Validate Spring XML schemas against XSDs from classpath - spring

Can anyone tell me what the best strategy to validate a spring configuration file against the spring-beans.xsd that is included with the spring-beans.jar. Can I have the schemaLocation in the XML header reference file:/org/springframework/beans/factory/xml/spring-beans-2.0.xsd?

The best way is to use the Spring IDE and it will perform the validation during dev time. Also, spring auto validates all the config files (from the XSD that comes bundled with the jars) while it is loading them.

ok here is the deal.... Eclipse uses plugins like spring IDE or spring STS that have spring bean validators in them.
There is an issue When the new versions of spring components come out the xsds do not appear to be in the eclipse plugins validators ahead of time. So eventually they create bug or enhancement requests in the projects JIRA system and they are put in in a new release/update. You can vote on these bugs to let them know there is demand to get them in faster.
There is also a work around to use in the interim in this old blog post by Craig Walls


SpringBoot creating a framework starter library

I am creating a library using spring-boot (v2.1.6.RELEASE) as a starter project that will facilitate as base extension jar responsible for configuring and starting up some of the components based on client project properties file.
The issue I am facing is that if the client project's SpringBoot Application class contains the same package path as library everything works like charm! but when client project contains different package path and includes ComponentScan, it is not able to load or start components from the library.
Did anyone encounter this issue? how to make client application to auto-configure some of the components from library jar?
Note: I am following the library creation example from here:
There are many things that can go wrong here, without seeing relevant parts of actual code its hard to tell something concrete. Out of my head, here are a couple of points for consideration that can hopefully lead to the solution:
Since we use starters in our applications (and sometimes people use explicit component scanning in there spring applications) and this obviously works, probably the issue is with the starter module itself. Don't think that the fact that the component scan is used alone prevents the starter from being loaded ;)
Make sure the starter is a: regular library and not packaged as a spring boot application (read you don't use spring boot plugin) and have <packaging>jar</packaging> in your pom.xml or whatever you use to build.
Make sure you have: src/main/resources/META-INF/spring.factories file
(case sensitive and everything)
Make sure that this spring.factories file indeed contains a valid reference on your configuration (java class annotated with #Configuration). If you use component scanning in the same package, it will find and load this configuration even without spring factories, in this case, its just kind of another portion of your code just packaged as a separate jar. So this looks especially "suspicious" to me.
Make sure that #Configuration doesn't have #Conditional-something - maybe this condition is not obeyed and the configuration doesn't start. For debugging purposes maybe you even should remove these #Conditional annotations just to ensure that the Configuration starts. You can also provide some logging inside the #Configuration class, like: "loading my cool library".

What are the consequences of checking "Disable Auto Config Detection" in the Eclipse Spring preferences?

I mean the Eclipse preference under Window|Preferences|Spring|Beans Support
"Disable Auto Config Detection".
When this option is not checked, I notice a delay when saving Java files:
Building Workspace...
Loading ...ServerApplication
Loading ...DaoConfig
These messages are for Spring Boot main application classes (ServerApplication) or Spring configuration classes with #ComponentScan (DaoConfig) which are located in the workspace.
This can take a few seconds, which is a bit annoying.
When I check the above preference option, I don't notice the delay for loading these classes (at least for the Spring Boot main classes).
What are the consequences of disabling Auto Config Detection, e.g. what does this option really do, what functionality do I loose? Any pointers to documentation?
Can I speed up the save process without having to disable Auto Config Detection?
In STS3, the IDE creates an internal model of your Spring application, so that it can display a nice overview of your Spring elements in the Spring Explorer view, provide content-assist in Spring XML config files and more. In order to build up this internal Spring beans model, it needs to know where to start from when building that model. You can define those entry points manually in the properties for each project: Spring -> Beans Support. That preference allows you to define Spring XML config files and/or Spring-annotated configuration classes to be used by the IDE internally to build up that model.
In addition to that there is a mechanism to detect those files (Spring XML config files and Spring Boot application configuration annotations) automatically, so that you don't need to configure them manually. But the result is the same. Those files/classes end up being configured to be used by the IDE to built this internal model.
I guess that the delay that you see comes from building this internal beans model - this is at least what the messages indicate that you mentioned.
So far for the background. You can disable that auto-config mechanism and you don't need to configure those files/classes manually. This will result in the Spring Explorer, for example, not showing anything meaningful for those projects.
As an alternative and in case you are working mostly with Spring Boot projects, I would strongly recommend to switch to the all-new Spring Tools 4 (also available as a ready-to-use Eclipse distribution). It provides a slightly different set of features and is implemented in a different way, so that it doesn't need the expensive internal bean model creation. You should give it a try. And if you are missing something that you love in STS3 that is not yet part of Spring Tools 4, let us know.

