Sort Vector of objects in Scala - sorting

How can I sort a Vector of my objects in Scala? Is there some library sorting routines or do I have to write my own?
I have a class:
class Data2D(var x:Int, var y:Int)
and I am passing a vector of these to my function:
private def foo(data: Vector[Data2D]): Int = {
data:Vector sortedOnX = // ??
how can I sort the vector, based on the x-values of the Data2D objects?
In java I do:
Collections.sort(data, XComparator.INSTANCE);
where XComparator is:
enum XComparator implements Comparator<Data2D> {
public int compare(Data2D o1, Data2D o2) {
if (o1.getX() <= o2.getX()) {
return -1;
} else {
return 1;

private def foo(data: Vector[Data2D]): Int = data.sortBy(_.x)
See also the methods sortWith and sorted, as well as the methods provided by the Ordering object.


Comparable class with a List<String> field

I have a simple class which stores an integer and a list of Strings.
As I want to use this class in a TreeSet<>, the one must be Comparable.
But when trying to use the Java 8 Comparator class, I cannot compare my inner list.
I have the following error:
Bad return type in method reference: cannot convert java.util.List to U
I think there is a very simple way to do that but I could not find it out.
How to do that?
public class MyClass implements Comparable<MyClass> {
private final int someInt;
private final List<String> someStrings;
public MyClass (List<String> someStrings, int someInt) {
this.someInt = someInt;
this.someStrings = new ArrayList<>(someStrings);
public int compareTo(MyClass other) {
.thenComparing(MyClass::getSomeStrings) // Error here
.compare(this, other);
public int getSomeInt() {
return someInt;
public List<String> getSomeStrings() {
return someStrings;
Edit 1
I just want the String list to be compared in the simplest way (using implicitly String.compareTo()).
Note that I do now want to sort my List<String> but I want it to be Comparable so that MyClass is also comparable and finally, I can insert MyClass instances into a TreeSet<MyClass>.
A also saw in the JavaDoc the following:
java.util.Comparator<T> public Comparator<T>
thenComparing(#NotNull Comparator<? super T> other)
For example, to sort a collection of String based on the length and then case-insensitive natural ordering, the comparator can be composed using following code,
Comparator<String> cmp = Comparator.comparingInt(String::length)
It seems to be an clue but I don't know how to apply it to this simple example.
Edit 2
Let's say I want my List<String> to be sorted the following way:
First check: List.size() (the shorter is less than the larger one);
Second check if sizes match: comparing one by one each element of both Lists until finding one where the String.compareTo method returns 1 or -1.
How to do that with lambdas in a my compareTo method?
Edit 3
This does not duplicates this question because I want to know how to build a comparator of a class which contains a List<String> with Java 8 chaining Comparable calls.
So to compare the list, first you check the length, then you compare each item with same indexes in both list one by one right?
(That is [a, b, c] < [b, a, c])
Make a custom comparator for list return join of your list string:
Comparator<List<String>> listComparator = (l1, l2) -> {
if (l1.size() != l2.size()) {
return l1.size() - l2.size();
for (int i = 0; i < l1.size(); i++) {
int strCmp = l1.get(i).compareTo(l2.get(i));
if (strCmp != 0) {
return strCmp;
return 0; // Two list equals
Then you can compare using that custom comparator:
public int compareTo(MyClass other) {
return Comparator.comparing(MyClass::getSomeInt)
.thenComparing(Comparator.comparing(MyClass:: getSomeStrings , listComparator))
.compare(this, other);
If you want [a, b, c] = [b, a, c], then you have to sort those list first before comparing:
public String getSomeStringsJoined() {
return getSomeStrings().stream().sort(Comparator.naturalOrder()).collect(Collectors.joining());

