VS2010 - Strange Fuzzy Menu Behavior - visual-studio-2010

I found something interesting today when opening VS2010 on my PC. It looked as if all the text had gone a bit fuzzy. It happens in particular in the menu bar after moving the mouse over the menu item the first time. Hopefully the pictures below can explain better than I...
Above is the menu bar with clear unblurred text.
Above, I have moved my mouse only over "Edit" and "View"
Finally, the above is after I moved my mouse over all menu items.
This is specific to VS2010 and has not occurred in the past. Even all the text on the "Start Page" is blurry (initially at start-up regardless of mouse movement).All other software on the PC (that I've seen) works normally.
Does anyone have any idea what could be the problem?
Come to find out, it is also doing this in Visual Studio Express 2010, but not VS2008 (ie. only stuff with WPF UIs).

Ok, I resolved this in the most unusual way.
I had previously adjusted the anti-aliasing for my ATI 5850 graphics card under the "game performance" setting. Apparently this also screws with non-gaming WPF graphics.
Reverted the setting back to "Use application settings" and all is good.


Visual Studio Yellow Tooltip stuck on screen

I'm running VS2013 Professional on Windows 7 x64 and often finding that, after a debug session, the yellow tooltips from the debugger don't go away and stay on the screen on top of other windows. For example, the image attached shows a debug tooltip now also showing on top of me posting this question.
I am able to hide it temporarily by pressing Win + d to show the desktop, but as soon as I open / navigate to any window, the tooltip is right back.
The only way I've been able to get rid of these tooltips has been to close and re-open my Visual Studio. Any thoughts about what else I could do?
Try sending the WM_CLOSE message to the tooltip window.
I had hoped to be able to do that with Spy++, but alas you can't send messages from that.
I downloaded SendMessage from StephansTools, this then lets me use the cross hair to select the offending tooltip window and then send the WM_CLOSE message to it.
Caveat: This only seems to work in some circumstances. It's worth a try but may not work every time.
On your screenshot, the tooltip is "this is the next statement that will be executed". This tooltip appears when you hover over a yellow arrow to the left of the code while stepping in debugger (there must be no breakpoint on the current line).
It's quite likely that when the tooltip is stuck, you can un-stuck it by howering over that yellow arrow again, then moving mouse cursor away from it.
As for permanent solution to the problem, I would blame third-party applications that install hooks. Try to temporarily disable whatever such software you have and see if it helps. If you can't figure the exact repro to get the problem, you can simply close any other software you can and do your debugging for a while.
Some typical examples of hooking software:
Input assistance (voice to text, ...)
Automatic keyboard layout correction
Dictionary and language translation
Anything that creates new buttons in other programs
Screenshot software

Visual Studio 2013 navigation bar lost

I recently moved up from MSVS2010 to 2013.
Until now, I was loving 2013... However, I locked my PC and went to make coffee - upon my return, my navigation bar had randomly disappeared!
I'm not sure if what I mean is actually called the "Navigation bar" - by this, I mean the drop-down list in the top right corner that allows you to jump between functions/subroutines etc. really easily.
I saw this post which mentioned changing the setting in options (the navigation bar option is checked in my options). It also mentions that MSVS2013 has a bug that removes the bar when using an external monitor on the left of your native monitor, this is the case for me - but I have disconnected the monitor, restarted my PC and tried again - no joy!
The image below shows where the bar normally goes, forgive my crude censorship.
Any help is more than welcome, thanks.

VS2010 editing XAML files is unresponsive to mouse clicks

I'm wondering whether other users of VS2010 are experiencing the same problems as me.
I find I have to restart VS several times a day after the XAML editor becomes unresponsive to mouse clicks. I've tried submitting a Connect issue but got nowhere with that.
My environment is:
Quad core machine runing Vista 64 with 8GB RAM.
VS2010 SP1 - had the same problems with VS2010.
ReSharper 5.1.3
Editing Silverlight XAML files - I have the split screen with preview at the top and the XAML at the bottom. After some time of working, if I click in the XAML the carret doesn't move to the clicked position. Other parts of VS are unresponsive to mouse clicks as well. Basically I have to shut down VS and restart.
Of course, this is difficult to reproduce - it generally only happens after several hours of running.
Anybody got any ideas on how to fix this, or better bring it to Microsoft's attention?
Here's the link the the Microsoft Connect item I entered.
This is a very common problem, you should check out some other references, but a few thigns you can do are;
Replace the XAML editor with something else (Blend maybe)
Right click on a XAML file, goto "Open With" then select an alternative editor and also select the set as default option.
Open the XAML editor in Full screen source mode by default. This will bypass a lot of the design time compilation's
Close other windows, in visual studio when your editing the XAML, perticularly the properties display. I've found that this window frequently queries the design time model of your code to display properties and such (if you dont want them triggering all the time, close the window and that thread will be idle).
Good Luck!
I've had similar issues where the mouse stops responding on certain windows when resharper is running. The only solutions I've found so far are:
Hit the ALT key (discovered the mouse becomes active after this, but you have to keep hitting it every time you switch windows)
Restart visual studio
Disable resharper
This is essentially a Vista 64 problem but ReSharper exacerbates the problem through large memory use. Upgrading to Windows 7 64 bit solves the problem.

Sticky mouse when dragging controls in VS2005

Maybe this is a dumb question, but I have the following behavior in Visual Studio 2005 while designing forms:
1 - Drop a control onto the form (suppose it's a Label, just for discussion)
2 - Drag that label to a specific location (aligning w/other controls, whatever)
3 - Release the mouse button
4 - The control is still stuck to the mouse!!!
To get it un-stuck from the mouse, I have to hit ESC, which restores the Label to it's original location.
This is driving me nuts. I literally have to use the arrow keys to move each control into place, pixel-by-pixel. I don't observe this behavior anywhere else in VS2005, nor do I observe it in the OS in general.
I am running on Windows XP inside a Parallels Virtual Machine, hosted on OS X. I don't think there is a driver problem though, b/c as I already said, no other apps demonstrate anything like this.
Please tell me there is some tiny checkbox buried somewhere that will turn off this behavior.
Sounds like you might have ClickLock enabled (or a similar feature). Try this:
Go to Control Panel in Windows
Open the Mouse control panel
Go to the Activities tab
Deselect ClickLock
If that doesn't work, maybe you have a similar feature in OS X?
This problem spread to other applications within my VM, so I reinstalled Parallels tools and it went away.

Customizing dockable windows in Visual Studio

When developing on a system with dual monitors, I like to make the most of the extra space by stretching Visual Studio across both. It is fantastic to be able to see the Output, Breakpoints, Error List, Object Browser, and ReSharper windows at the same time without having to make them tiny and dock them in the main window, which leaves less space for code.
I place the main VS window on one monitor with the tabbed document and Solution Explorer windows. Any other windows I want to display are placed on the second monitor and docked together. The only problem I encounter with this method is that the main tabbed document window with the VS menu bar is the only window that can be maximized. The additional windows such as Solution Explorer, Breakpoints and Error List can only be stretched, docked or closed. I often go through the tedious work of selecting and laying out secondary windows only to have that layout be erased when I close VS.
Does anyone know of a VS add-in that gives you a window that (1) is maximizable, and (2) other windows can be docked in (ReSharper only does 2) ? Barring that, does anyone know of a good resource to learn how to develop VS add-ins? I am keen to do so myself if necessary.
I don't know of either of your suggestions, although I would also love to see better multiple-monitor support in VS. What I have done, though, is saved various window layouts (Tools > Import and Export Settings, and check only Window Layout) so that I can switch easily when I feel like it.
