Do any of these popular sites use the MVC pattern? - model-view-controller

I'm in the process of exploring Zend Framework, an MVC (Model View Controller) framework. I noticed that Zend's own site is using it (of course), but I was wondering if some of today's most popular sites:
maybe Google?
do as well. I ask because I am curious if it is robust and manageable enough for huge sites like Amazon and Facebook. Does anyone know if they do?

MVC isn't a framework. In the context of web programming, is just a very rough division of labor:
Model is - usually, roughly - the code that handles data store
View is responsible for HTML generation etc
Controller is the part that translates incoming request to optional model changes and then hands off to some view.
I would be very surprised if the sites/companies you mentioned don't structure their code roughly like that, but as you can see it's only a very high-level structure and has more to do with maintainability / sane division of responsibilities than performance.
In any case, if you have to ask this kind of question, performance is NOT the first thing to worry about - relatively sane structure and readability of code is much, much more important, if only because the chances of getting enough users that serious scalability is an issue are low, while unmaintainable code will be an issue tomorrow - even if you have only one important user.


Is it good to develop view before model (in MVC pattern)?

I was wondering about the best practice when using the MVC pattern.
When you develop an app for a client, you want to think business. You want to think as the customer would. That's why I'm wondering :
Isn't it better to develop the view part, without any data treatment, so the customer can validate it ?
I see this practice as powerful as TDD is, I mean if you clearly know what your program will look like, you know which treatment it will require, making the model part a bit more concrete and business oriented, instead of making it too abstract and global.
I can not see downsides to this, so if you can see some, or explain me why it's not a good idea, please do.
Thanks :-)
The main benefit, as I see it, would be the ability to provide the client with hands-on prototype.
It not uncommon for clients to change their mind, because often, when they hire a developer or company, they actually have only a vague goal for the end product. This way you would mitigate the risk of large scale changes late in the projects life-cycle.
As for implementation of such approach, I would recommend for you to look into concept of "presentation objects" (Fowler has this annoying habit of slapping "model" on every damned term).
With presentation objects you would gain an ability to "shim" the data from model layer's services. And it also would let you figure out, what exactly services (and service calls) will you *UI layer( interact with).
Note: of course I am assuming that with "MVC" you do not mean some Rails-style abomination, where "views" are just dumb templates.

MVC: why the separation of model, view, and controller?