how to sort the Vector containing objects using Blackberry API

I want to sort a vector which contains Object of following fields
public class CategoryListing {
String company_id;
String company_name;
double distance;
//setters and getters here
I populated the vector from webservice, now I want to sort that vector by distance, means I want to show nearest one. How can I sort the vector which contains objects?
None of the other answers are going to work for you on Blackberry as it doesn't support Generics. Blackberry uses older version of Java. Try the following code. It uses SimpleSortingVector
SimpleSortingVector sortVector = new SimpleSortingVector();
sortVector.setSortComparator(new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
CategoryListing o1C = (CategoryListing)o1;
CategoryListing o2C = (CategoryListing)o2;
return Double.toString((o1C.distance)).compareTo(Double.toString(o2C.distance));
//when you add elements to this vector, it is automatically sorted by distance
sortVector.addElement(new CategoryListing());
You can use Comparator.
Define a comparator which will sort on distance like below
public class DistanceComparator implements Comparator {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
return Double.valueOf(((CategoryListing) o1).distance)
.compareTo(((CategoryListing) o2).distance);// use getters
Sort vector using below sort method. Note As Arrays are present from 1.2 It is also present for blackberry.
public static void sort(Vector vector,Comparator comparator) {
Object[] array = new Object[vector.size()];
int i = 0;
Enumeration enumumeration = vector.elements();
while (enumumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
vector.insertElementAt(array[i++], i);

Bloom filter design

I wanted to know where I can find an implementation of the Bloom filter, with some explanation about the choice of the hash functions.
Additionally I have the following questions:
1) the Bloom filter is known to have false positives. Is it possible to reduce them by using two filters, one for used elements, and one for non-used elements (assuming the set is finite and known a-priori) and compare the two?
2) are there other similar algorithms in the CS literature?
My intuition is that you'll get a better reduction in false positives by using the additional space that the anti-filter would have occupied to just expand the positive filter.
As for resources, the papers referenced for March 8 from my course syllabus would be useful.
An Java implementation of the Bloom filter can be found from here. In case you cannot view it, I will paste the code in the following (with comments in Chinese).
import java.util.BitSet;
publicclass BloomFilter
/* BitSet初始分配2^24个bit */
privatestaticfinalint DEFAULT_SIZE =1<<25;
/* 不同哈希函数的种子,一般应取质数 */
privatestaticfinalint[] seeds =newint[] { 5, 7, 11, 13, 31, 37, 61 };
private BitSet bits =new BitSet(DEFAULT_SIZE);
/* 哈希函数对象 */
private SimpleHash[] func =new SimpleHash[seeds.length];
public BloomFilter()
for (int i =0; i < seeds.length; i++)
func[i] =new SimpleHash(DEFAULT_SIZE, seeds[i]);
// 将字符串标记到bits中
publicvoid add(String value)
for (SimpleHash f : func)
bits.set(f.hash(value), true);
publicboolean contains(String value)
if (value ==null)
boolean ret =true;
for (SimpleHash f : func)
ret = ret && bits.get(f.hash(value));
return ret;
/* 哈希函数类 */
publicstaticclass SimpleHash
privateint cap;
privateint seed;
public SimpleHash(int cap, int seed)
this.cap = cap;
this.seed = seed;
publicint hash(String value)
int result =0;
int len = value.length();
for (int i =0; i < len; i++)
result = seed * result + value.charAt(i);
return (cap -1) & result;
In terms of designing Bloom filter, the number of hash functions your bloom filter need can be determined as in here also refering the Wikipedia article about Bloom filters, then you find a section Probability of false positives. This section explains how the number of hash functions influences the probabilities of false positives and gives you the formula to determine k from the desired expected prob. of false positives.
Quote from the Wikipedia article:
Obviously, the probability of false
positives decreases as m (the number
of bits in the array) increases, and
increases as n (the number of inserted
elements) increases. For a given m and
n, the value of k (the number of hash
functions) that minimizes the
probability is
It's very easy to implement a Bloom filter using Java 8 features. You just need a long[] to store the bits, and a few hash functions, which you can represent with ToIntFunction<T>. I made a brief write up on doing this from scratch.
The part to be careful about is selecting the right bit from the array.
public class BloomFilter<T> {
private final long[] array;
private final int size;
private final List<ToIntFunction<T>> hashFunctions;
public BloomFilter(long[] array, int logicalSize, List<ToIntFunction<T>> hashFunctions) {
this.array = array;
this.size = logicalSize;
this.hashFunctions = hashFunctions;
public void add(T value) {
for (ToIntFunction<T> function : hashFunctions) {
int hash = mapHash(function.applyAsInt(value));
array[hash >>> 6] |= 1L << hash;
public boolean mightContain(T value) {
for (ToIntFunction<T> function : hashFunctions) {
int hash = mapHash(function.applyAsInt(value));
if ((array[hash >>> 6] & (1L << hash)) == 0) {
return false;
return true;
private int mapHash(int hash) {
return hash & (size - 1);
public static <T> Builder<T> builder() {
return new Builder<>();
public static class Builder<T> {
private int size;
private List<ToIntFunction<T>> hashFunctions;
public Builder<T> withSize(int size) {
this.size = size;
return this;
public Builder<T> withHashFunctions(List<ToIntFunction<T>> hashFunctions) {
this.hashFunctions = hashFunctions;
return this;
public BloomFilter<T> build() {
return new BloomFilter<>(new long[size >>> 6], size, hashFunctions);
I think we should look at the application of Bloom Filters, and the secret is in the name, it is a Filter and not a data-structure. It is mostly used for saving resources by checking whether items are not part of a set. If you want to minimize false positives to 0, you will have to insert all the items that aren't apart of the set, since there are no false negatives for a well designed Bloom Filter, except that bloom filter would be gigantic and unpractical, might as well just store the items in a skip-list :) I wrote a simple tutorial on Bloom Filters if anyone is interested.

