Run method on main thread from another thread - cocoa

My model class has to get some data from the internet. So I decided to run it on another thread so the ui doesn't freeze.
So when an object wants some data it first asks the model using a method of this type:
- (void)giveMeSomeData:(id)object withLabel:(id)label {
objectAsking= object;
theLabel= label;
NSThread* thread= [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:#selector(getTheDataFromInternet) object:nil];
[thread start];
- (void)getTheDataFromInternet {
//getting data...
theData= [dataFromInternet retain]; //this is the data the object asked for
[self returnObjectToAsker];
- (void)returnObjectToAsker {
[objectAsking receiveData:theData withLabel:theLabel];
As I'm still a newbie, can you tell me if it's a good pattern?

Your setup is pretty much correct. You never want to initiate any sort of network connection on the main thread.
As it currently stands, -returnObjectToAsker will be executed on the background thread.
You'd probably be interested in -[NSObject performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:].
Or if you wanted to something with Grand Central Dispatch (iOS 4+, Mac OS X 10.6+), you could do:
#import <dispatch/dispatch.h>
- (void)giveMeSomeData:(id)object withLabel:(id)label {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(0,0), ^{
//this runs on a background thread
//get data from the internet
dataFromTheInternet = ...;
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[object receiveData:dataFromTheInternet withLabel:label];
//this runs on the main thread. Use theData
Since the blocks capture their environment, you wouldn't even have to save off object and label into ivars. :)


Using Apple Activity Tracing

Apple introduced Activity Tracing to support debugging asynchronous code. I have some difficulties using it properly. My example scenario is a small MacOS app just downloading a file:
- (IBAction)actionDownload:(NSButton *)sender {
os_log_t logDemo = os_log_create("ActivityTracingDemo", "demo");
os_log_debug(logDemo, "actionDownload start (1)");
os_activity_t actTop = os_activity_create(
"HTTP Download",
os_activity_apply(actTop, ^{
os_log_debug(logDemo, "actionDownload start");
(int64_t)(2 * NSEC_PER_SEC)),
dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
"actionDownload two second later");
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:
// Get the current activity (or create a new one,
// if no current activity exists):
os_activity_t act = os_activity_create(
"HTTP Response",
NSURLSessionDownloadTask *downloadPhotoTask =
[ [NSURLSession sharedSession]
completionHandler:^(NSURL *location,
NSURLResponse *response,
NSError *error)
os_activity_apply(act, ^{
// Now the same activity is active,
// that initiated the download.
os_log_debug(logDemo, "actionDownload received data (restored activity)");
os_log_debug(logDemo, "actionDownload received data");
[downloadPhotoTask resume];
Filtering for my messages in I am getting:
Obviously NSURLSession does not call the completionHandler with the same activity active that initiated the download. I had to manually apply that activity within the callback. Is there a better way to do this? I thought that activities are designed to trace things across process. In that case it is not even working inside the same process without doing some extra work.
In the activity view of the Console.appI am getting:
The tree view looks promising, to get a quick overview about what application scenarios are triggered. Initially I thought that it is not
necessary to apply a new activity in an action callback and instead it would be possible to use os_activity_label_useraction to get the scenario displayed in Console.appactivity view on top level. Obviously that's not the case. I can't find that label in any log.
My solution is to create a new detached activity in actionDownload. This activity is visible on top level in the Console.appactivity view. What I dislike with this solution are two things:
First, I had to explicitly create a new activity with a new scope. This adds lots of noise to the source code. I have many very short action methods in my project. Also the messages view works without this. There I am just getting what I am interested in by filtering for subsystem, category and activity id.
Second, the connection to the initiating activity gets lost.
Would be great to get some hints about how to properly use Activity Tracing and especially the hierarchy thingy.

Why would method swizzling be bypassed by the screen saver?

I'm developing a screensaver for Mac OS X and I need to do some method swizzling so I made a small experiment:
#implementation CAHTTPCookieStorage
+ (void) highjack {
NSLog(#"Attempting to highjack cookies.");
Class originalClass = [NSHTTPCookieStorage class];
Method originalMeth = class_getClassMethod(originalClass, #selector(sharedHTTPCookieStorage));
Method replacementMeth = class_getClassMethod([self class], #selector(patchedSharedHTTPCookieStorage));
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMeth, replacementMeth);
+ (NSHTTPCookieStorage*) patchedSharedHTTPCookieStorage {
NSLog(#"Cookies have been highjacked!!!!");
return [CAHTTPCookieStorage patchedSharedHTTPCookieStorage];
I'm calling CAHTTPCookieStorage.highjack() from my app from AppDelegate.init() and from my screensaver from the ScreenSaverViewSubclass.init(...). While running my app or the screensaver in preview mode (inside the system preferences), it works fine, but when I run it as a proper screensaver I can see the message "Attempting to highjack cookies." but never "Cookies have been highjacked!!!!".
Any ideas what might be going wrong? Maybe an issue with threads? is method swizzling per thread?
Further investigation on this proved that this was true only in 10.10 in dual monitor mode but not in 10.9 with two monitors or 10.10 with a single monitor. I'm not sure what caused it, but using the +load method for doing the swizzling solved it:
+ (void) load {
NSLog(#"Attempting to highjack cookies.");
Class originalClass = [NSHTTPCookieStorage class];
Method originalMeth = class_getClassMethod(originalClass, #selector(sharedHTTPCookieStorage));
Method replacementMeth = class_getClassMethod([self class], #selector(patchedSharedHTTPCookieStorage));
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMeth, replacementMeth);

How to properly use Cocos2d's update/tick method to trigger an event, only once?

