Run sql script files from inside of setup project - visual-studio-2010

I need to build an add-on using Setup Project in VS 2010. The setup file should run sql script files that are inside of Setup project and copy/replace necessary assemblies into desired folder.
What is the best approach to do this?
Thank you.

The best option would be to implement a Custom Action on the installer and then do whatever you need to from there. You can embed the script files in the installer package by setting their type as "Embedded Resource" in the project. Maybe have a look at this page from the MSDN library:


Specifying supported project extension in Visual studio installer project

I have completed packaging my application using VS installer and it works fine. However i want on double click some file extension like .vfx my application should launch automatically. Is there any direct property which i can set or i have to write script.
In the VS Setup Project, go to View->Editor->File types, and that's where you add your extension. There's some documentation here:

Visual Studio copys .config file to bin on build, but MSBuild does not

I have a WebAPI project in Visual Studio 2013. If I build the project in Visual Studio, in the bin/ directory I see a file called MyProject.dll.config, which represents the web.config file at build time.
However, if I execute MSBuild from the command line, the .config file is missing, but all other files are present.
> msbuild.exe /t:build /v:q /p:Configuration=Debug /nologo \
What gives? Why isn't the .config copied?
For deploying a web project or a web api project, the fact that there's no $(TargetName)$(TargetExt).config isn't a big deal. At run-time, IIS will use Web.config to figure out everything it needs for your assembly.
If you're using a Web App or Web Api project as the basis for testing* then you can hit some snags. In particular, when it comes to assembly binding redirects (as is the case with something within the bowels of MVC which still relies on Newtonsoft.Json 4.5.0 when the current version at time of writing is 7.0.0). A colleague had a similar issue with another assembly his test project was depending on.
Now when you run your tests through Visual Studio (eg, via Resharper), they all work just fine. However, when your tests get to the CI server and they are run by nunit-console, you'll see assembly load errors. Not pretty. This is because of the described behaviour where VS is sneakily copying the .config file to the correct output and msbuild isn't. However, you can work around this with a post-build build event:
copy $(ProjectDir)Web.Config $(TargetDir)$(TargetName)$(TargetExt).config
This has resolved my issues with redirects. I hope it helps someone else.
You may ask "Why use a Web App or Web API project as your test project?". A Web* project is a lot more comfortable to deal with as a base for a test project which deals with .net assemblies and JavaScript tests as JavaScript is properly recognised (syntax highlighting) and there's a Scripts folder which has the quick "Add -> Javascript File" menu item for itself and descendant folders, so I prefer to use this instead of a plain Class Library project.
When I create a WebAPI project the web.config Copy to Output Directory is set to Do Not Copy by default. Did you select the Web.config in Solution Explorer and set this to a copy action?
I'm at a loss to explain why it seems to copy for you with the IDE build but NOT the msbuild cmd you show, this is not the behavior I see with a fresh WebAPI project in 2013.

VS2012 Solution Open scripting or automation

I need to copy standard component DLLs into a standard folder defined in every VS2012 project when the project is opened. We're not allowed to store DLLs in Subversion so I need to reload this folder every time a developer opens the project/solution. I'm looking for an automation solution that will pull DLLs from a centralized location and copy them into the developer's solution. I looked at Visual Studio Extensions but it seems like an awful lot of work just to copy a couple of files. Are there any other hooks in VS2012 (and hopefully VS2010) where I can code simple PowerShell scripts to copy these files?
It turns out AntHillPro has it's own functionality for storing common DLLs and loading them into folders in your Solution before building. It's not as elegant as an MSBuild pre-build task but it fits in with the model followed by our Java builds with some slight tweaking.
Why you just do no use Nuget? Adding nuget reference and enable nuget restore on build will do exactly what you need. You can create nuget repository as shared folder.

Deploying apps created using QuickBooks SDK

I have written an application that interfaces with QB Pro in VB6. I would now like to deploy it to the client's system. What are the DLLs and/or MSMs that I should include in the installer?
I am using the Visual Studio Installer to create the MSI.
Thank you in advance for any advice.
You don't want to install copies of the Intuit SDK DLLs. The merge modules you need are in the SDK, in path Program Files\Intuit\QBSDK\tools. In this directory you will find both stand-alone installation executables and merge modules. In the MergeModules directory, you will find merge modules for both QBFC and QBXMLRP2.
If you are using Visual Studio to create an MSI the best way to add the correct merge modules is to add the Intuit SDK MergeModules directory to the search path of your setup project. To do this, select the project in project explorer, then click the property pane or hit F4. This should bring you to the setup project properties where you should be able to see the SearchPath property.
Once you have added the MergeModules directory to SearchPath, you should see the merge modules added automatically in the Detected Dependencies folder of your setup project. You will see both the Intuit module (either QBFC or QBXMLRP2) and also the xerces parser merge module (the Xerces parser is used by the SDK).

How to update assembly assembly references in a web site?

I'm making a build using FinalBuilder Pro 7.
I've an ASP.NET web site and I'm trying to use FinalBuilder's "Precompile 2.0 Application" action. Well, It fails.
To build it successfully I need to run Visual Studio, open the web site and either build it manually from within VS or manually update all references. After that it works.
Now the question: How to force FinalBuilder to update those references? Even if I create web deployment project associated with the web site and try to build it with msbuild action it would fail for the same reason. Somehow neither action updates references automatically.
Update: OK. Maybe I need to force msbuild to update references. How to do that?
I found some properties that I can change at msbuild action.
On called ResolveAssemblyReferencesDependsOn I tried to put the value = true. Didn't help.
Any ideas?
There are different types of projects in .NET like library project, website project, web API project etc. As you mentioned in your question it is a website project, so I am going to give you a solution for website project.
You can build a project by two ways. Either you can build by visual studio or you can build by using MS Build. If you build your project by using VS, you can update references of your dependencies by executing the command "Update-Package -reinstall" in package manager console. It will reinstall all the packages automatically.
Please note that, all your dependencies are listed in packages.config file.
Secondly if you have to build your project by MS Build using cmd prompt, to load all the dependencies from nuget, you have to execute nuget.exe. By which all your dependencies will be loaded, but their references may not be updated. So in website project you do not have .proj file. So you can't have access to the references of your dependencies. Now problem is that how you can modify your dependencies references?
In website project reference of an assembly exists in its .refresh file. So you have to modify that .refresh file to update the reference of an assembly in website project.
Have you tried using the 'Build VS.NET Solution' or 'MSBuild Project' actions? Both should resolve your assembly references, provided the reference is set to the right location. This requires that you at least have a project file.
As I understand it, the Precompile action (which uses the MS aspnet_compile.exe - see is designed to re-compile an application which has previously been built via VS or MSBuild. It does either an in-place compile to improve performance for the first user that hits the site, or creates a deployable application (removing source code etc). It's not meant as an alternative to VS/MSBuild.
I'm not 100% sure I understand the problem, but I believe you need to be able to correct some pathing on an assembly reference automatically.
I created a project to handle this (along with some other things):
