Magento webservice api expose blocks - magento

We would like to expose some Magento blocks through the webservice API like Magebridge does. Actually Magebridge does exactly what we want but this is too tightly integrated with Joomla to re-use for another CMS.

I used this article a few years ago to expose a few custom web service APIs. Between that and the MageBridge code you should have enough example code to get started.


Host an ASP.NET Core MVC application in an Azure Function

I have tried searching for this online, but could not find an approach that works. There are a few helpful links to host a Web API but nothing related to a full fledged MVC app that consists of Controllers and Views. Azure currently does not have built in support for this. Hence, wondering if this is something doable.
It is possible to achieve this through the use of Custom Handlers. This blog post goes into further detail on how to create a custom handler. Do note that this feature is currently in preview so support is limited.

OctoberCMS (Laravel) + Vue.js + Tailwind CSS Best Setup

I am new with OctoberCMS. There are few tutorials in the internet. May I ask what is the best setup may I use or possible setup may I use with this web tech stacks?
We have a project and the requirement is we need to use octobercms so that's why we have to used this octobercms.
Possible Setup:
Micro Service Setup?
Two seperate folder for OctoberCMS and Vue.js. The communication would be an API Request calls.
Then for the deployment part for the production, we will use the dist folder from Vue.js Folder. I'm not 100% sure but I think this will be my initial thought that will be possible.
May I ask for any suggestions or clarifications on what will I use project setup. Thank you.
While it would be entirely possible to have two separate web properties with October providing the API, you can also just use Vue within an October CMS theme itself. See for more information on doing that.
If your project is more of a traditional CMS requirement then I would recommend at least trying the Vuetober approach. If it's a lot more complex and is mostly utilizing October for its powerful backend features, then the API-only approach could work fine too.
The main reason you'd want to go with running vuetober is if you were going to be utilizing the AJAX framework provided by October. You can still technically use it even when October is being run as a headless CMS just providing an API, but it gets more complicated with CORS and some other stuff you have to setup to make sure it works properly.

How to integrate into wordpress?

I am working on a project and I was simply wondering how to integrate a backend surface made in into a wordpress website?
I read about converting wordpress into using JSON but I want to integrate a backend service for a front end wordpress.
If it works the results will be a backend service like database works with the wordpress website.
You should give the community project Spring Content a look. The aim of this project is to quickly and easily create cloud-native, agile "Content Services" with the Spring framework. Essentially, exactly what you are asking for I think.
Best of luck!

Front End Frameworks for RESTful backend

I am developing a RESTful backend using Spring framework. All the services are accessible through HTTP request methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
Could you please tell me what can the best combination of frameworks for front end?
Is it best to use SpringMVC or some other framework like Backbone is good enough?
If I am using SpringMVC for REST backend and also SpringMVC for front end then won't it be extra work doing same things again first for backend then for front end?
And most important I am confused about how can do the session management using front end?
Any help will be appreciated!
If you are looking into to make a SPA (Single Page App) make sure that you take a look at AmpersandJS ->
Since you said "server-side" GUI, maybe you are thinking more along the lines of a template engine for creating HTML? This isn't really restful, but can be MVC like if you are forwarding from your Controller classes.
But PLEASE keep in mind that it would be a very BAD idea to try and generate XML or JSON data for consumption by RESTful clients (ajax) with either of these. Just say no to JSON creation from a template engine!
JSP is pretty much the standard for Java EE at the moment, or is most widely used. All you need is a compliant server, such as Tomcat/Jetty.
Thymeleaf It looks a lot cleaner than JSP, and has the added benefit of not allowing all the pitfalls that can happen with a JSP (and there are a lot).
When you say you are creating a RESTful backend, most people would make the conclusion (and rightfully so) that you are trying to develop a JavaScript MVVM client/GUI.
Kendo UI has a complete set of GUI widgets and MVVM framework that is specifically designed to work with a RESTful backend. But it's a paid for API.
YUI3 (Yahoo User Interface) has a variety of widgets as well, and I've seen a lot of jobs requesting this. It has the advantage of being free/OSS as well. Older version are deprecated.
knockout.js has been my favorite for MVVM engines that I've actually had experience working with. And it's simple to learn, in my opinion.
Angular.js Also free/oss, and works well with other GUI APIs.
I would suggest you to consioder Sencha Ext JS for front-end, it is one of the best framework and will work with RestFul back-end.
this is a good question, but I don't think there is a server-side framework out there specifically built to use a REST server backend. I think you could use Spring-MVC / Spring-Boot to get a good headstart, but you might also want to look into Rails or other Ruby any other modern web framework technology.

Joomla external API and data access after 1.5

I am wondering by what the old XML RPC API will be replaced ? We developed a quite complete native(iOS+Android) and HTML5 implementation for the front-end and we'd like to offer that as SDK and REST API.
Right now we are trying to avoid any additional PHP plugin/extension for Joomla and we are currently very interested how we can automate else the data flow for customers. Currently we already support SQL direct access, complete Akeeba backups, or a local/remote Jave-App which feeds the apps from SQL directly, as cron job for instance. At the end and it should go all into our JSON format.
Is there any other project which provides a sort a formal or specified access to Joomla content and functions beyond the internal PHP Joomla API ? We just don't know what will be the replacement(it was too basic anyway). The Joomla website and the docs doesn't help at all to figure such things out.
I hope this question is legitim here. Any suggestion is welcome. thanks,
