Issue of jquery validate - jquery-validate

I am using jquery validate plugin to validate my form. Why I can't add a field named 'captcha-solution' and validate it? When I added this field,I got js error:
missing : after property id
captcha-solution: "required",
I am very confused.Can anybody tell my why?

You can not use an object key with a -.
Try this...
'captcha-solution': "required",
I wrapped the key in quotes.


cakephp url validation

One of my models has a 'url' field. I am using the default url validation rule on it. When trying to add a specific url it is not validated.
The url causing validation to fail is{BDA01FCD-5703-4D40-9197-CCF688633951}
The { character is causing the validation to fail. What workarounds do I have here?
Do you pass your given URL through a URL Encode Function first? See the linked page for an example.

grails validate email customized message

I wanted to customized the error message for email validation when it fails the constraint:
email(size: 1..255, blank: false, email:true)
this displays message like this:
Property [email] of class [class
com.companyname.icmgrails.nonpersistentdomains.UserProfile] with value
[eulinda] is not a valid e-mail address
I could not figure out how to use that and put it in my like the example below when email is blank.
should not be blank!
tried solutions:
I used
+ notavalidemail or notvalid or notavalidemaladdress or notvalidemaladdress
but was unsucessfull. ANyone can tell me how to use it? thanks
Every constraint specifies the required message code on its reference page in the user guide. In the case of the email constraint you need a valid email address

MVC3, turn off field validation for a field not in a ViewModel

I have a Form in an MVC3 project. One of my input fields should accept HTML. Unfortunately I cannot have a ViewModel which this value maps to. The Field is autogenerated and read in automatically. I am getting the following error.
A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client
Since there is no viewmodel, I cannot apply the [AllowHTML] attribute. Does anyone know a workaround that does not involve disabling validation for the entire page?
Thank You
Additional Information:
I can access the unvalidated value by doing the following:
using System.Web.WebPages;
using System.Web.Helpers;
.....Inside Controller....
string value = Request.Unvalidated("input-40");
The problem now is that the Request.Params collection throws an exception. I would like to access all the other values and have them be validated...just not that one. Is there a way for me to validate the other fields either explicitly or access a validated collection.
The following would be fine
string value = System.Web.Something.ValidateInput(Request.Unvalidated("input-41"));
Unfortunately I don't know where/if this method exists
You can try the ValidateInput(false) attribute:
public ActionResult YourAction(FormCollection yourCollection)
// your stuff
Use ValidateInput attribute for your action method. Seems to be unsafe but should work, cannot test it now.

Validate single form field only in Symfony2

I'm looking for a way to validate just a single field (object property) against the constraints specified in the annotations of a particular entity.
The goal is to send an AJAX request after the "onBlur" event of a form field, asking the server to validate this single field only, and - depending on the response - add a small "OK" image next to this field or an error message.
I don't want to validate the whole entity.
I wonder what's the best approach for this problem? Thanks for any tips.
The Validator class has the validateProperty method. You can use it like this:
$violations = $this->get('validator')->validateProperty($entity, 'propertyName');
if (count($violations)) {
// the property value is not valid
Or, if the value is not set in the entity, you can use the validatePropertyValue method:
$violations = $this->get('validator')->validatePropertyValue($entity, 'propertyName', $propertyValue);
if (count($violations)) {
// the property value is not valid
Have a look at validation groups. I think this is what you need. You could add a group "ajax" or and just adding the one constraint to it. Then tell the validator to use that group. THe symfony2 docs have an example included.

jQuery Validation on field(s) with a prefix in the name property

I'm trying to add the jQuery Validation plugin to some websites and I'm running into a bit of an issue in that the fields that it's supposed to validate have a prefix on the name property, such as "Customer.FirstName".
Since you have to pass a JSON object to the validate function for the rules, it doesn't work because it never finds the elements.
Is there a way to do per field basis, or can I still pass in a variant of the JSON object that specifies the field id as a string, such as "#Customer\.FirstName"?
Thanks in advance!
Per Greg's suggestions, I got it to work. So for anyone who has issues like these, you have to do it like this:
rules: {
"Prefix.FieldName": "validationKeyword"
DO NOT add the "#" to the selector, and DO NOT add the "\\" escape chars to the selector. So, "#Prefix\\.FieldName" will not match anything, so just leave those chars out.
JSON supports keys with "." in them - just quote them:
var obj = {"#Customer.FirstName": "value"};
In fact to be proper JSON they should always be double-quoted.
Edit: if this is a selector then you can escape the . like this: "#Customer\\.FirstName"
Edit2: The docs say the key needs to be a name so I it should either be "Customer.Firstname" or "Customer\.Firstname" depending on how well-coded the plugin is. You'll need <input name="Customer.Firstname" ...>.
