Proving the Associativity of OR - logic

I need help proving the following:
(a ∨ b) ∨ c = a ∨ (b ∨ c)
I don't want the answer... just a hint that will help me understand the process of proving this.
Thank you.

Why not just prove it by doing all possible values of a, b and c = True, False? -- there are only 2^3 = 8 different cases.
Here's a start, for a=T, b=F, c=T
(a v b) v c = a ∨ (b ∨ c)
(T v F) v T = T v (F v T)
T v T = T v T
T = T
(However, this isn't really a programming question...)

What is your axiom set?
Not knowing the set, you could build a truth table


Simple Cardinality Proof

So I'm trying to perform a simple proof using cardinalities. It looks like:
⟦(A::nat set) ∩ B = {}⟧ ⟹ (card (A ∪ B) = card A + card B)
Which seems to makes sense, but for some reason blast hangs, the rest of the provers fail to apply, and sledgehammer times out. Is there a gap in what I think I know about cardinalities? If not, how can I prove this lemma?
Thanks in advance!
I believe that the lemma you are trying to prove does not appropriately consider the case of infinite sets.
In Isabelle/HOL, infinite cardinalities are represented by zero. As we can see by the following lemma.
lemma "¬(finite A) ⟹ card A = 0"
by simp
If we consider the case of an infinite set, A, and a set of one element, B, then assume the intersection, A ∩ B is an empty set.
We are left with:
card (A ∪ B) = 0 as their union will also be infinite.
card A = 0
card B = 1
So we can see that in this case, the lemma does not hold.
The lemma can be corrected by asserting both sets are finite:
"⟦finite A; finite B; ((A::nat set) ∩ B) = {}⟧ ⟹ (card (A ∪ B) = card A + card B)"
by (simp add: card_Un_disjoint)
Which is essentially the same as the card_Un_disjoint used by the proof:
lemma card_Un_disjoint: "finite A ⟹ finite B ⟹ A ∩ B = {} ⟹ card (A ∪ B) = card A + card B"
using card_Un_Int [of A B] by simp

How to reduce k-independent set problem to 3-SAT

So I got this homework question and we are asked to reduce a k-independent set satisfiability problem to a 3-SAT set of clauses under the conjunctive normal form.
So for G(V, E) we have verticies set V = {x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6} and edges set E = { e1 = (x1,x3), e2 = (x1,x5), e3 = (x1,x6), e4 = (x2,x5), e5 = (x2,x6), e6 = (x3,x4), e7 = (x3,x5), e8 = (x5,x6) }
My first approach to this is to have a clause per edge as we can't have an edge between two vertex in the independent set :
e1: (¬x1 v ¬x3)
e2: (¬x1 v ¬x5)
e3: (¬x1 v ¬x6)
e4: (¬x2 v ¬x5)
e5: (¬x2 v ¬x6)
e6: (¬x3 v ¬x4)
e7: (¬x3 v ¬x5)
e8: (¬x5 v ¬x6)
But the problem is, for k = 3 for example, how to write clauses to ensure that at least 3 different variables (xi) are set to true ?
This is achievable using Weighted-2-satisfiability, but seems hard to achieve just using good old 3-SAT.
Any hints to how to proceed ?
If it's this G and k = 3 that you care about, it's probably easiest to write clauses (xi ∨ xj ∨ xk ∨ xℓ) for all {i, j, k, ℓ} ⊆ V and then reduce them to 3-CNF, e.g., (x ∨ y ∨ z ∨ w) becomes (v ∨ x ∨ y) ∧ (¬v ∨ z ∨ w), where v is a new variable.
In general, you're going to want to
Define a Boolean circuit to compute x1 + … + xn ≥ k (you can evaluate x1 + … + xn − k in two's complement arithmetic using ripple-carry adders and then invert the sign bit).
Translate this circuit into a 3-CNF formula. First, replace gates with more than two inputs with several two-input gates. Then for each node in the circuit create a variable. For each gate write four clauses constraining the output, one for each possible input, e.g., if there's an AND gate with inputs x and y and output z, then write clauses (x ∨ y ∨ ¬z) ∧ (x ∨ ¬y ∧ ¬z) ∧ (¬x ∨ y ∨ ¬z) ∧ (¬x ∨ ¬y ∨ z). A XOR gate would be (x ∨ y ∨ ¬z) ∧ (x ∨ ¬y ∧ z) ∧ (¬x ∨ y ∨ z) ∧ (¬x ∨ ¬y ∨ ¬z).

How does one read the syntax for the Braun tree insertion?

