list subfolders using applescript - applescript

This is my first applescript. I thought I'd do something simple like navigating to a folder using a path and listing the subfolders...Unfortunately, I can't figure it out :-)
Here is what I've tried so far:
The first try:
tell application "Finder"
set the_folder to POSIX path of "Users:MyName:Doc"
log the_folder
set folder_list to every item of folder the_folder
log folder_list
end tell
This produces an error:
"Finder got an error: Can't get folder "/Users/MyName/Doc".
Could someone please:
1. Explain to me what I'm doing wrong.
2. Provide an example that works.
Thanks in advance.
btw the folder does exist on my machine...

UPDATE: Oops! It appears that I have given you the wrong information so I will give you the correct information.
The command POSIX path of requires a complete alias reference. By that I mean supplying the full file reference (i.e. <your_disk_name>:Users:<your_user_name>:somefolder:). Make sure that if you're referring to a folder that you end the reference with a colon (i.e. Macintosh HD:Users:). An improved version would look like this:
tell application "Finder"
set the_folder to (POSIX path of ("<your_disk_name>:Users:<your_user_name>:Doc:") as alias) as alias
set folder_list to every item of the_folder
end tell
To coerce a POSIX path (i.e. /Users/<your_user_name>/somefolder) back into an alias, two conversions are needed.
Conversion 1: The first step is to convert the reference into a file reference. To do this, place the words as POSIX file after the reference, like so:
"/Users/<your_user_name>/somefolder" as POSIX file
This code procudes a file reference in this form: file "<your_disk_name>:Users:<your_user_name>:somefolder:"
Conversion 2: Add a second coercion, as alias, to the end of the reference...
"/Users/<your_user_name>/somefolder" as POSIX file as alias
This code produces an actual alias reference: alias "<your_disk_name>:Users:<your_user_name>:somefolder:
If you have any questions, just ask. :)

Posix paths are paths you use at the command line and are "/" delimited. Applescript paths are ":" separated so just use those. Try this script to see what the path should look like...
set folderPath to (choose folder) as text


copy a file with applescript results in "Access Not Allowed"

I am trying to copy a file over another file using applescript.
tell application "Finder"
copy file "Macintosh HD:Users:rkohr:Dropbox:Hacks:hosts.block" to "Macintosh HD:Users:rkohr:Dropbox:Hacks:hosts"
end tell
Both files have be set with chmod 664, and should have permissions to be written to, but it gives a syntax error saying "Access Not Allowed"
First, 'copy' —as a command— doesn't mean 'copy a file' in applescript. The command to copy a file with the Finder is 'duplicate'. Second, what goes between the quotes is just a text string until it is prefaced with 'file' or 'alias' or some such keyword. So your second reference (i.e. the destination) needs to incorporate that. As is, you're trying to have the script copy a file to a string. Finally, renaming the resulting file is a separate action.
Try this:
tell application "Finder"
set sFil to file "rkohr:Dropbox:Hacks:hosts.block"
set fNam to name of sFil
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ".block"
set sNam to first text item of fNam
set dFil to duplicate sFil to "rkohr:Dropbox:Hacks:" with exact copy
set name of dFil to sNam
end tell
NB If you have a variety of file extensions, then you can get the 'name extension' of your source file and use that as the delimiter. The 'exact copy' parameter will include the file's permissions in the copy. There is also the option of replacing an already existing destination file. I'm assuming that your file path is functional but having it reach back to the disk (e.g. prepend with "MacintoshHD:Users:" or whatever your setup is) might be worth considering.

AppleScript - exclude certain files when duplicating a folder from one location to another

I have an AppleScript that is working to duplicate the contents of a source folder to a destination folder. I now need to add some conditional logic to this so that it excludes certain files from the source folder and doesn't copy across all files/folders.
Here's my current script:
set here to POSIX file "/Users/benny/Desktop/Projects/Source/Project1"
set there to POSIX file "/Users/benny/Documents/Masters"
tell application id "" to duplicate ¬
every item in the folder here to there
I would like to add some logic so that it doesn't copy across these files:
Haven't tried to get the syntax working here but haven't been able to work out how to exclude files by their filename so far.
The duplicate command is wrapped in a try statement because it will error out if items of the same name already exist in there. You could uncomment the with replacing and get rid of the try statement, that is if replacing an existing item is okay.
set here to POSIX file "/Users/benny/Desktop/Projects/Source/Project1"
set there to POSIX file "/Users/benny/Documents/Masters"
tell application id ""
set theseItems to a reference to ¬
(items whose name is not equal to "Import.log" and ¬
name is not equal to "Recover.log") of folder here
duplicate theseItems to there -- with replacing
end try
end tell

How to fix a ~10006 error in applescript when duplicating a file to another folder?

