360 degree photo viewer - image

I have a photos that is taken by 360 degree lance now does anyone know how to create 360 degree photo viewer ?
please don't send the link of already developed softwares , it would be better if someone has
the road map / example code / articles.
Preferred Technologies Could be
Java/Flash/Flex/HTML 5 / javascript

Well I haven't done it myself yet but it basically boils down to projecting the photos you have to some camera surrounding primitive.
Easiest would be a cube but this will probably result in not so good results especially at the edges and corners. Better would be a sphere on which the images are projected.
But basically, adding 3D-primitives and mapping textures on it should easily be capable with Java or Flash. If you try to program it for browsers, have a look at WebGL. This would be a more future-oriented approach that doesn't need Flash... And it already provides good methods for texture mapping on surfaces.
If by 360° you only mean the horizontal plane you could also use a cylinder, which makes it much easier than projecting on spheres. You'll just need a wide panorama photo that goes around completely and map it to the cylinder.
So basically no matter which primitive you choose you'll need to position your camera within this primitive, project the photos to the primitive and implement some controls that allow the user to rotate the camera freely.
Can you provide any example photos? This would make it easier to find a way to solve your problem and find a good way of projecting the texture...
Hope that helps... if not, keep asking...


How to create splats from points with normals in three.js?

I am a newbie in both OpenGL as well as Three.js, I am working on a streaming based "on-line" viewer which uses websockets to transmit points (with surface normals) from one system application to a remote web interface. Long story short, I have modified BufferGeometry and use THREE.PointsMaterial to visualize incoming data with points.
Since I already am sending points locations [xyz], color [rgb] and normals [abc] so I would love to use technique such as surface-splatting Splatting. Unfortunately due to my limited knowledge and lack of internet resources can any one guide me to implement a very basic surface splatting technique using three.js?
Question: How to draw elliptical surfaces instead of points in three.js
Any help will be highly appreciated.
it would probably work using points if you compute the point-size per point such that the whole ellipsis fits in there and use the fragment-shader to compute the area of the ellipsis based on the viewing-angle (i suppose this is what you want to do, right?).
Alternatively, you can use instancing based on a simple quad and use instance-attributes for position and orientation of the quads. In this case, you just need to render a circle into each of the quads.

Create floor with dynamic soft reflections

Using three.js am trying to create a floor that reflects the objects that sit upon it. Preferably the floor material should reflect not like a mirror but in a more 'matte' or diffused way.
To achieve this I looked to Jaume Sanchez Elias who has made a great example using a cube camera: Look for the "smooth material" example on this page:
Here is my attempt using the same technique. But as you see the reflections are misplaced, they do not appear underneath the mountain objects as expected.
I am looking to correct this or to use any other technique that will achieve a more correct diffused reflection.
There are three.js examples using the cube camera technique but they all create mirror-like effects not a soft reflection.
Vibber. Parallax-corrected cubemaps, the technique used in cru·ci·form, only works for closed volumes, like cubes. It works really well to simulate correct reflections inside a room, but not so much for outdoors or open/large scenes. They also can't reflect anything that it's inside the cubemap, you'd have to split the volume in many sub-volumes.
I can think of a couple of solutions for what you want to achieve:
SSR: Screen-space reflections, you can find more info in many places on the internet. It's not the most trivial of effects to implement, and you might have to change the way you render your scene.
Simpler post-processing approach: since you have a flat floor, render the mountains vertically flipped on a framebuffer object, blur it, and render the regular scene on top. For extra effect, render the depth of the flipped mountains, and use that value as the blur radius, to get diffuse reflections.
As always, there's a ton of ways to achieve the (un)expected result :)

Google Maps-style quad-tree of materials on a single plane in Three.js – 1x1, 2x2, 4x4 and 8x8

I'm trying and failing to work out how to achieve a quad-tree of materials (images) on a single plane, much like a Google Maps-style zoomable tile that gets more accurate the closer you get.
In short, I want to be able to have a 1x1 image texture (covering a plane that is 256 units wide and tall) that can then be replaced with a 2x2 texture, that can then be replaced with a 4x4 texture, and so on.
Like the image example below…
Ideally, I want to avoid having to create a different plane for each zoom level / number of segments. A perfect solution would allow me to break a single plane into 8x8 segments (highest zoom) and update the number of textures on the fly. So it would start with a 1x1 texture across all 64 (8x8) segments, then change into a 2x2 texture with each texture covering 4x4 segments, and so on.
Unfortunately, I can't work out how to do this. I explored setting the materialIndex for each face but you aren't able to update those after the first render so that wouldn't work. I've tried looking into UV coordinates but I don't understand how it would work in this situation, nor how to actually implement that in Three.js – there is little in the way of documentation / examples for this specific case.
A vertex shader is another option that came up in research, but again I don't know enough to understand how to construct that.
I'd appreciate any and all help with this, it will be a technique that proves valuable for other Three.js users I'm sure.
Not 100% sure what you are trying to do, whether you are talking about texture atlasing (looking up and different textures based on current setting/zooms) but if you are looking for quad-tree based texturing that increases in detail as you zoom in then this is essentially what mipmaping is and does.
(It can be also be used to do all sorts of weird things because of that, but that's another adventure entirely)
Generally mipmapping is automatic based on the filtering you use - however it sounds like you need more control over it.
I created an example hidden away in the three.js source tree which may help:
Which shows you how to load each mipmap level in manually, rather than have it just be automatically generated.

Are there any C++ libraries for real-time animation of a 3D model using changing x,y coordinates of feature key points

I am working on a project where I am to use the Kinect to track facial expressions and animate a 3D model (.ply) accordingly.
So far I have managed to track a human face with a finite number of key-points on the face. I am able to get the coordinates of each key-point at every frame.
I am not very adept with animating techniques and general concepts of Mesh deformation and would really appreciate if one could provide a library which provides a high-level API so as to do said animation using x,y coordinates of key-points.
I am aware of CUBICA but unsure whether it can be used for what I want. Please excuse me as I am not very adept with this and would appreciate any help.
I too am looking for something that would do this (with .NET if possible), so I could hook Kinect up, set the position of each joint and see the character animate - without needing to set the position and angle of each bone which quickly gets very complex when you take into account the X,Y and Z positions.
So far my research has lead me to believe I will need a 3D engine that supports inverse kinematics - if anyone else had any better advice I'd be keen to hear it.

Is there a way to pre-render a virtual panoramic scene?

I would like to put a photorealistic virtual scene on a tablet so when the user rotates the tablet, it shows as if the tablet is a window to an virtual world.
Pre-rendered scenes can be rendered photorealistic, while real-time rendering has a "computer-made look". Given that for one scene, the POV can be rotated but not translated in space, is it possible that a pre-rendered virtual panoramic scene give an immersive impression?
I doubt that this is easy, since rotating the view point will cause some sort of distortion. This kind of distortion is easy for apps like Starwalk, but difficult for photos. Can anyone point me out a direction?
I know that this will be tremendously easy for restricting motion in only one direction, but I would like the user to have a full 3d experience.
You need to either warp the photographs before applying them as textures to your "sky dome" or use non uniform texture coordinates. If done right this will even out most of the distortions giving a more realistic appearance.
Another alternative is to use more photographs so that you are only actually using the central area of each one.
I've found that http://code.google.com/p/panoramagl/ can render cubic, spherical and cylindrical panoramic images, so the problem transforms to how to make render a panorama which can be solved by stitching. I will still leave this answer open to see if anyone else has better answers.
