Spring JMS MQJE001: Completion Code '2', Reason '2042' - spring

My setup is Spring 3 JMS, MVC + Websphere MQ + Websphere 7
<!-- this is the Message Driven POJO (MDP) -->
<bean id="messageListener" class="com.SomeListener" />
<!-- and this is the message listener container -->
<bean id="jmsContainer"
<property name="connectionFactory" ref="xxxCF" />
<property name="destination" ref="someQueue" />
<property name="messageListener" ref="messageListener" />
When I start up the server, the listener seems to start correctly since it receives the messages that are on the queue as I put them.
However, once I run any simple controller/action that doesn't even have anything to do with JMS it gives me the message below over and over...
DefaultMessag W org.springframework.jms.listener.DefaultMessageListenerContainer handleListenerSetupFailure Setup of JMS message listener invoker failed for destination 'queue:///ABCDEF.EFF.OUT?persistence=-1' - trying to recover. Cause: MQJMS2008: failed to open MQ queue ''.; nested exception is com.ibm.mq.MQException: MQJE001: Completion Code '2', Reason '2042'.
DefaultMessag I org.springframework.jms.listener.DefaultMessageListenerContainer refreshConnectionUntilSuccessful Successfully refreshed JMS Connection
ConnectionEve W J2CA0206W: A connection error occurred. To help determine the problem, enable the Diagnose Connection Usage option on the Connection Factory or Data Source.
ConnectionEve A J2CA0056I: The Connection Manager received a fatal connection error from the Resource Adapter for resource JMS$XXXQCF$JMSManagedConnection#2. The exception is: javax.jms.JMSException: MQJMS2008: failed to open MQ queue ''.
ConnectionEve W J2CA0206W: A connection error occurred. To help determine the problem, enable the Diagnose Connection Usage option on the Connection Factory or Data Source.
ConnectionEve A J2CA0056I: The Connection Manager received a fatal connection error from the Resource Adapter for resource jms/XXXQCF. The exception is: javax.jms.JMSException: MQJMS2008: failed to open MQ queue ''.
The original listener seems to be still running correctly...but I think the controller is somehow triggering off another connection?
Does anyone know what I should check for or what might cause this issue?

The 2042 means "Object in use". Since there is no concept of exclusive use of queues for message producers, then one of your consumers is locking the queue.
This behavior is controlled by the queue definition's DEFSOPT attribute. This is at the queue manager itself and not in the managed object definitions or your factory options. From the command line while signed on as mqm (or the platform equivalent if the QMgr is on Windows, iSeries, z/OS, etc.) you would need to start runmqsc and issue the following commands to verify and then fix the problem. In my example, the QMgr is PLUTO and the example queue is SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE.
/home/mqm: runmqsc PLUTO
5724-H72 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Starting MQSC for queue manager PLUTO.
dis q(system.default.local.queue) defsopt
1 : dis q(system.default.local.queue) defsopt
AMQ8409: Display Queue details.
alter ql(system.default.local.queue) defsopt(shared)
2 : alter ql(system.default.local.queue) defsopt(shared)
AMQ8008: WebSphere MQ queue changed.
dis q(system.default.local.queue) defsopt
3 : dis q(system.default.local.queue) defsopt
AMQ8409: Display Queue details.
If you display the queue and find that it is already set for DEFSOPT(SHARED) then something must be specifying exclusive use of the queue through the API. That typically means a C or base Java program since these non-JMS APIs have access to low-level WMQ functionality. Those can be a little trickier to diagnose and I usually use a trace or the SupportPac MA0W exit to display the API calls and options used. If this is the case, I'd want to know more about what is meant by "simple controller/action" as noted in the original post.
Finally, if the queue that you are accessing is a remote queue then it will resolve to a transmit queue. The channel will always set a transmit queue to GET(INHIBITED) and acquire an exclusive lock on it. This is consistent with WMQ functionality in that an application can only GET messages from a local queue.


How to handle Connection Error in Message Driven Beans?

I have a Message Driven Bean listening to MQ Receiver Queue for incoming Messages.
My MDB is implementing MessageListener and overriding OnMessage method, where I can handle any exception related to the received messages.
All the Connection & Queue parameters are in ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.
So in case of any Connection failure (e.g. MQ is down, I just get Exception in the console).
How should I catch and handle these connection failure related exceptions in MDB? As I have requirement to send Email notifications to Support group in case of such Connection Failures.
I just saw some info about javax.jms.ExceptionListener, but there is no way I could use it for my setup as I don't have direct access to my connectionfactory / connection objects in case of my MDB.

How to check whether Active MQ is up in continuous intervals in mule esb?

