A variation of IntegerPartition? - wolfram-mathematica

IntegerPartitions[n, {3, 10}, Prime ~Array~ 10]
In Mathematica this will give a list of all the ways to get n as the sum of from three to ten of the first ten prime numbers, allowing duplicates as needed.
How can I efficiently find the sums that equal n, allowing each element to only be used once?
Using the first ten primes is only a toy example. I seek a solution that is valid for arbitrary arguments. In actual cases, generating all possible sums, even using polynomial coefficients, takes too much memory.
I forgot to include that I am using Mathematica 7.

The following will build a binary tree, and then analyze it and extract the results:
intParts[num_, elems_List] /; Total[elems] < num := p[];
intParts[num_, {fst_, rest___}] /;
fst < num := {p[fst, intParts[num - fst, {rest}]], intParts[num, {rest}]};
intParts[num_, {fst_, rest___}] /; fst > num := intParts[num, {rest}];
intParts[num_, {num_, rest___}] := {pf[num], intParts[num, {rest}]};
nextPosition =
Compile[{{pos, _Integer, 1}},
Module[{ctr = 0, len = Length[pos]},
While[ctr < len && pos[[len - ctr]] == 1, ++ctr];
While[ctr < len && pos[[len - ctr]] == 2, ++ctr];
Append[Drop[pos, -ctr], 1]], CompilationTarget -> "C"];
Clear[getPartitionsFromTree, getPartitions];
getPartitionsFromTree[tree_] :=
Map[Extract[tree, #[[;; -3]] &#FixedPointList[nextPosition, #]] &,
Position[tree, _pf, Infinity]] /. pf[x_] :> x;
getPartitions[num_, elems_List] :=
getPartitionsFromTree#intParts[num, Reverse#Sort[elems]];
For example,
In[14]:= getPartitions[200,Prime~Array~150]//Short//Timing
Out[14]= {0.5,{{3,197},{7,193},{2,5,193},<<4655>>,{3,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,37,41},
This is not insanely fast, and perhaps the algorithm could be optimized further, but at least the number of partitions does not grow as fast as for IntegerPartitions.
It is interesting that simple memoization speeds the solution up about twice on the example I used before:
intParts[num_, elems_List] /; Total[elems] < num := p[];
intParts[num_, seq : {fst_, rest___}] /; fst < num :=
intParts[num, seq] = {p[fst, intParts[num - fst, {rest}]],
intParts[num, {rest}]};
intParts[num_, seq : {fst_, rest___}] /; fst > num :=
intParts[num, seq] = intParts[num, {rest}];
intParts[num_, seq : {num_, rest___}] :=
intParts[num, seq] = {pf[num], intParts[num, {rest}]};
In[118]:= getPartitions[200, Prime~Array~150] // Length // Timing
Out[118]= {0.219, 4660}

Can use Solve over Integers, with multipliers constrained between 0 and 1. I'll show for a specific example (first 10 primes, add to 100) but it is easy to make a general procedure for this.
primeset = Prime[Range[10]];
mults = Array[x, Length[primeset]];
constraints01 = Map[0 <= # <= 1 &, mults];
target = 100;
Timing[res = mults /.
Solve[Flatten[{mults.primeset == target, constraints01}],
mults, Integers];
Map[Pick[primeset, #, 1] &, res]
Out[178]= {0.004, {{7, 11, 13, 17, 23, 29},
{5, 11, 13, 19, 23, 29}, {5, 7, 17, 19, 23, 29},
{2, 5, 11, 13, 17, 23, 29}, {2, 3, 11, 13, 19, 23, 29},
{2, 3, 7, 17, 19, 23, 29}, {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23}}}
To do this in version 7 one would use Reduce instead of Solve. I'll bundle this in one function.
knapsack[target_, items_] := Module[
{newset, x, mults, res},
newset = Select[items, # <= target &];
mults = Array[x, Length[newset]];
res = mults /.
Flatten[{mults.newset == target, Map[0 <= # <= 1 &, mults]}],
mults, Integers]]};
Map[Pick[newset, #, 1] &, res]]
Here is Leonid Shifrin's example:
Timing[Length[knapsack[200, Prime[Range[150]]]]]
Out[128]= {1.80373, 4660}
Not as fast as the tree code, but still (I think) reasonable behavior. At least, not obviously unreasonable.
