How does DynamicQueryable support the Array operator? - linq

I have been using the DynamicQueryable Linq extensions featured in Scott Guthrie's blog post.
The documentation has a table of supported operators. One of the primary operators is the following:
Array or indexer access. Multi-dimensional arrays are not supported.
However, I cannot figure out how it can be used.
I didn't expect any of the following to work and in fact they don't.
var ctx = new MyDbContext();
var parameters = new Object[] { new int[] { 1, 2, 3 } };
var qry = ctx.Set<User>().Where<User>("it.Id in #0", parameters);
var qry = ctx.Set<User>().Where<User>("it.Id.In(#0)", parameters);
var qry = ctx.Set<User>().Where<User>("it.Id = #0", parameters);
var qry = ctx.Set<User>().Where<User>("#0.Contains(it.Id)", parameters);
It is basically an In query, but I am not sure how to express it.

This is perhaps a misunderstanding. Meant is that it is possible to query for collection elements at a specific index position. For example:
public class Order
public List<OrderDetail> OrderDetails { get; set; }
public class OrderDetail
public string Description { get; set; }
Then you can query for all orders which have the Detail description "Bicycle" in the third OrderDetail by:
string parameter = "Bicycle";
var qry = ctx.Set<Order>().Where<Order>("it.OrderDetails[2].Description == #0",
I think for your purpose you need to build up an "OR" chain "it.Id == 1 or it.Id == 2 or it.Id == 3" (or build this query string dynamically in a loop) without parameters in the Where method.


Linq results type?

I would like to replace "var" with the actual type definition. I believe it returns an IEnumerable<>, but I can't figure out what to put for T? I tried debugging with GetType(), but still don't get it...
var LinqResults = from row in dt.AsEnumerable()
orderby row.Field<string>("Category"), row.Field<int>("WorkOrderVersion")
group row by new { Category = row.Field<string>("Category"), WorkOrderVersion = row.Field<int>("WorkOrderVersion") } into grp
select new
Category = grp.Key.Category,
WorkOrderVersion = grp.Key.WorkOrderVersion,
You can't combine a use of an anonymous type with a specific type because anonymous types provide no name for you to put in for a T inside IEnumerable<T>. In fact, use of anonymous types is an important use case for adding var to the C# language in the first place.
You can define a named type for the result, lie this:
class VersionedWorkOrder {
public string Category { get; set; }
public int WorkOrderVersion { get; set; }
IEnumerable<VersionedWorkOrder> linqResults = from row in dt.AsEnumerable()
orderby row.Field<string>("Category"), row.Field<int>("WorkOrderVersion")
group row by new { Category = row.Field<string>("Category"), WorkOrderVersion = row.Field<int>("WorkOrderVersion") } into grp
select new VersionedWorkOrder {
Category = grp.Key.Category,
WorkOrderVersion = grp.Key.WorkOrderVersion

Performance Issue with NHibernate Query

I am currently having a performance problem with the following query written in NHibernate. I am trying to transform the data I queried into DTO's. With this complex structure I cannot use QueryOver to transform the entities. On the other side Linq provider is so useful but it takes ~10 seconds to load and transform ~6000 entities with each 30 child items. It creates an SQL query with left outer join. Are there any other ways to write this query with a better approach?
var Entities = session.Query<crmEntity>()
.Where(x => x.EntityType.ID == EntityType)
.Select(entity => new EntityDTO()
ID = entity.ID,
EntityType = entity.EntityType.ID,
InstanceID = entity.Instance.ID,
Values = entity.Values.Select(
value => new CustomFieldValueDTO()
ID = value.ID,
FieldID = value.Field.ID,
Value = value.Value
Here is my solution. if there is any other better way, I am completely open to it:
session.CreateQuery(#"select vals.ID,
from crmEntity ent inner join ent.Values vals
with vals.Value IS NOT NULL
where ent.EntityType.ID=:eID and ent.Instance.ID=:instanceID order by ent.ID")
.SetGuid("instanceID", InstanceID)
.SetGuid("eID", EntityType)
.SetResultTransformer(new EntityListTransformer()).Future<ReadOnlyEntityDTO>();
And this is my custom result transformer to get the same hierarchy like my linq query
public class EntityListTransformer : IResultTransformer
private List<ReadOnlyEntityDTO> list;
private ReadOnlyEntityDTO lastEntity;
private Guid instanceID;
public EntityListTransformer()
list = new List<ReadOnlyEntityDTO>();
lastEntity = new ReadOnlyEntityDTO();
public System.Collections.IList TransformList(System.Collections.IList collection)
return list;
public object TransformTuple(object[] tuple, string[] aliases)
string ValueID = tuple[0].ToString();
string FieldID = tuple[1].ToString();
string Value = (string)tuple[2];
string EntityID = tuple[3].ToString();
if (lastEntity.ID != EntityID)
if (lastEntity.ID != null)
lastEntity = new ReadOnlyEntityDTO()
ID = EntityID
lastEntity.Values.Add(new ReadOnlyCustomFieldValueDTO()
FieldID = FieldID,
ID = ValueID,
Value = Value
return tuple;