I have message in one queue and need to send to other queue(destination) both are active MQs. When destination is down message will be in source Queue. I need to check in continuous intervals whether destination is up r not. if it is up I need to send to destination. I'm facing difficulty in checking the destination availability..,
please help me., Thanks..,
I think in general, this kind of problem is best solved using transactions.
I'm assuming you are working with two different ActiveMQ brokers, which leads to the chance that the destination queue is not available.
In the simplest case, you could accomplish your goal this way:
Start JMS Transaction
Receive message from queue A on broker 1
Do any required logic and/or transformation
Publish message to queue B on broker 2
If successful, commit your JMS transaction
If not, rollback your JMS transaction
<flow name="simpleExample">
<jms:inbound-endpoint queue="queueA" connector-ref="broker1">
<jms:transaction action="ALWAYS_BEGIN"/>
<flow-ref name="doLogic" />
<jms:outbound-endpoint queue="queueB" connector-ref="broker2">
<jms:transaction action="ALWAYS_JOIN" />
When the rollback occurs, this method will immediately retry. If you want to control how long to wait before trying again, configure the redelivery policy on the ActiveMQ connector for Broker 1.

How to restart the message consumer in Spring Integration?

My consumer, e.g. service activator that is consuming messages coming from ActiveMQ fromChannel should be restarted when exception occurs or ActiveMQ fails. How to do it for the following spring integration context ?
<!-- RECEIVER. message driven adapter -> jmsInChannel -> activator. -->
<si:channel id="fromChannel"/>
<int-jms:message-driven-channel-adapter id="messageDrivenAdapter"
channel="fromChannel" destination="forward" connection-factory="connectionFactory"
max-concurrent-consumers="2" auto-startup="true" acknowledge="auto" extract-payload="false" />
<si:service-activator id ="activator"
<bean id="messageService" class="com.ucware.ucpo.forward.jms.MessageService"/>
My first idea was to use Retry Advice and add to a service but am not sure if this a right solution for unhandled exceptions. I also would like the receiver to restart if the ActiveMQ server is down.
The listener container within the message-driven-channel-adapter will automatically keep trying to reconnect when it loses connectivity to the broker.
If you set `acknowledge="transacted"' the message will be rolled back on an exception and the broker will resubmit it.
A stateful retry advice would allow you to give up and take some other action after some number of retries (but you can also configure that into ActiveMQ itself where it will send the message to a DLQ after some number of delivery attempts).
Reading your post I instantly thought of this video. Which gives a good insight on how to monitor and control SI application through itself.
Additionally you should have a look at ApplicationEvent documentation of SI.
Glueing that all together you could monitor the JMS message adapter with JMX and stop and restart it through sending an ApplicationEvent on issues. Regarding catching exceptions it depends on what Exceptions you actually want to handle. I'd create an errorChannel that receives exceptions being thrown by components and create a new service that restarts these components after receiving errors.
Following your idea leveraging Spring Retry's capabilites in SI.

How to stop exception propagation if jms broker is down when sending a message with spring integration?

I configured spring xml based interceptor, which sends a jms message to activemq queue on each invokation of some transactional method after it is commited. It's happening with the following xml code.
<jms:outbound-channel-adapter channel="filteredStakesChannel" destination="stakesQueue" delivery-persistent="true" explicit-qos-enabled="true" />
But if the activemq server is down i get connection refused exception, which is propagated and i don't want this to happen even if the jms delivery fails. Is this possible?
Should i use some error-channel?
The simplest solution is to make fileredStakesChannel an Executor channel and the send will run on a different thread.
Use the <task/> namespace to define an executor to use.

Spring Integration: JMS Exception Handling

Using Spring Integration's own JMS Outbound Channel Adapter that is connected to Websphere MQ v7.1:
<!-- plugging xyz channel into a JMS xyzQueue -->
<channel id="xyzChannel"/>
<jms:outbound-channel-adapter channel="xyzChannel"
<!-- will listen on all packets matched, and forward them to a xyzChannel -->
<beans:bean id="xyzSender" class="com.custom.XyzSender">
<beans:constructor-arg name="messageChannel" ref="xyzChannel"/>
In case MQ broker (its channel) goes down for a split of a second, the exception is logged:
Caused by: com.ibm.mq.jmqi.JmqiException: CC=2;RC=2537;AMQ9558: The remote channel 'XYZ_CHANNEL' is not currently available ('MQRC_CHANNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE').
From MQ docs these are possible reasons for this error:
The channel is currently in stopped state.
The channel has been stopped by a channel exit.
The queue manager has reached its maximum allowable limit for this channel from this client.
The queue manager has reached its maximum allowable limit for this channel.
The queue manager has reached its maximum allowable limit for all channels.
However Spring Integration seems to eat it exception up, and in a split second after the MQ channel is available again, other messages get processed as nothing happened. Of course it results in a message drop, which is not an expected scenario.
What would be a way to handle this exception? There does not seem to be an error channel attribute on jms:outbound-channel-adapter.
