Free web image management - image

I am looking for free web image management system/script/...
I was using and still use photobucket service, but my account is free and has limited space and bandwidth. Now I am approaching the limits. On another side I have web hosting account and want to use it for image hosting instead or in addition to my photobucket. Sounds good. I can use ftp to upload my images and I am fine with it. What I miss is photobucket's web interface to my images. I am talking about photo galleries or portfolio like or something. But basic list of thumbnails, so I can see my images and easy get link to specific image in different formats to past into forum posts or into other web pages referring to that specific picture. Besides, I need easy way to organize pictures in albums/subalbums (like in file system). I see gazillion of image gallery systems, but have hard time to find for what I need. Oh, and I do not want database, just flatfiles/directories.
Anything come to mind?

There's Coppermine Gallery.

I was just looking for something similar.
I know Coppermine pretty well (I run a site powered by it): it is very flexible, with tons of options, and relatively easy to mod to your needs if you know a bit of php. It also reads and displays EXIF data if you configure it to do so. There is a lively community of developers for Coppermine. There is also a plugin that displays BBcode (,74043.msg356623.html#msg356623), unfortunately only image by image (not in bulk like the ImageShack Uploader). The drawback is that Coppermine is a pretty bulky script and does not perform super fast, especially on slow servers.
Bravenet seems to be a service more than a script.
I'm also checking out Lightbox 2 ( which seems nice and tiny, but not a chance of getting the EXIF file into the displayed image or getting the BBcode.
Will keep an eye on this thread


What is the best practice for image compression

I am receiving control of a website and I need to take care of an image compression process.
Right now, when uploading an image, it gets stored on the server with high quality and when the website's being cached, the image is getting compressed for the cache. So the cache has a compressed copy of the image while the original, high quality image, is still stored on the server.
The tool which is responsible of doing what I have just described was developed by the current owner of the website and since I am not getting that tool I will need another one. The site is currently using Pydio and I have not seen any compression option there.
Since it seems I need a new tool for the image compression process, I want to know first what is the best practice, performance-wise, for handling the compression and I know there some good, experienced developers here.
I thought about some options:
Keep it the way it is now, which is to store the original image on the server and when caching, compress it for the cache (Best compatibility with the website since this is what the tool currently being used doing).
Compress all images the moment they are being uploaded and so I will have only the compressed images on the server and use them to cache (Save storage space, but don't know how to combine it with Pydio).
Have a cron which will compress all the images which are not already compressed (Gives me the ability to upload images freely without worrying about compressing them, though the images will not be immediately compressed).
Upload the image to a website which compresses the image and then take the outputted image and upload it (Really, sounds stupid and a lot of messing around in order to upload an image)..
What do you think will be the best practice, and why? Also, Is there a better practice for compressing the images?
Plus, if you know any tool which has an API for it or anything, I will be thankful to hear about it.
The website is built using PHP.
Since the question you're asking is a general-approach one, I will put my two-cents in.
On your approaches:
Option 4 - You could use some offline software or an external site for compression, but it seems tedious work. If I needed to upload one image per day, I would probably choose this option.
Option 2 - I would rather not do compression on upload since you lose the original image. Image compression can ruin some images very badly.
As for options 1&3 - I think it depends on the resources of your server, the number of images, the traffic of your site, etc. Generally, I prefer compressing/caching on request, not upload, but for a smaller site, it shouldn't make much difference.
As for the API - generally, you have two options: do the work on your server/site or use an external service.
When it comes to services, we use CloudImage, it has very simple API and it helps a lot with the compression process (and resizing if you need it). Also, you have the benefits of the CDN, which will boost the performance. Since you are using Pydio, I assume you need data security and privacy, so CloudImage may be a good option for you since they take the privacy stuff really seriously.
If you prefer to do this yourself, and given that you use PHP, I would recommend ImageMagick and the PHP library IMagick. You can control every parameter of the compression and the documentation is pretty good. The only downside is that to achieve best compression without losing quality, it is a bit of trial-and-error at first.
Good luck!
Send your image on Whatsapp to other, received Image will be compressed to the significance size

