Simple Prolog program - prolog

I'm trying to teach myself some Prolog so that I can determine its fitness for solving a problem I have. Essentially the problem is, given a bunch of rules about the interaction between items, determine what items are available, unavailable, selected, and not selected.
But I'm failing at even the most simple parts! I drastically reduced the problem size just to see what I could do. Below is my knowledge base:
selected(A) :- implied(A).
implied(B) :- implies(A,B),selected(A).
And when I query:
I only get back option_two.
It seems like there is something very basic that I'm not understanding here, but it seems to me that if option_one should also come back in that list (especially since one of the facts is 'implied(option_one)'.
If it matters, I've tried this using P# as well as SWI-Prolog, which give the same result.

When u have your first answer X = option_two press ; to get next answer
?- selected(X).
X = option_two ;
X = option_one.
Or u may use smth like that for showing all matching things:
?- selected(X), writeln(X), fail.


misconception about how prolog works

So I am currently learning prolog and I can't get my head around how this language works.
"It tries all the possible solutions until it finds one, if it doesn't it returns false" is what I've read that this language does. You just Describe the solution and it finds it for you
With that in mind, I am trying to solve the 8 queens problem ( how to place 8 queens on a chess board without anyone threatening the others).
I have this predicate, 'safe' that gets a list of pairs, the positions of all the queens and succeeds when they are not threatening each other.
When I enter in the terminal
?- safe([(1,2),(3,5)]).
true ?
| ?- safe([(1,3),(1,7)]).
| ?- safe([(2,2),(3,3)]).
| ?- safe([(2,2),(3,4),(8,7)]).
true ?
it recognizes the correct from the wrong answers, so it knows if something is a possible solution
when I enter
| ?- safe(L).
L = [] ? ;
L = [_] ? ;
it gives me the default answers, even though it recognizes a solution for 2 queens when I enter them.
here is my code
threatens((Column1,Row1),(Column2,Row2)) :-
Diff1 is Column1 - Row1,
Diff2 is Column2 - Row2,
abs(Diff1) =:= abs(Diff2).
safe([A,B|T]) :-
\+ threatens(A,B),
One solution I found to the problem is to create predicates 'position' and modify the 'safe' one
safe([A,B|T]) :-
\+ threatens(A,B),
but this is just stupid, as you have to type everything explicitly and really really slow,
even for 6 queens.
My real problem here, is not with the code itself but with prolog, I am trying to think in prolog, But all I read is
Describe how the solution would look like and let it work out what is would be
Well that's what I have been doing but it does not seem to work,
Could somebody point me to some resources that don't teach you the semantics but how to think in prolog
Thank you
but this is just stupid, as you have to type everything explicitly and really really slow, even for 6 queens.
Regarding listing the positions, the two coordinates are independent, so you could write something like:
position((X, Y)) :-
This is already much less typing. It's even simpler if your Prolog has a between/3 predicate:
coordinate(X) :-
between(1, 8, X).
Regarding the predicate being very slow, this is because you are asking it to do too much duplicate work:
safe([A,B|T]) :-
Once you know that [A|T] is safe, T must be safe as well. You can remove the last goal and will get an exponential speedup.
Describe how the solution would look like and let it work out what is
would be
demands that the AI be very strong in general. We are not there yet.
You are on the right track though. Prolog essentially works by enumerating possible solutions and testing them, rejecting those that don't fit the conditions encoded in the program. The skill resides in performing a "good enumeration" (traversing the domain in certain ways, exploiting domain symmetries and overlaps etc) and subsequent "fast rejection" (quickly throwing away whole sectors of the search space as not promising). The basic pattern:
findstuff(X) :- generate(X),test(X).
And evidently the program must first generate X before it can test X, which may not be always evident to beginners.
findstuff(X) :- x_fulfills_test_conditions(X),x_fullfills_domain_conditions(X).
which is really another way of writing
findstuff(X) :- test(X),generate(X).
would be the same, but for Prolog, as a concrete implementation, there would be nothing to work with.
That X in the program always stands for a particular value (which may be uninstantiated at a given moment, but becomes more and more instantiated going "to the right"). Unlike in logic, where the X really stands for an unknown object onto which we pile constraints until -ideally- we can resolve X to a set of concrete values by applying a lot of thinking to reformulate constraints.
Which brings us the the approach of "Constraint Logic Programming (over finite domains)", aka CLP(FD) which is far more elegant and nearer what's going on when thinking mathematically or actually doing theorem proving, see here:
and the ECLiPSe logic programming system
N-Queens in Prolog on YouTube. as a must-watch
This is still technically Prolog (in fact, implemented on top of Prolog) but allows you to work on a more abstract level than raw generate-and-test.
Prolog is radically different in its approach to computing.
Arithmetic often is not required at all. But the complexity inherent in a solution to a problem show up in some place, where we control how relevant information are related.
No arithmetic at all, columns/rows are encoded in a clever choice of symbols (the numbers indeed are just that, identifiers), diagonals in two additional arguments.
The whole program just requires a (very) small subset of Prolog, namely a pure 2-clauses interpreter.
If you take the time to understand what place_queens/4 does (operationally, maybe, if you have above average attention capabilities), you'll gain a deeper understanding of what (pure) Prolog actually computes.