---end edit---
Daniel Lichtblau
Wolfram Research

I would like to propose a solution, similar in spirit to Leonid's but shorter and less memory intensive. Instead of building the tree and post-processing it, the code walks the tree and Sows the solution when found:
list : {__Integer?Positive}] :=
Block[{f, $RecursionLimit = Infinity},
f[n_, cv_, {n_, r___}] :=
(Sow[Flatten[{cv, n}]]; f[n, cv, {r}];);
f[n_, cv_, {m_, r___}] /; m > n := f[n, cv, {r}];
f[n_, cv_, {m_, r___}] /;
Total[{r}] >= n - m := (f[n - m, {cv, m}, {r}]; f[n, cv, {r}]);
f[___] := Null;
Part[Reap[f[num, {}, Reverse#Union[Cases[list, x_ /; x <= num]]]],
2, 1]]
This code is slower than Leonid's
UniqueIntegerParitions[200, Prime~Array~PrimePi[200]] //
Length // Timing
Out[177]= {0.499, 4660}
but uses about >~ 6 times less memory, thus allowing to go further.


Wolfram Mathematica Recurrence Table

Good evening, I have a problem with Wolfram Mathematica and I would be grateful if someone could help me and post the solution. Here's the exercise:
Print first 11 elements of the sequence a which is given with this reccurence relation: a(n+1) = 11a(n), where a(1) = 7, in which does not appear the number 3.
So, I need only the elements that doesn't contain the number 3.
k[x_] := Module[{p, z},
p = RecurrenceTable[
{a[n + 1] == 11 a[n], a[1] == 7}, a, {n, 1, x}];
z = Flatten[First /#
Cases[{#, MemberQ[IntegerDigits[#], 3]} & /#
p, {_, False}]]]
m = 11;
While[Length[s = k[m]] < 11, m++]
{7, 77, 847, 102487, 12400927, 1500512167, 181561972207, 1997181694277, 241658985007517, 4709249964527920064407, 51801749609807120708477}

convert a number to a variable base in mathematica

let n be an integer and A = {2,3,...,10} and I want to do as follows:
divide n to 2, so there is a reminder r2 and a quotient q2.
divide q2 to 3, so there is a reminder r3 and a quotient q3.
we repeat this until the quotient is less than the next number.
write together the last quotient with the previous reminders.
For example n=45
45/2 ....... r_2=1, q_2=22
22/3 ....... r_3=1, q_3=7
7/4 ....... r_4=3, q_4=1
since q4 = 1 is less than the next number i.e. 5, we break.
the result is q4r4r3r2 where it is equal to 1311.
Thank you for your help.
I did this but it does not work
n = 45;
i = 2;
list = {Mod[n, i]};
While[Quotient[n, i] >= i + 1, n == Quotient[n, i]; i++;
AppendTo[list, Mod[n, i]];
If[Quotient[n, i] < i + 1, Break[]]; AppendTo[list, Quotient[n, i]]];
which gives
{1, 0, 15, 1, 11, 0, 9, 3, 7, 3}
Row[{3, 7, 3, 9, 0, 11, 1, 15, 0, 1}]
where it is not my desired result.
This is the code:
A = Table[i, {i, 2, 10}]; (* array of numbers *)
n = 45; (* initial value *)
ans = {}; (* future answer which is now empty list *)
For[i = 1, i <= Length[A], i++, (* looping over A *)
If[n < A[[i]], (* exit condition *)
ans = Append[ans, n]; (* appending last n when exit *)
qr = QuotientRemainder[n, A[[i]]]; (* calculating both quotient and reminder *)
ans = Append[ans, qr[[2]]]; (* adding second member to the answer *)
Print[qr]; (* printing *)
n = qr[[1]]; (* using first member as new n to process *)
ans (* printing result in Mathematica manner *)
It gives
{1, 1, 3, 1}
You might use something like this:
f[n_Integer] :=
{QuotientRemainder[#[[1, 1]], #[[2]] + 1], #[[2]] + 1} &,
{{n}, 1},
#[[1, 1]] != 0 &
] // Rest
{{{22, 1}, 2}, {{7, 1}, 3}, {{1, 3}, 4}, {{0, 1}, 5}}
You can use Part to get whatever bits of the output you desire.
