Disabling Price Ranges on Bundle Items - magento

I am working on my first website hosted on Magento, and am having a problem with my bundle items. I am using a bundle item to allow users to select upgrades to the materials for their products, and it is not required so they can leave the stock material.
The problem is that the product on the frontend displays a price range for between the lowest material upgrade and the highest. Is there a way to stop that from the displaying?
I figured out how to change it to display an "As Low As" price, but I want it gone completely.

If you edit the following file, you can change the way that bundle prices are displayed:
There some complex logic in there to cope with price ranges, "As low as", tax and other considerations, but you should be able to work your way through it.
Make sure that you edit the version of this file that is in your theme (if it only exists in base/default then copy it to the same path under default/yourtheme).


Creating configurable products with recurring options

I need to sell configurable product (allowing to choose size and color) with recurring delivery that happens few time per year.
So first I have created One configurable product with recurring option ON and few simple products under it.
But when I\’m trying to add it to the cart it says “Nominal item can be purchased standalone only. To proceed please remove other items from the quote. “. I\’m only adding one configurable product that has recurring profile to the empty shopping cart.
Okay, I\’m trying another way - turning off recurring option for Configurable product and enabling it for simple products.
Now it adds to card and I can complete checkout process, but in admin it show up as regular order without recurring profile.
Tried turning on recurring option for both: configurable and Simple product - the same error “Nominal item can be purchased standalone only. “
Are there any other options? What can you suggest?
Many thanks in advance!
I have accomplished something similar to this.
Please not this isnt exactly an answer to your problem, but I see you dont have much help here, so Hopefully, if anything, this will get you another way of thinking about it.
You may be able to do this with Bundled products.
Lets say you are selling Tshirts.
Simple item Shirt
Simple item Color
Simple item Embroidery
Bundle item = Custom Tshirt
This will show the Custom Tshirt as a bundled item, and the user will select from the bundle options. For example, sometimes black tshirts are more expensive. So you could set up pricing for those options
Simple Item shirt = $20
Simple Item Color -
Black = $5
White = $0
Simple Item Embroidery = $20
This will allow the customer to create a customized order with specified options.
I apologize if this doesnt help at all, but perhaps it will give you an idea!

Magento bundle products special price for child item only

I am trying to create a possibility on the webshop to create packs of products. A pack is for instance a product (let's say a digital camera) and multiple accessories (extra charger, memory cards, ...). The point is to push the customer into buying the product together with accessories by giving a discount if you buy all these products together.
What I've done so far
I've created a bundled product in magento where each product is a bundle option. This way I managed to display the pack correctly and I'm able to set a special price for the pack as a whole.
Where I need help with
For this pack I should be able to set the price of the children (the option products) for each option. Currently the price can only be set for the whole package and I require it to be changed like a special price. Basically you would have a special price only if it is in a bundle product and the price should be set specifically for the bundle.
By default, a quantity can be set with bundled options, so I guess this can be extended to something where I can set a price. Can anyone point me in the right direction of give me some code examples of how this can be done?
In case this should be necessary, we are running Magento Enterprise
Thanks for your help!
Since nobody came with a solution I will answer my own question... I actually was on the right track and just had to change the price type to "fixed" when you create a new bundled product. That way, the price can be set per item individually which was what I wanted.
The rest was just a simple matter of coding the bundle products to display nicely, f.e. as simple items separated by a "plus" sign or something like that. I also removed the unit prices so only the bundle price is visible, but the prices are still set correctly. Also the base price (bundle price) should be set to 0.
And that was it, not much coding, but more bad luck I started with "dynamic" pricetype instead of "fixed".

Magento: Shopping cart price rule gets applied, but discount not subtracted from subtotal