Finding whether a number is a multiple of another

Looking at the code below:
multiple(X,Y) :- lt(0,X), lt(0,Y), diff(Y,X,D), multiple(X,D).
There happens to be something wrong. For your reference:
lt/2 is whether the first argument is less than the second.
diff/3 is whether the third argument is equal to the first argument minus the second.
lt/2 and diff/3 are defined correctly.
Is there a logical mistake in the definition? Is assuming that 0 is the multiple of every number problematic or is the logical mistake somewhere else? I get correct answers but the query goes to infinite loop I think.
here are the other definitions.
natNum(s(X)) :- natNum(X).
lt(0,s(X)) :- natNum(X).
lt(s(X),s(Y)) :- lt(X,Y).
sum(s(X),Y,s(Z)) :- sum(X,Y,Z).
diff(X,Y,Z) :- sum(Z,Y,X).
?- multiple(X, s(s(s(s(s(s(0))))))).
where s(0) is 1, s(s(0)) is 2 etc. It gives all the desired answers for X but after the last answer, it gets stuck. I assume in an infinite recursive loop?
What is happening in your program? Does it loop forever, or does it only take some time since you haven't updated your hardware in recent decades? We cannot tell. (Actually, we could tell by looking at your program, but that is much too complex for the moment).
What we can do with ease is narrow down the source of this costly effort. And this, without a deep understanding of your program. Let's start with the query:
?- multiple(X, s(s(s(s(s(s(0))))))).
X = s(0)
; X = s(s(0))
; X = s(s(s(0)))
; X = s(s(s(s(s(s(0))))))
; loops. % or takes too long
Isn't there an easier way to do this? All this semicolon typing. Instead, simply add false to your query. In this manner the solutions found are no longer shown and we can concentrate on this annoying looping. And, if we're at it, you can also add false goals into your program! By such goals the number of inferences might be reduced (or stays the same). And if the resulting fragment (called a failure-slice) is looping, then this is a reason why your original program loops:
multiple(_X,0) :- false.
multiple(X,Y) :- lt(0,X), false, lt(0,Y), diff(Y,X,D), multiple(X,D).
natNum(0) :- false.
natNum(s(X)) :- natNum(X), false.
lt(0,s(X)) :- natNum(X), false.
lt(s(X),s(Y)) :- false, lt(X,Y).
?- multiple(X, s(s(s(s(s(s(0))))))), false.
Do your recognize your program? Only those parts remained that are needed for a loop. And, actually in this case, we have an infinite loop.
To fix this, we need to modify something in the remaining, visible part. I'd go for lt/2 whose first clause can be generalized to lt(0, s(_)).
But wait! Why is it OK to generalize away the requirement that we have a natural number? Look at the fact multiple(X,0). which you have written. You have not demanded that X is a natural number either. This kind of over-generalizations often appears in Prolog programs. They improve termination properties at a relatively low price: Sometimes they are too general but all terms that additionally fit into the generalization are not natural numbers. They are terms like any or [a,b,c], so if they appear somewhere you know that they do not belong to the solutions.
So the idea was to put false goals into your program such that the resulting program (failure-slice) still loops. In the worst case you put false at a wrong place and the program terminates. By trial-and-error you get a minimal failure-slice. All those things that are now stroked through are irrelevant! In particular diff/3. So no need to understand it (for the moment). It suffices to look at the remaining program.

