ASP.NET Razor - Unencoding Value -

I am working on a form using the new Razor view engine, and am having an issue with a form field having an encoded value. I have the following code on my form:
<form id="handout" method="post" class="padded_form" enctype="multipart/form-data"
action="#Url.Remarketing().HandoutNew(Model.Inspection.InspectionId, Request.QueryString[QueryStringParamConstants.RedirectURL])">
<h2>Handout Options</h2>
#Html.Label("handout.Price", "Price")
#Html.TextBox("handout.Price", Model.Handout.Price)
where price is a decimal value. If I enter say "1,000" on the form, the value posted is: "&handout.Price=1%2c000" and the Price property on my entity does not get populated.
Is there a way to not encode this value when the form is posted?

You would have to use client-side javascript to normalize the value an remove any formatting characters.
Alternatively you could implement your own IValueProvider that could perform the conversion on the server before the model is databound.


Angular 2 form valid by default

Having issue with form validation .
i want to submit the form only when form is valid.
but with the empty inputs and clicking on submit button is submitting the form although the inputs are empty.
<form name="equipmentForm" #f="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="f.form.valid && addEquipment()" validate>
Inputs be like this.
<input name="equimentId" class="text-input form-control" type="text" [(ngModel)]="model.equipmentNumber" pattern="^[0-9][0-9]{1,19}$" title="Equipment ID. can be upto 20 digits only.">
I cant post the whole code although.
f.form.valid is true from form initialization
wanted to acheive something like this
<div *ngIf="!model.equipmentModel && f.submitted" class="text-danger">
Please enter Equipment Model
So on submit i want to show this message instead of default browser's.
but this f.form.valid is goddamn true from default.
You should add required attribute to your input tags to, then as #Cobus Kruger mentioned, form will not be submitted untill it is filled.
However you can also give a try to pristine, dirty options, which allow you to check if the user did any changes to the form so in this case your condition may look like this:
<form name="equipmentForm" #f="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="f.form.valid && f.form.dirty ? addEquipment() : ''" validate>
and the input:
<input name="equimentId" class="text-input form-control" type="text" [(ngModel)]="model.equipmentNumber" pattern="^[0-9][0-9]{1,19}$" title="Equipment ID. can be upto 20 digits only." required />
In this case it will check if any changes were applied to the input, and submit the form if both conditions are met.
If you specify the required attribute on the input, then the form will not be submitted unless a value is filled in. But that only covers values that were not supplied and you may want to check for invalid values as well.
The usual way is to disable the submit button unless the form is valid. Like this:
<button type="submit" [disabled]="!f.form.valid">Submit</button>
The Angular documentation about form validation also shows this. Look near the bottom of the "Simple template driven forms" section
In function which you call on submit you can pass form as parameter and then check. In html you will need to pass form instance:
<form name="equipmentForm" #f="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="addEquipment(f)" validate>
In typescript:
//If it is valid it will continue to here...

How to style successful input fields in Thymeleaf

I would like to use Bootstrap's has-success and has-failure classes with Thymeleaf.
So far I have
<div th:class="${#fields.hasErrors('field')}? 'form-group has-error' : 'form-group'"></div>
This displays the failure style correctly, when the form is posted and the field is invalid.
However if I change the second part of the ternary to 'form-group has-success', then on the initial form GET request, then, of course, it styles it as a success, even though the form hasn't been posted yet.
My question: is there a way in Thymeleaf to handle the following
Displays a form without any styling on GET.
On POST apply has-error or has-success classes.
I think you'll need to add attributes to your Model in the back-end for this.
In you GET request, change nothing. In your POST request, add an attribute: ["hasErrors", true] if the form data you send via the post is incorrect, false otherwise.
Now in your html you can add the following:
<th:block th:if="${hasErrors != null}">
<div th:class="${hasErrors ? 'form-group has-error' : 'form-group has success'"></div>
<th:block th:unless="${hasErrors != null}">
<div class="form-group"></div>
You check if the hasErrors model attribute isn't null, if it is, it means you're in the GET method and you should display a simple form-group. If the hasErrors is not null, you can create the ternary expression based on the boolean value hasErrors. The th:block is non-html. You can replace it with a div, but then you neen an extra div just to check a boolean.
I'm not going into GET/POST problem but I think that this can help you:
New th:errorclass for adding CSS class to form fields in error
Until now, whenever we wanted to apply a specific CSS class to an input field in a form when there were errors for that field, we needed to use the th:class or th:classappend attributes.
In Thymeleaf 2.1, in order to simplify this structure, a new th:errorclass attribute processor has been introduced. This processor will read the name of the field from the name or th:field attribute in the same tag, and apply the specified class if such field has errors.
Note the 'error' literal is in fact a token, so no single quotes are really needed.
The result is much more concise. Note also that th:errorclass works like th:classappend, not th:class. So the specified class will in fact be appended to any existing ones.
I found that Thymeleaf as a hasAnyErrors function.
<div class="form-group row"
? #fields.hasErrors('field') ? ' has-error' : ' has-success'
: '' }">
This now works.
When the user GETs the form, hasAnyErrors is false, so the empty string is appended and the input and label receive the default style.
When the user POSTs the form, if there are any errors then the first part of the ternary is evaluated. This adds the has-error or has-success styles.
This was inspired by Roel Strolenberg's answer below.