katharsis configured with spring xml

It looks, from the source code, that Katharsis-spring module will only work with spring boot.
My question then, is it possible to configure a spring project in xml and load Katharsis without spring boot?
If so, how would you need to configure katharsis in spring xml?
Has anyone done this before and willing to share an example?
Only work with Spring boot? That doesn't seem possible. Just #Import(KatharsisConfigV2.class) on any configuration in your code and it should work.
As for xml config: By design, if it can be done in code it can be done in config.
Try that and let me know how you make out
With version 2.8.1 of katharsis, it is quite a challege to get this configured just in xml. So I looked at the master branch of the project and found that there are going to be some new features which will make it easier to configure with spring xml. I have created a sample project here you can use as reference for configuration:
Sample Spring/Katharsis Project with XML configuration
In the sample project I added the SpringServiceDiscovery class, and modified the KatharsisBoot class to make the configuration easier. With the next release of this project, I should be able to remove these 2 classes completely, and use the classes that come with katharsis.
The beans I needed to add to my root-context.xml file were the following:
I also needed to expose the jackson objectMapper bean, as it's not done so by default in xml.
I also used the org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy for the katharsisFilter and errorHandlerFilter.

Customizing Spring Initializr

I am working on bringing up a new team in the Spring Boot ecosystem. I love the Spring Initializr service. We have written custom Gradle plugins for unifying our build systems across many Spring Boot projects. I am looking to provide our team with an Initializr that will take advantage of our build tooling as well as inject some of our business practices into the scaffolding of the project.
With these goals in mind we have decided that extending the wonderful Spring Initializr and running a custom instance locally makes a lot of sense.
Unfortunately, it appears that the Initializr project has very little documentation about customizing it, beyond the basics of editing the YAML configuration and the Templates for the java files, it is difficult (for someone with no Groovy Templating experience) to figure out how to best extend the Initializr such that we maintain much of the functionality but can also extend the site and service appropriately.
We have built the github project from source, and published the artifacts to our local artifactory, and have successfully created our own project that uses those artifacts as a dependency and stands up a mildly customized service (basic HTML and Java source editing, simple YAML configuration).
Can anyone help with even basic resources for extending the functionality of the Initializr? perhaps a roadmap? a project specific forum? really any help is appreciated, my google-foo seems to be failing me.
I know this is a reasonably broad question, but I am failing to get in touch with the right people, or find the resources for this.
So the answer is indeed Gitter. Spring Initializr should be seen at the moment as a service and not a library. We do our best to make sure things are nicely separated but that's not the case yet for everything (read: designed for extension).
We have some plans to allow external components to customize how the project is generated. It would help if you could share your use cases on the gitter channel. Thanks!

Consuming Facelets from a JAR leads my WAR to interpret the "JSF viewId" as a .jsp instead of .jsf

I'm afraid this question might not be as "close ended" as a StackOverflow question should be. Hopefully, I'm wrong.
We have a project (the typical Java EE with a JSF web GUI) that, due to requirement's specificities, we needed to split in two projets. One of these new split projects is a subset of the previous, with some slight differences.
In order to avoid redundancy we've decide to create a JAR file with all the facelets, managed beans and related pojos. The idea was that each WAR would include this JAR, use whatever they need and, then, the WAR would have the specific pages, logos, ...
The problem
I've created a simple example just to practice having a JAR file with facelets and having two WAR files including and using these facelets. In this example, things worked flawlessly.
Nevertheless, "the real world" is not that simple. Our project also relies on Primefaces, Spring Core and Spring Security, just to mention a few.
The implementation is not yet finished - far from it. Right now, under the same Maven project, I've created the JAR module, moved the beans and the facelets to that module and included it as a dependency in the WAR file module.
The problem is that, now, my "FacesContext.getViewRoot().getViewId()" tells me that viewId is "someName.jsp" and not "someName.jsf". This simple change messes up with our "legacy" "authentication phase listener" (a phase listener to ensure that a user is logged in and redirect accordingly) implementation.
So, what can be happening here? Do any of you have any hint of what my next steps might be in order to track the root source of this problem?
Thanks and regards.
This could be an issue with the JSF ViewHandlers registered for the FacesContext. What version of JSF are you using and are there any view handlers defined in the JSF context xml.
Also please check in the web.xml the context params :javax.faces.DEFAULT_SUFFIX, javax.faces.FACELETS_VIEW_MAPPING