Programming the Quadratic Formula in Prolog

First of all, I saw this same question being asked earlier today and I decided to give it a try myself (and had trouble with it). I hope it's alright that I created a new question for this!
I'm trying to make a prolog program that solves the quadratic formula X = ​(​​−b±√​b​2​​−4ac)​/2a. The implemented predicate quadratic([A,B,C], [Result]) takes a list of a, b and c as an the first argument and a list of the result(s) as the second. The lists are giving me trouble however; I wrote this code:
quadratic([A,B,C], [X]):-
underRoot([A,B,C], UnderRootResult),
X is 0.
quadratic([A,B,C], [X]):-
underRoot([A,B,C], UnderRootResult),
X is -B/2*A.
quadratic([A,B,C], [X]):-
underRoot([A,B,C], UnderRootResult),
X is -B - sqrt(UnderRootResult)/2*A,
X is -B + sqrt(UnderRootResult)/2*A.
(This is probably full of mistakes, so excuse me in advance)
Running this will give me the undefined procedure error for underRoot/2. I don't really get why this happens. I feel like I have the general idea of how to program this but that I'm making lots of newbie mistakes. I can;t seem to find out what the problem is though, so I would appreciate any help!
edit: Also, if I'm allowed to ask two questions at once, how would I get both X's in the case of >0 in a list as one result?
There are many things here. First of all, usually all calls in the body are put on the same column, but that is not really an error.
Furthermore I do not find an underRoot/2 predicate. We can implement one like:
underRoot([A,B,C],X) :-
X is B*B-4*A*C.
Furthermore you always put [X] in the head of the clauses. But in case UnderRoot is less than zero, there are no solutions, so the list should be []. Furthermore in case UnderRoot > 0, there are two solutions, so the solution should be [X1,X2].
Finally if you write -B/2*A, it will be interpreted like: (-B/2)*A, so you will multiply with A. So you will need to use -B/(2*A).
So this brings us to a following proposal:
quadratic(L, []) :-
underRoot(L, U),
U < 0.
quadratic([A,B,C], [X]) :-
X is -B/(2*A).
quadratic([A,B,C], [X1, X2]) :-
underRoot([A,B,C],U) :-
SU is sqrt(U),
X1 is (-B-SU)/(2*A),
X2 is (-B+SU)/(2*A).

Determining successor in prolog using recursion

I'm trying (failing) to understand an exercise where I'm given the following clauses;
pterm(f0(X)) :- pterm(X).
pterm(f1(X)) :- pterm(X).
They represent a number in binary, eg. f0(null) is equivalent to 0, f1(null) is equivalent to 1, etc.
The objective is to define a predicate over pterm such that one is the successor of the other when true. It seems like a relatively simple exercise but I'm struggling to get my head around it.
Here is the code I've written so far;
incr(X,Y) :- pterm(f0(X)), pterm(f1(Y)).
incr(X,Y) :- pterm(f0(f1(X))), pterm(f1(f1(Y))).
Having tested this I know it's very much incorrect. How might I go about inspecting the top level arguments of each pterm?
I've made minimal progress in the last 4 hours so any hints/help would be appreciated.
I'll start with the "how to inspect" question, as I think it will be the most useful. If you're using swi-prolog with xpce, run the guitracer:
?- consult('pterm'). % my input file
% pterm compiled 0.00 sec, 5 clauses
?- guitracer.
% The graphical front-end will be used for subsequent tracing
?- trace. % debugs step by step
[trace] ?- pterm(f0(f1(null))). % an example query to trace
A graphical interface will come up. Press the down arrow to unify things step by step. What's going on should make sense fairly quickly.
(use notrace. and nodebug. appropriately to exit trace and debug modes afterwards).
2) You seem to misunderstand how predicates work. A predicate is a logical statement, i.e. it will always return either true or false. You can think of them as classical boolean functions of the type "iseven(X)" (testing if X is even) or "ismemberof(A,B)" (testing if A is a member of B) etc. When you have a rule like "pred1 :- pred2, pred3." this is similar to saying "pred1 will return true if pred2 returns true, and pred3 returns true (otherwise pred1 returns false)".
When your predicates are called using constants, checking its truth value is a matter of checking your facts database to see if that predicate with those constants can be satisfied. But when you call using variables, prolog goes through a wild goose chase, trying to unify that variable with all the allowable stuff it can link it to, to see if it can try to make that predicate true. If it can't, it gives up and says it's false.
A predicate like incr(X,Y) is still something that needs to return true or false, but, if by design, this only becomes true when Y is the incremented version of X, where X is expected to be given at query time as input, then we have tricked prolog into making a "function" that is given X as input, and "returns" Y as output, because prolog will try to find an appropriate Y that makes the predicate true.
Therefore, with your example, incr(X,Y) :- pterm(f0(X)), pterm(f1(Y)). makes no sense, because you're telling it that incr(X,Y) will return true for any X,Y, as long as prolog can use X to find in the fact database any pterm(f0(X)) that will lead to a known fact, and also use Y to find a pterm(f1(Y)) term. You haven't made Y dependent on X in any way. This query will succeed for X = null, and Y = null, for instance.
Your first clause should be something like this.
incr(X,Y) :- X = pterm(f0(Z)), Y = pterm(f1(Z)).
where = performs unification. I.e. "find a value for Z such that X is pterm(f0(Z)), and for the same value of Z it also applies that Y = pterm(f1(Z))."
In fact, this could be more concisely rewritten as a fact:
incr( pterm(f0(Z)), pterm(f1(Z)) ).
Your second clause can be adapted similarly. However, I'm not sure if this is correct in terms of the logic of what you're trying to achieve (i.e. binary arithmetic). But I may have misunderstood the problem you're trying to solve.
My assumption is that if you have (0)111, then the successor should be 1000, not 1111. For this, I would guess you need to create a predicate that recursively checks if the incrementation of the digits below the currently processed one results in a 'carried' digit.
(since the actual logic is what your assignment is about, I won't offer a solution here. but hope this helps get you into grips with what's going on. feel free to have a go at the recursive version and ask another question based on that code!)