Other than the “philosophical” aspects of it, is it a bad idea to have my controller also be my model?
It seems to save some programming time. I don’t have to create logic between the controller and the model, since it’s the same thing. And I can directly interact with the view.
What’s the point of separating the M and the C? Is modularity — that is, the ability to swap one model and controller set for another — the only reason to separate them? It seems to me that “swapping” modules out happens a lot less than (for example) having to update both the model and the controller because something in the model is changing.
It seems odd that a simple calculator, according to the MVC concept, should have both a controller and a view for its settings (like default settings, or something). I know this is a simple example, but it seems to apply to all cases (except maybe frameworks).
The primary reason is for reusability of code. If you’re only ever going to write one program in your professional life, then perhaps it doesn’t matter. If you plan to make a career of it, having reusable pieces is valuable. Well-designed model, controller and view classes are very easy to drop into other programs. I do this all the time.
Consider UITableViewController, which is a Controller. Now imagine if it were designed exclusively to handle music tracks (the Model), and you needed to create a completely different table-management class when you wanted to handle something else. Avoiding this nightmare is why MVC is heavily used in Cocoa.
There are other ways to split things up. Some languages subclass heavily rather than delegating. But in Cocoa, the primary means of splitting up programs is MVC, and it works very well.
EDIT: Just some more reasons from the world of developing commercial apps.
Memory handling is much easier in MVC. You can hold on to your model objects and throw away your view objects (and many of your controller objects) when they go offscreen.
It’s easier to serialize model objects that aren’t wrapped up with controllers and views, and it’s much easier to display the same data in multiple ways. Even in a “simple” text editor, you may want to be able to do split-screen, or have multiple windows showing the same document. In MVC that’s very easy.
If you need no flexibility now or in the future, you don’t need much architecture. But most real projects aren’t so simple. MVC grew out of Xerox’s experience with writing large programs and the difficulties encountered when everything was thrown together.
EDIT 2: I was looking at your earlier edit: “It seems odd that a simple calculator, according to the MVC concept, should have both a controller and a view for its settings (like default settings, or something).”
This is exactly the reason for MVC. It would seem crazy to have to re-code all of the things required for saving user settings specially for a Calculator app. You’d want a generic “please save these user settings” that was completely separate from the UI and that you could reuse. On OS X it’s called NSUserDefaults, and the Calculator app stores its configuration in exactly this way.
MVC is a standard pattern that is well understood in the development community, and for good reasons. The separation really makes things easy to read, easy to troubleshoot, easy to find, and easy to test, as individual components, each with its own area of responsibility.
Do you have to use it? of course not. But keeping the parts separate is generally considered a good idea.
The controller knows how to link a specific view to your model. The separation of model and controller, apart from improving documentation and maintainability, has the immediate benefit of allowing multiple views to display the same information from the model without adding any complexity to either.
That applies not just to multiple views in the same application, but also to the multiple variations in views you'll have across multiple versions of your application. Your model is insulated and logically clean.
Combining model and controller is a classic false economy in my opinion. It may feel like it saves a few minutes, but it costs significantly as an application develops and grows.
If it works for you then it works. Period. The reason for separation of Models, Views, and Controllers revolves around the idea that most development for enterprise applications is done by a team of developers.
Imagine 10 developers trying to work on your controller. But all they want to do is add something to the model. Now your Controller broke? What did they do?
The Models are usually separate components which can be re-used between Controllers. If you are absolutely certain you won't be re-using Models in multiple Controller, I don't really see a problem with blending these concerns.
I guess one could argue why even use MVC design if you are planning on deviating. Maybe there is a more suitable pattern to follow for your situation. Can you give us an example of something you've done where the Controller is the Model? It would help us understand what you are trying to do better.
MVC is all about management (separation of data, representation and business logic). So it's like this: if you run a small company, having a MS-sized management would be a real drag. But if you are a giant corporation, not having big middle management is impossible.
Honestly, in most of my college progamming assignments, I combined the models and controllers, because I didn't see the need for the separation. But working on big projects? The deficiency would be pretty obvious if you try to not separate. Just do what you feel right.
The model depends on neither the view nor the controller. This is one the key benefits of the separation. This separation allows the model to be built and tested independent of the visual presentation.

Which is better: {REST API, website} --> {database}, or {website} --> {REST API} --> {database}?

I have a product that gathers and displays measurements of all kinds (won't go into it). The display portion is, as one would expect, a database + website built on top of it (with Symfony).
However, we'll probably be creating an API to expose the data to third-parties as well.
Now, we either have the choice of building both the website and the API on top of the database, or just build the API on top, and have the website implement the API.
I would greatly prefer the latter, since otherwise I'll have to adapt both model layers for the API and the website every time the schema changes (which can be a few times).
If I have the latter I obviously have the advantage of only adapting the API model. If the API contract stays the same, the website wouldn't need adapting.
However, obviously there is a downside in performance.
With website <-> database, vs website <-> API <-> database, the first will obviously be the fastest.
My question is: what is your opinion on this trade-off?
I'm hoping the performance can be almost evened out, since all the machines will be on the same LAN + there will be caching. If that's the case, the ease of development would certainly make my life easier :-)
Looking forward to your opinions and experience!
If there was ever a case of premature optimization, this is it! You're not going to know the answer without more information, and I suspect very much that the performance differences between the two will be so negligible as to be irrelevant in your domain.
The best approach, IMO, is to spike on a few of your models using both approaches and see where that gets you.
No better way to make sure your API is going to be usable by others than to use it yourself. I would go website -> API -> database. Write it once, you can always tune it and "cheat" later if you have too.
Many modern websites use JavaScript (AJAX etc) and then make service calls to an API. If you took that approach you would simply have a carefully designed, reusable API layer in front of your DB.
I find that there's little or no extra effort here, and I'm sceptical that you'll incur noticable performance penalties.

