Sort items in a nested hash by their values - ruby

I'm being sent a nested hash that needs to be sorted by its values. For example:
#foo = {"a"=>{"z"=>5, "y"=>3, "x"=>88}, "b"=>{"a"=>2, "d"=>-5}}
When running the following:
#foo["a"].sort{|a,b| a[1]<=>b[1]}
I get:
[["y", 3], ["z", 5], ["x", 88]]
This is great, it's exactly what I want. The problem is I'm not always going to know what all the keys are that are being sent to me so I need some sort of loop. I tried to do the following:
#foo.each do |e|
e.sort{|a,b| a[1]<=>b[1]}
This to me makes sense since if I manually call #foo.first[0] I get
and #foo.first[1] returns
{"z"=>5, "y"=>3, "x"=>8}
but for some reason this isn't sorting properly (e.g. at all). I assume this is because the each is calling sort on the entire hash object rather than on "a"'s values. How do I access the values of the nested hash without knowing what it's key is?

You might want to loop over the hash like this:
#foo.each do |key, value|
#foo[key] = value.sort{ |a,b| a[1]<=>b[1] }

#foo = {"a"=>{"z"=>5, "y"=>3, "x"=>88}, "b"=>{"a"=>2, "d"=>-5}}
#bar = Hash[{ |key,values| [ key, values.sort_by(&:last) ] } ]
Or, via a less-tricky path:
#bar = {}
#foo.each do |key,values|
#bar[key] = values.sort_by{ |key,value| value }
In both cases #bar turns out to be:
p #bar
#=> {
#=> "a"=>[["y", 3], ["z", 5], ["x", 88]],
#=> "b"=>[["d", -5], ["a", 2]]
#=> }

My coworker came up with a slightly more flexible solution that will recursively sort an array of any depth:
def deep_sort_by(&block)
Hash[ do |key, value|
[if key.respond_to? :deep_sort_by
if value.respond_to? :deep_sort_by
You can inject it into all hashes and then just call it like this:
myMap.deep_sort_by { |obj| obj }
The code would be similar for an array. We published it as a gem for others to use, see blog post for additional details.
Disclaimer: I work for this company.

in your example e is an temporary array containing a [key,value] pair. In this case, the character key and the nested hash. So e.sort{|a,b|...} is going to try to compare the character to the hash, and fails with a runtime error. I think you probably meant to type e[1].sort{...}. But even that is not going to work correctly, because you don't store the sorted hash anywhere: #foo.each returns the original #foo and leaves it unchanged.
The better solution is the one suggested by #Pan Thomakos:
#foo.each do |key, value|
#foo[key] = value.sort{ |a,b| a[1]<=>b[1] }


Ruby Hash initialised with each_with_object behaving weirdly

Initializing Ruby Hash like:
keys = [0, 1, 2]
hash = Hash[keys.each_with_object([]).to_a]
is behaving weirdly when trying to insert a value into a key.
# will result into following hash:
=> {0=>["a"], 1=>["a"], 2=>["a"]}
I am just trying to insert into one key, but it's updating the value of all keys.
Yes, that each_with_object is super-weird in itself. That's not how it should be used. And the problem arises precisely because you mis-use it.
# => [[0, []], [1, []], [2, []]]
You see, even though it looks like these arrays are separate, it's actually the same array in all three cases. That's why if you push an element into one, it appears in all others.
Here's a better way:
h = keys.each_with_object({}) {|key, h| h[key] = []}
# => {0=>[], 1=>[], 2=>[]}
Or, say
h = { [] }).to_h
Or a number of other ways.
If you don't care about hash having this exact set of keys and simply want all keys to have empty array as default value, that's possible too.
h = { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] }
All your keys reference the same array.
A simplified version that explains the problem:
a = []
b = a
puts a #=> ['something']
puts b #=> ['something']
Even though you have two variables (a and b) there is only one Array Object. So any changes to the array referenced by variable a will change the array referenced by variable b as well. Because it is the same object.
The long version of what you are trying to achieve would be:
keys = [1, 2, 3]
hash = {}
keys.each do |key|
hash[key] = []
And a shorter version:
[1, 2 ,3].each_with_object({}) do |key, accu|
accu[key] = []