The entity or complex type 'AdventureWorks2012Model.Product' cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query

As you can see, I got this error when I built Data Gird using Kendo UI. Does anybody could point out where I'm wrong in my code below.
private IEnumerable<Product> GetSubProduct()
var context = new AdvenDBEntities();
var subcate = context.Products.Select(p => new Product
ProductID = p.ProductID,
Name = p.Name,
Color = p.Color,
ListPrice = p.ListPrice,
return subcate;
The entity or complex type 'AdventureWorks2012Model.Product' cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query.
Thank you so much for your time!
Since Product is an entity of model, you are creating new object of this entity while selecting the records, which is NOT good idea, I am NOT sure how model will handle this kind of behaviour that is why it is preventing you to do so, (I guess). Anyway you can change the code to this,
private IEnumerable<Product> GetSubProduct()
var context = new AdvenDBEntities();
var subcate = context.Products.ToList();
return subcate;
BTW your function name indicating that you are missing a Where clause.
Also you can create some custom DTO class and use it instead.
class ProductDTO
public int ProductID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Color { get; set; }
public decimal ListPrice { get; set; }
private IEnumerable<ProductDTO> GetSubProduct()
var context = new AdvenDBEntities();
var subcate = context.Products.Select(p => new ProductDTO
ProductID = p.ProductID,
Name = p.Name,
Color = p.Color,
ListPrice = p.ListPrice,
return subcate;
The first bad smell code I can point out for you. DBContext implements IDisposable so you are responsible for calling Dispose on it. In all, but one case in here, using block
You must build query to get all the product and then extract from it.
private IEnumerable<Product> GetSubProduct()
using (var context = new AdvenDBEntities())
// Get all constructed type product and then select from it
var subcate = context.Products
.Select(p => new Product
ProductID = p.ProductID,
Name = p.Name,
Color = p.Color,
ListPrice = p.ListPrice,
return subcate;