Here's a somewhat more advanced way if you can handle the syntax:
f2[n_Integer] := Reap[f2[{n, 0}, 2]][[2, 1, 2 ;;]] // Reverse
f2[{q_, r_}, i_] := f2[Sow # r; QuotientRemainder[q, i], i + 1]
f2[{0, r_}, i_] := Sow # r
{1, 3, 1, 1}

Reducing length of list with Total and a threshold parameter

I'm looking for a way to reduce the length of a huge list with the Total function and a threshold parameter. I would like to avoid the use of For and If (coming from old habits).
Example :
List that I want to "reduce" :{1,5,3,8,11,3,4} with a threshold of 5.
Output that I want : {6,11,11,7}
That means that I use the Total function on the first parts of the list and look if the result of this function is higher than my threshold. If so, I use the result of the Total function and go to the next part of the list.
Another example is {1,1,1,1,1} with a threshold of 5. Result should be {5}.
EDIT : it is working but it is pretty slow. Any ideas in order to be faster?
EDIT 2 : the loop stuff (quit simple and not smart)
For[i = 1, i < Length[mylist] + 1, i++,
sum = sum + mylist[[i]];
If[sum > Threshold ,
result = Append[result , sum]; sum = 0; ]; ];
EDIT 3 : I have now a new thing to do.
I have to work now with a 2D list like {{1,2}{4,9}{1,3}{0,5}{7,3}}
It is more or less the same idea but the 1st and 2nd part of the list have to be higher than the thresold stuff (both of them).
Example : If lst[[1]] and lst[[2]] > threshold do the summuation for each part of the 2D list. I tried to adapt the f2 function from Mr.Wizard for this case but I didn't succeed. If it is easier, I can provide 2 independant lists and work with this input f3[lst1_,lst2_,thres_]:=
Reap[Sow#Fold[If[Element of the lst1 > thr && Element of the lst2, Sow##; #2, # + #2] &, 0, lst1]][[2, 1]] for example.
EDIT 4 :
You are right, it is not really clear. But the use of the Min## > thr statement is working perfectly.
Old code (ugly and not smart at all):
sumP = 0;
resP = {};
sumU = 0;
resU = {};
For[i = 1, i < Length[list1 + 1, i++,
sumP = sumP + list1[[i]];
sumU = sumU + list2[[i]];
If[sumP > 5 && sumU > 5 ,
resP = Append[resP, sumP]; sumP = 0;
resU = Append[resU, sumU]; sumU = 0;
NEW fast by Mr.Wizard :
f6[lst_, thr_] :=
Reap[Sow#Fold[If[Min## > thr , Sow##1; #2, #1 + #2] &, 0, lst]][[2,
That ~40times faster. Thanks a lot.
Thread[{resP, resU}] == f6[Thread[{list1,list2}], 5] True
I recommend using Fold for this kind of operation, combined with either linked lists or Sow and Reap to accumulate results. Append is slow because lists in Mathematica are arrays and must be reallocated every time an element is appended.
Starting with:
lst = {2, 6, 4, 4, 1, 3, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 4, 0, 7, 4};
Here is the linked-list version:
Flatten # Fold[If[Last## > 5, {#, #2}, {First##, Last## + #2}] &, {{}, 0}, lst]
{8, 8, 7, 7, 11, 4}
This is what the output looks like before Flatten:
{{{{{{{}, 8}, 8}, 7}, 7}, 11}, 4}
Here is the method using Sow and Reap:
Reap[Sow # Fold[If[# > 5, Sow##; #2, # + #2] &, 0, lst]][[2, 1]]
{8, 8, 7, 7, 11, 4}
A similar method applied to other problems: (1) (2)
The Sow # on the outside of Fold effectively appends the last element of the sequence which would otherwise be dropped by the algorithm.