Set visibility of form input in thymleaf using th:if

I am new to thymeleaf and I have this problem.
I have a form to add and edit products.
From the controller I set request mapping to access this form view using
I have a field in products ,Date endPromotion.
I want this input block that has endPromotion field to be shown only in edit mode.
How can I do that using thymleaf condition?
i tried somthing like
<div th:if="${|/products/{action}(action='edit')|}"> .. valid html code ... </div>
but it doesn't work
This should do the trick
<div th:if="${#strings.contains(#httpServletRequest.requestURI, '/products/edit/')}">
some content

how to populate Django hidden input field of modelform with info from template?

I've seen this asked a few times but have never seen an answer. I have a Django ModelForm with a hidden input field. I need to use info from my template for the hidden field - the 'send_to' field in this case.
So I have the form where users can write a subject and a message, and I want to autopopulate the "to" field.
This is my modelform:
class MessageForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Message
fields = ['subject', 'message', 'send_to']
widgets = {'send_to': forms.HiddenInput()}
The 'send_to' part needs to be populated with info from my template.
<form method="post" action="{% url 'send' %}" id="commiserator" name="{{ }}" class="write-to-user" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<h3>To: {{ c.username }}</h3>
{% csrf_token %}
<input id="commiserator" class="write-to-user" type="submit" value="Send">
Right now {{c.username}} is just displayed as html. I want it to be used as form input for the hidden field, but I have no idea how to do that.
The form is being sent to the view with Ajax so I would like to make it so that the hidden information is populated before Ajax sends the data. Hope that makes sense.
You can't do it directly from the template. But you have a couple of options.
In your view where you instantiate your message ModelForm to pass to the template, you could pre-populate the value of the send_to field. This should then render it in the template with that same value. This is probably what you want.
Your other option is to exclude send_to from the ModelForm, and to add it hard-coded as a hidden field in the form in your template. {{message.as_p}} will then only render the visible fields.

MVC3 Razor View Optimization

Is there any better way as compared to #if #else Just to changes few attributes (like disabled, value, class etc) of html element in cshtml page built with Razor view?
you can use inline conditional statements as well:
<input type="text" value="#(true == true ? "one value" : "another value")" />
MVC 4/Razor V2 will have some improvements:
Conditional attribute rendering
If you have an attribute that might be null, in the past you've needed to do a null check to avoid writing out an empty attribute, like this:
<div #{if (myClass != null) { <text>class="#myClass"</text> } }>Content</div>
Now Razor is able to handle that automatically, so you can just write out the attribute. If it's null, the attribute isn't written:
<div class="#myClass">Content</div>
So if #myClass is null, the output is just this:
From Jon Galloway's blog.
You can pass them in the ViewModel as true/false values or string values.
For example -
anything that needs to be dynamically set to be enabled or disabled - you can create a bool
any html class that is a string set on runtime, can be passed as a string variable in your view model.
That would clean up your razor views of all the #if else statements
I don't know why you think there is any performance flaw with razor #if but you can use Your ViewModel or ViewBag for this:
<input type="text" value="#(ViewBag.TheValue)" />
But for best practice, Don't mix server side logic with the presentation. "Separate of concerns"
Update(What did I mean by "separate of concerns"):
It mean the View should contains as much as it can, HTML markups and HTML helpers(which just help you write markup) only. Don't put logic inside the View. don't reuse the same view if it makes you put code inside of it.
