Spring 3, Java EE 6 - spring

I'm learning Java EE 6. I've seen how much progress it has achieved in this release of the umbrella specification. EJBs 3.1 are far easier and more lightweight than previous versions, and CDI is amazing.
I'm not familiar with Spring, but I often read that it offered some neat features that the Java EE stack didn't. Yet I also read now that Java EE has caught up, and can now fully compete with Spring.
I know that choosing from both depends on many factors, but if we only focus on features, say the latest trends etc. Which one has the leading edge? Can Spring 3 offer some assets The Java EE 6 stack can't?
Also, what about Seam framework? From what I read it's like Java EE 6 but with some additions?

Over time, JavaEE indeed caught up in terms of features.
But one factor, that I've stumbled upon many times, is the main reason I've been preferring spring for a long time - JavaEE servers and implementations are buggy and developer-unfriendly. This may sound like a rant, but even the best of JavaEE 6 - CDI (Weld impl) has cryptic exception messages and is giving developers a hard time (see here). Not to mention application servers - full of really ugly bugs (I managed to find around 5 bugs for 3 hours working with JBoss 5)
Another thing that makes spring more attractive for me is that features can be added in small timeframes. As I noted in my comment, unified cache abstraction, and conversation handling will be added in the next release of spring, which is a couple of months after the previous version. In JavaEE you'd have to wait a lot of time (for a standard solution at least)
But it's not that black with JavaEE. Many of the problems have workarounds or get fixed in a timely manner. And ultimately, it's a matter of personal preference.
By the way, spring's portfolio was filled with side-projects in the meantime, which add a lot of specific features/features sets. Note that many of them can be used with JavaEE as well, but are designed to fit perfectly with spring:
spring security - declarative security
spring roo - a tool for quick bootstrapping projects
spring web flow - framework ontop of MVC to handle wizard-likes journeyes
spring data - still new, aimed at unifying access to NoSQL stores
spring mobile - bringing spring to mobile platforms
spring social - a set of tools for interacting with social networks
This is just extras, and JavaEE also has extras, but they are more general-purpose (as far as I see the picture), apart from Seam, which is specifically targeted at providing what CDI misses.
One very important note to conclude with. Comparing spring to JavaEE is incorrect. I'd prefer to compare Spring to CDI+EJB+Application server. The rest of JavaEE can be used together with spring, and it often is. JAX-WS, JAXB, even JSF fit nicely with spring and are often used.