Here are the methods packaged as functions, along with george's for easy comparison:
f1[lst_, thr_] :=
Flatten # Fold[If[Last## > thr, {#, #2}, {First##, Last## + #2}] &, {{}, 0}, lst]
f2[lst_, thr_] :=
Reap[Sow#Fold[If[# > thr, Sow##; #2, # + #2] &, 0, lst]][[2, 1]]
george[t_, thresh_] := Module[{i = 0, s},
Reap[While[i < Length[t], s = 0;
While[++i <= Length[t] && (s += t[[i]]) < thresh]; Sow[s]]][[2, 1]]
big = RandomInteger[9, 500000];
george[big, 5] // Timing // First
f1[big, 5] // Timing // First
f2[big, 5] // Timing // First
Here is the obvious approach which is oh 300x faster.. Pretty isn't always best.
t = Random[Integer, 10] & /# Range[2000];
threshold = 4;
i = 0;
t0 = Reap[
While[i < Length[t], s = 0;
While[++i <= Length[t] && (s += t[[i]]) < threshold ];
Sow[s]]][[2, 1]]][[1]]
Total[t] == Total[t0]
Timing[ t1 =
t //. {a___, b_ /; b < threshold, c_, d___} -> {a, b + c, d} ][[1]]
t1 == t0
I interpret your requirement as:
if an element in the list is less than the threshold value, add it to the next element in the list;
repeat this process until the list no longer changes.
So, for the threshold 5 and the input list {1,5,3,8,11,3,4} you'ld get
I've now tested this solution to your problem ...
Implement the operation by using a replacement rule:
myList = {1,5,3,8,11,3,4}
threshold = 5
mylist = mylist //. {a___, b_ /; b < threshold, c_, d___} :> {a, b+c, d}
Note the use of ReplaceRepeated (symbolification //.).

What is the best way to find the period of a (repeating) list in Mathematica?

What is the best way to find the period in a repeating list?
For example:
a = {4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2}
has repeat {4, 5, 1, 2, 3} with the remainder {4, 5, 1, 2} matching, but being incomplete.
The algorithm should be fast enough to handle longer cases, like so:
b = RandomInteger[10000, {100}];
a = Join[b, b, b, b, Take[b, 27]]
The algorithm should return $Failed if there is no repeating pattern like above.
Please see the comments interspersed with the code on how it works.
(* True if a has period p *)
testPeriod[p_, a_] := Drop[a, p] === Drop[a, -p]
(* are all the list elements the same? *)
homogeneousQ[list_List] := Length#Tally[list] === 1
homogeneousQ[{}] := Throw[$Failed] (* yes, it's ugly to put this here ... *)
(* auxiliary for findPeriodOfFirstElement[] *)
reduce[a_] := Differences#Flatten#Position[a, First[a], {1}]
(* the first element occurs every ?th position ? *)
findPeriodOfFirstElement[a_] := Module[{nl},
nl = NestWhileList[reduce, reduce[a], ! homogeneousQ[#] &];
Fold[Total#Take[#2, #1] &, 1, Reverse[nl]]
(* the period must be a multiple of the period of the first element *)
period[a_] := Catch#With[{fp = findPeriodOfFirstElement[a]},
If[testPeriod[p, a], Return[p]],
{p, fp, Quotient[Length[a], 2], fp}
Please ask if findPeriodOfFirstElement[] is not clear. I did this independently (for fun!), but now I see that the principle is the same as in Verbeia's solution, except the problem pointed out by Brett is fixed.
I was testing with
b = RandomInteger[100, {1000}];
a = Flatten[{ConstantArray[b, 1000], Take[b, 27]}];
(Note the low integer values: there will be lots of repeating elements within the same period *)
EDIT: According to Leonid's comment below, another 2-3x speedup (~2.4x on my machine) is possible by using a custom position function, compiled specifically for lists of integers:
(* Leonid's reduce[] *)
myPosition = Compile[
{{lst, _Integer, 1}, {val, _Integer}},
Module[{pos = Table[0, {Length[lst]}], i = 1, ctr = 0},
For[i = 1, i <= Length[lst], i++,
If[lst[[i]] == val, pos[[++ctr]] = i]
Take[pos, ctr]
CompilationTarget -> "C", RuntimeOptions -> "Speed"
reduce[a_] := Differences#myPosition[a, First[a]]
Compiling testPeriod gives a further ~20% speedup in a quick test, but I believe this will depend on the input data:
testPeriod =
Compile[{{p, _Integer}, {a, _Integer, 1}},
Drop[a, p] === Drop[a, -p]]
Above methods are better if you have no noise. If your signal is only approximate then Fourier transform methods might be useful. I'll illustrate with a "parametrized" setup wherein the length and number of repetitions of the base signal, the length of the trailing part, and a bound on the noise perturbation are all variables one can play with.