Partition/split/section IEnumerable<T> into IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> based on a function using LINQ?

I'd like to split a sequence in C# to a sequence of sequences using LINQ. I've done some investigation, and the closest SO article I've found that is slightly related is this.
However, this question only asks how to partition the original sequence based upon a constant value. I would like to partition my sequence based on an operation.
Specifically, I have a list of objects which contain a decimal property.
public class ExampleClass
public decimal TheValue { get; set; }
Let's say I have a sequence of ExampleClass, and the corresponding sequence of values of TheValue is:
I'd like to partition the original sequence into an IEnumerable<IEnumerable<ExampleClass>> with values of TheValue resembling:
{{0,1,2,3}, {1,1,4,6,7}, {0,1}, {0,2,3,5,7}, {6,5,4,3,2,1}}
I'm just lost on how this would be implemented. SO, can you help?
I have a seriously ugly solution right now, but have a "feeling" that LINQ will increase the elegance of my code.
Okay, I think we can do this...
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<TElement>>
PartitionMontonically<TElement, TKey>
(this IEnumerable<TElement> source,
Func<TElement, TKey> selector)
// TODO: Argument validation and custom comparisons
Comparer<TKey> keyComparer = Comparer<TKey>.Default;
using (var iterator = source.GetEnumerator())
if (!iterator.MoveNext())
yield break;
TKey currentKey = selector(iterator.Current);
List<TElement> currentList = new List<TElement> { iterator.Current };
int sign = 0;
while (iterator.MoveNext())
TElement element = iterator.Current;
TKey key = selector(element);
int nextSign = Math.Sign(keyComparer.Compare(currentKey, key));
// Haven't decided a direction yet
if (sign == 0)
sign = nextSign;
// Same direction or no change
else if (sign == nextSign || nextSign == 0)
else // Change in direction: yield current list and start a new one
yield return currentList;
currentList = new List<TElement> { element };
sign = 0;
currentKey = key;
yield return currentList;
Completely untested, but I think it might work...
alternatively with linq operators and some abuse of .net closures by reference.
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Monotonic<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable)
var comparator = Comparer<T>.Default;
int i = 0;
T last = default(T);
return enumerable.GroupBy((value) => { i = comparator.Compare(value, last) > 0 ? i : i+1; last = value; return i; }).Select((group) => group.Select((_) => _));
Taken from some random utility code for partitioning IEnumerable's into a makeshift table for logging. If I recall properly, the odd ending Select is to prevent ambiguity when the input is an enumeration of strings.
Here's a custom LINQ operator which splits a sequence according to just about any criteria. Its parameters are:
xs: the input element sequence.
func: a function which accepts the "current" input element and a state object, and returns as a tuple:
a bool stating whether the input sequence should be split before the "current" element; and
a state object which will be passed to the next invocation of func.
initialState: the state object that gets passed to func on its first invocation.
Here it is, along with a helper class (required because yield return apparently cannot be nested):
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Split<T, TState>(
this IEnumerable<T> xs,
Func<T, TState, Tuple<bool, TState>> func,
TState initialState)
using (var splitter = new Splitter<T, TState>(xs, func, initialState))
while (splitter.HasNext)
yield return splitter.GetNext();
internal sealed class Splitter<T, TState> : IDisposable
public Splitter(IEnumerable<T> xs,
Func<T, TState, Tuple<bool, TState>> func,
TState initialState)
this.xs = xs.GetEnumerator();
this.func = func;
this.state = initialState;
this.hasNext = this.xs.MoveNext();
private readonly IEnumerator<T> xs;
private readonly Func<T, TState, Tuple<bool, TState>> func;
private bool hasNext;
private TState state;
public bool HasNext { get { return hasNext; } }
public IEnumerable<T> GetNext()
while (hasNext)
Tuple<bool, TState> decision = func(xs.Current, state);
state = decision.Item2;
if (decision.Item1) yield break;
yield return xs.Current;
hasNext = xs.MoveNext();
public void Dispose() { xs.Dispose(); }
Note: Here are some of the design decisions that went into the Split method:
It should make only a single pass over the sequence.
State is made explicit so that it's possible to keep side effects out of func.

