stringbuilder to concat all the cat: sample pairs into the proper training format. Convert the string into a bytearrayinputstream and feed the training API . Write the model somewhere.
Problem may occur that your samples data is too huge to send to one node. If so, you can write the values to A nosql db and read then in from a beefier training node. Or you can use randomization in your mapper to produce many keys and build many models, then at classification time write z wrapper that tests data across them all and Getz The best from each one..... Lots of options.

Using Hadoop to process data from multiple datasources

Does mapreduce and any of the other hadoop technologies (HBase, Hive, pig etc) lend themselves well to situations where you have multiple input files and where data needs to be compared between the different datasources.
In the past I've written a few mapreduce jobs using Hadoop and Pig. However these tasks were quite simple since they involved manipulating only a single dataset. The requirements we have now, dictates that we read data from multiple sources and perform comparisons on various data elements on another datasource. We then report on the differences. The datasets we are working with are in the region of 10million - 60million records and so far we haven't manage to make these jobs fast enough.
Is there a case for using mapreduce in order to solve such issues or am I going down the wrong route.
Any suggestions are much appreciated.
I guess I'd preprocess the different datasets into a common format (being sure to include a "data source" id column with a single unique value for each row coming from the same dataset). Then move the files into the same directory, load the whole dir and treat it as a single data source in which you compare the properties of rows based on their dataset id.
Yes, you can join multiple datasets in a mapreduce job. I would recommend getting a copy of the book/ebook Hadoop In Action which addresses joining data from multiple sources.
When you have multiple input files you can use MapReduce API FileInputFormat.addInputPaths() in which can take a comma separated list of multiple files, as below:
You can also pass multiple inputs into a Mapper in hadoop using Distributed Cache, more info is described here: multiple input into a Mapper in hadoop
If i am not misunderstanding you are trying to normalize the structured data in records, coming in from several inputs and then process it. Based on this, i think you really need to look at this article which helped me in past. It included How To Normalize Data Using Hadoop/MapReduce as below:
Step 1: Extract the column value pairs from the original data.
Step 2: Extract column-value Pairs Not In Master ID File
Step 3: Calculate the Maximum ID for Each Column in the Master File
Step 4: Calculate a New ID for the Unmatched Values
Step 5: Merge the New Ids with the Existing Master IDs
Step 6: Replace the Values in the Original Data with IDs
Using MultipleInputs we can do this.
MutlipleInputs.addInputPath(job, Mapper1.class, TextInputFormat.class,path1);
MutlipleInputs.addInputPath(job, Mapper2.class, TextInputFormat.class,path2);
//FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(); set output path here
If both classes have a common key, then they can be joined in reducer and do the necessary logics

Running a MR Job on a portion of the HDFS file

Imagine you have a big file stored in hdtf which contains structured data. Now the goal is to process only a portion of data in the file like all the lines in the file where second column value is between so and so. Is it possible to launch the MR job such that hdfs only stream the relevant portion of the file versus streaming everything to the mappers.
The reason is that I want to expedite the job speed by only working on the portion that I need. Probably one approach is to run a MR job to get create a new file but I am wondering if one can avoid that?
Please note that the goal is to keep the data in HDFS and I do not want to read and write from database.
HDFS stores files as a bunch of bytes in blocks, and there is no indexing, and therefore no way to only read in a portion of your file (at least at the time of this writing). Furthermore, any given mapper may get the first block of the file or the 400th, and you don't get control over that.
That said, the whole point of MapReduce is to distribute the load over many machines. In our cluster, we run up to 28 mappers at a time (7 per node on 4 nodes), so if my input file is 1TB, each map slot may only end up reading 3% of the total file, or about 30GB. You just perform the filter that you want in the mapper, and only process the rows you are interested in.
If you really need filtered access, you might want to look at storing your data in HBase. It can act as a native source for MapReduce jobs, provides filtered reads, and stores its data on HDFS, so you are still in the distributed world.
One answer is looking at the way that hive solves this problem. The data is in "tables" which are really just meta data about files on disk. Hive allows you to set columns on which a table is partitioned. This creates a separate folder for each partition so if you were partitioning a file by date you would have:
Inside of the date directory would be you actual files. So if you then ran a query like:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE dt ='2011-12-01'
Only files in /mytable/2011-12-01 would be fed into the job.
Tho bottom line is that if you want functionality like this you either want to move to a higher level language (hive/pig) or you need to roll your own solutions.
Big part of the processing cost - is data parsing to produce Key-Values to the Mapper. We create there (usually) one java object per value + some container. It is costly both in terms of CPU and garbage collector pressure
I would suggest the solution "in the middle". You can write input format which will read the input stream and skip non-relevant data in the early stage (for example by looking into few first bytes of the string). As a result you will read all data, but actually parse and pass to the Mapper - only portion of it.
Another approach I would consider - is to use RCFile format (or other columnar format), and take care that relevant and non relevant data will sit in the different columns.
If the files that you want to process have some unique attribute about their filename (like extension or partial filename match), you can also use the setInputPathFilter method of FileInputFormat to ignore all but the ones you want for your MR job. Hadoop by default ignores all ".xxx" and _xxx" files/dirs, but you can extend with setInputPathFilter.
As others have noted above, you will likely get sub-optimal performance out of your cluster doing something like this which breaks the "one block per mapper" paradigm, but sometimes this is acceptable. Can sometimes take more to "do it right", esp if you're dealing with a small amount of data & the time to re-architect and/or re-dump into HBase would eclipse the extra time required to run your job sub-optimally.