noise = 20;
extra = 40;
baselen = 103;
base = RandomInteger[10000, {baselen}];
repeat = 5;
signal = Flatten[Join[ConstantArray[base, repeat], Take[base, extra]]];
noisysignal = signal + RandomInteger[{-noise, noise}, Length[signal]];
We compute the absolute value of the FFT. We adjoin zeros to both ends. The object will be to threshold by comparing to neighbors.
sigfft = Join[{0.}, Abs[Fourier[noisysignal]], {0}];
Now we create two 0-1 vectors. In one we threshold by making a 1 for each element in the fft that is greater than twice the geometric mean of its two neighbors. In the other we use the average (arithmetic mean) but we lower the size bound to 3/4. This was based on some experimentation. We count the number of 1s in each case. Ideally we'd get 100 for each, as that would be the number of nonzeros in a "perfect" case of no noise and no tail part.
thresh1 =
Table[If[sigfft[[j]]^2 > 2*sigfft[[j - 1]]*sigfft[[j + 1]], 1,
0], {j, 2, Length[sigfft] - 1}];
count1 = Count[thresh1, 1]
thresh2 =
Table[If[sigfft[[j]] > 3/4*(sigfft[[j - 1]] + sigfft[[j + 1]]), 1,
0], {j, 2, Length[sigfft] - 1}];
count2 = Count[thresh2, 1]
Out[420]= 114
Out[422]= 100
Now we get our best guess as to the value of "repeats", by taking the floor of the total length over the average of our counts.
approxrepeats = Floor[2*Length[signal]/(count1 + count2)]
Out[423]= 5
So we have found that the basic signal is repeated 5 times. That can give a start toward refining to estimate the correct length (baselen, above). To that end we might try removing elements at the end and seeing when we get ffts closer to actually having runs of four 0s between nonzero values.
Something else that might work for estimating number of repeats is finding the modal number of zeros in run length encoding of the thresholded ffts. While I have not actually tried that, it looks like it might be robust to bad choices in the details of how one does the thresholding (mine were just experiments that seem to work).
Daniel Lichtblau
The following assumes that the cycle starts on the first element and gives the period length and the cycle.
findCyclingList[a_?VectorQ] :=
Module[{repeats1, repeats2, cl, cLs, vec},
repeats1 = Flatten#Differences[Position[a, First[a]]];
repeats2 = Flatten[Position[repeats1, First[repeats1]]];
If[Equal ## Differences[repeats2] && Length[repeats2] > 2(*
is potentially cyclic - first element appears cyclically *),
cl = Plus ### Partition[repeats1, First[Differences[repeats2]]];
cLs = Partition[a, First[cl]];
If[SameQ ## cLs (* candidate cycles all actually the same *),
vec = First[cLs];
{Length[vec], vec}, $Failed], $Failed] ]
b = RandomInteger[50, {100}];
a = Join[b, b, b, b, Take[b, 27]];
{100, {47, 15, 42, 10, 14, 29, 12, 29, 11, 37, 6, 19, 14, 50, 4, 38,
23, 3, 41, 39, 41, 17, 32, 8, 18, 37, 5, 45, 38, 8, 39, 9, 26, 33,
40, 50, 0, 45, 1, 48, 32, 37, 15, 37, 49, 16, 27, 36, 11, 16, 4, 28,
31, 46, 30, 24, 30, 3, 32, 31, 31, 0, 32, 35, 47, 44, 7, 21, 1, 22,
43, 13, 44, 35, 29, 38, 31, 31, 17, 37, 49, 22, 15, 28, 21, 8, 31,
42, 26, 33, 1, 47, 26, 1, 37, 22, 40, 27, 27, 16}}
b1 = RandomInteger[10000, {100}];
a1 = Join[b1, b1, b1, b1, Take[b1, 23]];
{100, {1281, 5325, 8435, 7505, 1355, 857, 2597, 8807, 1095, 4203,
3718, 3501, 7054, 4620, 6359, 1624, 6115, 8567, 4030, 5029, 6515,
5921, 4875, 2677, 6776, 2468, 7983, 4750, 7609, 9471, 1328, 7830,
2241, 4859, 9289, 6294, 7259, 4693, 7188, 2038, 3994, 1907, 2389,
6622, 4758, 3171, 1746, 2254, 556, 3010, 1814, 4782, 3849, 6695,
4316, 1548, 3824, 5094, 8161, 8423, 8765, 1134, 7442, 8218, 5429,
7255, 4131, 9474, 6016, 2438, 403, 6783, 4217, 7452, 2418, 9744,
6405, 8757, 9666, 4035, 7833, 2657, 7432, 3066, 9081, 9523, 3284,
3661, 1947, 3619, 2550, 4950, 1537, 2772, 5432, 6517, 6142, 9774,
1289, 6352}}
This case should fail because it isn't cyclical.
