Ruby On Rails XML to View - model-view-controller

I have a controller with an API request showing all my Google Docs.
feed = client.get('').to_xml
feed.elements.each('entry') do |entry|
puts 'title: ' + entry.elements['title'].text
puts 'type: ' + entry.elements['category'].attribute('label').value
puts 'updated: ' + entry.elements['updated'].text
puts 'id: ' + entry.elements['id'].text
# Extract the href value from each <atom:link>
links = {}
entry.elements.each('link') do |link|
links[link.attribute('rel').value] = link.attribute('href').value
puts links.to_s
So, I can see the results in my console but how do I get them into my view?
I tried with something like this, but that doesn't work (I changed my variable in the controller to an accessor of course)
<% feed.elements.each('entry') do
|entry| %> <%
entry.elements['title'].text %> <%
end %>

First, in your controller, make feed an instance variable. IE: it should be:
#feed = client.get..... instead of feed = client.get....
If that doesn't fix it... I don't know your API for sure, but I suspect you may need to be using:
<% #feed.elements.each('entry') do |entry| %> <% entry['title'] %> <% end %>
Note: entry['title'] instead of entry.elements['title'].text
What your current code indicates is that the feed is structured like this:
feed.elements[0].elements['attr'].text, when it's probably just feed.elements[0]['attr']
Does that make sense? Try that and see what happens.
If that doesn't work, just put: debug(#feed) in your view and copy and paste it to the end of your question. That'll help us figure out the right way to access this info.

Problem solved. Because I use 'puts' in the controller to show the content of the feed in the console I also have to change that for the view. Of course, puts is equal to <%= ... %>.
<% #feed.elements.each('entry') do |entry| %>
<li><%= 'title: ' + entry.elements['title'].text %></li>
<% end %>


How to concatenate #something inside a render function in a template

I have this function in my template:
<%= for {element, id} <- Enum.with_index(MyProject.PageView.Recursion.buildElements(#header_linkNumber),1) do %>
<%= render FabricaASA.ComponentView, #header_linkType,
button_id: "#{id}",
button_mainStyle: #header_mainStyle
<% end %>
Now I would like to concatenate, on my right side, #header_mainStyle + id so that from other template, for each created element, I could pass: header_mainStyle1, header_mainStyle2,...header_mainStyleN
Also, on the left side, where I have button_mainStyle: I would like to concatenate #header_linkType + _mainStyle: so that I could dynamically change it to, link_mainStyle: or button_mainStyle:
Up to now I wasn't able to do it properly...
I'm afraid you are doing something wrong if you need such thing. Maybe there's a simpler solution...
Anyway: since some version of Phoenix (I'm sorry I don't know which one precisely, maybe 1.0?), #-variables are stored in #conn.assigns map and you can access them by name there. In older versions, these variables were macros and this kind of magic did not work.
So you can try to put this into the controller:
def index(conn, _params) do
render conn, "index.html", [var1: "var1"]
and this into the page template:
<p>var1: <%= #var1 %></p>
<%= for i <- 1..10 do %>
<p>var<%= i %>:<p>
varname = "var#{i}" |> String.to_atom
inspect(#conn.assigns[varname]) %>
<% end %> will see var1 to var10 bindings (screenshot: But it's little bit black magic and probably wrong approach.

Ruby - trying to make hashtags within string into links

I am trying to make the hashtags within a string into links.
e.g. I'd like a string that's currently: "I'm a string which contains a #hashtag" to transform into: "I'm a string which contains #hashtag"
The code that I have at the moment is as follows:
<% #messages.each do |message| %>
<% string = message.content %>
<% hashtaglinks = string.scan(/#(\d*)/).flatten %>
<% hashtaglinks.each do |tag| %>
<li><%= string = string.gsub(/##{tag}\b/, link_to("google", "##{tag}") %><li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
I've been trying (in vain) for several hours to get this to work, reading through many similar stackoverflow threads- but frustration has got the better of me, and as a beginner rubyist, I'd be really appreciate it if someone could please help me out!
The code in my 'server.rb' is as follows:
get '/' do
#messages = Message.all
erb :index
post '/messages' do
content = params["content"]
hashtags = params["content"].scan(/#\w+/){|hashtag|
Hashtag.first_or_create(:text => hashtag)}
Message.create(:content => content, :hashtags => hashtags)
redirect to('/')
get '/hashtags/:text' do
hashtag = Hashtag.first(:text => params[:text])
#messages = hashtag ? hashtag.messages : []
erb :index
helpers do
def link_to(url,text=url,opts={})
attributes = ""
opts.each { |key,value| attributes << key.to_s << "=\"" << value << "\" "}
"<a href=\"#{url}\" #{attributes}>#{text}</a>"
Here is the code to get you started. This should replace (in-place) the hashtags in the string with the links:
<% string.gsub!(/#\w+/) do |tag| %>
<% link_to("##{tag}", url_you_want_to_replace_hashtag_with) %>
<% end %>
You may need to use html_safe on the string to display it afterwards.
The regex doesn't account for more complex cases, like what do you do in case of ##tag0 or #tag1#tag2. Should tag0 and tag2 be considered hashtags? Also, you may want to change \w to something like [a-zA-Z0-9] if you want to limit the tags to alphanumerics and digits only.

