Google Instant Keyboard Navigation No Longer Working With Firefox On Debian Install - firefox

I just removed IceWeasel from my Debian machine and replaced it with Firefox so I could test the website I'm developing in the more popular browser in case there was any minute differences and I noticed that google's keyboard navigation no longer works. I've done some searching (the hard way, with the mouse :P) and I can't find any mention of a link between Debian or firefox and problems with google keyboard navigation.
When I press the up and down keys, the whole window just scrolls. Also when I press the tab key, firefox just moves from link to link (starting with the google tools links in the top left-hand corner) and takes 10 - 15 tabs before it gets to the search results.
I read somewhere that google instant wasn't available in all countries (or, at least it wasn't some time in the past.) I use google Australia, but I've also tried - via an international proxy server - and I still get the same results.
I also like to have images disabled for general browsing due to strict bandwidth allocations and I thought perhaps the feature was working, but not displaying the blue arrow indicator. However, when I enabled images for and, there was no observer change in behaviour (except for the images showing up.)
Has anyone else experienced this problem, either using firefox, or under any other conditions?

The broken keyboard navigation I'm encountering type ahead find. Particularly, typing, optionally beginning with '/', is directed to the search box, regardless of the document element with focus.
There are two ways to fix this:
Use the general.useragent.override pref to remove "Firefox/XXX" from the user agent string.
Use a userscript (Greasemonkey) to reclaim keyboard navigation (theoretical)


Show full URI/URL in Firefox developer tools console tab

I have always relied on the Firebug console tab within Firefox to display complete ajax calls, my systems all use ajax extensively and its useful to be able to monitor the calls in one listing. Ive always found Firebug to be the most complete version of this, and it is this one feature that has prevented me from migrating to any other browser including FFs own developer console, where the only way to determine the endpoints is to hover over the request, or spend two mouse clicks on opening up the response panel followed by the "Params" tab. Neither of these are very useful in a working environment.
In the latest FF however, I find that Firebug is deprecated in favour of the built in developer console, so I figure that if Firebug is to disappear, there must be a way to configure the replacement to my liking.
Heres an example output side by side, the right hand side (Firebug) displays not only the endpoint but all parameters right in the line, for example "ajax.php?home&act=counters", whereas the left hand side (built in console) simply displays "ajax.php" for all calls.
The URL parameters are displayed for requests logged to the console since Firefox 60.
In case the URL isn't shown completely (due to the width of the window being too small), the URL is cropped, though you can still see the complete URL when hovering the request.
Furthermore, the URL parameters are also displayed within the Network Monitor.

Scrolling in Microsoft Remote Desktop on a Mac w/ Magic Trackpad 2

I'm experiencing wonky behavior using a Mac to remote into a Windows 7 PC using Microsoft's Remote Desktop app for the Mac, and using a Magic Trackpad 2 as my primary input device. The problems arise primarily when scrolling in various applications in Windows. It appears the Magic Trackpad is flooding windows with scroll events, causing unpredictable behavior in many applications. Some scroll ok, others whip around or back and forth, or stutter uncontrollably. I probably need to find a way to "filter" out this flood of scroll events into something more manageable by Windows, but I am unaware of any existing apps or utilities to do so? Has anyone else experienced this issue and/or have any potential solutions to it?
A bit more research, and I've got at least a partial solution to the issue. It helps greatly to turn off some of the "Magic" Apple imparts to its trackpads. Namely, turning off 'scrolling with inertia' helps with scrolling when using Remote Desktop. The default functionality for magic trackpad scrolling is to apply inertia to your scroll, making pages continue to scroll after you release the pad like they have weight. While this looks and feels cool, it wreaks havoc with some older windows apps. The trick is to turn this feature off you have to open the Mac's Accessibility control panel, not the one for the trackpad itself. Within Accessibility there are additional mouse and trackpad tweaks, one of which is to turn off inertial scrolling. Also, reducing the scrolling speed to its lowest setting makes Remote Desktop scrolling a bit easier. Hope this helps others.
One of a kind workaround that I came up recently is to decrease the number of lines for one notch of the mouse wheel.
P.S. For some reason the "Wheel" tab is not visible when I'm connected via MS RDP client, but available for the beta version (Version 10.1.5 (866)).
On the Mac side, pay attention to the speed part in the trackpad settings. Here I suggest you bring it to the fastest. Also, in the remote (windows) machine, increase the line per speed from default 3 to 10 And again, on the windows side, set the mouse speed to the fastest in the additional options section.

Creating a Typing Assist in Firefox addon

I want to create a typing assisting addon to my Firefox such that whatever the user is typing currently appears on a small window on the right hand side bottom in bigger fonts.
This will help slow typists to type at a faster rate.
For example, when the user is on yahoo sign-up page and text box name, a small window should appear on the bottom right corner and should display the text he is entering in larger fonts. In this manner, the user can keep typing without moving his head up.
I have no experience with firefox addons, so I would like to know whether this project is feasible. If it is, then I would like to know whether it's possible to do with only JavaScript; or if I will have to use jQuery.
It will be much appreciated if you can provide some guidance in this matter.
Sure it's feasible. You never have to use jQuery and it's not very useful when writing an add-on anyway, since you don't care about differences between browsers.
I suggest you start with , try to get a page-mod running, make it handle keystrokes and display them in a <div> on the web page it's running in.

Missing icons in Glimpse

I have just installed Glimpse, and in Google Chrome I am missing a lot of the UI icons (eg, the '+' signs to expand the blocks of details).
Any known fixes? I use Chrome for development as I find it runs faster than FireFox and IE, so it is a bore to guess where the icons are.
Also, no close button for the debugger, and the eye doesn't show when 'minimized'.
#awrigley What version of chrome are you using (currently we have been testing against Chrome 11, Firefox 4 and IE9)?
Also can you navigate to If you can get to that endpoint can you "Inspect Element" on where you expect the buttons to be and check what chrome thinks the image URL(...) in the style is set to.

tab overflow exception in my brain - strategies and ideas for dealing with too many tabs in web browser

A common problem I find myself dealing with is having way too many tabs in my browser. Part of this I know is just trying to do too many things at once. I tell myself to focus focus on one task at a time and try to close tabs I'm not using. Nevertheless, I still often find myself with over 20 tabs open at a time, just because apps that I use in the course of the day that I don't want to keep opening and closing and have them be in different positions.
I have not seen any great ways in either Chrome or Firefox to deal with tab overload. I had a couple ideas of possible UI enhancements to deal with this. I know there's a couple of tab grouping/organization extensions for Firefox and Chrome, but I've tried most of them and haven't found them all that helpful. One feature that would be nice is if it automatically grouped tabs by category/domain (so for example all my finance-related websites automatically open in the same group).
That said, how do you manage large number of tabs, and do you have any ideas of browser enhancements for dealing this this?
(Another pet-peeve of mine is that Chrome doesn't have MRU (most recently used tab switching), which is a huge pain for me when I'm working with two pages and having to switch back and forth between them. But that's sort of a different topic)
Tab candy in firefox 4 beta
same thing for chrome
I've had your exact problem. With tab candy I've had up to ~90 tabs open at once with no issues at all, except memory use :)
I just use a combinatioin of tabs and windows, with each window containing a logical grouping of tabs. In both FF and Chrome, I can drag tabs between windows to reorgaize them as desired. Also, on Linux or OS X, you can use multiple workspaces, each with one or more browser windows. I dunno -- maybe Windows 7 has workspaces too now?
