Google Checkout: Offering Multiple Options when Adding to Cart - google-checkout

I'm using Google Checkout with a Merchant Account and I'm having difficulty with the Add to Cart code when I try to have multiple options for one product.
Specifically, I want to sell **Paint** and give customers two options: **Size** (5-gallon, gallon, quart) and **Color** (100s of colors) and only use one Add to Cart button:
**Paint** **Size** **Color** **Add to Cart**
Is this possible? Or do I need to have three Add to Cart buttons?
**Paint** **5-gallon** **Color** **Add to Cart**
**Paint** **gallon** **Color** **Add to Cart**
**Paint** **Quart** **Color** **Add to Cart**
Thanks,Thomas Pauly

For the best user experience, you may want to build your cart yourself (which would then allow for alternate user interface, such as a drop down for tin size, or a colour picker to choose available shades) - you can then use the XML API to transmit the nice version of the cart to Google.

Look at the source code for the Google Checkout demo below. It shows how to specify options using drop-downs, radio buttons, checboxes.


Magento - Linking Products

My product is a Cloth. When the prduct is chosen he can also Stitch the cloth so i have created a configurable product named Stitch. How to link the Cloth and Stitch. So when a user buys Cloth he can finish it there or go further for stitching. How to accomplish this. Pls Help. Im a total noob in magento.
You want to use a custom option for the stitching, because the stitching is an augmentation of a stock item, not the composition of to stock items.
For an example, see, which uses configurable products to represent shirt sizes (stock items) for a given style, but which allows for customization via custom options.
If you need to implement the same custom options again & again, it would be advisable to use an extension to link & manage the custom options.

How to get product related information from customer when he add a product to cart?

i want to attach a form to a product and when customer want to add that product to cart he should fill in the info in this form 1st.
And that information must be attached with the purchased details.
for example
i want to get size information (like length, neck, waiste, sleaves, chest etc) from the customer when he wishes to purchase a product. and then this information must be sent with the purchased details (or may be in email etc)
How to approach towards this solution.
Right now i am using custom options for it. but this is not a good solution cuz i believe there must be better approach than that
Add a custom form module, there are free form extension in magento connect.
And then add the form into the view.phtml, add your script to enable the "add-cart" button only after submitted the form.
Is this the flow you expected?

product customization with extra price in magento

I am using Magento for my online store. Now i need to add a extra feature, throught which, customer can choose a custom text that needs to be engraved on the product. This feature must be available for only few products, so i have added a yes/no dropdown custom attribute in the "manage product" section. If yes is chosen for a product, i need to show a text box in that product details page in the store frontend.
The customer can enter the custom text in the text box, which needs to be saved and shown in the order invoice. And a extra fixed charge needs to be added to the product price, when this feature is used by the customer.
Does any community module available for this feature in magento or Do i need to create a custom module to do this, if so please guide me in carrying this out.
Thanks in Advance.
This feature is already available.
Create a new product!
Open the Custom Options Tab
Add a custom option
Give your new option a title and select field as input type
Now the attributes for this new options get displayed
Add a fixed or percent price to it
Also you need a SKU for every new option so that the options are displayed in the order process (invoice etc)
So if a customer fill in this field the additional price is added automatically.
I hope this helps further.
No need to add a yes/no box, just add an text field option to those specific products. Did i miss something obvious here?

Add two products to magento Shopping Cart simultaneously on click of add to cart button

I have been working on a LiftSuggest - an automatic Product Recommendations generator.
Now,I have introduced a bundling functionality which will bundle two products and assign discount.
For example,
On product page of A of the client's site,I(LiftSuggest) displays a bundle Saying "Buy A and B together and avail 10% off on net value". Now, when the user clicks on the add to cart button , I want both the products to be added simultaneously to cart. I had implemented the solution proposed on this link, but I need the products to be added on click of add to cart button,without entering the quantity or providing the check box.Just imagine that you can see a box( container) containing two products and on click of add to cart button-in that div container itself, both of them should be added to cart.I can make out that I need to store both the products in session, but I don't know exactly how to proceed.
Scripting language used:PHP
Please Help!
There are cart rules for various shopping carts. You can manipulate those rules through coding and achieve the desired output.

Pulling Custom Option ID from Magento

We have a SOAP connection to magento that is working great - we're able to pull product info, skus, descriptions, etc. using the magento API. We've been able to successfully add products to the cart programmatically with custom options, and that works great. The problem is this:
When you create a custom option for a product, it is assigned a unique ID that has to be called in order to pass that option value to the cart. For example:[OPTION ID]=robots
Assuming I have my custom option ID correct, this will add 1 product with the option "robots." Which is nice.
However, we have hundreds of products, and while they all use similar custom options, each option is given a unique ID. That means I need to be able to call the magento API and get custom options details (specifically the option ID) so that we can add them to the cart properly. I have been back and forth with Varien Support (Magento), but they are less than helpful, as usual. Now, I know I can find these options by using firebug in Firefox or Chrome, which I've done to test the "add to cart" script. However, that's not a proper solution. I need to be able to grab this data from magento based on product id.
Can this really be that hard? Shouldn't this be tied to the data for the product somehow? I've done a var_dump on the and i see where it asks if there are options but doesn't provide any details on them. Thoughts?
Thanks in advance.
Do you need to get all options ids for specific products or just some particular? For the latter you can use this code:
$productEntity = Mage_Catalog_Model_Product::ENTITY;
$colorAttribute = Mage::getModel('eav/config')->getAttribute($productEntity, 'color');
For the first option code in this question might be useful How to get all super attribute options for a configurable item in Magento