Should i use the latest version of Spring

I am just starting to learn about spring and was looking at the difference between Spring 3.0 and Spring 2.5.
Initially i was following this tutorial http://static.springsource.org/docs/Spring-MVC-step-by-step/index.html which is a step by step guide to developing a Spring MVC application. It is based on Spring 2.5 and i notice there are quite a few differences with Spring 3.0. I tried to find the equivalent tutorial that is based on 3.0 but couldnt find it.
The difference i notice with 3.0 is that there is a lot of use of annotations and a lot of things is done for you in the background. I am sure this is a good thing but i am wondering for the purpose of learning the framework should i continue with 2.5 so that i can understand what goes on behind the scenes before i use spring 3.0?
Please also if you can recommend a spring book that is suitable for a beginner i would appreciate it.
I'd recommend to always use the latest version of a framework. Especially if you're starting on a new project. There are always (well usually) tons of improvements, and simplifications, and migrating to the latest version later may be a pain.
Spring has a great user manual (see http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.0.x/spring-framework-reference/html/), and IMHO a book doesn't have an added value in this case. I found the Spring user manual always easy to read and understand, so don't get intimidated. I think this is definitely the best starting for beginners as well. You don't have to read it all. Only the sections of interest!
Note that Spring 3.x contains many other improvements such as SpEL (Spring Expression Language), improved web support (you already saw that), REST support, and more.
... should i continue with 2.5 so that i can understand what goes on behind the scenes before i use spring 3.0?
That's really up to you to decide, but if you are going down the Spring 3.x annotation-based route, it is not clear that you >>need<< to understand what is happening behind the scenes. Especially for run-of-the-mill applications.
I was not aware of the purchase of Spring by VMware. Do you think this might affect the open source aspect of Spring in that it might not be open source anymore?
First, the SpringFramework guys are thoroughly committed to open source (from what I can see). So a change would probably entail lots of developers leaving.
Second, most of the people who use Spring do so because it is open source, so a change would risk a major migration of (paying) customers away.
Third, turning Spring into a closed source product would be a politically awful move for VMware, and would likely have fallout for other VMware product lines.
Finally, and most importantly for people committed to using Spring: there is no way that the VMware could legally "undo" the open sourcing of current Spring releases. The best they could do would be say that Spring 4.0 etc was closed source. Anyone who wanted to would be free to continue distributing and using SpringFramework 1.0.x, 2.0.x, 2.5.x, 3.0.x and all associated open sourced technologies. And anyone would be free to create a "fork" of any of them to continue Spring open source development. The only possible issue would be the use of trademarks, and that is easily worked around.
Add that all up, and (IMO) there is nothing to worry about.
"Spring in Action", "Pro Spring", and "Spring Recipes" are the three that I'd recommend to anyone.
If you've never used Spring, I'd say that learning either one will suit your purposes. The majority of Spring 2.5 carries over to 3.0, so it's not wasted.
The books and tutorials haven't kept up with Spring 3.0. Another change between versions was the purchase of Spring by VMWare. They've separated paid support from open source, so it's hard to tell what the future will be for non-paying customers.

spring mvc vs seam

Spring mvc is a framework that has been long time out there, it is well documented and proven technology. A lot of web sites are using spring.
Seam is a framework based on jsf - rich faces implementation.
It has a lot of ajax based components.
It uses some heavy stuff like EJB, JPA.
All of this is prone to errors and this framework is so slow (at my computer it is almost impossible do develop something because it is really slow, especially redeploying on jboss)
But is is very good for back office applications.
Does someone have a professional experience with this two frameworks?
Can you recommend the better one ?
I use both: Spring-MVC (2.5) and Seam
Because Seam uses Java Server Faces Technology (A server-side based Technology), behind the scenes, It is better designed for small and medium applications. (Each JSF view Tree is stored on Session - You can store on client side, but be aware bandwidth issues). But it has some advantages:
Typically web application uses the following path
view >> controller >> service >> domain
With Seam, you can get
view >> service >> domain
Or even (by using mediator pattern provided by Seam Framework)
No controller, No service
view >> domain
Besides that,
JSF 2 supports JSR 303 - Bean Validation
You can use Wicket instead of JSF if you want
Conversation and Business process management support
Use can use Spring DI if you want
It has a powerful web-Tier infrastructure
Handler Mapping (It chooses which Controller should handle the request)
View resolver (It chooses which View should render the response)
It can be used for large applications
Powerful data-binding
Spring 3.0 supports Annotation-based Controller (JSR 303 - Bean Validation, coming soon)
But i still not use Spring 3.0 because
By using (and extending when needed) MultiActionController, i can get convention over configuration without no xml settings to define your Controller (You just need to set up your MultiActionController as #Component)
SimpleFormController provides similar behavior found in Spring 3.0 annotation based controller
About The learning path, i think both are similar.
I have worked professionally with Seam and it is a killer framework. It really boosts up your productivity. You can use POJOs instead of EJBs, if you think EJBs are slowing you down. About the deployment, just consider deploying to Tomcat instead of JBoss. On my machine redeployment in Tomcat is done in a couple of seconds. But I still haven't used Spring MVC to compare them.
We have been using Seam for a very large site using POJOS and communicated with web services or Hibernate deployed on Tomcat. We have found that the back button support does not work well or is prone to being specific to implementation patterns. Additionally, there is a tendency for sessions to grow very large if using server side state. Attempts to reduce the session size impact back button support or iframe usage due to reduce number of view states stored in session. More or less, our issue have all been performance related. The tomcat requires more memory and supports less users when compared to a struts 1.2 or spring mvc. We are using around 50 tomcats to support our userbase.
I have used both SEAM and Spring MVC for a few months.
I prefer Spring MVC to SEAM. BTW I noticed JBoss halted the SEAM3 development.
I found a interesting article about comparison of SEAM and Spring MVC.
The link is
I have used both Seam 3 and Spring 3 frameworks.While Seam 3 is easier to code and has a lot of features supporting session management and transaction management ,the performance is slow.Spring is much faster.

