VBScript CStr function - vbscript

I'm using the conversion function CStr in VBScript to convert a number of type Long into a String. The problem is after converting to a string the decimal point is lost eg 2.5 is converted to 2.
Does anyone know a way to preserve the decimal point using this conversion function?
Many Thanks,

Its probably that casting the number to Long is the problem as long is just a type that will contains bigger integers, and does not support decimals.
Maybe try a currency, single or double type for the numeric value before doing the CStr

Have you echoed out your CLng variable? CLng rounds decimals to the nearest even number so it is likely the CLng which is rounding your decimal places rather than CStr dropping them. Can you use CDbl rather than CLng?


Convert string currency to float with ruby

I have the following string:
And I need to convert to float and the result must be:
I tried some code using gsub but I can't solve this.
How can I do this conversion?
You have already received two good answers how to massage your String into your desired format using String#delete and String#tr.
But there is a deeper problem.
The decimal value 1 273.0810 cannot be accurately represented as an IEEE 754-2019 / ISO/IEC 60559:2020 binary64 floating point value.
Just like the value 1/3rd can easily be represented in ternary (0.13) but has an infinite representation in decimal (0.33333333…10, i.e. 0.[3]…10) and thus cannot be accurately represented, the value 8/100th can easily be represented in decimal (0.0810) but has an infinite representation in binary (0.0001010001111010111000010100011110101110000101…2, i.e. 0.[00010100011110101110]…2). In other words, it is impossible to express 1 273.0810 as a Ruby Float.
And that's not specific to Ruby, or even to programming, that is just basic high school maths: you cannot represent this number in binary, period, just like you cannot represent 1/3rd in decimal, or π in any integer base.
And of course, computers don't have infinite memory, so not only does 1 273.0810 have an infinite representation in binary, but as a Float, it will also be cut off after 64 bits. The closest possible value to 1 273.0810 as an IEEE 754-2019 / ISO/IEC 60559:2020 binary64 floating point value is 1 273.079 999 999 999 927 240 423 858 1710, which is less than 1 273.0810.
That is why you should never represent money using binary numbers: everybody will expect it to be decimal, not binary; if I write a cheque, I write it in decimal, not binary. People will expect that it is impossible to represent $ 1/3rd, they will expect that it is impossible to represent $ π, but they will not expect and not accept that if they put $ 1273.08 into their account, they will actually end up with slightly less than that.
The correct way to represent money would be to use a specialized Money datatype, or at least using the bigdecimal library from the standard library:
require 'bigdecimal'
BigDecimal('1.273,08'.delete('.').tr(',', '.'))
#=> 0.127308e4
I would do
"1.273,08".delete('.') # delete '.' from the string
.tr(',', '.') # replace ',' with '.'
.to_f # translate to float
#=> 1273.08
So, we're using . as a thousands separator and , instead of a dot:
str = "1.273,08"
str.gsub('.','').gsub(',', '.').to_f

Maximum digits allowed after decimal in double datatype in vb6

I want to know how many number of digits are allowed after decimal point for primitive double datatype in vb6, without actually getting rounded off.
You get up to 16 significant figures in case of double data type in vb6 with accuracy
eg 1.0000000000000006

How to convert fixed-point VHDL type back to float?

I am using IEEE fixed point package in VHDL.
It works well, but I now facing a problem concerning their string representation in a test bench : I would like to dump them in a text file.
I have found that it is indeed possible to directly write ufixed or sfixed using :
write(buf, to_string(x)); --where x is either sfixed or ufixed (and buf : line)
But then I get values like 11110001.10101 (for sfixed q8.5 representation).
So my question : how to convert back these fixed point numbers to reals (and then to string) ?
The variable needs to be split into two std-logic-vector parts, the integer part can be converted to a string using standard conversion, but for the fraction part the string conversion is a bit different. For the integer part you need to use a loop and divide by 10 and convert the modulo remainder into ascii character, building up from the lower digit to the higher digit. For the fractional part it also need a loop but one needs to multiply by 10 take the floor and isolate this digit to get the corresponding character, then that integer is used to be substracted to the fraction number, etc. This is the concept, worked in MATLAB to test and making a vhdl version I will share soon. I was surprised not to find such useful function anywhere. Of course fixed-point format can vary Q(N,M) N and M can have all sorts of values, while for floating point, it is standardized.