Dynamic image resizing in the Cloud for Responsive website

I have a responsive (RWD) website which works OK on mobile devices. My problem is that pictures are sort of "heavy" on smartphones and uselessly large on older phones.
I know there are plenty of tools either offline or online (such as: to resize pictures and I know I could roll my own image resizer with GD and the like (PHP here), but I was wondering if someone here is aware of a way to have images automatically resized.
For example by piping them through a proxy of some kind, such as:
http://cloudservice/w_320/http://myserver/mypic.jpg" />
A free service highly preferrable.
This way I wouldn't have to retrofit old pictures nor is it necessary to provide multiple versions of the same picture.
I hope my question makes sense...
There are many such services, and a similar question has been asked before.
All reliable solutions will also requires a tiny bit of client-side javascript. Cookies don't work on the first page load (which is most of them), and sniffing gives useless data if you're doing RWD with breakpoints. Excepting slimmage (and solutions with <noscript> tags), most will download 2 copies of each image (or worse, fail accessibility and SEO requirements).
I favor the DRY & CSS-friendly Slimmage.js, as its author, but there is also Picturefill for those who want art direction support (and are willing to handle the resulting markup complexity). Both can be used with any RIAPI-compliant server-side module, such as ImageResizer (disclaimer of authorship applies here too).
If you have access to a Windows (or linux/mono) server, consider self-hosting.
Dynamic imaging SaaS products appear and fail on a regular basis, so have a backup plan in place to replace the URLs if your SaaS isn't RIAPI-compliant. If your HTML isn't dynamic or can't be post-processed, you're going to have... fun.
A few services (free or in beta):
CDNConnect (RIAPI-compliant third-pary service based on ImageResizer)
BoxResizer (free, but uptime not guaranteed)
Some non-free (and non-compliant) services
You should check out WURFL Image Tailor.
Works pretty much as you describe. You refer the images through a proxy like this:
<img src="//[full-url-to-your-image]">
The proxy will then detect the screen size of the user-agent and resize the image accordingly. This service also take some arguments that allows you to explicitly set height, width and percentage of screen size.
One image resizing service you can use is You can use any image source with it and resize images exactly as per your need.
For example, to get image width of 300 px, you can write
P.S. I work at Gumlet.

Using version control (SVN) for images

We have images stored in a file system in the following format. So that web applications can have access to those images with url ( through an http server.
Now, to allow graphics team to have access to those images for
adding/updating, I was thinking to setup an SVN rep for the folder
“items”. Is this considered a best practice? Any suggestions?
Its certainly doable, however I'd advise that you have 2 folders: one containing a "working set" of images to be used by your web app, and another to be accessed by your graphics team whenever necessary. That way, your team can have a stock of images to work with, while avoiding any possibilities of broken image links or other problems inside your web app.
Better to play it safe IMO.
Hope this helps!
I've always heard that it's considered 'good practice' to have only text under source control. With that said, I've seen companies certainly put images in their repository. Others have created round-abouts like having a virtual directory in IIS point to a shared file server. I prefer the latter since it doesn't take so long to bring down branches. On the reverse side, it provides no historical data that SC would--if needed, of course.
I was thinking to setup an SVN rep for the folder “items”. Is this considered a best practice?
It's an acceptable practice. The images are small and not all that likely to change.
Any suggestions?
Write a cheat sheet for your graphic artists so that they can check out and commit images without problems. The cheat sheets would be specific to the graphic tools they use and their access to Subversion.

Client side image resize and ftp component

I am looking for a component that resizes and ftp's images to a website.
It doesn't have to be free.
In fact, I prefer something we pay for that comes with solid support.
It has to be able to transfer multiple images at once too.
We work in an ASP.NET MVC environment but the component could be in Flash or Java.
I've used Aurigma Image Uploader successfully in the past. However it doesn't support ftp'ing the uploaded files out of the box, but this could be easily done from the web server end ...
I've used imagemagick and netpbm. Both do excellent job of image manipulation. Since you didn't mention any language, I assume that you will use some kind of script to do both conversion and transfer. I would get everything resized first, and then ftp'ing (or scp, which is simpler to script)
Most are standalone vs. components, but might find something that fits the needs:

Create image viewer in ajax or flash?

I've been trying to do more Web development work recently (I currently do other tech stuff, but have some experience with Java, C++, VB, Python, and PHP) and I was asked to create a basic Web site with an image viewer. The site is for an artist and she wants the viewer so users can see thumbnails of her paintings and click them to see a large version.
There are a bunch of existing programs out there (for example, simpleviewer)--most seem to be Flash-based. I want to create my own for various reasons, not least of which is to learn about how to do it. Can anyone give me suggestions/opinions as to what technology to use and how to proceed? Not detailed steps, just pointers in the right direction. (For example, are there existing scripts I could find on the net and then tinker with/modify?) I'm already doing research to figure this out, but advice from savvy programmers will save me some time.
I don't know much about Flash or Ajax, but am willing to learn either (and would eventually like to learn both). I won't be shelling out $700 for Flash Pro right now, so I would need to use something like FlashDevelop if I go that route. Thanks in advance!
You'll want jQuery.
Jquery has tons of useful plugins: jquery plugins page
Start searching! Here's a good one i found searching for "image galley"
Enjoy. Jquery is your friend. Of course this post is biased. So, to give credits to others, you can also look into mootools, YUI, prototype, scriptaculous, etc.
If you are going to go down the flash root definitely look at (you don't need the Flash IDE to customise it - all done via XML settings)
An alternative is via JavaScript. A couple of cool scripts to look at are:
You can scan the images, base64 encode them into a database, then use an < img > tag on your site to point to a PHP page that base64 decodes the images. No real way to watermark them though you could do that before the you load them using GIMP or some similar tool.