When is Spring + Tomcat not powerful enough?

I've been reading/learning more about Spring lately, and how one would use Spring in combination with other open-source tools like Tomcat and Hibernate. I'm evaluating whether or not Spring MVC could be a possible replacement technology for the project I work on, which uses WebLogic and a LOT of custom-rolled Java EE code. The thing is, I've always suspected that our solution is over-engineered and WAY more complex than it needs to be. Amazingly, it's 2009, and yet, we're writing our own transaction-handling and thread-pooling classes. And it's not like we're Amazon, eBay, or Google, if you know what I mean. Thus, I'm investigating a "simpler is better" option.
So here's my question: I'd like to hear opinions on how you make the decision that a full-blown Java EE application server is necessary, or not. How do you "measure" the size/load/demand on a Java EE app? Number of concurrent users? Total daily transactions? How "heavy" does an app need to get before you throw up your hands in surrender and say, "OK, Tomcat just isn't cutting it, we need JBoss/WebLogic/WebSphere"?
I don't think that the decision to use a full-fledged Java EE server or not should be based on number of users or transactions. Rather it should be based on whether you need the functionality.
In my current project we're actually moving away from JBoss to vanilla Tomcat because we realized we weren't using any of the Java EE functionality beyond basic servlets anyway. We are, however, using Spring. Between Spring's basic object management, transaction handling and JDBC capabilities, we aren't seeing a compelling need for EJB. We currently use Struts 2 rather than Spring's MVC, but I've heard great things about that. At any rate, Spring integrates well with a number of Java web frameworks.
Spring does not attempt to replace certain advanced parts of the JavaEE spec, such as JMS and JTA. Instead, it builds on those, making them consistent with the "Spring way", and generally making them easier to use.
If your application requires the power of the likes of JMS and JTA, then you can easily use them via Spring. Not a problem with that.
Google open sources a lot of their code. If you're writing low-level things yourself, instead of implementing code that's already written, you're often overthinking the problem.
Back to the actual question, Walmart.com, etrade.com, The Weather Channel and quite a few others just use Tomcat. Marketing and sales guys from IBM would have you believe different, perhaps, but there's no upper limit on Tomcat.
Except for EJB, I'm not sure what Tomcat is missing, and I'm not a fan of EJB.
What tomcat does not offer apart from the more exotic elements of Java EE is session beans (aka EJBs). Session beans allow you to isolate your processing efficiently. So you could have one box for the front end, another for the session beans (business logic) and another for the database.
You would want to do this for at least 2 reasons:
Performance; You're finding that one box to handle everything is loading the box too much. Separating the different layers onto different boxes would allow you to scale out. Session beans are also able to load balance at a more fine grained level. Tomcat and other web services of that ilk don't have clustering out of the box.
Flexibility; Now that you've moved your business logic into its own environment you could develop an alternate front end which used the same layer, but say, was a thick client front end for example. Or maybe other contexts would like to make use of the session beans.
Though I should probably point out that if you use web services to communicate with that middle tier, it could also be on tomcat!
The only reason to use a full blown Java EE server is if you need distributed XA transactions, if you don't need XA transactions then you can use Spring + JPA + Tomcat + Bean Validation + JSTL + EL + JSP + Java Mail.
Also a Java EE server is supposed to implement JMS but it does not make sense to run the JMS server in the same VM as the rest of the app server so if you need JMS you should have a separate JMS server.
I strongly disagree with all answers given here.
Everything can be added to Tomcat, including EJB, CDI, JTA, Bean Validation, JAX-RS, etc.
The question is: do you want this? Do you want to assemble all those dependencies in the right versions and test that it all works together, when others have already done this?
Let's be clear: nobody uses only Tomcat! Everyone always adds a web framework, an ioc container, an orm, a transaction manager, web services, etc etc
Lightweight Java EE servers like TomEE already include all of that and makes the full stack experience of having all those things integrated so much better.
Maybe this can be of interest:

