Oracle export problem - oracle

exp bla/bla file=c:\bla.bkp
my bla schema in objects
I need all object but not in table ( T_4 ) how to make ?

If you are using the deprecated export utility, you cannot exclude a single object. You would have to specify every table that you wanted in a TABLES clause, i.e.
exp username/password file=c:\bla.dmp tables=(T_1, T_2, T_3)
Obviously, that gets unwieldy rather quickly. You can potentially write a query that generates the tables list for you and then copy & paste from a SQL*Plus window. But that is also rather unwieldy.
Assuming you are using a reasonably new version of Oracle, however, you should be able to use the data pump version of the export and import utilities, expdp. With expdp
expdp username/password dumpfile=c:\bla.dmp exclude=T_4

You can specify teh tables of interest n the command line, something like
exp bla/bla file=c:\bla.bkp TABLES=(T_1,T_2,T_3)
Ok, that only gets tables, the rest of the stuff you are going to have to use/write something else. Look at the enter code heredbms_metadata.GET_DDL procedure,


How to efficiently export and import an Oracle table?

What is the best way to do this so that we waste the least time possible in both exporting and importing?
Taking into account that we are talking about a huge table with data from more than a decade.
What I've been planning so far:
query=FOO:"WHERE TSP <= sysdate"
The import part:
Both scripts are going to be run like this:
nohup expdp USER/PWD#sid parfile=export.par &
nohup impdp USER/PWD#sid parfile=import.par &
Is the parallel parameter going to work as expected? Do I need to take anything else into account?
You need to consider some things
The parallel parameter from Datapump will not work unless you specify multiple dump files using the option %U. So in your case:
query=FOO:"WHERE TSP <= sysdate"
From the documentation
The value that you specify for integer should be less than, or equal
to, the number of files in the dump file set (or you should specify
either the %U or %L substitution variables in the dump file
Also, take in consideration the following restrictions':
This parameter is valid only in the Enterprise Edition of Oracle
Database 11g or later.
To export a table or table partition in parallel (using parallel
query, or PQ, worker processes), you must have the
Transportable tablespace metadata cannot be exported in parallel.
Metadata cannot be exported in parallel when the NETWORK_LINK
parameter is also used. The following objects cannot be exported in
So in your case set the parameter to a value adequate for the Hardware you have available in your server.
Sorry for taking so much time to answer, but I was kind of busy. You were mentioning issues during the import. Well, if the structure of the tables is not the same ( for example, the partition key ) that might have an effect in the import operation. Normally in this case, I would suggest to be smart and speed up the import by splitting the operation in two steps:
First Step - Import Datapump into normal table
Be sure to have the table TMP_FOO created before starting the operation. The first step is to import the datapump file ( only data ) into a non partitoned table using direct path and without logging.
Second Step - Direct Path Insert from TMP_FOO into your final table
alter session enable parallel dml ;
alter session force parallel query;
insert /*+append parallel(a,8) */ into your_partitioned_table a
select /*+parallel(b,8) */ * from tmp_foo b ;
I think this would make the time go down.

How to export the user's data and restrict table rownum?

I want export data something like this.
exp xxx/xxx file=d:\xxx.dmp owner=xxx query=\"where rownum < 1000\"
But I get an error "QUERY parameter is only use in table mode"
Oracle version 10g
As #Thilo says, with exp you can only user the query parameter in table mode. If you're able to use the newer data pump functionality, via the expdp command, you can apply a similar query parameter to the whole export.
#Thilo is right, you can export a single table or a SUBSET of a single table
I also recommend reading Tom's advice in regards to using parfile

