Dates inverted when stored through SSIS to Oracle Database - oracle

I am storing dates though SSIS to an oracle table.
I am using a Execute SQL Task,
when i view the dates in SSIS it looks like, example '01-APR-2008'
but when it is stored in oracle database, it stores it as '08-APR-01', as you can see the dates are inverted and i have no way controlling the behavior here.
Anyone has an idea, i can post the whole configuration if required,
The Execute SQL task has a query like the one below:
select '"+(DT_STR, 50,1252) #[User::ReadingDate] +"'
from dual"
where #User:: ReadingDate is a variable of Data Type DateTime,
and its value is (01-APR-08 9:38:27 PM) this is just the default value, the variable is populated by another task, and the dates in the variable are then picked up by the EXECUTE SQL Task, but they are inverted at the point of storage.

Can you show the query that is used in the sql task?
If you know the format of the date that is coming into the database, you should always typecast the date appropriately. ( I am assuming the input is coming in as a string).
so instead of '01-APR-2008' , use to_date('01-APR-2008', 'DD-MON-YYYY') (don't rely on the session's NLS Parameters)


How BusinessObjects parses date string on Oracle database behind

Looking into a query in WebIntelligence, after running, the prompts are replaced by values provided by user (for instance dates).
When I run the same query on Oracle (because this database I use for my universe) I’m getting error in terms of dates. Dates in query (in BO) are just strings,
like StartDate = '30-06-2020 00:00:00′. When I run the query generated in WebIntelligence on Oracle I’m getting error:
ORA-01843: not a valid month
01843. 00000 – ” not a valid month”
And to fix this I need to use for instance to_date function and then it’s working fine. My question is: how dates are parsed in WebIntelligence while running a query?
so the mentioned error does not occur?
I am getting the same error as you when I try a query directly against Oracle using SQL Developer that works in Web Intelligence. According to this BusinessObjects makes a call to set the date format.
So you can do that either in the preferences of SQL Developer (or presumably whatever database query tool you are using) or explicitly setting it with the alter session command.
alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS';
select...[the rest of your query]
Both options are shown in the answer to How can I set a custom date time format in Oracle SQL Developer?.

Azure Data Factory. Lookup date in Azure SQL DWH, use in Oracle Query

I have an Oracle database and I have to load dat from this database to Azure SQL DWH. This is done once every day. At the beginning of the pipeline I first do a lookup on SQL DWH to look for the latest date. The result for that is something like '2015-10-25'.
I want to use this date to query the Oracle database. But I allready found out, by trying the query on Oracle that the following code does not work:
Select * from Table 1 where day = '2015-10-25'
The date in the day column looks like 25-OCT-15 (DD-MON-YY).
I treid the following where clause:
where day = TO_DATE('2015-10-25','DD-MON-YY')
But then I get the error: "literal does not match format string"
I realy don't know how to make Oracle understand this T-SQL date format.
Your Oracle column is of date datatype. When you connect to an Oracle database and write a query against that date column, you will see its default format DD-MON-YY as per this reference.
You can override this setting by running an ALTER SESSION command, eg
but this is just in that local session. The data is still stored in Oracle in the same manner and it's simply the way you view it that is changing.
In Azure Data Factory (ADF v2) and your example, you are dealing with strings. So you must make sure any parameters you pass in are in the correct format or set to the correct datatype. The Oracle function TO_DATE converts strings to the date datatype. Therefore when passing in a string of format YYYY-MM-DD then that is the format you must use, to let the TO_DATE function know what you are passing in:
The function then successfully converts your parameter to a date datetype for correct comparison against the main date column.
You can try this query:
Select * from Table 1 where day = to_char (to_date('2015-10-25','YYYY-MM-DD'), 'DD-Mon-YY')
Reference this blog: how to convert YYYYMMDD to DD-Mon-YYYY in oracle?
Hope this helps.