Spring roo Vs (Wicket and Spring)

Spring roo is new framework and I found it very interesting. I have been working on web application for last 3-4 years and Always found JSPs are hard to maintain across teams if everyone is not disciplined enough about separation of markup and serverside logic. I have used JackBe/BackBase in last projects and I enjoyed xml templates working as views. This was much better than JSPs. But I couldnt automate webtests through selenium for backbase.
I would be surely using Spring MVC (-view), Hibernate on the backend. I found Wicket as good alternative. Have you used wicket along with Spring and what was your experience?
First, Spring Roo is a code generator tool (similar to Grails commands system):
(source: springsource.com)
Second, Spring Roo applications currently use Spring Web Flow for the view and Spring for the glue.
So, while you can compare (Spring Web Flow + Spring) and (Wicket + Spring), the later combo doesn't offer anything comparable to Roo out of the box (maybe AppFuse or AppFuse Light but you didn't mention them and they are third-party projects).
In other words, I don't think that "Spring Roo vs (Wicket and Spring)" makes sense.
Our current project uses Spring and Wicket, we have always used Spring but switched to Wicket a year ago. Few advices:
Get the "Wicket in Action" book.
The user mailing list is very helpful.
Make sure you understand Wicket's programming model especially the session serialization related stuff (the book does not help enough in this area IMHO).
Wicket is good at building stateful pages, it requires more work to build stateless pages.
There are some good UI widgets available like inmethod DataGrid.
It's easy to inject your Spring beans in your pages or components.
Spring Roo is still in beta (1.0 M2), so it may be a little early.
We also considered Tapestry 5 but we thought it was a bit young a year ago.
Spring Roo 1.0.0 (GA) has now been released, complete with around 100 pages of documentation.
If you're wondering about what Roo is and why use it, I recommend you take a read of the introductory chapter of the reference guide. It covers this and more.
#Antony, GWT support is a major priority for Roo and something I am currently working on. Expect to see some interesting integration in the very near future.
I was at the SpringOne conference in Amsterdam earlier this year when they announced Roo. My impression (and that of my colleague who was there) was that Roo was good if you were generating a web-based CRUD application every few weeks - they pitched it as the pure Java version of Grails (which is RoR for Java).
Didn't look interesting for anyone else - but that's just an opinion.
I've seen a demo of Roo a few months ago. It looks a lot like Grails (another spring technology), except that instead of creating artifacts for the Groovy language, you create them for Java.
Still it enforces good practice and makes you apply the MVC pattern in a clean way.
Personally, the demo didn't make me change my preferred toolkit (Grails), but that's because I can achieve faster results with Groovy (parsing xml for example is much more "painful" in Java than in Groovy). Also, with Grails I can see the changes I make instantly without having to recompile my entire project and relaunch the application each time I want to see the results.
Last but not least, in Grails you have tons of plugins to make fancy Ajax websites (ZK for example, if you want to avoid Javascript, but there are plugins for GWT, Yahoo, Dojo, etc...).
So, if you don't want to learn Groovy (which is not too difficult if you already know Java), Roo is the way to go to build clean web projects with all the power of Hibernate and Spring.
I hope this helps...
Why use Roo when one can build something w/ GWT and end up w/ a far richer better outcome and without the constraints of Roo and its architecture. Spring Web Flow is yesterdays technology.
It completely depends on what your requirements are. If it's a small site then Component Oriented frameworks like GWT or Wicket are a must as they make things really easy.
How soon with Roo support GWT? I think that the use of GWT by Roo makes it a huge win for GWT and Roo!
Roo and GWT are available today in pre-release form. In my opinion, definitely not ready for prime time.