Detecting if a key-value pair exists within a hash

I cannot find a way to determine if a key-value pair exists in a hash.
h4 = { "a" => 1, "d" => 2, "f" => 35 }
I can use Hash#has_value? and Hash#has_key? to find information about a key or a value individually, but how can I check if a pair exists?
Psuedo-code of what I'm after:
if h4.contains_pair?("a", 1)
Just use this:
h4['a'] == 1
It seems excessive to me, but you could monkey-patch Hash with a method like so:
class Hash
def contains_pair?(key, value)
key?(key) && self[key] == value
I confess to starting down a road and then wondering where it might take me. This may not be the best way of determining if a key/value pair is present in a hash (how could one improve on #Jordan's answer?), but I learned something along the way.
def pair_present?(h,k,v)
h = { "a"=>1, "d"=>2, "f"=>35 }
#=> true
#=> false
#=> false
We could of course convert the hash to an array and then apply Array#include?:
h.to_a.include?(['a', 1])
#=> true
but that has the downside of creating a temporary array. It would be nice if the class Hash had such an instance method, but it does not. One might think Hash#include? might be used for that, but it just takes one argument, a key.1.
The method Enumerable#include? does what we want, and of course Hash includes the Enumerable module. We can invoke that method in various ways.
Bind Enumerable#include? to the hash and call it
This was of course my answer:
Use the method Method#super_method, which was introduced in v2.2.
#=> true
#=> false
Note that:
#=> #<Method: Object(Enumerable)#include?>
Do the alias_method/remove_method merry-go-round
Hash.send(:alias_method, :temp, :include?)
Hash.send(:remove_method, :include?)
#=> true
#=> false
Hash.send(:alias_method, :include?, :temp)
Hash.send(:remove_method, :temp)
Convert the hash to an enumerator and invoke Enumerable#include?
#=> true
#=> false
This works because the class Enumerator also includes Enumerable.
1 Hash#include? is the same as both Hash#key? and Hash#has_key?. It makes me wonder why include? isn't used for the present purpose, since determining if a hash has a given key is well-covered.
How about using Enumerable any?
h4 = { "a" => 1, "d" => 2, "f" => 35 }
h4.any? {|k,v| k == 'a' && v == 1 }

access hashes of hashes values in ruby

I have a nested hashes in ruby and I need to access a specific value of it. My hash look like below.
hash =
I need to access the value of "Type" of each keys.
I tried with the below code but I am not sure why it didn't work.
hash_type = hash["list"].keys.each {|key| puts key["Type"]}
But it returned the list of keys. i.e 0 and 1
Please help.
hash["list"].map {|_, hash| hash['Type']}
hash = {key: 'value'}
You can loop over a hash using each like this:
hash.each {|pair| puts pair.inspect } #=> [:key, 'value']
or like this
hash.each {|key, value| puts "#{key}: #{value}"} #=> key: value
Since we don't use key anywhere, some of the IDEs will complain about unused local variable key. To prevent this it is ruby convention to use _ for variable name and all the IDEs will not care for it to be unused.
hash['list'].collect { |_, value| value['Type'] }
=> ["Clip", "Program"]
This is following your logic (some answers posted different ways to do this). The reason why you go things wrong, if we go step by step is:
hash_type = hash["list"].keys #=> ["0", "1"]
So everything after that is the same like:
["0", "1"].each {|key| puts key["Type"]}
So you're basically doing puts '1'['Type'] and '0'['Type'] which both evaluate to nil (try it in IRB) . Try replacing the puts with p and you'll get nil printed 2 times. The reason why you're getting hash_type to be ["0", "1"] is because your last expression is keys.each and each ALWAYS return the "receiver", that is the array on which you called each (as we saw earlier, that array is ["0", "1"]).
The key to solving this, following your particular logic, is to put the "keys" (which are '0' and '1' in this instance) in the appropriate context, and putting them in a context would look something like this:
hash_type = hash["list"].keys.each {|key| puts hash["list"][key]["Type"]}`
This will print the keys. However, hash_type will still be ["0", "1"] (remember, each returns the value of the receiver). If you want the actual type values to be stored in hash_types, replace each with map and remove puts:
hash_type = hash["list"] {|key| hash["list"][key]["Type"]} #=> ["Clip", "Program"]