IEqualityComparer for anonymous type

I have this
var n = ItemList.Select(s => new { s.Vchr, s.Id, s.Ctr, s.Vendor, s.Description, s.Invoice }).ToList();
n.AddRange(OtherList.Select(s => new { s.Vchr, s.Id, s.Ctr, s.Vendor, s.Description, s.Invoice }).ToList(););
I would like to do this if it where allowed
n = n.Distinct((x, y) => x.Vchr == y.Vchr)).ToList();
I tried using the generic LambdaComparer but since im using anonymous types there is no type associate it with.
"Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope"
The trick is to create a comparer that only works on inferred types. For instance:
public class Comparer<T> : IComparer<T> {
private Func<T,T,int> _func;
public Comparer(Func<T,T,int> func) {
_func = func;
public int Compare(T x, T y ) {
return _func(x,y);
public static class Comparer {
public static Comparer<T> Create<T>(Func<T,T,int> func){
return new Comparer<T>(func);
public static Comparer<T> CreateComparerForElements<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable, Func<T,T,int> func) {
return new Comparer<T>(func);
Now I can do the following ... hacky solution:
var comp = n.CreateComparerForElements((x, y) => x.Vchr == y.Vchr);
Most of the time when you compare (for equality or sorting) you're interested in choosing the keys to compare by, not the equality or comparison method itself (this is the idea behind Python's list sort API).
There's an example key equality comparer here.
I note that JaredPar's answer does not quite answer the question since the set methods like Distinct and Except require an IEqualityComparer<T> not an IComparer<T>. The following assumes that an IEquatable will have a suitable GetHashCode, and it certainly has a suitable Equals method.
public class GeneralComparer<T, TEquatable> : IEqualityComparer<T>
private readonly Func<T, IEquatable<TEquatable>> equatableSelector;
public GeneralComparer(Func<T, IEquatable<TEquatable>> equatableSelector)
this.equatableSelector = equatableSelector;
public bool Equals(T x, T y)
return equatableSelector.Invoke(x).Equals(equatableSelector.Invoke(y));
public int GetHashCode(T x)
return equatableSelector(x).GetHashCode();
public static class GeneralComparer
public static GeneralComparer<T, TEquatable> Create<T, TEquatable>(Func<T, TEquatable> equatableSelector)
return new GeneralComparer<T, TEquatable>(equatableSelector);
Where the same inference from a static class trick is used as in JaredPar's answer.
To be more general you could provide two Funcs: a Func<T, T, bool> to check equality and Func<T, T, int> to select a hash code.
