reading a dynamic property list into a spring managed bean - spring

I've been searching but cannot find these steps. I hope I'm missing something obvious.
I have a properties file with the following contents:
I have another file like that but having a different number of members in the machines element like this:
My question is how do I load this variable-length machines variable into a bean in my spring config in a generic way?
something like this:
<property name="machines" value="${machines}"/>
where machines is an array or list in my java code. I can define it however I want if I can figure out how to do this.
Basically I'd rather have spring do the parsing and stick each value into a list element instead of me having to write something that reads in the full machines string and do the parsing myself (with the comma delimiter) to put each value into an array or list. Is there an easy way to do this that I'm missing?

You may want to take a look at Spring's StringUtils class. It has a number of useful methods to convert a comma separated list to a Set or a String array. You can use any of these utility methods, using Spring's factory-method framework, to inject a parsed value into your bean. Here is an example:
<property name="machines">
<bean class="org.springframework.util.StringUtils" factory-method="commaDelimitedListToSet">
<constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="${machines}"/>
In this example, the value for 'machines' is loaded from the properties file.
If an existing utility method does not meet your needs, it is pretty straightforward to create your own. This technique allows you to execute any static utility method.

Spring EL makes easier.
List <String> machines;
<property name="machines" value="#{T(java.util.Arrays).asList('${machines}')}"/>

If you make the property "machines" a String array, then spring will do it automatically for you
<property name="machines" value="${machines}"/>
public void setMachines(String[] test) {

Since Spring 3.0, it is also possible to read in the list of values using the #Value annotation.
Property file:
Java code:
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
private List<String> machines;

You can inject the values to the list directly without boilerplate code.(Spring 3.1+)
private List<String> machines;
for the key "machines=B,C,D" in the properties file by creating following two instance in your configuration.
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertyPlaceholderConfigurer() {
return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
public ConversionService conversionService() {
return new DefaultConversionService();
Those will cover all the separate based split and whitespace trim as well.


Load Yml at runtime with Spring Boot

I have multiple yml files in different folders. All the files in the folder share the same property structure which I mapped with a java bean.
At runtime, with a factory, I want to get the right bean populated with the values of the specific file chosen at runtime. How do I do that?
The #ConfigurationProperties annotation or the mechanism behind it is built to be used for configuration of an application at startup, not loading data at runtime.
I'm sure you could somehow start mini spring environments at runtime just to read this data using different spring profiles (this is e.g. how spring-cloud-configserver loads properties) but this seems not right and there are better alternatives.
E.g., if you need that data to be loaded at runtime, you can use jackson's yamlfactory for that, with that you can read your data in 3-4 statements. A good example is here:
Consider a Bean like this: (Pseudo code, just to explain)
class MyConfigBean {
private Properties currentProperties;
private Map<String, Properties> allPropertiesMap;
void loadAllProperties() { ... }
void switchProperties(String name) {
this.currentProperties = this.allPropertiesMap.get(name);
String getProperty(String key) {
return this.currentProperties.get(key);
You can load all of the Yaml files into a Map in your bean. The Map's key could be the "name" of the properties file and the value would be the Properties object.
A switchProperties(String name) method will "select" the properties file you wish to work with. Using the name, you will get the appropriate Properties object from the Map and assign it to the "currentProperties" object.
This way, each time you get a property by key, it will be fetched from the "currentProperties" according to what you "switched" for.
Important - You'll have to decide what is the default properties after you load all of them.

Obtaining configured properties from Springs

I am trying to obtain properties' values configured in Springs context with Environment bean (like in spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and context:property-placeholder checked answer).
public class SpringsPropertiesProvider implements IPropertiesProvider {
#Autowired Environment envinronment;
public String getProperty(String key) {
return envinronment.getProperty(key);
This class is registered with following xml:
location="classpath:myproject/" />
<context:annotation-config />
<bean class="myproject.SpringsPropertiesProvider" id="springsPropertiesProvider"/>
But SpringsPropertiesProvider.getProperty method does not return values configured within file.
What I am doing wrong and how can I get dynamic access to properties configured by placeholderconfigurer?
During environment.getPropert(key) call debugging shows that org.springframework.core.env.PropertySourcesPropertyResolver has only two entries in its propertySources field ([systemProperties,systemEnvironment]) and both entries does not contain any keys defined within
Try this
location="classpath:myproject/" ignore-resource-not-found="true"/>
If the project does not startup then that means spring was not able to locate the properties file.
Speaking of which, what does your project structure look like?
The following link explains why this is not working

Spring config and runtime separation

When using Spring it is rather cumbersome to incorporate runtime data in bean construction. While there are techniques to circumvent this separation, I have a feeling that it was put in place for a reason. My question is whether this is a known paradigm, and if there is any litterature discussing it. Personally I find that it has both advantages and drawbacks, depending on the dynamicity of the app.
You have at least five well known methods to pass runtime data to beans configuration:
Use ApplicationContextInitializer to add PropertySources to the Enviroment.
Use SPEL to inject dependencies.
Use FactoryBeans.
Use the factory-bean and factory-method attributes.
If you write the class that need the runtime data, you only need to inject the
collaborator that provide it.
For example
<bean id="requestAttributeReader" class="example.RequestAttributeReader" />
<bean id="requestInjectedBean" class="example.RequestInjectedBean" scope="request">
<property name="a" value="#{requestAttributeReader.a}" />
Class RequestAttributeReader {
public String getA() {
return RequestContextHolder.getAttributes().getAttribute("a");
The bean description files of an IoC container lets you to configure implementors on application beans. This is normally a static definition of the implementation classes that you want to use for a concrete configuration, so xml it's good for it.
If you need to choose an implementor based on runtime then you need to write code to choose them and then inform the container.
for example, using PropertySources and PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer:
String service = "example.NormalService";
if (BOSS_USERNAME.equals(System.getProperty("")))
service = "example.BossService";
ctx.getEnvironment().getPropertySources().addFirst(new PropertiesPropertySource("service", service));
<bean id="service" class="${service}" />
The same could be done with a ServiceFactoryBean, a external ServiceFactory, SPEL and so on...
Maybe, you are interested on replacing implementations at runtime, ie changing the Service implementation in all beans that depends on when the container is already refreshed. (without destroy and refresh).
As far as I know, the framework don't provides a clear way to do it.
Sounds like you should look at spring binding, eg:
public String create(#Valid Market market, BindingResult bindingResult, Model uiModel, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) {
So this will take request params that match the fields in the Market object and set them in that object. It will also validated the params/object since there is the #Valid annotation.
This binding can be customised with PropertyEditors or Converters.
If the market object is annotated #Configurable, it can use #Autowired and #Value annotations to configure the bean when spring creates it.