Prolog Backtracking On Finding A Solution And Returning False

I'm taking a crack at Prolog (using SWI-Prolog) and everything works like I want it to, i.e., the logic is calculated correctly and it finds the right solutions but the whole backtracking thing is screwing with me.
Here's the code:
tall(X) :- skinny(X) ; eatless(X).
eatless(X) :- playsmore(X).
playsmore(X) :- hasxbox(X) ; hasplaystation(X).
list_all_tall :- forall(tall(Tall), writeln(Tall)).
Very basic stuff. Here's what I get as a result of my queries:
?- tall(a).
true ; % Note 1
?- tall(b).
true ; % Note 2
?- tall(c).
?- tall(d).
As you can see from Notes 1 and 2, it waits for me to hit ; to move on and then considers the first solution as null and eventually outputs false.
I can use cuts to control this behavior better but I also want the following commands to work properly:
?- tall(X).
X = a ;
X = b ;
X = d.
?- list_all_tall.
These two commands give the solution exactly the way I want. Its just the ones for Notes 1 and 2 that are driving me up the wall. Is there a way that I can keep the functionality as it is right now for tall(X). and list_all_tall., while fixing the functionality of tall(a). and tall(b). to my liking, i.e., the program should exit with a true. after I ask tall(a). or tall(b).
I'd appreciated it if instead of giving straight answers someone could actually explain how I could go about fixing it myself because maybe my way of thinking in Prolog is all bassackwards.
PS: No offense intended to tall, skinny, fat, burger eating, video game playing, vegetarian folks.
Just to supplement Daniel's well-explained answer (+1) for your specific case, consider:
Prolog will look at the first match, which is through:
tall(X) :- skinny(X) ; eatless(X).
This will succeed because skinny(a) will succeed. However, there's a disjunction ; leaving a choice point for Prolog that it hasn't explored yet. Because skinny(a) succeeds and the choice point is pending, you get true but prompted to seek more. Prolog then backtracks to the choice point and tries to satisfy eatless(a) but fails. Thus, you get:
?- tall(a).
true ; % because `skinny(a)` succeeded
false. % because `eatless(a)` failed
Taking another example:
Again, this matches the tall/1 predicate, but this time, skinny(d) fails and prolog moves right on (due to the disjunction) to eatless(d) which succeeds. However, there are no more choice points after that success, so you get:
?- tall(d).
true. % There were no choice points available after success
The best thing to do is not worry about it, because you're not always going to be able to prevent it.
Prolog doesn't ever know that there will be another answer. It just knows that there may be another answer. This is called a choice point. Whenever Prolog reaches an alternative, it creates a choice point and then follows the first option. If that option doesn't work out, it backs up to the most recent choice point and tries the next alternative. If it runs out of alternatives without finding an answer, you get no or false.
You can try to write your code so that you don't get a choice point if you know there are no more items. member/2, for instance, in some Prologs you get false after the last item and in others you do not. But it isn't a composition problem to have a dud choice point after all your solutions. Your user interface probably won't show users Prolog's prompts directly. You can use setof/3 and the other extralogical predicates to get all the solutions. The false won't "leak" out into the world. It's a little unnerving at first, but just trust it and don't worry too much about it.
It is possible to run the same predicate, tall/1 in this case, in different modes based on different instantiation patterns.
When you run ?- tall(a). you instantiate the argument (i.e., X=a) and you want to receive either true or false (and no choicepoints, indicated by ;).
In Prolog this mode is called semi-deterministic.
You can force your predicate to be semi-deterministic for this specific instantiation pattern in the following way:
tall(X):- (ground(X) -> once(tall0(X)) ; tall0(X)).
Here ground(X) succeeds just in case X is fully instantiated.
Fully instantiated means that it is not a variable nor is it a compound term containing a variable.
tall0(X) is your original predicate.
The second mode you want to use is ?- tall(X).
Here you expect all results to be given subsequently, using ;.
This mode is called non-deterministic in Prolog.
The complete code for your example is:
tall(X):- (ground(X) -> once(tall0(X)) ; tall0(X)).
tall0(X):- skinny(X) ; eatless(X).
eatless(X):- playsmore(X).
playsmore(X):- hasxbox(X) ; hasplaystation(X).
Now the single predicate tall/1 can be called in the two modes, producing the behavior you want. Semi-deterministic usage:
?- tall(a).
Non-deterministic usage:
?- tall(X).
X = a ;
X = b ;
X = d.
Hope this helps!
