WindowsAzure: Remote Desktop, what can I do? - windows

I'm connected to one of my WebRole instances. But what can I do now? I startet the Server Manager and navigated to Roles -> WebServer -> RD00123..., but what I see seems not to be the active instance. When I click on "Browse WebSite" I don't see the deployed site even I can't see or edit for instance the configured rewrite rules (defined in the web.config).
It's also funny that the inetpub is on systemdrive D (d:\inetpub\wwwroot) but the deployed (editable) files are on E (e:\approot). I'm wondering how this comes togehter.
Ok the things I want to know are:
How can I launch the unique instance version of the web role (I can't find an IP or port)?
How can I assume temporary debug changes in the web.config?
How can I restore the deployed version of the instance?

1) I don't believe you can. This is managed by the Azure Fabric controller. The most you can do is force an individual instance (the one you've RDP'd into) to reboot/restart.
2) Yes. But they won't be reverted unless the VM is recycled, so be prepared to back them out yourself. This is a good use of RDP
3) Not directly. Again, this is controlled by the Azure Fabric controller. But you could put the original bits you had back into the VM manually.
I'm not sure I understand the questions regarding server manager, but I can answer the question about where things live. The "base" Windows Azure VM image is the root drive where you see INetPub at. The application is deployed to a seperate VHD (thus its presence on another drive). If you request local storage, that will come from yet another virtual drive. This is just how the Azure Fabric manages the application deployments. Properly constructed, the roles of course won't care where things live.


Amazon AWS EC2 - Elastic IP - can i mirror my site closing certain ports?

I have a development environment running on an Amazon AWS EC2 virtual server which i want to have tested by third parties.
I do NOT trust the companies who will test it not to sabotage environment and / or steal code. Therefore, i don't want them to know URL's, permanent IP's or even to access the web pages, which they could eventually use a crawler to find.
My environment includes web applications and socket servers. I do NOT want to expose the web applications, while giving access only to socket servers.
I have opted to use a secondary, impermanent Elastic IP pointing to the environment. this IP will be destroyed after 1 or 2 days, after basic tests have run. Subject to change (depending on suggestions from this thread).
Can i create a secondary Elastic IP instance that allows access only to ports 5000-5100? If so, how?
THE ALTERNATIVE: In case this is not the most efficient procedure, what alternative would you propose?
MY SOLUTIONS: followed FAQ Launching Instance From Backup
create snapshot
create image from snapshot (snapshot menu - create image tag)
instances - launch instance
choose image created from snapshot as your root volume
edit security groups (opened port range for sockets only, no web)
deleted all web code from this instance
after 2 days, will delete instance
followed Create Image From, Instance
select (exclusively) running instance you wish to mirror
right click on selected instance
choose create image from dropdown
to 7. same as above
this second solution seems to be more stable (especially re: status check and connectivity issues).
any better solutions? thanx!

Unable to deploy project using dedicated window azure caching (preview) in production environment

I made a sample application using windows azure dedicated caching (preview).
The sample application runs perfectly in emulated environment but does not get properly deployed in production environment: The project and the cache instances always shows that "waiting for role to startup". I am not able to understand whether it is a configuration issue or something else.
Which deployment mode are you using? Colocated or Dedicated?
If it is colocated can you tell me what value of Cache Size (%) have you set? And which vm type are you deploying?
Also, please check whether you have provided storage account connection string in "Caching Tab" under "storage account credentials to use for maintaining the cache cluster's runtime state" section.
In the Cache Worker Role (the role where you have caching service enabled) if you go to "Caching Tab" you will see "storage account credentials to use for maintaining the cache cluster's runtime state" section.
For Emulated environment this value is "UseDevelopmentStorage=true", for deploying to cloud you need to replace this setting with a valid cloud storage account. Please follow detailed instructions for proper configuration at
Further if you are still facing the issues, enabling remote desktop and checking "Windows->Application" and/or "Microsoft->Windows-Application Server-System Services/Admin" channel would also help.

How I can update the new code to my site in windows azure cloud?