Redmine modification for issue number

I would like to hide the issue number on the issue list.
I use "Redmine 2.3.1" and the file to achieve that is this file: ./app/views/issues/_list.html.erb
It contains this line:
<%= raw {|column| "<td class=\"#{column.css_classes}\">#{column_content(column, issue)}</td>"}.join%>
And the array query.inline_columns contains the id for example. I thought modifying this array would help me with my problem, but the changes aren't saved.
This is what I tried:
<%= #query.inline_columns.inspect %>
=> [#<QueryColumn:0x00000003607928 #name=:id ... and so on>]
<% #query.inline_columns.delete_at(0) %>
<%= #query.inline_columns.inspect %>
=> [#<QueryColumn:0x00000003607928 #name=:id ... and so on>]
Why was the delete_at useless? And how would I modify this array or hide the number?
A few things to note:
#query.inline_columns might not an array. It may quack like an Array, but it's not.
#query.inline_columns.delete_at(0) should have returned something. Did it return and you ommited?
And last, but not least, the most probable guess I can make:
#query.inline_columns fetches something, converts it to an array and dups it before returning. The only way you can do something like that would be:
some_columns = #query.inline_columns
This is my solution now:
<% if == 1 %>
<% #qcols = query.inline_columns.reject{ |col| == 'id' } %>
<% else %>
<% #qcols = query.inline_columns.each %>
<% end %>
So I took advantage of the reject method. And then I work with the #qcols.
Posted on behalf of OP.

Puppet 3 loop execution only if variable is defined within a template

I am trying to create a loop only if index is defined. But it looks like
erb can't handle a loop within a if clause.
<% if(#index) %>
index <% index_files.each do |i| %> <%= i %> <% end %>;
<% end %>
Expected Result was:
index index.html index.php
Syntax error i got:
My flat approach failed as expected:
<% if(#index_files) %> try_files <% end %> <% index_files.each do |i| %> <%= i %> <% end %>
I defined index_files as undef => broke the each loop
I defined an empty array => since an empty array is defined it didn't work.
Maybe I can check the length of index_files?
Or do I need a complete different way to solve the problem?
I'm doing the same and it works for me, also for nginx ;).
For example:<% if #proxy_ignore_headers %> proxy_ignore_headers<% proxy_ignore_headers.each do |i| -%> <%= i %><% end -%>;
That works like a charm, the only difference with you is using () for the if condition, but I bet puppet supports (). It's weird, maybe you had pressed a bad combination generating a character that can't be seen but it's messing with your code, try writing all from scratch just in case.
You can see the full template here
Good luck
At first glance you just need to change

Rails 3 refactoring issue

The following view code generates a series of links with totals (as expected):
<% #jobs.group_by(&:employer_name).sort.each do |employer, jobs| %>
<%= link_to employer, jobs_path() %> <%= "(#{jobs.length})" %>
<% end %>
However, when I refactor the view's code and move the logic to a helper, the code doesn't work as expect.
<%= employer_filter(#jobs_clone) %>
def employer_filter(jobs)
jobs.group_by(&:employer_name).sort.each do |employer,jobs|
link_to employer, jobs_path()
The following output is generated:
<Job:0x10342e628>#<Job:0x10342e588>#<Job:0x10342e2e0>Employer A#<Job:0x10342e1c8>Employer B#<Job:0x10342e0d8>Employer C#<Job:0x10342ded0>Employer D#
What am I not understanding? At first blush, the code seems to be equivalent.
In the first example, it is directly outputting to erb, in the second example it is returning the result of that method.
Try this:
def employer_filter(jobs)
employer_filter = ""
jobs.group_by(&:employer_name).sort.each do |employer,jobs|
employer_filter += link_to(employer, jobs_path())
Then call it like this in the view:
Also note the use of "raw". Once you move generation of a string out of the template you need to tell rails that you don't want it html escaped.
For extra credit, you could use the "inject" command instead of explicitly building the string, but I am lazy and wanted to give you what I know would work w/o testing.
This syntax worked as I hoped it would:
def employer_filter(jobs_clone)
jobs_clone.group_by(&:employer_name).sort.collect { |group,items|
link_to( group, jobs_path() ) + " (#{items.length})"
}.join(' | ').html_safe
