swiftmailer - failures by reference? - swiftmailer

I am using swiftmailer
Currently to record failures I use
if(!$mailer->send()) //failed
I am aware that you can do
Pass a by-reference variable name to the send() or batchSend() methods of the Mailer class.
If the Transport rejects any of the recipients, the culprit addresses will be added to the >array provided by-reference.
My question is,
Does if(!$mailer->send()) catch bounces?
i send my emails one at a time as they all have modified contents, so I am never sending to more that one address at a time.
are there any benefits to me specifically by using the second method?

There's no benefit to you if sending a customised message per recipient. send() does not catch bounces. SMTP can accept messages initially and later bounce them to the address specified in your return path header. You have to be able to read the bounce account in script or have a mail filter redirect the bounce email to a script to handle bounces automatically.


Fire Message Event Only when These other Messages have been sent

I'm working on architecting a micro-service solution where most code will be C# and most likely Angular for any front end. My question is about message chaining. I am still figuring out what message broker to use; Azure Service Bus , RabbitMQ, etc.. There is a concept which I haven't found much about.
How do I handle cases when I want to fire a message when a specific set of messages have fired. An example but not part of my actual solution: I want to say Notify someone when pays a bill. We send a message "PAIDBILL"
which will fire off microservices which will be processed independently:
FinanceService to Debit the ledger and fire "PaymentPosted"
EmailService: email Customer Saying thank you for paying the bill
DiscountService: Check if they get a discount for paying on time then send
If all three messages have fired for the Same PAIDBILL: Message "PaymentPosted", "CustomerPaymentEmailSent", "CustomerCanGetPaymentDiscount"
then I want to email the customer that they will get a discount on their next bill. It Must be done AFTER all three have tiggered and the order doesn't matter. How do I Schedule a new message to be sent "EmailNextTimeDiscount" message, without having to poll for what messages have fired every minute, hour, day?
All I can think of is to have a SQL table which marks that each one is complete (by locking the table) and when the last one is filled then send off the message. Would this be a good solution? I find it an anti-pattern for the micro-service & message queue design.
If you're using messages (e.g. Service Bus / RabbitMQ), then I think the solution you have described is the best one. This type of design - where services have knowledge about the other domains in the system - is typically known as choreography.
You'll want to pick a service which will be responsible for this business logic. That service will need to receive all the preceding types of messages so that it can determine when (if) all have been met, which it probably wants to do by recording which of the gates have already passed in a database.
One alternative you could consider is chaining the business processes instead of doing them in parallel. So...
PAYBILL causes FinanceService to Debit the ledger and fire "PaymentPosted"
"PayentPosted" causes EmailService to email Customer Saying thank you for paying the bill and broadcasts "CustomerPaymentEmailSent"
"CustomerPaymentEmailSent" causes DicsountService to check if they get a discount for paying on Time then sends "CustomerCanGetPaymentDiscount"
The email you want to send is just triggered by "CustomerCanGetPaymentDiscount".
If I'm honest, I would switch around the dependency model you're using at this last stage. So, instead of some component listening for "CustomerCanGetPaymentDiscount" events from DiscountService and sending an email, I think I would instead have the DiscountService tell some other component to send an email. It seems natural to me for something that calculates discounts to know that an email should be sent. It seems less natural for something that sends emails to know about discounts (and everything else that needs emails sent). This is why I don't like architectures where the assumption is that every message should be an event and every action should be triggered by an event: it removes a lot of decisions about where domain logic can live, because the message receiver always has to know about the domain of the message sender, never vice versa.