Oracle DBMS package command to export table content as INSERT statement

Is there any subprogram similar to DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL that can actually export the table data as INSERT statements?
For example, using DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL('TABLE', 'MYTABLE', 'MYOWNER') will export the CREATE TABLE script for MYOWNER.MYTABLE. Any such things to generate all data from MYOWNER.MYTABLE as INSERT statements?
I know that for instance TOAD Oracle or SQL Developer can export as INSERT statements pretty fast but I need a more programmatically way for doing it. Also I cannot create any procedures or functions in the database I'm working.
As far as I know, there is no Oracle supplied package to do this. And I would be skeptical of any 3rd party tool that claims to accomplish this goal, because it's basically impossible.
I once wrote a package like this, and quickly regretted it. It's easy to get something that works 99% of the time, but that last 1% will kill you.
If you really need something like this, and need it to be very accurate, you must tightly control what data is allowed and what tools can be used to run the script. Below is a small fraction of the issues you will face:
Single inserts are very slow (especially if it goes over a network)
Combining inserts is faster, but can run into some nasty parsing bugs when you start inserting hundreds of rows
There are many potential data types, including custom ones. You may only have NUMBER, VARCHAR2, and DATE now, but what happens if someone adds RAW, BLOB, BFILE, nested tables, etc.?
Storing LOBs requires breaking the data into chunks because of VARCHAR2 size limitations (4000 or 32767, depending on how you do it).
Character set issues - This will drive you ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ insane.
Enviroment limitations - For example, SQL*Plus does not allow more than 2500 characters per line, and will drop whitespace at the end of your line.
Referential Integrity - You'll need to disable these constraints or insert data in the right order.
"Fake" columns - virtual columns, XML lobs, etc. - don't import these.
Missing partitions - If you're not using INTERVAL partitioning you may need to manually create them.
Novlidated data - Just about any constraint can be violated, so you may need to disable everything.
If you want your data to be accurate you just have to use the Oracle utilities, like data pump and export.
Why don't you use regular export ?
If you must you can generate the export script:
Let's assume a Table myTable(Name VARCHAR(30), AGE Number, Address VARCHAR(60)).
select 'INSERT INTO myTable values(''' || Name || ','|| AGE ||',''' || Address ||''');' from myTable
Oracle SQL Developer does that with it's Export feature. DDL as well as data itself.
Can be a bit unconvenient for huge tables and likely to cause issues with cases mentioned above, but works well 99% of the time.

how will you take only stored procedure backup in oracle 10g?

how will you take only stored procedure backup in oracle 10g?
ammoQ's answer is correct.
To take it a bit further, if you want just the stored procs without the table structure, you will need to connect to the database and use SQL (i.e. with sqlplus or something). Then, using a list of the stored procs you are interested in, call the dbms_metadata function. You can use sqlplus to do something like this:
SELECT dbms_metadata.get_ddl('PROCEDURE','PROC1') FROM dual;
which will give you the source of procedure PROC1.
Also there is a view called USER_SOURCE, which you can use something like this:
select * from user_source where type in ('PROCEDURE', 'PACKAGE', 'PACKAGE_BODY', 'FUNCTION', 'TRIGGER');
which gives you the source for everything owned by the user you are logged in as.
Tools like TOAD offer a feature to export the source code of stored procedures, functions, packages, triggers etc.
If you don't mind exporting table structure (without content) as well,
exp user/password file=emptybackup.dmp owner=myschema rows=n
should do the trick.
If you're not taking care of configuration management, i.e. not keeping your stored procedures in a proper source control application (e.g. CVS, Subversion, MSS) you're simply not doing the right thing. Even a one-man team should use a version control system, for any non-trivial work.
Read up on Revision control

Importing selective data using impdp

I have an entire DB to be imported as a dump into my own. I want to exclude data out of certain tables(mostly because they are huge in size and not useful). I cannot entirely exclude those tables since I need the table object per se(minus the data) and will have to re create them in my schema if I do so. Also in the absence of those table objects , various other foreign constraints defined on other tables will also fail to be imported and will need to be redefined.So I need to exclude just the data from certain tables.I want data from all other tables though.
Is there a set of parameters for impdp that can help me do so?
I would make two runs at it: The first I would import metadata only:
The second would include the data only for the tables I was interested in:
impdp ... CONTENT=DATA_ONLY TABLES=table1,table2...
Definitely make 2 runs. One to create all the table objects, but instead of using tables in the second impdp run, use the exclude
impdp ... Content=data_only exclude=TABLE:"IN ('table1', 'table2')"
The other way works, but this way you only have to list the tables you don't want versus all that you want.
If the size of the table is big for export import the you can use "SAMPLE" parameter in expdp command to take export of table for what ever percentage you want ....
$ expdp tables=T100test DIRECTORY=expimp1 DUMPFILE=test12.dmp SAMPLE = 10;
This command will export only 10% data of the T100test table's data.
Examples of operator-usage:
The parameter can also be stored in a parameter file, for example: exp.par
DIRECTORY = my_dir
DUMPFILE = exp_tab.dmp
LOGFILE = exp_tab.log
SCHEMAS = scott
It seems you can exclude directly when importing using impdp query parameter
impdp [...] QUERY='TABLE_NAME:"WHERE rownum = 0"'
cf :