How to merge array index values and create a hash

I'm trying to convert an array into a hash by using some matching. Before converting the array into a hash, I want to merge the values like this
and create a hash from it. The rule is that, first value of the array is the key in Hash, in array there are repeating keys, for those keys I need to merge values and place it under one key. "Desc:" are keys. My program looks like this.
p 'test sample application'
str = "Desc:X1:C:CCCC:Desc:XXSC:xxxs:xswd:C:4524"
arr =
arr = str.split(":")
p arr
test_hash = Hash[*arr]
p test_hash
I could not find a way to figure it out. If any one can guide me, It will be thankful.
Functional approach with Facets:
require 'facets'
str.split(":").each_slice(2).map_by { |k, v| [k, v] }.mash { |k, vs| [k, vs.join] }
#=> {"Desc"=>"X1XXSC", "C"=>"CCCC4524", "xxxs"=>"xswd"}
Not that you cannot do it without Facets, but it's longer because of some basic abstractions missing in the core:
Hash[str.split(":").each_slice(2).group_by(&:first).map { |k, gs| [k,] }]
#=> {"Desc"=>"X1XXSC", "C"=>"CCCC4524", "xxxs"=>"xswd"}
A small variation on #Sergio Tulentsev's solution:
str = "Desc:X1:C:CCCC:Desc:XXSC:xxxs:xswd:C:4524"
str.split(':').each_slice(2).each_with_object({""}){|(k,v),h| h[k] += v}
# => {"Desc"=>"X1XXSC", "C"=>"CCCC4524", "xxxs"=>"xswd"}
str.split(':') results in an array; there is no need for initializing with arr =
each_slice(2) feeds the elements of this array two by two to a block or to the method following it, like in this case.
each_with_object takes those two elements (as an array) and passes them on to a block, together with an object, specified by:
({""}) This object is an empty Hash with special behaviour: when a key is not found then it will respond with a value of "" (instead of the usual nil).
{|(k,v),h| h[k] += v} This is the block of code which does all the work. It takes the array with the two elements and deconstructs it into two strings, assigned to k and v; the special hash is assigned to h. h[k] asks the hash for the value of key "Desc". It responds with "", to which "X1" is added. This is repeated until all elements are processed.
I believe you're looking for each_slice and each_with_object here
str = "Desc:X1:C:CCCC:Desc:XXSC:xxxs:xswd:C:4524"
hash = str.split(':').each_slice(2).each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), memo|
memo[key] ||= ''
memo[key] += value
hash # => {"Desc"=>"X1XXSC", "C"=>"CCCC4524", "xxxs"=>"xswd"}
Enumerable#slice_before is a good way to go.
str = "Desc:X1:C:CCCC:Desc:XXSC:xxxs:xswd:C:4524"
a = ["Desc","C","xxxs"] # collect the keys in a separate collection.
str.split(":").slice_before(""){|i| a.include? i}
# => [["Desc", "X1"], ["C", "CCCC"], ["Desc", "XXSC"], ["xxxs", "xswd"], ["C", "4524"]]
hsh = str.split(":").slice_before(""){|i| a.include? i}.each_with_object("")) do |i,h|
h[i[0]] += i[1]
# => {"Desc"=>"X1XXSC", "C"=>"CCCC4524", "xxxs"=>"xswd"}

Iterate hash for specific range

How to pass range in hash to iterate from index 1 to last?
h = {}
h[1..-1].each_pair do |key,value|
puts "#{key} = #{value}
This code returning error. how may i pass range in hash ??
I want to print first key and value without any calculations.
From second key and value i want to do some calculation on my hash.
For that i have written this code ...
store_content_in_hash containing key and values.
first_key_value = store_content_in_hash.shift
f.puts first_key_value[1]
store_content_in_hash.each_pair do |key,value|
store_content_in_hash[key].sort.each {|v| f.puts v }
Any better way to solve out this problem ??
In Ruby 1.9 only:
Given a hash:
h = { :a => :b, :c => :d, :e => :f }
Go Like this:
Hash[Array(h)[1..-1]].each_pair do |key, value|
# ...
This will iterate through the following hash { :c => :d, :e => f } as the first key/value pair is excluded by the range.
Hashes have no concept of order. There is no such thing as the first or second element in a hash.
So you can't do what you want with hashes.
Hash is not about the ranges. It's about key value pairs. In ruby 1.8 hash is unordered hence you can't be sure in which order the keys and values will be iterated over which makes "range" thing obsolete. And I believe that you're doing something wrong (tm) in this situation. Can you elaborate on your problem?
On the other note you're getting an error because square brackets in Hash instance accepts keys. So if your hash does not contain 1..-1 as a key - you will get nil value and nil does not respond to each_pair. Try this to get a hold on this:
h = {(1..-1) => {:foo => :bar}}
h[1..-1].each_pair do |key,value|
puts "#{key} = #{value}"
As others have pointed out, Hashes are not about order. It's true that 1.9 hashes are ordered, but that's just a convenience, not their primary feature.
If the order is important to you, just use arrays instead of hashes. In your case, an array of pairs (two-element arrays) seems to fit the purpose. And if you need to access it by key, you can always easily convert it to a hash using Hash#[] method.