In the section on insertion into Braun trees of the Verified Programming in Agda book (page 118), the author does some explanation of what the code is supposed to be doing, but leaving what it does aside, a singificant ommision in the book so far is not explaining the strange syntax in function pattern matching for theorem proving.
I understand that the with pattern can be further destructured by using | and I can understand that when using rewrite, | can also be used to separate the different rewrites, but this makes it confusing.
As far as I can tell, rewrite is definitely not a function. And then comes the following:
bt-insert a (bt-node{n}{m} a' l r p)
rewrite +comm n m with p | if a <A a' then (a , a') else (a' , a)
bt-insert a (bt-node{n}{m} a' l r _) | inj₁ p | (a1 , a2)
rewrite p = (bt-node a1 (bt-insert a2 r) l (inj₂ refl))
bt-insert a (bt-node{n}{m} a' l r _) | inj₂ p | (a1 , a2) =
(bt-node a1 (bt-insert a2 r) l (inj₁ (sym p)))
I am really confused as to how rewrite +comm n m with p | if a <A a' then (a , a') else (a' , a) should be parsed mentally. And how does one read | inj₁ p | (a1 , a2) rewrite p? Also, while testing the previous examples I've discovered that for some reason the order of the rewrites does not matter. Why is that?
If you ignore the proofs for a sec, this function can be simplified as
bt-insert : ∀ {n: ℕ} → A → braun-tree n → braun-tree (suc n)
bt-insert a (bt-node {n} {m} a' l r _) = bt-node a1 (bt-insert a2 r) l _
(a1, a2) = if a <A a' then (a , a') else (a' , a)
So (a1, a2) is just (min a a', max a a') i.e. (a, a') sorted.
All the other code is there to maintain the proofs of the invariants:
We rewrite +comm n m so that we can return a braun-tree (2 + (m + n)) even though the return type requires a braun-tree (2 + (n + m)).
p is used to prove that the resulting tree is still balanced: p proves that n ≡ m ∨ n ≡ suc m, so it's either inj₁ (p : n ≡ m) or inj₂ (p : n ≡ suc m). We use the proof of either property to compute the proof of suc m ≡ n ∨ suc m ≡ suc n (remember we flipped n and m via the proof of commutativity).
After pondering it for a bit, I realized that if...
p | if a <A a' then (a , a') else (a' , a)
inj₁ p | (a1 , a2)
I put the expressions like that then it makes sense visually. In bt_insert's second case the rewrite comes before the if statement and in the third case it comes after the destructuring of the if pattern.
Well, that leaves figuring out what the rest of the function is doing.

Proof by resolution - Artificial Intelligence

I'm working with an exercise where I need to show that KB |= ~D.
And I know that the Knowledge Base is:
- (B v ¬C) => ¬A
- (¬A v D) => B
- A ∧ C
After converting to CNF:
A ∧ C ∧ (¬A v ¬B) ∧ (¬A v C) ∧ (A v B) ∧ (B v ¬D)
So now I have converted to CNF but from there, I don't know how to go any further. Would appreciate any help. Thanks!
The general resolution rule is that, for any two clauses
(that is, disjunctions of literals)
P_1 v ... v P_n
Q_1 v ... v Q_m
in your CNF such that there is i and j with P_i and Q_j being the negation of each other,
you can add a new clause
P_1 v ... v P_{i-1} v P_{i+1} ... v P_n v Q_1 v ... v Q_{j-1} v Q_{j+1} ... v Q_m
This is just a rigorous way to say that you can form a new clause by joining two of them, minus a literal with opposite "signs" in each.
For example
(A v ¬B)∧(B v ¬C)
is equivalent to
(A v ¬B)∧(B v ¬C)∧(A v ¬C),
by joining the two clauses while removing the opposites B and ¬B, obtaining A v ¬C.
Another example is
A∧(¬A v ¬C)
which is equivalent to
A∧(¬A v ¬C) ∧ ¬C.
since A counts as a clause with a single literal (A itself). So the two clauses are joined, while A and ¬A are removed, yielding a new clause ¬C.
Applying this to your problem, we can resolve A and ¬A v ¬B, obtaining ¬B.
We then resolve this new clause ¬B with B v ¬D, obtaining ¬D.
Because the CNF is a conjunction, the fact that it holds means that every clause in it holds. That is to say, the CNF implies all of its clauses. Since ¬D is one of its clauses, ¬D is implied by the CNF. Since the CNF is equivalent to the original KB, the KB implies ¬D.

Formal Methods, Logic and VDM past exam paper questions

I was hoping someone can help me with the following questions, answers would be best but if you can point me in the right direction that will be helpful also.
I am a final year uni student and these questions are from a previous exam on Formal Methods and I could do with knowing the answers ready for this years paper. Our lecturer does not seem the best and has not covered a lot of this and so finding the exact answer has been proving impossible. Google has not been much of a help nor has the recommended books.
1 - Given that ∃x • P (x) is logically equivalent to ¬∀x • ¬P (x) and that
∀x ∈ S • P (x) means ∀x • x ∈ S ⇒ P (x), deduce that ∃x ∈ S • P (x)
means ∃x • x ∈ S ∧ P (x)
2 - Describe the two statements that would have to be proved to show that
the definition:
max(i, j)
if i>j
then i
else j
is a correct implementation of the specification:
max(i : Z, j : Z)r : Z
pre true
post (r = i ∨ r = j) ∧ i ≤ r ∧ j ≤ r
The first is really just manipulation of symbols using the given and two other well-known logical equivalences:
(1) ∃x • P(x) is logically equivalent to ¬∀x • ¬P(x)
(2) ∀x∈S • P(x) means ∀x • x∈S ⇒ P(x)
∃x∈S • P(x)
== ¬∀x∈S • ¬P(x) (from (1))
== ¬∀x • x∈S ⇒ ¬P(x) (from (2))
== ¬∀x • ¬x∈S v ¬P(x) (from def. of ⇒)
== ¬∀x • ¬(x∈S ∧ P(x)) (from ¬A v ¬B == ¬(A ∧ B))
== ∃x • x∈S ∧ P(x) (from (1) -- the other way around)
For the second, you need to recognize that the outcome of max(i, j) will be computed along one of two paths: one, when i<j and the other when i>=j (the logical negation of i<j)
So you need to show that
if true ∧ i<j (precondition), then (r=i ∨ r=j) ∧ i≤r ∧ j≤r (post condition), and
if true ∧ i>=j (precond.) then (r=i ∨ r=j) ∧ i≤r ∧ j≤r (post cond.),
where r is the result of max(i, j)
But section 2 of your question does not make sense since any implementation that returns either i or j is correct.
The specification is wrong.
A correct postcondition is
post (i > j => r = i) v (i <= j => r = j)