findCyclingList[Join[b, Take[b, 11], b]]
I tried to something with Repeated, e.g. a /. Repeated[t__, {2, 100}] -> {t} but it just doesn't work for me.
Does this work for you?
period[a_] :=
{k, Equal ## Partition[a, k]},
{k, Floor[Length[a]/2]}],
{k_, True} :> k
Strictly speaking, this will fail for things like
a = {1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
although this can be fixed by using something like:
(Equal ## Partition[a, k]) && (Equal ## Partition[Reverse[a], k])
(probably computing Reverse[a] just once ahead of time.)
I propose this. It borrows from both Verbeia and Brett's answers.
If[MatchQ ## Equal ## Partition[#, i, i, 1, _], Return ## i],
{i, #[[ 2 ;; Floor[Length##/2] ]] ~Position~ First##}
] /. Null -> $Failed &
It is not quite as efficient as Vebeia's function on long periods, but it is faster on short ones, and it is simpler as well.
I don't know how to solve it in mathematica, but the following algorithm (written in python) should work. It's O(n) so speed should be no concern.
def period(array):
if len(array) == 0:
return False
s = array[0]
match = False
end = 0
i = 0
for k in range(1,len(array)):
c = array[k]
if not match:
if c == s:
i = 1
match = True
end = k
if not c == array[i]:
match = False
i += 1
if match:
return array[:end]
return False
# False
print(period([4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2,1]))
# [4, 5, 1, 2, 3]
print(period([4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2]))
# False
# [4, 2]
# False
# False
Ok, just to show my own work here:
ModifiedTortoiseHare[a_List] := Module[{counter, tortoise, hare},
counter = 1;
tortoise = a[[counter]];
hare = a[[2 counter]];
While[(tortoise != hare) || (a[[counter ;; 2 counter - 1]] != a[[2 counter ;; 3 counter - 1]]),
tortoise = a[[counter]];
hare = a[[2 counter]];
I'm not sure this is a 100% correct, especially with cases like {pattern,pattern,different,pattern, pattern} and it gets slower and slower when there are a lot of repeating elements, like so:
{ 1,2,1,1, 1,2,1,1, 1,2,1,1, ...}
because it is making too many expensive comparisons.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int period(vector<int> v)
int p=0; // period 0
for(int i=p+1; i<v.size(); i++)
if(v[i] == v[0])
p=i; // new potential period
bool periodical=true;
for(int i=0; i<v.size()-p; i++)
if(periodical) return p;
i=p; // try to find new period
return 0; // no period
int main()
vector<int> v3{1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3};
cout<<"Period is :\t"<<period(v3)<<endl;
vector<int> v0{1,2,3,1,2,3,1,9,6};
cout<<"Period is :\t"<<period(v0)<<endl;
vector<int> v1{1,2,1,1,7,1,2,1,1,7,1,2,1,1};
cout<<"Period is :\t"<<period(v1)<<endl;
return 0;
This sounds like it might relate to sequence alignment. These algorithms are well studied, and might already be implemented in mathematica.

How to efficiently set matrix's minor in Mathematica?