Validation within a asynchronous SAGA pattern - CQRS & DDD

Let's consider the flow below:
API client calls [POST] /api/v1/invitation/:InvitationId/confirm
Confirm the invitation within a SAGA
Eventually raise an InvitationConfirmed event to indicate success
We are some troubles finding a good place to validate the "event" we pass to the SAGA. For instance, we want to make sure that:
- The specified InvitationId exists
- The corresponding invitation is not expired or already processed
We tried a couple of things:
Fire a command:
Fire a command RequestInvitationConfirmation
Handle synchronously this command and return an error if the command is not valid OR otherwise raise the InvitationConfirmationRequested event.
The rest of the flow is the same
- Requires us to follow a "request/response" pattern (synchronous within the HTTP request lifetime)
Raise an event:
Raise an event InvitationConfirmationRequested
Within the SAGA, query the Invitation service and perform the validations. If the command is not valid, we publish an event InvitationConfirmationFailed
- As far as I understand SAGA should be used to orchestrate the flow. Here we are introducing the concept of "validation". I'm not sure it's the recommended approach.
Validation is a very common concept. How would you handle it in a distributed fully asynchronous system?
Important point in the design of this system is: "Who is the client of this API?".
If this client is an internal Service or Application that's one thing (as in a distributed app, microservices etc.).
If the API is used by third party client's, that's another thing.
Short answer
If the API is used internally between Services, sending a command with invalid Id in the system is a fault, so it should be logged and examined by the system developers. Also cases like these should be accounted for by having a manual way of fixing them (by some administrative backend). Log these kinds of stuff and notify developers.
If the API is used from third party apps, then it matters how responsibilities are separated between the API and the other part of the system that it uses. Make the API responsible for validation and don't send commands with invalid id's. Treat command with invalid ID's like fault, as in the first case. In this case if you use asynchronous flow, you will need a way to communicate with the third party app to notify it. You can use something like WebHooks.
For the second part of the validations check these series of blog posts and the original paper.
Long answer
If you search around you will see a lot of discussions on errors and validations, so here's my take on that.
Since we do separation of other parts of our systems, it's seems natural to separate the types of error that we have. You can check this paper on that topic.
Let's define some error types.
Domain Errors
Application Errors
Technical Errors (database connections lost etc.)
Because we have different types of errors, the validation should be performed from different parts of our systems.
Also the communication of these errors can be accomplished by different mechanisms depending on:
the requester of the operation and the receiver
the communication channel used
the communication type: synchronous or asynchronous
Now the validations that you have are:
Validate that an Invitation with the specified Id exists
Validate that the Invitation has not expired
Validate that the Invitation is not already processed (accepted, rejected etc.)
How this is handled will depend on how we separate the responsibilities in our application. Let's use the DesignByContract principle and define clear rules what each layer (Domain, Application etc.) should expect from the other ones.
Let's define a rule that a Command containing an InvitationId that doesn't correspond to an existing Invitation should not be created and dispatched.
NOTE the terminology used here can vary vastly depending of what type of architecture is used on the project (Layered Architecture, Hexagonal etc.)
This forces the CommandCreator to validate that an Invitation exists with the specified Id before dispatching the command.
In the case with the API, the RouteHandler (App controller etc.) that will accept the request will have to:
perform this validation himself
delegate to someone else to do the validation
Let's further define that this is part of our ApplicationLayer (or module, components etc. doesn't matter how it's called, so I'll use Layer) and make this an ApplicationError. From here we can do it in many different ways.
One way is to have a DispatchConfirmInvitationCommandApplicationService that will ask the DomainLayer if an Invitation with the requested Id exists and raise an error (throw exception for example) if it doesn't. This error will be handled by the RouteHandler and will be send back to the requester.
You can use both a sync and async communication. If it's async you will need to create a mechanism for that. You can refer to EnterpriseIntegrationPatterns for more information on this.
The main point here is: It's not part of the Domain
From here on, everyone else in our system should consider that the invitation with the specified Id in the ConfirmInvitationCommand exists. If it doesn't, it's treated like a fault in the system and should be checked by developers and/or administrators. There should be a manual way (an administrative backend) to cancel such invalid commands, so this must be taken into account when developing the system, bu treated like a fault in the system.
The other two validations are part of the Domain.
So let's say you have a
Invitation aggregate
Let's make them these aggregates communicate with messages. Let's define these types of messages:
Here's the basic flow:
ConfirmInvitationCommand starts a InvitationConfirmationSaga
InvitationConfirmationSaga send RequestConfirmInvitation message to Invitation
And then:
If the Invitation is expired it sends InvitationExpired message to InvitationConfirmationSaga
If the Invitation is processed it sends InvitationAlreadyProcessed message to InvitationConfirmationSaga
If the Invitation is not expired it, it's accepted and it sends InvitationAccepted message to InvitationConfirmationSaga
InvitationConfirmationSaga will receive these messages and raise events accordingly.
This way you keep the domain logic in the Domain, in this case the Invitation Aggregate.
You have a command ConfirmInvitation containing InvitationId. You send it to your Invitation domain from InvaitationAppService. Your Invitation domain should look like this
public void ConfirmInvitation()
if (this.Status == InvitationStatus.Confirmed)
throw new InvalidInvitationException("Requested invitation has already been confirmed");
//check more business logic here
this.Status = InvitationStatus.Confirmed;
Publish(new InviationConfirmedEvent(...));
Your InvitationAppService should have something like below:
public void ConfirmInvitation(Guid invitationId)
// rehydrate your domain from eventstore
var invitation = repo.GetById<Invitation>(invitationId);
if (invitation == null)
throw new InvalidInvitationException("Invalid Invitation requested");
invitation.ConfirmInvitation(new ConfirmInvitation(...));
You don't need to introduce a new event InvitationConfirmationRequested. DDD is an approach in which your domain/business validation should reside inside domains. Don't try to fit other patterns or technologies in your domain. Validating your domain inside saga(which is used to orchestrate distribute transactions across the services) might create complexities and chaos

What is the difference between metadata.FromOutgoingContext and metadata.FromIncomingContext?