I am new windows azure user. I have gotten selected for 90 days trial account and I am able to upload my ASP.NET MVC3 application to my account. My site is also running now. After I did publish my site, I added more model, views and controller to my proramme. Now I can not find a way to update my application. I can again publish my application but update option is not there. I want to update my new code only but the package option is creating full application. How I can update the new code to my site in windows azure cloud?
[Changed spelling]
With Windows Azure you can publish/update an application following ways:
Log into you Windows Azure account. Select you hosted server name and at the top panel you will see "Upgrade" option, when you will use this option you will be given a chance to select your CSPKG and CSCFG file from local file system or from Windows Azure storage. Once you selected new or updated CSPKG, your current running service will bee upgraded.
You can also use Windows Azure PowerShell Cmdlets to upgrade your current running hosted service using "Update-Deployment" command:
You can other 3rd party applications created using Windows Azure Service Management API to upgrade/manage your current running hosted service.
Note: With Visual Studio if you again publish your application, it will delete the current running hosted service and then create the new on so for update it is not the good one.
Finally based on your question about partial update, that is not supported. Even when you make a single line change in your code the deployment will be considered a full deployment even when the action is "update/upgrade". There is no diff package deployment so evertime you update your Windows Azure application, you will use the newly created CSPKG file and upgrade your hosted application.
Regarding partial update: If you have multiple Roles, you may choose to upgrade a single role (so that would be a partial update of the deployment). For a given Role, all code is redeployed. If you're running more than one instance, the update will be rolled out across groups of instances, not all instances at once.
For updates such as static content: if you move these into blob storage (a great place for css, jquery, images, etc.), then you may update this content by simply uploading new items to blob storage individually. These updates don't require any code to be rebuilt or redeployed.
If you're in dev mode (e.g. non-production), you may enable Web Deploy, which then allows very fast updates of your app to the running instance. This only works in single-instance mode, and it's great when doing frequent code+test cycles.

Windows Azure - Persistence of OS Settings when using WebRoles

I've been watching some videos from the build conference re: Inside Windows Azure etc.
My take away from one of them was that unless I loaded in a preconfigured VHD into a virtual machine role, I would lose any system settings that I might have made should the instance be brought down or recycled.
So for instance, I have a single account with 2 Web Roles running multiple (small) websites. To make that happen I had to adjust the settings in the Hosts file. I know my websites will be carried over in the event of failure because they are defined in the ServiceConfiguration.csfg but will my hosts file settings also carry over to a fresh instance in the event of a failure?
i.e. how deep/comprehensive is my "template" with a web role?
The hosts file will be reconstructed on any full redeployment or reimage.
In general, you should avoid relying on changes to any file that is created by the operating system. If your application is migrated to another server it will be running on a new virtual machine with its own new copy of Windows, and so the changes will suddenly appear to have vanished.
The same will happen if you perform a deployment to the Azure "staging" environment and then perform a "swap VIP": the "staging" environment will not have the changes made to the operating system file.
Microsoft intentionally don't publish inner details of what Azure images look like as they will most likely change in future, but currently
drive C: holds the boot partition, logs, temporary data and is small
drive D: holds a Windows image
drive E: or F: holds your application
On a full deployment, or a re-image, you receive a new virtual machine so all three drives are re-created. On an upgrade, the virtual machine continues to run but the load balancer migrates traffic away while the new version of the application is deployed to drive F:. Drive E: is then removed.
So, answering your question directly, the "template" is for drive E: -- anything else is subject to change without your knowledge, and can't be relied on.
Azure provides Startup Scripts so that you can make configuration changes on instance startup. Often these are used to install additional OS components or make IIS-configuration changes (like disabling idle timeouts).
See for an example.
The existing answers are technically correct and answer the question, but hosting multiple web sites in a single web role doesn't require editing the hosts file at all. Just define multiple web sites (with different host headers) in your ServiceDefinition.csdef. See

Copying a TFS 2010 instance using Team Project Collection Cloning?

We are looking to create a test TFS 2010 server based on our live instance.
One method which has been suggested is to clone the Team Project Collection (TPC) onto to another server - as detailed in this existing answer but I think there are a few additional steps?
In order to get the cloned TPC's GUID reset, I take it we would have to first reattach the cloned TPC in the admin console on the original server then detach, move and reattach on to test Server/TFS instance.
We are not running Sharepoint/WSS but would there be additional config work required on the test server with SSRS - in order for new projects to be created against the cloned TPC?
Are there additional using diffrent AD accounts for services or can all of that be resolved within the admin console on the new server?
Both servers will running on VMWare and on the same domain but different AD accounts would be used on the two servers to help prevent any unwanted interactions between the TFS instances.
I will recommended convert your TFS to virtual environment P2V using SCVMM, see this article,