How do I use a parameter within BI Publisher to update the table name I am querying in an Oracle Data set

I am trying to create a BI Publisher data model which runs the Oracle query below -
(this should be the YYYYMM of the current date)
How do I setup a parameter default value within the datamodel to grab the YYYYMM from the SYSDATE?
How do I append this parameter within the data set SQL Query?
I tried SELECT * FROM audit_:Month_YYYYMM
(where I had a string parameter called Month_YYYMM)
This did not work.
You are going to have to use something like EXECUTE_IMMEDIATE. And you may have to make a separate PL/SQL package to launch rather than use the built in data definition stuff.

How do I extract a timestamp column in a SQL transform using Data Services Designer?

I'm a Business Intelligence intern and am trying to write a simple ETL batch job to bring one table into our warehouse using SAP Data Services Designer. The source table has a timestamp column, which halts the job's execution, saying:
You cannot select directly from timestamp column . Using
a timestamp column in SQL transform may cause this error. See
documentation or notify Customer Support.
From the technical manual, this limitation is confirmed in the timestamp section, which reads:
You cannot use timestamp columns in the SQL transform or in an Oracle
stored procedure. To use a timestamp column in the SQL transform,
convert the timestamp column in the select list of the SQL transform
to a character format using the to_char function and convert it back
to timestamp using the to_date function."
I've tried remedying the problem by changing the output schema's column to a datetime type, and converting the timestamp in the SQL transform with
I'm missing a key concept as it still fails with error 54003 no matter what I try. Thoughts, anyone?

Insert a datetime value with GetDate() function to a SQL server (2005) table?

I am working (or fixing bugs) on an application which was developed in VS 2005 C#. The application saves data to a SQL server 2005. One of insert SQL statement tries to insert a time-stamp value to a field with GetDate() TSQL function as date time value.
Insert into table1 (field1, ... fieldDt) values ('value1', ... GetDate());
The reason to use GetDate() function is that the SQL server may be at a remove site, and the date time may be in a difference time zone. Therefore, GetDate() will always get a date from the server. As the function can be verified in SQL Management Studio, this is what I get:
SELECT GetDate(), LEN(GetDate());
-- 2010-06-10 14:04:48.293 19
One thing I realize is that the length is not up to the milliseconds, i.e., 19 is actually for '2010-06-10 14:04:48'. Anyway, the issue I have right now is that after the insert, the fieldDt actually has a date time value up to minutes, for example, '2010-06-10 14:04:00'. I am not sure why. I don't have permission to update or change the table with a trigger to update the field.
My question is that how I can use a INSERT T-SQL to add a new row with a date time value ( SQL server's local date time) with a precision up to milliseconds?
Check your table. My guess is that the FieldDT column has a data type of SmallDateTime which stores date and time, but with a precision to the nearest minute. If my guess is correct, you will not be able to store seconds or milliseconds unless you change the data type of the column.
I would guess that you are not storing the GetDate() value in a DateTime field. If you store the value in a datetime field you will get the maximum precision allowed by the DateTime type. Additionally, DateTime is a binary type (a double actually) so 19 means 19 bytes, not 19 characters.
Try to create a simple table with a Datetime field like this
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DateTable](
[DateField] [datetime] NOT NULL
And add a date with
insert into datetable (datefield) values(getdate())
When you execute a select you will get back a value including milliseconds. The following query
select * from datetable
2010-06-11 00:38:46.660
Maybe this would work instead of getdate -
look here if you can find what you need -
As you're on SQL 2005, don't forget the getutcdate() function to ensure that, regardless of where your servers are actually located, you have a constant time reference.
Imagine, you have the server in the UK in winter (i.e. GMT+0), and save a record at 10:30am. You then cut over to a SQL server hosted in California (GMT+8) and 8 hours later save another record.
Using getdate(), both saves record the same time "10:30:00". Using getutcdate(), the first save records at "10:30:00", the second save records "18:30:00".
Not really answering the question, but important in your circumstances.
You can use like this in procedure and If there is no procedure use only getdate().
insert into [dbo].[Tbl_User] (UserId,Uvendoremail,UAddress,Ddob,DMobile,
DEmail,DPassword,DAddress,CreatedDate) values (#userid,#vendoremail#address,#dob,#mobile,#email,#dpassword,#daddress,getdate())
