Cron job set up on multiple instances of magento - magento

Does anybody have any experience with Magento module level cron jobs across multiple instances of the application?
I know Magento adds the cron records to the cron_schedule table - would each instance of the Magento application add it's own call to the module level cron?
All application instances are looking at the same database.
Thanks for any insights.

If you have several copies of Magento with a common database then you have a multi-site install. Only add a cron job for one server, there is no need to have crons for any other.
Magento does not call the cron for you, you still need to edit the server's crontab. From the Magento Wiki:
To execute all these configured tasks, the cron.php file located in the Magento root will need to be run periodically, for example every 15 minutes. Basically, this script will check if it needs to run any tasks, and if it needs to schedule any future tasks.
In UNIX/BSD/linux systems you will need to add this line (or a similar line) to your crontab:
# for debugging purposes only:
*/5 * * * * /bin/sh /absolute/path/to/magento/
# /absolute/path/to/bin/php - replace with path to your PHP5 CLI executable
# example: /usr/local/php5/bin/php-cli
# in order to find what is the PHP CLI executable you can try to the following command in shell:
# which php
# /absolute/path/to/magento/cron.php - replace with path to Magento installation
# example: /home/user/public_html/magento/cron.php


Magento cron job stuck sometines

We are having 1 strange issue with cron in magento 1.9.3.
We set cron to run once per minute. It is working proper when we set. But it automatic stops working and cron set to once per 15 minutes on server.
Is there any issue with admin config or this is problem of hosting server?
cron command is php -f Path/To/File/cron.php >/dev/null 2>&1
Also tried using but still have same issue..
Please advice..

Your Magento cron seems to not be running

I have copied production to staging and updated the local.xml file and the base_urls. Its now giving me warning
Warning! Your Magento cron seems to not be running. You need this
for your Moogento extensions to run well.
New to magento don't know how to proceed please guide.
Make sure the cron is running on your staging environment.
Run crontab -e in your console and inside the editor add this line
*/5 * * * * sh /path/to/magento/root/

cpanel cron job not working in codeigniter project

My Codeigniter Project Cron Job Not Working Correct
/usr/local/lib/php /home/{username}/public_html/index.php MyCron index
but my Cron Not work Correct
and call Default Home Controller
i need to call my MyCron Controller and index Function
So please help me
This could be because a couple of things. First of all, it could be because you have the wrong path for php. The path on my server is:
You can find your path by typing:
whereis php
Second of all, it could be because you haven't installed the packages neccesary on your server. You need the package php cli
sudo apt-get install php5-cli
Lastly, your cron controller may contain errors, I recommend checking your log file, if you see any errors. For me, the crontab job that is working is:
0 10 * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/<MY_PROJECT_NAME>/index.php Cron
So yes you can indeed use capitalized words when calling your controller.
Your controller should not be capitalised
/usr/local/lib/php /home/{username}/public_html/index.php mycron index
also index method should not be required as it is the default method.

What's the simplest way to run a cron job on a standalone Ruby gem?

I have a gem that packages one .rb file containing my class and associated methods as well as a corresponding .bin file.
Locally, I can run everything just fine like so:
command_to_bin input_file output_file
I don't want to run this manually every day so I'm considering using cron on a server, but I'm a little unsure how to proceed.
Do I throw everything into a directory (.gem file, input file, output file) and just point the above cron command at the directory?
I've looked at this and sort of understand what's going on. I guess what confuses me the most is that when I look at all the web hosting providers, they mention domains and applications, but I just want to know how to have the standalone script run by itself without it being built into a web application or associated with a domain.
Check out the whenever gem. It's a wonderful gem to abstract all the nastiness of cron. Just include the command as you have written above and it should be fine.
You don't need to install Rails. After you wheneverize . the directory and set the schedule in your schedule.rb file, you need to run whenever --update-crontab to set everything to the system. Otherwise your cron jobs never get converted to Unix Cron

Magento : how to run cron manually in local machine?

I want to run the Magento cron by manually . I can remember in Drupal we can do it manually without setting the cron job in the server. Same like i want to do run the magento's cron in my local system. How i can do this??
use your browser to hit or php-cli to execute cron.php in the root of the application.
From your magento root, run
bin/magento cron:run