I have created a shopping cart price rule in my Magento store (version, and it seems to get applied without issue on the frontend, but the discount isn't actually reflected in the subtotal or final total. The original item price is $45.00, and the discount should be $35.00, making the final price $10.00. Here are some screenshots of the setup. (Sorry, because I'm a new user it won't let me post images directly in this posting.)
Main rule page
Actions page
Cart showing that promotional code was applied
Reviewing order (last step before submitting order)
This particular item has some custom options set, which set the pricing for four individual options. The price for the product is $0.00, and then each option has it's own price (I didn't set this part up, so I'm not sure if I'm missing something from here too). Here's a screenshot of the product custom options page: http://imgur.com/uO9HG
Any thoughts? I'm fairly new to Magento, so it's possible I'm just missing something obvious. Thanks in advance for any help or guidance!
I actually JUST figured out what was going wrong, or at least, I figured out a solution, though not sure exactly why this was affecting the shopping cart price rules. You're right that I wasn't even able to get a simple price rule to work - it simply wasn't working no matter how I changed the rule. Anyway, while working on another issue, I realized that I was missing the Subtotal/Grand Total box on the front-end of the shopping cart (I installed a clean copy of version on my localhost, which is when I noticed it was missing from my live site). When I re-enabled the Subtotal/Grand Total box, the rules started working again. (I suppose now that Magento has a place on the front-end to show the discount, it actually applies it, whereas before it would just do nothing.)
So, to re-enable the subtotal/grand total box, in the back end, I went to System > Configuration > Advanced > Enable the Mage_Tax module. Again, not sure why it was disabled in the first place, and I'm not sure if this affects anything else on the site, but it's been up for awhile now and I haven't noticed anything awry. Here's a screen capture of it working: http://i.stack.imgur.com/kjl6S.png
I think the problem comes from using SKUs with your custom options combined with restricting your price rule to the product SKU. Magento combines them using a hyphen - place a test order to see if this is the problem.
The SKU in a test order I made comes out something like this;
At least, that's the result I'm getting from version
The quickest solution I could find was to match the rule on the product url key rather than SKU. It isn't the most intuitive solution, but since you wouldn't change the URL on the product (I hope), it will work where SKU's with custom options fail.
In version 1.4, the URL key should be available to choose instead of SKU already. So you can just select url key instead of sku and insert your product's correct url key in your shopping cart price rule. Just replace "SKU is ..." with "URL key is ..." inserting the correct url key for your product.
In version 1.5 I had to enable "Use for Promo Rule Conditions" on the url_key attribute like this;
Log in to Magento admin area
Navigate to Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes
Locate the Atrtibute Code "url_key" and click to edit it
Change "Use for Promo Rule Conditions" to Yes
Save the changes
you may need to reindex the Product Flat Data index at this point
Then I could use it in my price rule.
Had this same exact problem on CE 1.9 running PHP7, applying the Inchoo "PHP 7 compatibility extension for Magento 1" solved the issue!

Using one stock for multiple items in Magento

Ok so what I want is to have multiple simple products draw from the same stock.
I have a sinle nail file (Stock:500)
I have a box of nail files (50/box)
I want it so that if someone buys a box then it deducts from the 500 stock of the singles. Essentially what we do is if someone buys a box, then we ship them 50 of the single files in a box.
Any easy way to do this?
This isn't a native function of Magento, so there a few approaches you can take to emulate it:
Use an external stock management package to keep track of stock and modify Magento to use that. This will require more backend modification.
Attempt to fool Magento by using product bundles in clever ways. This will require more frontend modification
Develop or find a Bill of Materials plugin for Magento. I didn't see anything after a short search, so you may have to build it. Have that module check the constituent materials for a product before allowing it to be added to the cart.
Hope that helps!
Create a template for the products that you wish to order this way. This template need only be the files you need to modify, by default it will find the missing files from your default theme;
In the template you can place some PHP to write out some extra javascript, of the prototype variety;
This frontend code hides the real quantity box, with prototype 'hide' for the relevant css id to make it a hidden form field;
The code shows its own quantity box, also an extra field for how many of the fifty packs are required;
An onchange event on these boxes gets the values of the boxes, does the required multiplication and addition, then updates the hidden 'real' quantity box with (boxes*50)+singles;
On submit the customer sees in the cart the total quantity of the product ordered - this will be total units, not broken down 'per box'. If this is a problem, you can put some words to explain that or modify your main template to handle this and present to the customer the boxes+singles breakdown;
Set your products to use the 'new theme' that has your template update code.
Test, test, test!
As mentioned by Joseph this cannot be done out of the box. The above workaround is only partial, however, so long as you make it clear to customers that they are buying 500 units instead of 500 boxes then you should have a reasonable solution.

Bundle Product add to cart as individual line items

Is it possible to have a bundle product that when added to the cart adds each of the bundle items as individual line items.
I want to allow my customers to configure their product (let’s say it’s a computer) and then in the shopping cart, remove an item they don't want - or change their mind about - from that bundle. They might then choose to add a new item instead - or a bunch of other (non-bundle stuff, just normal shopping).
The idea being that they have a fast method of adding most of the stuff they want in this bundle, but they can then edit their cart to add something that wasn’t available as an option to them when configuring the bundle.
I don’t want to overload the user with too many options in the bundle product page.
I might have missed an option in Magento, but currently it adds all the bundle items into the caret as a single line item, making it uneditable in the way I want.
Any suggestions please?
This behavior in Magento is intentional, as you may not want to let a customer order a PC without a CPU or memory. In your case, this assumption appears not to be the case, but that remains the method for using bundled products.
There are a few options open to you to avoid this situation. Firstly, you could use some product type other than bundle, and actually add simple products to your cart rather than the bundled ones. This would allow customers to add options at will, but would not preserve any promotional pricing on the products, as Magento checks those prices/discounts on every page load, and would kick out any changes you set manually.
The other option would be to allow customers an easier path to changing the bundle product that they have chosen. When rendering the bundle product, you could render a little X button (or whatever you find appropriate), which would lead to an action you specify, whose job it is to change the bundle options, resave the cart item, and redirect the user back to the cart. This is probably the cleanest solution to the problem.
Hope that helps!