How do I trim the zero value after decimal

As I tried to debug, I found that : just as I type in
Dim value As Double
value = 0.90000
then hit enter, and it automatically converts to 0.9
Shouldn't it keep the precision in double in visual basic?
For my calculation, I absolutely need to show the precision
If precision is required then the Currency data type is what you want to use.
There are at least two representations of your value in play. One is the value you see on the screen -- a string -- and one is the internal representation -- a binary value. In dealing with fractional values, the two are often not equivalent and where they aren't, it's because they can't be.
If you stick with doubles, VB will maintain 53 bits of mantissa throughout your calculations, no matter how they might appear when printed. If you transition through the string domain, say by saving to a file or DB and later retrieving, it often has to leave some of that precision behind. It's inevitable, because the interface between the two domains is not perfect. Some values that can be exactly represented as strings (or Decimals, that is, powers of ten) can't be exactly represented as fractional powers of 2.
This has nothing to do with VB, it's the nature of floating point. The best you can do is control where the rounding occurs. For this purpose your friend is the Format function, which controls how a value appears in string form.
? Format$(0.9, "0.00000") will show you an example.
You are getting what you see on the screen confused with what bits are being set in the Double to make that number.
VB is simply being "helpful", and simply knocking off excess zeros. But for all intents and purposes,
is identical to
If you don't believe me, try doing this comparison:
Debug.Print CDbl("0.9") = CDbl("0.90000")
As has already been said, displayed precision can be shown using the Format$() function, e.g.
Debug.Print Format$(0.9, "0.00000")
No, it shouldn't keep the precision. Binary floating point values don't retain this information... and it would be somewhat odd to do so, given that you're expressing the value in one base even though it's being represented in another.
I don't know whether VB6 has a decimal floating point type, but that's probably what you want - or a fixed point decimal type, perhaps. Certainly in .NET, System.Decimal has retained extra 0s from .NET 1.1 onwards. If this doesn't help you, you could think about remembering two integers - e.g. "90000" and "100000" in this case, so that the value you're representing is one integer divided by another, with the associated level of precision.
EDIT: I thought that Currency may be what you want, but according to this article, that's fixed at 4 decimal places, and you're trying to retain 5. You could potentially just multiply by 10, if you always want 5 decimal places - but it's an awkward thing to remember to do everywhere... and you'd have to work out how to format it appropriately. It would also always be 4 decimal places, I suspect, even if you'd specified fewer - so if you want "0.300" to be different to "0.3000" then Currency may not be appropriate. I'm entirely basing this on articles online though...
You can also enter the value as 0.9# instead. This helps avoid implicit coercion within an expression that may truncate the precision you expect. In most cases the compiler won't require this hint though because floating point literals default to Double (indeed, the IDE typically deletes the # symbol unless the value was an integer, e.g. 9#).
Contrast the results of these:
MsgBox TypeName(0.9)
MsgBox TypeName(0.9!)
MsgBox TypeName(0.9#)

Why is BigDecimal returning a weird value?

I am writing code that will deal with currencies, charges, etc. I am going to use the BigDecimal class for math and storage, but we ran into something weird with it.
This statement:
1876.8 == BigDecimal('1876.8')
returns false.
If I run those values through a formatting string "%.13f" I get:
"%.20f" % 1876.8 => 1876.8000000000000
"%.20f" % BigDecimal('1876.8') => 1876.8000000000002
Note the extra 2 from the BigDecimal at the last decimal place.
I thought BigDecimal was supposed to counter the inaccuracies of storing real numbers directly in the native floating point of the computer. Where is this 2 coming from?
It won't give you as much control over the number of decimal places, but the conventional format mechanism for BigDecimal appears to be:
If you need more control, consider using the Money gem, assuming your domain problem is mostly about currency.
gem install money
You are right, BigDecimal should be storing it correctly, my best guess is:
BigDecimal is storing the value correctly
When passed to a string formatting function, BigDecimal is being cast as a lower precision floating point value, creating the ...02.
When compared directly with a float, the float has an extra decimal place far beyond the 20 you see (classic floats can't be compared behavoir).
Either way, you are unlikely to get accurate results comparing a float to a BigDecimal.
Don't compare FPU decimal string fractions for equality
The problem is that the equality comparison of a floating or double value with a decimal constant that contains a fraction is rarely successful.
Very few decimal string fractions have exact values in the binary FP representation, so equality comparisons are usually doomed.*
To answer your exact question, the 2 is coming from a slightly different conversion of the decimal string fraction into the Float format. Because the fraction cannot be represented exactly, it's possible that two computations will consider different amounts of precision in intermediate calculations and ultimately end up rounding the result to a 52-bit IEEE 754 double precision mantissa differently. It hardly matters because there is no exact representation anyway, but one is probably more wrong than the other.
In particular, your 1876.8 cannot be represented exactly by an FP object, in fact, between 0.01 and 0.99, only 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 have exact binary representations. All the others, include 1876.8, repeat forever and are rounded to 52 bits. This is about half of the reason that BigDecimal even exists. (The other half of the reason is the fixed precision of FP data: sometimes you need more.)
So, the result that you get when comparing an actual machine value with a decimal string constant depends on every single bit in the binary fraction ... down to 1/252 ... and even then requires rounding.
If there is anything even the slightest bit (hehe, bit, sorry) imperfect about the process that produced the number, or the input conversion code, or anything else involved, they won't look exactly equal.
An argument could even be made that the comparison should always fail because no IEEE-format FPU can even represent that number exactly. They really are not equal, even though they look like it. On the left, your decimal string has been converted to a binary string, and most of the numbers just don't convert exactly. On the right, it's still a decimal string.
So don't mix floats with BigDecimal, just compare one BigDecimal with another BigDecimal. (Even when both operands are floats, testing for equality requires great care or a fuzzy test. Also, don't trust every formatted digit: output formatting will carry remainders way off the right side of the fraction, so you don't generally start seeing zeroes, you will just see garbage values.)
*The problem: machine numbers are x/2n, but decimal constants are x/(2n * 5m). Your value as sign, exponent, and mantissa is the infinitely repeating 0 10000001001 1101010100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011... Ironically, FP arithmetic is perfectly precise and equality comparisons work perfectly well when the value has no fraction.
as David said, BigDecimal is storing it right
p (BigDecimal('1876.8') * 100000000000000).to_i
returns 187680000000000000
so, yes, the string formatting is ruining it
If you don't need fractional cents, consider storing and manipulating the currency as an integer, then dividing by 100 when it's time to display. I find that easier than dealing with the inevitable precision issues of storing and manipulating in floating point.
On Mac OS X, I'm running ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [i686-darwin9]
irb(main):004:0> 1876.8 == BigDecimal('1876.8') => true
However, being Ruby, I think you should think in terms of messages sent to objects. What does this return to you:
BigDecimal('1876.8') == 1876.8
The two aren't equivalent, and if you're trying to use BigDecimal's ability to determine precise decimal equality, it should be the receiver of the message asking about the equality.
For the same reason I don't think formatting the BigDecimal by sending a format message to the format string is the right approach either.