While looking at the belisarius's question about generation of non-singular integer matrices with uniform distribution of its elements, I was studying a paper by Dana Randal, "Efficient generation of random non-singular matrices". The algorithm proposed is recursive, and involves generating a matrix of lower dimension and assigning it to a given minor. I used combinations of Insert and Transpose to do it, but there are must be more efficient ways of doing it. How would you do it?
The following is the code:
Gen[p_, 1] := {{{1}}, RandomInteger[{1, p - 1}, {1, 1}]};
Gen[p_, n_] := Module[{v, r, aa, tt, afr, am, tm},
v = RandomInteger[{0, p - 1}, n];
r = LengthWhile[v, # == 0 &] + 1;
If[r <= n, Break[]]
afr = UnitVector[n, r];
{am, tm} = Gen[p, n - 1];
Insert[Transpose[am], RandomInteger[{0, p - 1}, n - 1], r]], afr,
1], Insert[
Transpose[Insert[Transpose[tm], ConstantArray[0, n - 1], r]], v,
NonSingularRandomMatrix[p_?PrimeQ, n_] := Mod[Dot ## Gen[p, n], p]
It does generate a non-singular matrix, and has uniform distribution of matrix elements, but requires p to be prime:
The code is also not every efficient, which is, I suspect due to my inefficient matrix constructors:
In[10]:= Timing[NonSingularRandomMatrix[101, 300];]
Out[10]= {0.421, Null}
EDIT So let me condense my question. The minor matrix of a given matrix m can be computed as follows:
MinorMatrix[m_?MatrixQ, {i_, j_}] :=
Drop[Transpose[Drop[Transpose[m], {j}]], {i}]
It is the original matrix with i-th row and j-th column deleted.
I now need to create a matrix of size n by n that will have the given minor matrix mm at position {i,j}. What I used in the algorithm was:
ExpandMinor[minmat_, {i_, j_}, v1_,
v2_] /; {Length[v1] - 1, Length[v2]} == Dimensions[minmat] :=
Insert[Transpose[Insert[Transpose[minmat], v2, j]], v1, i]
In[31]:= ExpandMinor[
IdentityMatrix[4], {2, 3}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {2, 3, 4, 4}]
Out[31]= {{1, 0, 2, 0, 0}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {0, 1, 3, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 4,
1, 0}, {0, 0, 4, 0, 1}}
I am hoping this can be done more efficiently, which is what I am soliciting in the question.
Per blisarius's suggestion I looked into implementing ExpandMinor via ArrayFlatten.
ExpandMinorAlt[m_, {i_ /; i > 1, j_}, v1_,
v2_] /; {Length[v1] - 1, Length[v2]} == Dimensions[m] :=
{Part[m, ;; i - 1, ;; j - 1], Transpose#{v2[[;; i - 1]]},
Part[m, ;; i - 1, j ;;]},
{{v1[[;; j - 1]]}, {{v1[[j]]}}, {v1[[j + 1 ;;]]}},
{Part[m, i ;;, ;; j - 1], Transpose#{v2[[i ;;]]}, Part[m, i ;;, j ;;]}
ExpandMinorAlt[m_, {1, j_}, v1_,
v2_] /; {Length[v1] - 1, Length[v2]} == Dimensions[m] :=
{{v1[[;; j - 1]]}, {{v1[[j]]}}, {v1[[j + 1 ;;]]}},
{Part[m, All, ;; j - 1], Transpose#{v2}, Part[m, All, j ;;]}
In[192]:= dim = 5;
mm = RandomInteger[{-5, 5}, {dim, dim}];
v1 = RandomInteger[{-5, 5}, dim + 1];
v2 = RandomInteger[{-5, 5}, dim];
Table[ExpandMinor[mm, {i, j}, v1, v2] ==
ExpandMinorAlt[mm, {i, j}, v1, v2], {i, dim}, {j, dim}] //
Flatten // DeleteDuplicates
Out[196]= {True}
It took me a while to get here, but since I spent a good part of my postdoc generating random matrices, I could not help it, so here goes. The main inefficiency in the code comes from the necessity to move matrices around (copy them). If we could reformulate the algorithm so that we only modify a single matrix in place, we could win big. For this, we must compute the positions where the inserted vectors/rows will end up, given that we will typically insert in the middle of smaller matrices and thus shift the elements. This is possible. Here is the code:
gen = Compile[{{p, _Integer}, {n, _Integer}},
Module[{vmat = Table[0, {n}, {n}],
rs = Table[0, {n}],(* A vector of r-s*)
amatr = Table[0, {n}, {n}],
tmatr = Table[0, {n}, {n}],
i = 1,
v = Table[0, {n}],
r = n + 1,
rsc = Table[0, {n}], (* recomputed r-s *)
matstarts = Table[0, {n}], (* Horizontal positions of submatrix starts at a given step *)
remainingShifts = Table[0, {n}]
** shifts that will be performed after a given row/vector insertion,
** and can affect the real positions where the elements will end up
** Compute the r-s and vectors v all at once. Pad smaller
** vectors v with zeros to fill a rectangular matrix
For[i = 1, i <= n, i++,
v = RandomInteger[{0, p - 1}, i];
For[r = 1, r <= i && v[[r]] == 0, r++];
If[r <= i,
vmat[[i]] = PadRight[v, n];
rs[[i]] = r;