What are the advantages/disadvantages of Seam over Spring?

What are the advantages/disadvantages of Seam over Spring? Why would I use Seam in lieu of Spring?
Is there anything that can be done in Seam that can't be done in Spring? Anything in Spring that can't be done in Seam?
What about stateful/stateless architecture? I am a Spring user, so I am biased, naturally.
Why Spring?
Cleaner code
Streamlined application configuration
Nice integration with popular open source products
First class AOP support
Enterprise-scale security: Acegi
Highly flexible MVC
Abstracted data access (JDBC is OK)
Enterprise Java without EJB
Testing is easy
Why Seam?
Merge Java EE 5 standards (EJB 3.0, JPA, JSF, Annotation) seamlessly
Stateful by design
Integrated Ajax (ICEfaces and Ajax4JSF)
Business process integration (jBPM)
Business rules integration (Drools)
Workspace management
Deliver complete stack (from JBoss & RedHat)
Seam Text and EL enhancements
Probably will be a standard (JSR-299: Web Beans)
From Framework Deathmatch: Spring vs Seam. Thomas Wiradikusuma (Spring). Joshua Jackson (Seam). Java User Group Indonesia. JaMU 07.03. March 17, 2007 power point presentation here
although seam does have many advantages over spring, there is a magic word that really is worth paying attention to and this is PERFORMANCE!!! if you are not worried about performance issues I would go with seam. From the other hand if you want your application to be as fast as possible and your hardware is limited I would use spring. I am not saying that you can not develop fast applications with seam, but in order to do this you really need to know what you are doing. I have used both of them (i am not a guru in any of them) and what I found out is that although spring needs more effort to build what you want, at the end the result is more flexible and is performing better. I do not think that there is something that can be done in one framework that it can not be done in the other, saying that, remember that I am not an expert to any of those.
Seam will give you a pretty, ah, seamless, integration between the components that make up the seam stack. All very nice as long you keep within that stack, and within the seam model and foing things. It all starts to look a little less convincing as soon as you start doing something unusual, though.
If it's not too much of a generalisation, Seam is very "microsofty" in that regard. This isn't a bad thing, it's just a stylistic thing. Spring is more open-ended and takes more effort to get going, but it's ultimately more flexible, and a lot more open.
You can use Spring and Seam together - Spring for backend components, Seam for enhancement of web layer (JSF/GWT/Wicket) and other stuff. Seam offers a lot of Spring functionality (i.e. IoC container, transaction managment) - in your project you can decide - witch implementation to use.
More details on integrating Seam with Spring - "Seam in Action - free bonus chapter"
Let's compare the two.
What is common?
Both are open source, follow MVC architecture and has a servlet based front controller.
Advantages of Spring MVC
Extension of Struts.
View can be developed using JSP and HTML. You can also plugin other's like PHP or velocity.
Has large number of controllers predefined.
Integrated out of the box with Spring framework.
Advantages of Seam
Extension of JSF
View can be developed using JSF component library. There are large number of vendors to choose from.
Integrates JPA entities with Web layer
Annotation based validation
Integrates with EJB 3.0
Out the box jBPM support which provides process flow definitions.
Integrates with Drools where you can define web layer business rules.
Good community support.
Since Seam is built on JSF, it has large number of UI Component libraries to pick from. It reuses Java EE stack better. It has lot of interesting modules integrated beforehand.
Spring MVC is built on top of Struts and Spring, so it will reuse Spring framework stack far better than others. But the view is built using JSP, so we have to rely on JSP tag library vendors to build rich components.
Seam framework would be a better choice as Spring framework is anyway extensible enough to be leveraged by Seam.
