magento product image swatch - magento

i need to somehow link a thumnail image, to a different full sized, base image.
my products are a configurable/simple combination.
how can I go about doing this?

Not sure if there's a better way to do it but you could prob hack it by overwriting the full-size image with the image you want to show. This should work since Magento opens images by the filename and will show what you overwrote the old image with.
Just remember if you do this, you might need to clear cache to see difference.

Or you can use an already made extension for that purposes. Try this one Product Color Swatch


Woocommerce Catalog Page Image Size

I have changed the theme (to OceanWP). Now the catalog images in the store are no longer displayed as desired. Before the woocommerce_thumbnail was loaded (247x296). Now only the original images are inserted. Now there are differences in the display of these catalog images, which looks unsightly.
I have tried to adjust this via customizer. Here I use the thumbnail width 247 and crop to the aspect ratio 5:6. The catalog images do not respond to these settings in any way.
Then I used the Regenerate Thumbnail plugin to regenerate all the thumbnails. Again no success, everything the same as before.
I saw that for the product images that were still uploaded with the previous theme, the HTML code directly pointed to the desired woocommerce_thumbnail. For the new products uploaded via OceanWP, this is handled with "srcset", which doesn't seem to work properly. (examine the different image-object, higher and smaller once)
My wish is that the products catalog reverts to the appropriate woocommerce_thumbnail. Or, that I can override the previous settings with a code snippet so that the thumbnails are all cropped to the same size again.
I am grateful to anyone for even an approach to fixing the problem.

Magento Images are rotating when uploaded

This only happens on the product pages with images with a larger height than 500px approximately. Caching is disabled. Products display correctly at smaller sizes but i need a solution that doesn't require image resizing before uploading.
I believe its something to do with using multiple image resizer program and some of the meta information in the image.
It sounds like there is EXIF data in the jpeg which records which way 'up' is. Either this info is getting ignored when you upload but is not ignored on your PC - explaining why the image looks the right way up when you view it on your desktop, but the wrong way up in Magento, or vice versa.
Can you use an art program or bulk convertor like XnView to either apply or remove the EXIF data before uploading? Then you might need to manually rotate some images.

Magento: How to resize catalog and product image while image is uploading?

About catalog images I found smth here
But it has a path Design > Themes Editor > Customize (Theme) > Catalog Images that I haven't in my admin panel.
As for product images I haven't any idea how to resize image.
I will be grateful for any link and tips.
PS: I read out that image resize is used in the template file directly. If we have 100 images per page it means that Magento resizes 100 times per page loading. Seems it require a lot of additional resources.
I believe you're going about this the wrong way. It is always best to retain the highest quality version. Let's say right now you want to shrink images to 300x300. What happens next year when you redesign you site and you want to feature product images more prominently and you want 400x400 images? You can't because you only have 300x300. As already mentioned, Magento has an resize mechanism that does exactly what you want. It will resize (shrink) the images once and store them in a cache. The first time that image is loaded then Magento does the resize and any subsequent image load will load the already saved image from the cache. Voila, you have both the original high quality image stored and the resized image stored.

LinkedIn shareArticle thumbnail

how can you specify which image you want to show on when sharing an article? Now it just picks random images from our site which aren't relevant. I tried adding an image_src link to the head of my site but this didn't help. Any idea how you can do this?
The API of LinkedIn doesn't tell us how:
Kind regards,
There is currently no way to specify a thumbnail. They don't seem to use oEmbed, OpenGraph or image_src. However, you can trick it into picking a specific image.
Make your image 62x62 pixels (other sizes will likely work, but non-square aspect ratios failed for us in the combinations we tried). Also, make it the first IMG tag in the document.
If you don't want users to see that image on your site, you can hide it with postion:absolute and right:-999px.

Image thumbnails as links

im building a webshop in Drupal and i was wondering if you could help me with the following problem:
I got one big image frame (500x500) and 5 little image thumbnails(95x95) underneath the big one.
How can i realise that if the visitor clicks on the thumbnail, the big image frame gets filled with that specific image?
jQuery is the right direction, but the strength of Drupal is based on doing things "the drupal way", which means, I guess in your case, to use Views as the origin for the thumbnails using imagecache + lightbox, and somehow change the main "frame".
I used jcarousel in some cases (for different but similar uses) and it works nice. I guess it is possible to trick it to do what you need, or - better - to find an existing module that do what you want.
I know, many Drupal buzzwords, and a stiff curve to overcome, but this is the right direction in case you want to base your site on Drupal.
If you don't need all of these, and want a static page+jquery, Drupal might be an overkill altogether.
If you use Views, Imagecache, and the Lightbox2 module, you can create image galleries out the arse and tell it to link the field to its large size and use Lightbox2 as the method. This is how I do most of my galleries.
Drupal uses jQuery so you can write a simple jQuery script to handle this (not sure if there's already a plugin to do that). Just add all the img tags (make sure all of them except the first one are hidden[display=none]). Then when a thumbnail is clicked/hovered do a $(big_img_holder).replace() with the tag for the image to be shown. Tell me if you want to see some code and I'll try to show you.
You can see this plugin as an exapmle. Just replace the numbers on the right with thumbnails and you're ready to go ;-)