When trying to duplicate files to another folder, the script throws a ~10006 error. This only occurs on some Mac mini computers and works fine on others. I have no idea why it is working on some computers but not on others.
This is the error shown:
Can't set "Macintosh HD:Users:username:Documents:" to <> "Macintosh HD:Users:username:Downloads:new test:portal resources" of application "Finder". (~10006)
tell application "Finder"
set folderToBeMoved to (container of (path to me) as text) &
set destinationFolder to path to documents folder as text
set moveFolder to duplicate folder folderToBeMoved to destinationFolder with replacing
end tell
expected output is duplicating file to documents folder. But, when testing on certain Macs, the script shows an error ~10006. It works on other macs perfectly well.
You are going to copy the folder to a literal string (path) which can fail on machines running older system versions.
Remove the as text parameter to get an alias specifier
set destinationFolder to path to documents folder
Try this code:
tell application "Finder"
set folderToBeMoved to folder "portal_resources" of container of (path to me)
set destinationFolder to path to documents folder
set moveFolder to duplicate folderToBeMoved to destinationFolder with replacing
end tell
There were two issues here that I've changed. First, you convert things to text strings and try to modify the strings, but the Finder has a rich language for talking about file objects. You should just leave everything in object form. For instance, this:
folder "portal_resources" of container of (path to me)
tells the finder to find the folder of that name in that container and return an object specifier that you can use directly.
Second, once you have this object, you can't add the 'folder' specifier to it. Where you say:
duplicate folder folderToBeMoved
folderToBeMoved is already an object specifier (an object of the form 'folder [path]') so you're actually asking the Finder for 'folder folder [path],' which throws the error you're seeing. It's like saying to someone "pass the 'pass the salt.'" People are probably smart enough to figure that out; the Finder isn't.

Applescript to find the newest folder

I'm trying to find the folder which has been last modified. (Actually, I'm only interested in that folder and not an ordered list.) I'm getting an -10010 error.
tell application "Finder"
set latestFolder to item 1 of (sort (get name of folders of folder ("/Users/c64/Desktop" as POSIX file)) by creation date) as alias
set folderName to latestFolder's name
end try
end tell
If you're looking for the name of the last modified folder on the Desktop, then this will do it:
tell application "Finder"
set latestModifiedFolderName to name of item 1 of (sort every folder by modification date)
end tell
By the way, the AppleScript Dictionary for Finder does not contain terms POSIX file or POSIX path and when using e.g. POSIX file inside of a tell application "Finder" block, Finder will throw a non-fatal error if it can be coerced into an alias, otherwise it can throw a fatal error. That said, if you are dealing with a POSIX path, it's probably best to pass it to Finder as an alias, and I'd recommend coercing the POSIX path to an alias before passing it to Finder, e.g.:
set thisFolderPath to POSIX file "/Path/To/Some/Folder" as alias
tell application "Finder"
set latestModifiedFolderName to name of item 1 of (sort every folder of thisFolderPath by modification date)
end tell
Note: The example AppleScript code above is just that, and does not include any error handling as may be appropriate/needed/wanted, the onus is upon the user to add any error handling for any example code presented and or code written by the oneself.

what is the correct path to the iMovie Projects folder to use in an AppleScript

I'm working on a simple AppleScript to make a copy of an iMovie project file. I have added this property to the script:
property iMovieProjects : alias (home directory of (system info) as string) & "Movies:iMovie Projects"
This gives me the error
File alias Macintosh HD:Users:my user name:Movies:iMovie Projects of wasn't found
What's the correct path? I tried iMovie Project.localized but that doesn't work either.
Try this, looks like you need to use the Finder. Also i added a little simplification on getting the home path.
property iMovieProjects : ""
tell application "Finder" to set iMovieProjects to alias ((home as string) & "Movies:iMovie Projects")
EDIT: Heres a one line solution that does not use the Finder, based on ideas from mklement0 & regulus6633
property iMovieProjects : alias ((path to movies folder as text) & "iMovie Projects.localized")
It appears this folder is some kind of special bundle type folder and thats why we were needing the finder to parse it correctly. Using its full .localized name resolves it.
UPDATE: As adamh discovered, the reason for the alias error is because the real name of the folder is "iMovie Projects.localized". Get info on the folder and you will see it.
I would add that an easier method to get to a folder is using the "path to" command. Using that you can get to virtually every known folder. In your case we can get directly to the Movies folder. You can look in the applescript dictionary of the standard additions to see all of the folders it knows. As such I would reference that folder as follows.
set iMovieProjects to alias ((path to movies folder as text) & "iMovie Projects.localized:")
Finally you'll notice that I did not use a property for iMovieProjects. That's because when you compile a script a property will hard-code the path into the script... meaning that the script will only work for this particular user. If the script is used by another user it will still point to the Movies folder of the person at compile time. Thus we don't use a property and the script will work for any user.
Good luck.
Update2 (thanks, #adamh): Even though the iMovie projects folder name appears as "iMovie Projects" in Finder in English-language locales, the actual - locale-independent - name is "iMovie Projects.localized". (If you want to refer to the folder by its localized name, prefix the set command with tell application "Finder", as in #adamh's answer's first snippet.)
You simply need to change how you parenthesize - the string to pass to alias must be built in its entirety inside parentheses:
property iMovieProjects : ""
set iMovieProjects to alias ( ¬
(home directory of (system info) as string) & "Movies:iMovie Projects.localized" ¬
Update1: #regulus6633 makes the excellent point that you shouldn't initialize a property with a specific user's path, as it will get compiled into the script. Thus, the above snippet initializes the property to an empty string and then assigns a value dynamically - which will then reflect the current user's path - in a separate set ... to statement.
Your original statement inadvertently creates a list with 2 elements, whose first element is a an alias of your home directory and whose second element is the string "Movies:iMovie Projects".
Simplified version with the path to command demonstrated in #regulus6633's answer (the same need to parenthesize applies):
property iMovieProjects : ""
set iMovieProjects to alias ( ¬
(path to movies folder as text) & "iMovie Projects.localized" ¬
