how to add a UIView file on a MainView as a subview - xcode

If I already have a UIViewController(no nib) on iphone,and I wanna use it on ipad.
I use a IBOutlet(UIView)on ipad to show this view.
I try to set in viewDidLoad :
MacroMainView *marcoview =[[MacroMainView alloc]initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];
marcoView =[marcoview view];
[[self view]addSubview:marcoView];
but still no work..
What should I do??
Thanks in advance.

You should use loadView method for a UIViewController without a nib. UIViewController Doc
If you create your views manually, you must override this method and use it to create your views


How to link ibOutlet from subview to custom UIView Class in storyboard xcode

I think this image explains it all. I have a subclass of UIView that I've entered into the class field. I'm trying to connect ibOutlets between the storyboard and class implementation. It's not giving me an error, but it's not working either. Is this another xcode bug, or am I expecting this to work in a way that it won't?
Here is a solution:
1) Type an IBOutlet by hands in your header file, example:
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet ProgressBarElementView *targetProgressElement;
2) Drag the pin from the code to the element in document outline zone
I have the same problem.. I saw that if you add the custom class to the root view in the view controller, it will work.. In your case this is the initial View, listed under Bottom Layout Guide
But there must be a better way
To overcome XCode stubborness, especially when you need to hook up different enums from UIControlEvent than UIControlEventTouchUpInside, I'd rather use code directly from within the custom view class:
button.addTarget(self, action:#selector(ClassName.handleRegister(sender:)),
for: .touchDragExit)
[self.button addTarget:self
action: #selector(buttonTouchDragExitAction:)
One might include such code in awakeFromNib or viewDidLoad or where it best suits.
write the outlet inside your custom UIView
#IBOutlet weak var imageView: UIImageView!
then drag it into the storyboard on the view

UIView cannot be remove after using presentModalViewController

I used a presentModalViewController to present a view and then after I try remove a UView using removeFromSuperview, but its not working anymore.
Before I used the command presentModalViewController , there's no problem in removing a Uiview from superview.
What changed?
First, presentModalViewController is deprecated so you should not be using it.
Per the UIViewController class reference, you should be using presentViewController:animated:completion: instead.
Secondly, if you use any of the present??ViewController methods, in order to dismiss it, you should use the appropriate dismiss??ViewController like this:
// Present the view controller
[self presentViewController:viewController animated:YES completion:NULL];
// Later, to dismiss it:
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:NULL];

My View disappears... tableViewController load viewController, but the View shows black. Why?

Look this situation...
My View disappears.
Why ???
Creating DetalhesViewController in code is unlikely to work correctly.
If you're going to use a storyboard and segues, then you should be making your connections there and configuring the new controller in prepareForSegue instead of didSelectRowAtIndexPath.
You should instantiate your view controller from storyboard.
DetalhesViewController *detailViewController = [self.storyBoard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"controllerIdentifier"];
self.navigationController push:detailViewController animated:YES];

How to make UIScrollview with xCode 4.2 and storyboards

I am new to iOS Development and am wondering how to put a scrollview in a storyboard, using Xcode 4.2. I want the content to be 1280 by 460. This code all works well, but when I go to wire up the outlet, there is no file's owner, so i'm stumped. Here is the code I have:
in the .h file-
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface ViewController : UIViewController {
IBOutlet UIScrollView *scrollView;
and the .m, under viewDidLoad:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[scrollView setScrollEnabled:YES];
[scrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(1280,460)];
[scrollView setPagingEnabled:YES];
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
If anyone could help me, that would be great!
Storyboards do not have a File's Owner. You need to use the View Controller to connect the Outlets instead. I.E. Drag to the View Controller in the same way you used to drag to the File's Owner.
OK, I figured it out. I just had to create a class for my view controller. I was trying to use files that were not part of a class that was a subclass of UIViewController.I had to create a new class, then copy the old code in and make my view controller's class that of the NEW files, and THEN wire up the outlets. I was changing the class to something that was not there. I then wired my outlet up to the scroll view I wanted. Thankfully, that part is finally over! Thanks for the suggestions, guys, I really appreciate it.
A good visual tutorial is in the current Stanford CS193p course for iOS 5 in iTunes U.
This course works mainly with storyboards and they cover among other things UIScrollViews

NSViewController and multiple subviews from a Nib

I'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around loading views with Interface Builder and NSViewController.
My goal is to have a view which meets the following description: Top bar at the top (like a toolbar but not exactly) which spans the entire width of the view, and a second "content view" below. This composite view is owned by my NSViewController subclass.
It made sense to use Interface Builder for this. I have created a view nib, and added to it two subviews, laid them out properly (with the top bar and the content view). I've set File's Owner to be MyViewController, and connected outlets and such.
The views I wish to load in (the bar and the content) are also in their own nibs (this might be what's tripping me up) and those nibs have their Custom Class set to the respective NSView subclass where applicable. I'm not sure what to set as their File's Owner (I'm guessing MyController as it should be their owner).
Alas, when I init an instance of MyViewController none of my nibs actually display. I've added it to my Window's contentView properly (I've checked otherwise), and actually, things sort of load. That is, awakeFromNib gets sent to the bar view, but it does not display in the window. I think I've definitely got some wires crossed somewhere. Perhaps someone could lend a hand to relieve some of my frustration?
EDIT some code to show what I'm doing
The controller is loaded when my application finishes launching, from the app delegate:
MyController *controller = [[MyController alloc] initWithNibName:#"MyController" bundle:nil];
[window setContentView:[controller view]];
And then in my initWithNibName I don't do anything but call to super for now.
When breaking out each view into its own nib and using NSViewController, the typical way of handling things is to create an NSViewController subclass for each of your nibs. The File's Owner for each respective nib file would then be set to that NSViewController subclass, and you would hook up the view outlet to your custom view in the nib. Then, in the view controller that controls the main window content view, you instantiate an instance of each NSViewController subclass, then add that controller's view to your window.
A quick bit of code - in this code, I'm calling the main content view controller MainViewController, the controller for the "toolbar" is TopViewController, and the rest of the content is ContentViewController
#interface MainViewController : NSViewController
//These would just be custom views included in the main nib file that serve
//as placeholders for where to insert the views coming from other nibs
IBOutlet NSView* topView;
IBOutlet NSView* contentView;
TopViewController* topViewController;
ContentViewController* contentViewController;
#implementation MainViewController
//loadView is declared in NSViewController, but awakeFromNib would work also
//this is preferred to doing things in initWithNibName:bundle: because
//views are loaded lazily, so you don't need to go loading the other nibs
//until your own nib has actually been loaded.
- (void)loadView
[super loadView];
topViewController = [[TopViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"TopView" bundle:nil];
[[topViewController view] setFrame:[topView frame]];
[[self view] replaceSubview:topView with:[topViewController view]];
contentViewController = [[ContentViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"ContentView" bundle:nil];
[[contentViewController view] setFrame:[contentView frame]];
[[self view] replaceSubview:contentView with:[contentViewController view]];
Should not MainViewController be a subclass of NSWindowController? And the outlets in the class connected to view elements in the main Window in MainMenu.xib?
Let's hope old threads are still read...