Front and back end techniques to increase performance

What are some of the common and notable performance issues/bottlenecks that are typically encountered in a web application in both, the front-end layer, and the back-end layer?
An example of what I mean in a database is not having something you are querying on be an index. That would slow down the query. On the front-end it might be something funky going on with JavaScript that makes your application seem slow.
What are the general rules of thumb that help navigate such issues? And what are some good to-do's?
On front-end:
-push all of your assets - css files, images, static content - to a CDN. Edgecast is pretty good and reasonably priced.
-don't use load entire javascript frameworks when you only need a few features from it. only load what's needed.
On back-end
-memcache the results from all database calls by using a hash of the sql query as the key name, and the result set as the value
-make sure you are not making your database tables really 'wide' - tons of columns and column types like 'text' and 'blob'
For the front-end, there are well-known guidelines/rules you can follow, and there are some great tools like YSlow that can help you pinpoint the bottlenecks.
For the back-end, as you've noted, efficient use of indexes is a must. Other optimizations usually involve caching, and basic stuff like avoiding doing stuff within loops that can be done once. I'm sure people here will have suggestions, but remember "premature optimization is the root of all evil!" :-)
Millhouse is on to it. I can also add:
Batch expensive operations up. For example: don't make lots of individual calls to a database if you can do it all in one hit.
Avoid server hops where you can.
Process in parallel if you can (not so common for your 'average' web app but quite possible in larger Enterprise scale apps).
Pre-process: crunching data, pre-puiblishing content etc, the more you can do before it's needed the better.
Use a CQRS-based architecture. CQRS stands for Command/Query Responsability Segregation; it basically means that you have different code (services) for reading from the DB and writing to the DB. A good practice for scalability is to have separate DB's for reading and writing (it actually does make sense, if you read more about CQRS), and you can scale out the reading database by having copies run on multiple servers.
CQRS is not only interesting from a scalability point of view, but also from a code maintenance and clarity point of view. It does take some effort to learn about CQRS and understand it, though.
Check out these links:
convert dynamic contents to static contents. regenerate those static contents if their dependent objects changed. I saw one article said that more than 80 percent contents are static on Amazon website.

What is MVC and what are the advantages of it? [closed]

