Changing registry without admin rights - windows

I thought I needed admin rights for changing registry (I get errors if my app doesn't have such). Maybe only some part of the registry require admin rights.
Could you give some information? I need to store my app data somewhere without admin rights.

You need administrative privileges to write to locations that are shared by multiple users.
In the filesystem, this means folders like \WINDOWS or \Program Files.
In the registry, this means all of the hives which aren't per-user.
Therefore, you can only write to HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
Specifically, you should write to HKCU\Software\Your Company.

Log in as a normal non-admin user. Open up regedit, right-click on the top level keys and examine the permissions for each, you'll see which ones you can write to as a user. Basically, it's just HKEY_CURRENT_USER as SLaks says.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE is off limits, for instance. You can write to HKEY_USERS/your users SID, because HKCU is basically an image of that.


Why is my Delphi 6 program triggering a request for admin rights upon install on only a minority of Windows 7 systems (InnoSetup)?

I have a Delphi 6 program that for most users installs fine while running under a user account without admin privileges. However, on some systems it triggers a request for admin rights. Unfortunately mine isn't one of them so it's hard for me to diagnose this problem. I use InnoSetup 5.1.9 to build my install programs.
How can I figure out what I need to change about my installation program's configuration to neutralize the need for admin rights on some people's systems? It's causing trouble for my system because during installation, certain program data files are being copied into the admin account's application data folder. Then when my program is launched under a user account, those files can not be found since they are not in the user account application folder, where they are expected to be.
This happens due to default PrivilegesRequired directive value, which is, by default configured to require administrator elevation. If you don't need this, simply change in your InnoSetup script, value of this directive explicitly to something like this:
From the reference:
When PrivilegesRequired is set to lowest, Setup will not request to be
run administrative privileges even if it was started by a member of
the Administrators group. Additionally, the uninstall info root key
will always be HKEY_CURRENT_USER, and the "common" forms of the Shell
Folder constants are mapped to the "user" forms, even if
administrative privileges are available.

How can I have my installer write to the HKCU registry tree?

My installer requires admin privileges. During installation some values are written to the HKCU tree of the registry of the currently logged on user. However, when this user account is a so called standard account, the user has to specify credentials for an administrator account when the installer starts. The values are then written to the HKCU tree pertaining to this admin account instead of the HKCU of the currently logged on user.
The same problem arises when the installer wants to write some data to the local AppData and wants to create a shortcut on the desktop.
How do I circumvent this?
This happens because you are using a per-machine installation which writes data in a per-user location (HKEY_CURRENT_USER).
The correct approach is to use either a per-user installation with only per-user locations or a per-machine installation with only per-machine locations (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE instead of HKEY_CURRENT_USER).
If you are asking for admin rights it normally means you are doing a system-wide/machine install for all users. When creating this type of installer it is not a good idea to write to HKCU or %USERPROFILE%, not just because you can end up performing actions for "the wrong user" but you also end up initializing the install for just that one user and not all users.
What I recommend is that you write this common data to HKLM\Software\YourCompany\YourApp\CommonData and/or <CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA|CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES>\YourCompany\YourApp\CommonData and then import this data in your application the first time a user run's it.
You might also want to consider creating a per-user installer (like Chrome) but this means you can only write to HKCU and %USERPROFILE%!

HKLM registry doubt

My application updates some registry fields related to licensing under HKLM. This is for accessing the information for all users in the system. This makes us to make our application run as administrator. Is there any other location in registry where I can keep information which can be accessed by all users?
Registry HKLM and folder %ALLUSERSPROFILE% are accessible to all users, but meant for writing to at install time (as admin).
Registry HKCU and folder %APPDATA% are accessible to current user and meant for writing to at any time.
Why are you modifying licensing info (shared by all users) during run and not just during install?
You could place as an (e.g.) XML document in the file system under a shared folder instead of the Registry.
E.g. System.Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonDocuments or CommonApplicationData.
No there is not. If you have to make a modification that will affect/be visible to all users, you have to deal with UAC or elevate your application on startup. This is part of the design of UAC. If, however, you were to write to a file you could grant all users access to that file without UAC interference.
If, however, you are only reading the registry, you can do this without elevating your security rights. Therefore, if you write once to the registry and then just read it later, you can do so when only elevating your privileges once.
Here is an article on playing nice with UAC:
I'd make your installer precreate the registry entries (it runs as admin typically), and open up their permissions using GetSecurityInfo and SetSecurityInfo. Then your app can write to them without any special perms.

how to prevent application to be uninstalled by a user (w/o admin rights)?