I keep running into this issue wherein I'd like to trigger an event (void) during a scheduled update or tick method - but only trigger it once. The problem is that it gets triggered every time update/tick gets called (each frame). Depending on what method is being called, this slows down the game and occasionally crashes (e.g. addChild already added). I've used a BOOL (e.g. eventTriggered) before to try to handle this situation but am wondering if that is the only and/or best way?
If you're using cocos2d 2.0 just use:
[self scheduleOnce:#selector(yourMethod:) delay:3.0f];
In all other cases simply unschedule the scheduled selector:
-(void) yourScheduledMethodThatShouldOnlyRunOnce:(ccTime)delta
[self unschedule:_cmd];
// do stuff once
If it's a custom method you need to have some condition that fires the method call, for example:
-(void) update:(ccTime)delta
if (runThisNowButOnlyOnce)
runThisNowButOnlyOnce = NO;
[self runThisNowButOnlyOnceMethod];
You just need to figure out when and where to set runThisNowButOnlyOnce to YES. Also don't forget to add it as an ivar to the #interface.

Get variable from void function in Objective C

I'm VERY new to Objective C and iOS development (like 5 hours new :-). I've got some code that calls an API to authenticate a user and returns a simple OK or FAIL. I can get the result to write to the console but what I need to do is get that result as part of my IBAction.
Here's the IBAction code:
- (IBAction) authenticateUser
[txtEmail resignFirstResponder];
[txtPassword resignFirstResponder];
[self performAuthentication];
if (authResult == #"OK")
What I need is for authResult to be the JSON result (OK or FAIL). Here is the code that gets the result:
- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection
[connection release];
NSString *responseString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:responseData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(#"%#", responseString);
[responseData release];
NSMutableDictionary *jsonResult = [responseString JSONValue];
if (jsonResult != nil)
NSString *jsonResponse = [jsonResult objectForKey:#"Result"];
NSLog(#"%#", jsonResponse);
Thank you so much for any help and sorry if I'm missing something obvious!
I'm a little confused as to what's going on here... it looks like your -performAuthentication method must start an asynchronous network request via NSURLConnection, and your connection's delegate's -connectionDidFinishLoading: gets to determine the result of the request. So good so far? But your -authenticateUser method expects authResult to be determined as soon as -performAuthentication returns. If the network request is asynchronous, that's not going to happen. If I'm following you, I think you need to do the following:
Fix up -connectionDidFinishLoading: so that it actually sets authResult based on the Result value in jsonResponse. I'm sure you'd get around to this at some point anyway.
Change -authenticateUser such that it doesn't expect to have an answer immediately. You've got to give the network request a chance to do its thing.
Add another method, possibly called -authenticationDidFinish or something along those lines. Everything currently in -authenticateUser from the 'if (authResult...' to the end goes in this new method.
Call the new method from -connectionDidFinishLoading:.
Fix your string comparison. If you want to compare two strings in Cocoa, you say (for example):
if ([authResult isEqualToString:#"OK") { }

Simple NSSpeechRecognizer code, not working!

I noticed NSSpeechRecognizer in ADC library and I found it to be very interesting, so to play with it I prepared a simple application which will just listen the command and if recognized it displays it in log.
The code used is:
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
// Insert code here to initialize your application
NSArray *cmds = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"A",#"B", #"C",#"alpha",#"beta",#"vodka",#"wine",nil];
recog = [[NSSpeechRecognizer alloc] init]; // recog is an ivar
[recog setCommands:cmds];
[recog setDelegate:self];
return self;
- (IBAction)listen:(id)sender
{ NSLog(#"listen:");
if ([sender state] == NSOnState) { // listen
[recog startListening];
} else {
[recog stopListening];
- (void)speechRecognizer:(NSSpeechRecognizer *)sender didRecognizeCommand:(id)aCmd {
NSLog(#"speechRecognizer: %#",(NSString *)aCmd);
I tried it many times for the commands registered but I was unable to get none of the messages in log, in delegate :(
There was always some noise in the background.. could this be the reason for it or I have done something wrong in the code??
Can anyone suggest me some solution for it??
Code looks fine so far.
The NSSpeechRecognizer is a bit tricky sometimes and refuses to listen to the right words. Did you try different words?
Did you try setting startListening as default?
I wrote a little tutorial some time ago. Its in german language but maybe it will help you anyway or you use some translation tool.