** We must recompute the actual r-s, since the elements will
** move due to subsequent column insertions.
** The code below repeatedly adds shifts to the
** r-s on the left, resulting from insertions on the right.
** For example, if vector of r-s
** is {1,2,1,3}, it will become {1,2,1,3}->{2,3,1,3}->{2,4,1,3},
** and the end result shows where
** in the actual matrix the columns (and also rows for the case of
** tmatr) will be inserted
rsc = rs;
For[i = 2, i <= n, i++,
remainingShifts = Take[rsc, i - 1];
For[r = 1, r <= i - 1, r++,
If[remainingShifts[[r]] == rsc[[i]],
If[ r <= n,
rsc[[;; i - 1]] += UnitStep[rsc[[;; i - 1]] - rsc[[i]]]
** Compute the starting left positions of sub-
** matrices at each step (1x1,2x2,etc)
matstarts = FoldList[Min, First#rsc, Rest#rsc];
(* Initialize matrices - this replaces the recursion base *)
amatr[[n, rsc[[1]]]] = 1;
tmatr[[rsc[[1]], rsc[[1]]]] = RandomInteger[{1, p - 1}];
(* Repeatedly perform insertions - this replaces recursion *)
For[i = 2, i <= n, i++,
amatr[[n - i + 2 ;; n, rsc[[i]]]] = RandomInteger[{0, p - 1}, i - 1];
amatr[[n - i + 1, rsc[[i]]]] = 1;
tmatr[[n - i + 2 ;; n, rsc[[i]]]] = Table[0, {i - 1}];
Fold[# + 1 - Unitize[# - #2] &,
matstarts[[i]] + Range[0, i - 1], Sort[Drop[rsc, i]]]]] =
vmat[[i, 1 ;; i]];
{amatr, tmatr}
{{FoldList[__], _Integer, 1}}, CompilationTarget -> "C"];
NonSignularRanomMatrix[p_?PrimeQ, n_] := Mod[Dot ## Gen[p, n],p];
NonSignularRanomMatrixAlt[p_?PrimeQ, n_] := Mod[Dot ## gen[p, n],p];
Here is the timing for the large matrix:
In[1114]:= gen [101, 300]; // Timing
Out[1114]= {0.078, Null}
For the histogram, I get the identical plots, and the 10-fold efficiency boost:
Histogram[Table[NonSignularRanomMatrix[11, 5][[2, 3]], {10^4}]]; // Timing
Out[1118]= {7.75, Null}
Histogram[Table[NonSignularRanomMatrixAlt[11, 5][[2, 3]], {10^4}]]; // Timing
Out[1119]= {0.687, Null}
I expect that upon careful profiling of the above compiled code, one could further improve the performance. Also, I did not use runtime Listable attribute in Compile, while this should be possible. It may also be that the parts of the code which perform assignment to minors are generic enough so that the logic can be factored out of the main function - I did not investigate that yet.
For the first part of your question (which I hope I understand properly) can
MinorMatrix be written as follows?
MinorMatrixAlt[m_?MatrixQ, {i_, j_}] := Drop[mat, {i}, {j}]
