XCode 4 Unable to Open Old Projects - xcode

I just upgraded to XCode 4 and am now unable to view a number of my previous XCode 3 projects. When I launch the projects XCode opens, but it looks like this:
Any way to tell what is going wrong? Any special logs I can look at? I don't get any warnings or errors appearing!

Had the same problem, resolved:
Right click your project's .xcodeproj file -> 'Show Package Contents' -> delete project.xcworkspace . The workspace file will be automatically recreated when you open the project again.
The alternative solution is to create a new workspace (File -> New -> Workspace) and add your project to it (File -> Add Files to "New Workspace"). Essentially the same thing.
Not sure why the workspace file gets out of sync as I didn't go through any Xcode version changes, but I suspect it was related to git commits. Didn't use .gitignore.
More info on xcworkspace:
project.xcworkspace saves your workspace settings (Navigator/Debug/Utilities panes,etc) and Editor states. It's automatically created when you create a new project.
From a forum - "When you open an xcworkspace file, it opens the associated Xcode project and restores the perspective. Therefore, Xcode workspace files (.xcworkspace) can be used as a wrapper or container for an Xcode project (.xcodeproj)."

The solution was to delete the local project files and re-clone from the GIT repository. Not sure what the issue is, but it may have been related to having opened the project in XCode 4 Developer Preview.

Just cleanup old preferences files from "your_project..xcodeproj" bundle.
In file exlorer right click on "your_project..xcodeproj" -> select Show Package Contents,
and remove all files but "project.pbxproj".
Best regards.

I had the same problem with the zxing ScanTest app. Upgrading to Xcode 4.3.2 solved the issue.


Xcode does not show all folders on a SwiftPM project

I am opening a swiftPM project with Xcode. Under the Examples directory, only one subfolder is visible in Xcode, while there are 8 folders available in the Finder.
I tried to reset all Xcode settings and caches but it does not change anything.
I also try to "Add Files" or drag'n drop files to Xcode but the missing directories are not added.
Any idea why it happens and how to fix this ?
View in the Finder:
View in Xcode:
Follow up for history and archives. The Examples directories having a Package.swift file do not show up in Xcode.
I guess Xcode tries to avoid package conflict. It does not handle sub-projects very well.

Why can't I delete this file from my Xcode project?

Being new to Xcode, I foolishly added "wrong_answer.mp3" via "add files to.." to my project and in the wrong place, but I cannot remove this reference from my project. I deleted the underlying file from the file system, but I cannot find in Xcode where I can remove this reference... Can someone advise how to remove this reference from my project ?
UPDATE: Yes, I have tried delete/backspace and edit menu "Delete".
Some options
Restart Xcode
Clean project, Product—>Clean
Put the file back and delete it from Xcode

In Xcode how do I create a new workspace and add 1 project to it so that I can see the project and its files?

In Xcode how do I create a new workspace and add 1 project to it so that I can see the project and its files?
If I just drag in the project, all I can see is the project it cannot be expanded, I cannot see the files. Also, is there anyway to copy over existing schemes from the project so that they can be used in the workspace?
First choose file > new > Workspace...
Then, you must first, and this is important, you must first close the project that you want to drag in. Than drag in the .xcodeproj file from the finder to your new workspace. Then it will appear properly and expand to show all of its files and your schemes will be available.
Although the accepted answer is correct, there is an alternate way to accomplish the same thing, and it is arguably easier/more straightforward. You can just open up the project in Xcode and click File -> Save as Workspace...
Bam! You now have a workspace with 1 project in it, as requested.
Just FYI, 2020, Apple recently added a thing,
make your workspace, exit it and
make your new project. in fact when you enter the name to save the project,
they added this option:
just select the workspace you wish to add it to.
Besides all above solutions you can use this alternative. Let's say you have a workspace and a project that you want to add to that workspace.
Close your project.
Open your workspace.
Option + Click in the Project navigator. Make sure you are clicking on an empty area, not on the existing files or folders.
In the context menu, select "Add files to your workspace...".
Finally select your project xcodeproj file on you disk.
Have a nice project 😉,
Add project into workspace
As alternative
- Close a project that you are going to add to a workspace
- Open Project Navigator -> Right click -> Add Files to "<workspace_name>"...

Problems adding Projects to Workspace in Xcode 4

I have a couple of projects that I had started under Xcode 3.2.x some time ago. I switched to Xcode 4 a few days ago and want to make use of the Workspace feature as both projects. Basically, my plan is to extract some common features out of the two projects and make them a common library that both projects depend on. However, before I even get to the tricky bit of dependencies I get stuck just adding my two projects to the workspace.
I tried creating a new workspace and selecting "Adding files to " from the context menu; I then select the .xcodeproj file from my first project and it appears in the left-hand side tree browser in my workspace. However, it's just the file, not the project that I get. That is, rather than getting a two-line entry in the tree browser where the first line states the project name and the second line says something like "1 target, iOS SDK 4.3" like in the Apple documentation, I get a single line simply stating the name of the .xcodeproj file including the extension. There is also no triangle on the left to expand the node. It's like I just dragged some file in the workspace, not a project. The same goes for the second project.
I have also created a new Project "Foo" from scratch in Xcode 4 and added it to my workspace, with the same result. I looked at Apple documentation and watched the 16 second video about a dozen times now, but cannot work out what I am doing wrong (if the problem is indeed in the chair and not in the computer).
I had this exact same problem. I think it stems from having another workspace already open referencing the project you want to add. I got it working by:
shutdown xcode completely
double-click the workspace to launch Xcode and open just that workspace
drag and drop the project file from the Finder
Worked fine. I have many workspaces all referencing an openssl project, and it seems to work OK when you only have one workspace open at a time in Xcode.
Actually, I made it work without exiting Xcode.
All you have to do is make sure the projects you want to add are closed, since Xcode is having trouble adding open projects to a workspace.
Close the projects you want to add
In the Workspace window, choose "Add Files to MyWorkspace"
Add the .xcodeproj file of the project you want to add
I had the same problem. SO I just exit xcode, restart it. Then I can see the files under the project.
Exiting Xcode completely and then double-clicking the .xcodeproj file to open the project.
It works but when you add an activity to the project than r.java file is automatically removed and errors are coming.

.xcodeproj doesn't open in Xcode

Until this evening everything was fine. But now Xcode doesn't open .xcodeproj files.
When I start Xcode then click File->Open and then click on .xcodeproj file, the open dialog is showing me .xcodeproj file's contents instead of opening the project. I found on the web that it may be due to an old version of Xcode but I am using 3.2.4.
What format is the volume on which the projects reside ? An Xcode project is actually a bundle, that is a directory containing a project.pbxproj file (this is the only important file) and some user-specific settings files (which are not important). Make sure the project.pbxproj file is present and has appropriate permissions. Also if this is a non HFS+ volumes then that may be part of the problem.
I got same error in my project finally i founded my answer. there total two option for solve this issue.
There is need one backup of your project. you can replace your .xcodeproj with old file.
you have to create new project and than have to add All old project file in new project.