Linq to entity - dynamic query

public void ApproveRowTable(string tablename, List<int> idValues)
foreach (var x in idValues)
var context = new SSPModel.sspEntities();
var genRules = (from a in context.GeneralRules
where a.ID == x
select a).SingleOrDefault();
genRules.Approved_by = GlobalClass.GlobalVar;
genRules.Approved_on = DateTime.Now;
In my query (from a in context.GeneralRules...) I would like to make it query base on a parameter (tablename) rather than i have to go and supply the name of the table in the query (as it is doing right now.). Any way i can get it to do that .. basic.. from a in context.TABLENAME -- TABLENAME is a parameter that is going to be passed when the function is called. Help
This will be difficult if your entity types do not all implement the same interface or derive from the same class. If they do, it's pretty simple:
// example base type, which your entities would need to implement
public interface IApprovable
public int ID {get; set;}
public string Approved_by {get; set;}
public DateTime Approved_on {get; set;}
public void ApproveRowTable<T>(List<int> idValues)
where T : IApprovable
using(var context = new SSPModel.sspEntities())
var table = context.Set<T>();
var entities = table.Where(e => idValues.Contains(e.ID));
foreach(var entity in entities)
entity.Approved_by = GlobalClass.GlobalVar;
entity.Approved_on = DateTime.Now;
If your entity types do not implement a common base type, then you should modify them by creating empty partials which do implement it:
public partial class GeneralRule : IApprovable {}
If you cannot do that, then you can do something like the following. (I'm assuming ID is the PK, so we can use Find() rather than needing to build an expression:
public void ApproveTableRows(Type entityType, IEnumerable<int> idsToApprove)
using(var context = new SSPModel.sspEntities())
var set = context.Set(entityType);
if(set == null)
throw new ArgumentException("No DbSet found with provided name", "tableSetName");
var approveByProperty = entityType.GetProperty("Approved_by");
var approveOnProperty = entityType.GetProperty("Approved_on");
if(approveByProperty == null || approveOnProperty == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Entity type does not contain approval properties");
foreach (object id in idsToApprove)
var entityInstance = set.Find(id);
approveByProperty.SetValue(entityInstance, GlobalClass.GlobalVar);
approveOnProperty.SetValue(entityInstance, DateTime.Now);
As you can see, this is less efficient, as it issues a new query for each ID rather than getting them all at once. Also, the method accepts an entity Type rather than a string, to avoid the need to hunt down the right property by reflection. This could be improved, but really I think you should probably update your entities to implement a shared interface.
I assume you would like to have the method generic. When you are using EF all your tables are represented as objects, so you don't have to specify which table you want by name, just use a generic parameter.
I doubt that my solution is best, but it should work. But I have to warn you, reflection is slow and many times its usage is not right.
public void ApproveRowTable<T>(List<int> idValues)
var context = new SSPModel.sspEntities();
var table = context.GetType().GetProperties().OfType<T>().Single();
var genRules = (from a in table
where a.ID == x
select a).SingleOrDefault();
genRules.Approved_by = GlobalClass.GlobalVar;
genRules.Approved_on = DateTime.Now;

Problem getting same result from DataContext.Translate

This question is a follow up to this question:
How to create a list from two values
Consider this code:
class MainClass()
string MainKey {get;set;}
string MainName {get;set;}
IEnumerable<SmallObject> MainList {get;set}
class SmallObject()
string SmallKey {get;set}
var mainQuery = (from v from DataContext.myTable
select v);
var myQuery = (from v in mainQuery
select new MainClass()
MainKey = v.Field1,
MainName = v.Field2,
MainList = new []
new SmallObject { SmallKey = v.Field3 },
new SmallObject { SmallKey = v.Field4 },
var result1 = myQuery.ToList();
//Changing datatypes for optimization reasons in SQLServer2000
var cmd = DataContext.GetCommand(myQuery);
foreach (System.Data.Common.DbParameter param in cmd.Parameters)
// nvarchar -> varchar
// decimal -> numeric
var result2 = DataContext.Translate<MainClass>(cmd.ExecuteReader()).ToList();
result1.MainList is OK
result2.MainList is null
The original query was very slow running on SQLServer2000, and I got it fixed when changing datatypes (Linq uses nvarchar and decimal, as my database use varchar and numeric)
So I want result2 to be the same as result1, but that doesn't happen when doing a DataContext.Translate like this.
Any thoughts of getting the same result here?
I've also tryed anonymous types, like this:
IEnumerable<object> MainList {get;set;}
MainList = new []
new { SmallKey = v.Field3},
new { SmallKey = v.Field4},
but the result is the same:
I think you are asking too much from Translate.
If I understand you correctly, it is the first query (mainQuery) that is too slow, so I would look to replace it.
I would create a simpler temporary class like
public class TmpClass
public string Field1 {get;set;}
public string Field2 {get;set;}
public string Field3 {get;set;}
public string Field4 {get;set;}
Once the list is in this format, you can use the second query to change it to a list of MainClass.
Just a matter of interest, what is the difference between the sql outputted by Linq and your customized version? Unless it is does some casting, I would not expect this type of query to need optimizing.
I would use the AsEnumerable extension method which basically converts the IQueryable to an IEnumerable which forces the enumerator to be processed. You could achieve the same thing by calling ToArray() or ToList() but AsEnumerable() magically lets you return it back to an IQueryable by calling AsQueryable()
So probably doing the following will work for you:
var result1 = DataContext.myTable.AsEnumerable()
.Select(v=> new MainClass {
MainKey = v.Field1,
MainName = v.Field2,
MainList = new []
new SmallObject { SmallKey = v.Field3 },
new SmallObject { SmallKey = v.Field4 },