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I found What are mvp and mvc and what is the difference but it didn't really answer this question.
I've recently started using MVC because it's part of the framework that myself and my work-partner are going to use. We chose it because it looked easy and separated process from display, are there advantages besides this that we don't know about and could be missing out on?
Display and Processing are seperated
None so far
MVC is the separation of model, view and controller — nothing more, nothing less. It's simply a paradigm; an ideal that you should have in the back of your mind when designing classes. Avoid mixing code from the three categories into one class.
For example, while a table grid view should obviously present data once shown, it should not have code on where to retrieve the data from, or what its native structure (the model) is like. Likewise, while it may have a function to sum up a column, the actual summing is supposed to happen in the controller.
A 'save file' dialog (view) ultimately passes the path, once picked by the user, on to the controller, which then asks the model for the data, and does the actual saving.
This separation of responsibilities allows flexibility down the road. For example, because the view doesn't care about the underlying model, supporting multiple file formats is easier: just add a model subclass for each.
Separation of concerns is the biggy.
Being able to tease these components apart makes the code easier to re-use and independently test. If you don't actually know what MVC is, be careful about trying to understand people's opinions as there is still some contention about what the "Model" is (whether it is the business objects/DataSets/DataTables or if it represents the underlying service layer).
I've seen all sorts of implementations that call themselves MVC but aren't exactly and as the comments in Jeff's article show MVC is a contentious point that I don't think developers will ever fully agree upon.
A good round up of all of the different MVC types is available here.
Jeff has a post about it, otherwise I found some useful documents on Apple's website, in Cocoa tutorials (this one for example).
I think another benefit of using the MVC pattern is that it opens up the doors to other approaches to the design, such as MVP/Presenter first and the many other MV* patterns.
Without this fundamental segregation of the design "components" the adoption of these techniques would be much more difficult.
I think it helps to make your code even more interface-based.. Not only within the individual project, but you can almost start to develop common "views" which mean you can template lot more of the "grunt" code used in your applications. For example, a very abstract "data view" which simply takes a bunch of data and throws it to a common grid layout.
If I remember correctly, this is a pretty good podcast on MV* patterns (listened to it a while ago!)
MVC is just a general design pattern that, in the context of lean web app development, makes it easy for the developer to keep the HTML markup in an app’s presentation layer (the view) separate from the methods that receive and handle client requests (the controllers) and the data representations that are returned within the view (the models). It’s all about separation of concerns, that is, keeping code that serves one functional purpose (e.g. handling client requests) sequestered from code that serves an entirely different functional purpose (e.g. representing data).
It’s the same principle for why anybody who’s spent more than 5 min trying to build a website can appreciate the need to keep your HTML markup, JavaScript, and CSS in separate files: If you just dump all of your code into a single file, you end up with spaghetti that’s virtually un-editable later on.
Since you asked for possible "cons": I’m no authority on software architecture design, but based on my experience developing in MVC, I think it’s also important to point out that following a strict, no-frills MVC design pattern is most useful for 1) lightweight web apps, or 2) as the UI layer of a larger enterprise app. I’m surprised this specification isn’t talked about more, because MVC contains no explicit definitions for your business logic, domain models, or really anything in the data access layer of your app. When I started developing in ASP.NET MVC (i.e. before I knew other software architectures even existed), I would end up with very bloated controllers or even view models chock full of business logic that, had I been working on enterprise applications, would have made it difficult for other devs who were unfamiliar with my code to modify (i.e. more spaghetti).
One con I can think of is if you need really fast access to your data in your view (for example, game animation data like bone positions.) It is very inefficient to keep a layer of separation in this case.
Otherwise, for most other applications which are more data driven than graphics driven, it seems like a logical way to drive a UI.
If you follow the stackoverflow podcasts you can hear Jeff (and Geoff?) discuss its greatness. But remember that using these separate layers means things are easier in the future--and harder now. And layers can make things slower. And you may not need them. But don't let that stop you from learning what it is--when building big, robust, long-lived systems, it's invaluable.
It separates Model and View controlled by a Controller,
As far as Model is concerned, Your Models has to follow OO architecture, future enhancements and other maintenance of the code base should be very easy and the code base should be reusable.
Same model can have any no.of views e.g) same info can be shown in as different graphical views.
Same view can have different no.of models e.g) different detailed can be shown as a single graph say as a bar graph.
This is what is re-usability of both View and Model.
Enhancements in views and other support of new technologies for building the view can be implemented easily.
Guy who is working on view dose not need to know about the underlying Model code base and its architecture, vise versa for the model.
One of the major advantages of MVC which has not mentioned here is that MVC provides RESTful urls which enables SEO. When you name your Controllers and Actions wisely, it makes it easier for search engines to find your site if they only take a look at your site Urls. For example you have a car sale website and a page which displays available Lamborghini Veneno cars, instead of having referring to the page you can choose url for SEO purpose.
Here is a good answer to MVC Advantages and here is an article How to create a SEO friendly Url.
Main advantage of MVC architecture is differentiating the layers of a project in Model,View and Controller for the Re-usability of code, easy to maintain code and maintenance. The best thing is the developer feels good to add some code in between the project maintenance.
Here you can see the some more points on Main Advantages of MVC Architecture.
![mvc architecture][1]
Model–view–controller (MVC) is a software architectural pattern for implementing user interfaces. It divides a given software application into three interconnected parts, so as to separate internal representations of information from the ways that information is presented to or accepted from the user.