I need to forbid to uninstall an application (not a service!) by a user w/o some special rights. How to do this? installation will be done by domain administrator
thanks for your time
[EDIT] also I need to prevent removing the application from windows startup
[EDIT1] to clarify: application is simple and is installed in its folder and added to windows startup (actually to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run registry). What I need exactly is to forbid to remove this folder and this registry key, for ordinal users, not for local admins.
the file location is easy. That is simple revoking write permission on the folder and all its subfolders and files for Builtin\Users, and giving Builtin\Administrators full permmision. You can set this via the Explorer, properties-> permissions or commandline wise with cacls (or icalcs if you're on win7)
The regkey is on my win7 box already only readable (not writeable) by Users and read/write by local admins (regedit -> Context menu -> Persmissions).
If it still doesn't behave like you want figure out what groups a normal user is in (also domain groups) and then check how those groups are propagated to the local machine.
And as sugested by Ben in the comments, you might start a new question on Server Fault.
[end update]
[before edite response]
I doubt you can disallow the uninstall of 'one' application. By means of a Group Policy you can "Pohibit removal of updates"
(in GPedit.msc under Computer Config/Admin templates/windows components/windows installer)
The Group Policy is set by a domain admin and is enforced across the domain so it doesn't require 'persmissions'. But you need off course to also prevent local admins from editing the local group policy.
Another more daunting option would be to use a group policy in the Software Rectriction part of Security Settings. Here you can enter a path policy for the name of the msi or exe file that you do not want to be run.
Both require validating/testing to prevent that to much restriction prevent everybody from starting anything...
If an application requires administrative rights to be installed, then non-administrators will not have permission to remove it.
If the users have local administrative rights, then you can't prevent anything.

Windows 7 elevated registry access

I'm working on an installer for our application. The installer makes some changes to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Company\AppName registry key, which the application then looks for the first time it runs. The application then does different things based on the registry keys it finds.
This works great, until you try to install the application as a user account (i.e. non-administrator) on windows 7 (and maybe Vista, I haven't tested that yet).
When the user tries to install the application, Windows elevates to the administrator account's credentials. This means that any changes to HKCU in the registry are made to the administrator's registry, not the launching user's registry. Thus, the keys are not visible to the application when it launches for the first time under the user's account.
We can't be the only people whose installer needs to communicate with the app it installs. Is there no way to reliably use the registry to do this?
We can't rely on the user launching the app after he installs it, so passing the information as a command-line parameter isn't a viable solution. The only way I can see to do it is to have the installer invoke a utility as the original user, which gets or sets the registry key itself; this seems to be a bit of a silly hoop to have to jump through.
Edit: The application needs to delete the keys after it's used them, so I can't just put them in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
There are 2 recommended approaches for what you want:
Use a per-user installation which
doesn't require Administrator
privileges. You will be able to use
HKEY_CURRENT_USER, but your product
is not installed for all users.
Use a per-machine installation which requires Administrator privileges. In this case you need to redesign your application so it reads its settings from a configuration file. HKEY_CURRENT_USER should be used only when saving user-specific settings, not for global application settings.
Basically, if your application is per-machine, it should use HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or a configuration file. If it's per-user, you can use HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Any other combination has limitations and will not work the way you need.
If you need your application's information to be available to all users, use the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive.
EDIT - 2 alternatives:
Change the security of your registry
keys to allow users to edit/delete
Use the ProgramData directory (instead of the registry) to store
the data.
