Thumbnail generation using iText - image

Is it possible to generate thumbnail images from PDF files using iText?

No. iText will not rasterize PDF at any resolution.


converting pdf to image but after zooming in

This link shows how pdfs could be converted to images. Is there a way to zoom my pdfs before converting to images? In my project, i am converting pdfs to pngs and then using Python-tesseract library to extract text. I noticed that if I zoom pdfs and then save parts as pngs then OCR provides much better results. So is there a way to zoom pdfs before converting to pngs?
I think that raising the quality (resolution) of your image is a better solution than zooming into the pdf.
using pdf2image you can accomplish this quite easily:
install pdf2image: pip install pdf2image
then, in python, convert your pdf into a high quality image:
from pdf2image import convert_from_path
pages = convert_from_path('sample.pdf', 400) #400 is the Image quality in DPI (default 200)
by playing around with the quality parameter you should get the result you desider

Converting PDF to Image using GhostScript with clickable hyperlinks

I am converting PDF to image using GhostScript. The problem i am facing is when pdf has links then i need to have those clickable links in converted image as well. How could i achieve this.
How do you expect an image format to have 'clickable links' ? What image format do you think has the ability to click on links ?

Create small high quality PDF embedding optimized PNG?

I'm trying to create a small PDF file, embedding one optimized PNG image displayed as a header and footer on a 3 page PDF (same image must appear 6x in the PDF)
My optimized PNG image is only 2.3KB. It looks very sharp.
Failed with libreoffice
When I insert just one instance of the 2.3KB PNG image into a Libreoffice Writer doc containing only text, then export as PDF I can see that the image gets re-compressed to JPG and the resulting PDF file grows by about 40KB after adding the image. It also loses quality, the PNG also gets JPG fuzzy edges.
If I right click the image and select compression, there is no way to disable recompressing the image (it's already optimized better than libreoffice could do it) I've tried setting a compression level of 0,1,9 etc. Choosing JPG, no resize, lossless, etc but there was no improvement.
Failed with wkhtmltopdf
I also tried making a test page and used wkhtml2pdf but it did the same thing. Adding the low quality flag made no difference.
PDF Spec suggests PNG is supported?
From skimming the PDF spec, it looks like PNG images are supported.
Even plain text PDF files are surprisingly large
The disappointing thing is also when I take a 7KB HTML file which is basically just <html><body><p>foo...</p><p>bar...</p> (only about 15 paragraphs) with no CSS. The resulting 2 page PDF file is 30KB. Why should a 7kb (almost plain text) file become 30kb as a PDF?
Can someone please suggest how to make a small PDF file in Linux?
I need to include 7KB of text and repeat one PNG image 6 times.
Manually or programatically. I'll take whatever I can get at this point.
PDF Spec suggests PNG is supported?
PNG isn't supported per se; PDF allows embedding JPEG images as-is, but not PNG images. PDF does borrow a set of features of the PNG format, however.
rinohtype (full disclosure: I'm the author) tries to embed as much as possible from PNG images as-is into the PDF. This does involve some bit-juggling to separate the alpha channel from the color data for example, but no reencoding of the image is performed. It does not (yet) support interlaced PNGs.
rinohtype should be able to do what you want to achieve. But please note that it currently is in a beta stage, so you might encounter some bugs.
Even plain text PDF files are surprisingly large
To keep the PDF size as small as possible, make sure not to embed/subset any of the fonts. Use only the fonts from the base 14 PDF fonts which are provided by PDF readers.
What you want is certainly achievable. Regarding the image quality, I would recommend making your image twice the size that you want it to actually display at in the PDF to keep it looking sharp.
As to the size, I've just modified a test in my PDF writer module (WIP..) to include a 7.2K png, 200px x 70px, in a PDF twice and the PDF came out at 6.8K 8). There's not much text included, but more text will only add what it's worth + a small percentage.
You can see the module and original test here..
That test adds ~112K of images to the PDF and results in a 103K PDF.
Of course not all images are created equal so you milage may vary..
*the images are only actually added to the PDF once, but are displayed multiple time.

How to compress images and convert them into progressive images using cloud code?

I would like to run cloud code on save to use the uploaded large image(about 5mb) to generate a thumbnail(managed this using Parse Image module) and a compressed and progressive image of about 150kb which has not been possible by scaling the image using Parse Image module to like 1024px wide.
Best solution I came round to is to download the image, use jpegtran to scale down the images then with the progressive flag to make the images progressive.
Once done upload the file back to

ITextSharp image issue in PDF after printing

I use ITextSharp to print a PDF document. I put a logo (logo of Microsoft as example) on document and it is described perfectly in PDF file.
But after printing this PDF, I get gray dots accross logo on paper.
I use a PNG image with transparent background, and my logo is in high resolution as Microsoft logo. Please help how I can solve this issue?