If you are in a middle-ware that both receives the context and maybe append some data to context to send it to the next interceptor, then which of the two methods i.e. metadata.FromOutgoingContext and metadata.FromIncomingContext shall be called?
If you are writing that middle-ware in the server, then you are receiving that metadata in the incoming request.
You should then use metadata.FromIncomingContext to get the metadata at that point.
The metadata in the "outgoing context" is the one generated by the client when sending an outgoing request to the server.
See here for examples of both:

How to get message_id of emails sent using transmission?

We're moving from Mandrill to SparkPost. We figured that SparkPost's transmission is the closest thing to Mandrill's send-template message call.
Mandrill responded to those calls with a list of ids and statuses for each email. On the other hand SparkPost returns a single id and summary statistics (number of emails that were sent and number of emails that failed). Is there some way to get those ids and statuses out of the transmission response or at all?
you can get the message IDs for messages sent using the tranmissions API two ways:
Query the message events API, which allows you to filter by recipients, template IDs, campaign IDs, and other values
Use webhooks - messages are sent to your endpoint in batches, and each object in the batch contains the message ID
Which method you choose really depends on your use case. It's essentially poll (message events) vs. push (webhooks). There is no way to get the IDs when you send the transmission because they are sent asynchronously.
Querying message events API, while a viable option, would needlessly complicate our simple solution. On the other hand we very much want to use Webhooks, but not knowing which message they relate to would be troublesome...
The missing link was putting our own id in rcpt_meta. Most of the webhooks we care about do contain rcpt_meta, so we can substitute message_id with that.
I'm stacked too in this problem..
using rcpt_meta solution would be perfect if substitution would work on rcpt_meta but it's not the case.
So, in case of sending a campaign, I cannot specify all recipients inline but have to make a single API call for every message, wich is bad for - say - 10/100k recipients!
But now, all transmission_id are unique for every SINGLE recipient, so I have the missing key and rcpt_meta is not needed anymore.
so the key to be used when receiving a webhook is composed:
transmission_id **AND** rcpt_to

How to get intermediate response from server?

I am trying to check pop and smtp values entered by user.. I wish to validate that pop and smtp say for example(pop.gmail.com,smtp.gmail.com) which is entered by user is correct or wrong.
For that I am sending only one request to server by taking both pop and smtp values entered by user which will do two tasks
1. Checks user entered pop by making connection to that particular server ,
2. Checks user entered smtp by sending 1 mail to some dummy mail id..
I finished all these tasks..
But now what my requirement is, I have to show the user after validating each thing.. I mean in ui i have to show as
POP connection Checked.. ok
smtp connection Checked.. ok like that.
But i sent only one request to server for doing both these tasks..So i need to get intermediate status from server after finishing each tasks..So only i can update in client side UI.. But i don't know is it possible to get intermediate responses from server for a single request... Any idea friends? If so can you come up with a little bit of code...
Expecting the suggestions?
you should take a look in the long polling technique, it is possible to retrieve partial response but it doesn't work on all browsers.
You can use HEAD request instead of GET or POST which only return HTTP header
Slightly off topic - but sending a dummy mail can be "dangerous".
Many servers "note" if you try and send to a local address, which does not exist. For example - if the server's domain is "whatever.com" and you send to a random address, say aaa#whatever.com, and "aaa" is not a valid user, then the server notices this.
The server may then take an action like blocking you, as a sender, for a period of time. (This helps to reduce spam from dictionary attacks.) So your "test" ends up effectively blocking the real mail from being delivered.
The reverse is also true. Let's say you try to send to an external address, which you know is valid (your own email address for example) as the test. In this case the from address must be a valid internal address. If you use an invalid internal address, or worse an address which is not internal, it's likely the server will refuse to deliver the mail (at best) and at worst again institute a temporary block.
The key factor in both these situations is that although the SMTP protocol is very "loose", SMTP servers watch very closely for "bad behavior" because this is one way of distinguishing a spamming program. So any hide of "incorrect" behavior can lead to it arbitrarily refusing to accept your mails (usually for a limited period of time.)
Incidentally, back to your original question.
Both of your tests are pretty much instantaneous. Even if the email server is on the other side of the world you can do both checks inside a couple seconds. So chances are even if you send back 2 packets, to the user they'll appear as "arriving together". And since 1 request from the browser can only handle 1 response from the server you would need to send the response in 2 packets.
ie do first test - send first part of response - do second test - send second part of response.
For a normal HTTP packet this is no big deal. Do some sort of flush / send after the first response is ready, and then again after the second response. The browser is used to displaying partial pages as they arrive.
However for an AJAX request you'll need to get into your framework at quite a low level. Most frameworks, that I'm aware of, require the incoming Async packet to be "complete" before they start to parse it. This is especially true if the packet is formatted as say xml where partial parsing is useless in pretty much all cases.