MVC Datasource: controller or model?

Just a quick question: In an OOP MVC application, one key principle is the seperation of responsibilities. I therefor think that a model and the object that fetches the model from a database, file, xml, webservice, etc. should be seperated from the model itself. This can for example be done by implementing a datamapper.
However, what do I do when I have a model that can be loaded from different sources? Should the model be in charge of the datasource, or is this the responsibility of the controller?
An simple example could be a config class that can be loaded from a database or a file. Should the controller instruct the datasource, or should the model know when to load the config info from a database or a file?
have used frameworks were the datasource is informed by the controller MachII, Model-Glue (Coldfusion frameworks) and also from the model layer (ColdSpring) - like Spring in Java.
I think the key thing is to use what makes more sense to you, keep the coupling to a minimum and be consistent, meaning don't put datasource or object dependencies in multiple places.
You could also consider using a service type object to abstract the datasource and have it serve either who it likes.
That IOC file could look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bean id="chartShareObj" class="model.charts.ChartShared" autowire="byType" />
<bean id="trendChartObj" class="model.charts.TrendChart" autowire="byType" />
<bean id="adminRightsDA0" class="org.datamentor.institution.RightsDAO">
<constructor-arg name="dsn">
<bean id="assessmentManager" class="model.assessment.Manager">
<constructor-arg name="dsn">
You can see the different datasources specified by args via args defined in a controller.
Based on your situation and response I would suggest looking into dependency injection. You can then let it handle determining which data source to use based on whatever set of variables you want to let it determine things by. This is what I use when I have multiple data sources and want to have the data source determined by some predetermined factors I have chosen.
As to who should handle the injection, I leave that to a repository factory and simply ask for an interface in the controller. The factory then determines based on the dependency injection which repository to provide.
Dependency Injection in an global Infrastructure class:
Bind<INewsArticleRepository>().ToMethod(context => NewsRepositoryFactory.Create((NewsRepositoryFactory.RepositoryType)Enum.Parse(typeof(NewsRepositoryFactory.RepositoryType), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NewsArticleRepositoryProvider"])));
Repository Factory
public static INewsArticleRepository Create(RepositoryType type)
switch (type)
case RepositoryType.Mock:
return new MockNewsArticlesRepository();
case RepositoryType.Sql:
return new SqlNewsArticleRepository();
throw new NotImplementedException();
Call in the controller for a repository
private INewsArticleRepository newsItemRepository;
public NewsController(INewsArticleRepository newsItemRepository)
this.newsItemRepository = newsItemRepository;
They way I do it in Coldbox is using CB's INJECT method in the model. In the cfargument of the constructor, I specify:
<cfargument name="dsn" type="any" inject="coldbox:datasource:dsn">
And that's from specifying the dsn in the coldbox.cfc file, and calling it "dsn". I keep it generic so I can copy this stuff to other projects and only have to change the DSN name in the coldbox.cfc.
But then after doing that, you get the dsn like this:
variables.dsn = arguments.dsn.getName();
I hope this helps, at least a little.

Apply dynamic properties to a bean at runtime

Assume I have a bean DialogBox, with properties for height and width:
public class DialogBox {
int x;
int y;
In my applicationContext.xml I would define properties as reasonable defaults:
<bean id="dialogbox" class="DialogBox">
<property name="x" value="100"/>
<property name="y" value="100"/>
We have multiple clients that use the dialogBox bean, and each wants a custom value for x and y. One route we have discusses is having multiple properties files, one for each client, and have the client id map to the proper file, for example client 123 would map to
Then at runtime when the bean is requested, spring would look to see if a custom properties file exists for the client, and use those properties, otherwise use the defaults. I am aware of the PropertyOverrideConfigurer, but AFAIK this only works when the context is started so will not work for our purposes. Is there an existing facility in spring to achieve this, or can someone recommend another way?
Use FactoryBean (as already suggested) to customize instantiation.
set scope="prototype" on the bean, so that each time an instance is required, a new one should be created.
In case you want to inject the prototype bean into a singleton bean, use lookup-method (Search for lookup-method here)
I'm not sure if this would fit your case though. Another suggestion would be:
In #PostConstruct methods of your various "clients" set the properties as desired on the already injected dialog window. Like:
public class MyDialogClient {
private Dialog dialog;
public void init() {
dialog.setWidth(150); //or read from properties file
Again, in this case, you can play with the scope atrribute.
Take a look at the Spring OSGi Compendium services, they've got a property manager called "managed-properties", which allows you not only to update the properties at runtime, but while the application is running if you select the "container-managed" update strategy.
If I understood the question, you can use a FactoryBean to customize bean creation logic in Spring.
