reCAPCTHA alternatives? - recaptcha

Just wondering if there are any good altervatives to reCAPTCHA? The reason I'm looking for alternative is I prefer 1 word instead of two words as given by reCAPTCHA. Thanks.

one you could be trying is MyCaptcha


How to make a power point presentation like this

maybe this is not the correct forum where to post this question, but i've serched for two weeks in the web, without results.
I need to make a kind of power point presentation, something like this - do know which program can i use?
Thank you
I think, that tool used for this prezentation can be find on
This is called infographics and you can use website like
Then, you have to do your own effects

What is the best way to find all forms of a word?

If a user enters a form of the word "look" such as "looked" or "looking", how can I identify it as a modified version of the verb look? I imagine others have run into and have solved this problem before ...
This is part of a fairly complicated problem called Stemming
However it's easier if you only want to take care of verb. To begin with, you can try the naive lookup table approach, since English vocabulary is not that big.
If you want something fancier, check the wiki page above.
If a regex is what your looking for something like this works look.*?\b to match look , looked and looking
Depending on your task, WordNet can be your friend for stuff like this. It's not a stemmer, but most stem words will return hits for what you're looking for It also provides synonyms and a lot of other information if you care about the concept 'look' rather than the word itself.

How does spell checker and spell fixer of Google (or any search engine) work?

When searching for something in Google, if you misspell a word (may be by mistake or may be when you really mean this non-dictionary word), Google says:
"Showing results for ..... Search instead for .......".
I am trying to figure out how this would work.
This basically means being able to find the closest dictionary word to the non-dictionary word entered. How does it work? One way I can guess is :
count no. of instances of each character and then scan dictionary to find a word with same no. of instances of each character (only with +-1 difference). But this will also return anagrams.
Is some kind of probabilistic model of any use here such as Markov etc. I don't understand Markov well enough to throw it around but just a very wild guess.
Any insights?
You're forgetting that google has a lot more information available to it then you do. They track when people type in a word, don't select a result, and then do another search shortly afterwards. They then use this information to suggest better searches for you.
See How does the Google "Did you mean?" Algorithm work? for a fuller explanation.
Note that this approach makes sense when you consider that Google aren't actually doing spell-checking. Instead, they are trying to work out what search term will give you the answer you are looking for. Obviously there is a lot of overlap between this and spell-checking, but it means they are not always trying to correct a search for, e.g., "Flickr".
When you search something which is related to other searches performed earlied closed to yours and got more results, google shows suggest on them.
We are sure that it is not spell checking but it shows what other people queried the related keywords.

How can I detect a user's input language using Ruby without using an online service?

I'm looking for a library or technique to detect the input language of blocks of text provided by users. Online lookups (like Google translate) won't work for this task as I'm writing an app which must run offline.
Here are two more n-gram-based gems you might want to try. They work offline., optimized for separating english and other languages (has a live demo), less specialized, will detect more languages. Some languages may need some extra training — I found it to be not precise enough for German text.
For anyone interested, I've found, which is performing excellently.
I'm using CLD which I really like, succinct and easy to use. Give it a try.
A quick demo of WhatLanguage in Ruby:

Detecting misspelled words

I have a list of airport names and my users have the possibility to enter one airport name to select it for futher processing.
How would you handle misspelled names and present a list of suggestions?
Look up Levenshtein distances to match a correct name against a given user input.
does something like levenshtein but, because he doesnt go all the way, its more efficient
Employ spell check in your code. The list of words should contain only correct spellings of airports.
This is not a great way to do this. You should either go for a control that provides auto complete option or a drop down as someone else suggested.
Use AJAX if your technology supports.
I know its not what you asked, but if this is an application where getting the right airport is important (e.g. booking tickets) then you might want to have a confirmation stage to make sure you have the right one. There have been cases of people getting tickets for the wrong Sydney, for instance.
It may be better to let the user select from the list of airport names instead of letting them type in their own. No mistakes can be made that way.
While it won't help right away, you could keep track of typos, and see which name they finally enter when a correct name is entered. That way you can track most common typos, and offer the best options.
Adding to Kevin's suggestion, it might be a best of both worlds if you use an input box with javascript autocomplete. such as jquery autocomplete
edit: danish beat me :(
There may be an existing spell-check library you can use. The code to do this sort of thing well is non-trivial. If you do want to write this yourself, you might want to look at dictionary trie's.
One method that may work is to just generate a huge list of possible error words and their corrections (here's an implementation in Python), which you could cache for greater performance.
