Branching in Visual Source Safe - visual-studio

We need to create a new project in Visual Source safe. This project is actually a newer version of an existing project. Following is what we want.
All files of existing project are copied to new project.
Files in both projects are not shared. (Changing a file in one project should not affect the same file in other project)
All Visual Studio solutions and projects are bound to new project in source safe.
Whats is the best and easiest way of doing this?

You should use the share and branch option...
MSDN help (works with folders as well as files)
This will break the link between the two copies meaning that you can change files in one project without affecting the other one.


Dll dependencies on a Visual Studio 2010 solution and TFS

How can I make a solution in visual studio so that the .dll dependencies that reside in some other directory totally different from where the solution itself is affected by "get latest".
What I've tried is creating a Dependencies solution folder within the solution itself and added the dlls to it, that way they belong to the solution even though they don't belong to the directory structure of the solution.
So for example the .sln file is in:
and the dlls are in:
What I really want to achieve is to have a foolproof way to build the solution, including the following scenario:
1- Have a brand new installation of windows, visual studio, etc.
2- open visual studio
3- find solution.sln on TFS, double click on it so that visual studio gets every project and files in the solution, and opens the solution
4- successfully build
What happens when I try the Dependencies solution folder approach and repeat the scenario above, it will get all the projects within the solution, opens it, but the dependencies solution contents won't be pulled from TFS (although Visual Studio shows them on Solution explorer), which I think is flawed.
Some suggestions that don't involve creating pre/post build scripts are appreciated.
When you attempt to open a solution for the first time using the TFS Source Control Explorer, you may find that not all of your dependencies will be retrieved - the squiggly line may be highlighting some of your missing References.
One work around is to...
Checkout all of your source code from TFS (i.e. Main and all of the sub-directories)
Open your solution in Visual Studio (i.e. MyApplication.sln)
In the solution explorer, create a New Solution Folder called ThirdPartyDll, and then add the appropriate assembly references (i.e. Assembly1.dll, Assembly2.dll,...)
Check-in your solution to TFS
You've run into a limitation of the "Open from Source Control" functionality. If you added the solution to source control from Visual Studio you should have seen the following message:
"The project that you are attempting to add to source control may cause other source control users to have difficulty opening this solution or getting newer versions of it. To avoid this problem, add the project from a location below the binding root of the other source controlled projects in the solution."
Open from Source Control will create a workspace mapping for the solutions root directory (D:\tfs\repository\main\SolutionA) but not a separate one for the SolutionX folder which is a peer to SolutionA. On the "new" machine you will need to manually create a workspace mapping to d:\tfs\repository\main in order to get both the SolutionA and SolutionX folder.
Create a solution folder and add the dependencies to it, that way when VS gets latest for the solution it will download these files. A bit brittle as people will need to maintain that folder but it works.
Alternatively create a nuget package and use restore packages on build. It will require a couple of extra steps when you create a new developer box (your nuget package repo will need to be added) but it will work for all projects going forward and is less brittle than the solution folder method.

Visual Studio Bindings - Bound and unbound sc in different solutions

I have a dev team that is split in mentality of using visual studio source control bindings. Half would like the integration and half would not. Is there a way to add a solution only binding setup so each team could use a different solution based on their preferences?
There is no painless solution to this problem. The reason being that Microsoft made the monumentally bad decision to embed source control information into .NET solution and project files.
Let's say Dick wants to use the SCC plugin and Jane doesn't. Dick adds a project to version control via the plugin and information like this will be written to the solution file:
GlobalSection(SourceCodeControl) = preSolution
SccNumberOfProjects = 2
SccLocalPath0 = .
SccProjectUniqueName1 = someApp\\someApp.csproj
SccLocalPath1 = someApp
and some garbage like this will be added to the project(s) files:
In addition, some files will be strewn about the project folder tree (MSSCCPRJ.SCC files in the solution and project folders, a *.vssscc in the solution folder, and *.vspscc files in the project folders).
The extra files are not a problem as long as Dick doesn't check them into source control (although the plugin is always going to want to check in those .vssscc and .vspscc files). However, the source control information that gets written to the solution and project files will always be an annoyance for Jane. Whenever she opens the solution, she will be nagged by this message:
and then this one:
Should she choose the option to "Permanently remove source control association bindings", the source control information will be removed from the solution and project files and she will be happy again. However, Dick's SCC plugin won't work anymore and he'll probably rebind the projects to source control and an office riot will ensue.
To sum it up, you can share .NET project between those who use the SCC plugin and those who don't, but one or more parties are going to have to endure some annoyances because Microsoft decided to add source control information to .NET project files (such a bad decision, this wasn't a problem in Visual Studio 6).
I'm not absolutely sure if I got you right. I assume that half of your team wants to use the Visual Studio plugin to access Perforce and the other half doesn't.
This is possible. You have to make sure to never check in the MSSCCPRJ.SCC file created by the plugin. This is the local bindings information and will not work on everybody's workstation.
On the other hand side, the *.vssscc files can and should go into Perforce.
Using the plugin has one big advantage, though: The plugin knows which files to check in and which to omit. Especially when adding new projects, it's a common mistake to forget to check in the newly created files when using the Perforce visual client instead of the plugin.
You have to make sure to never check in the MSSCCPRJ.SCC file created
by the plugin.
I removed *.scc files but Visual Studio prevent me use others Source Controls Plugin's except saved into solution and project files.

how to share a folder between two projects in Visual studio 2010

If I have a project called 'testing' in project A.
How can I share that folder 'testing' for project B in visual studio 2010?
The reason I would like to achieve about this is because when I change something in the folder testing of project A, I dont want to change the same things in project B.
Thanks in advance.
Maybe too late for the person who asked the question, but this is for people with similar problems. You can share folder contents with an extention 'Project Linker':
This builds upon the concept of linked files where you refer to the same file from two projects. This extention handles the management of that for an entire project. If you add a file to the project, it will be added too to the other project as a linked file. Same for deletes...
Attention: you need to have both projects in the same solution for this to work of coarse...
Extention VS2015
I used it in VS2010 and it's also availible for later versions.
You can't share folders in Visual Studio - they are logical constructs that are part of a solution or project.
The closest you can get is to add folders to the projects you need to share on and add all the files that you want to share as links. You will still need to manually synchronize all adds/deletes of files, but updates will come across all projects.
To make things easier, you may want to write a Visual Studio macro that synchronizes these folders for you (you can bind these to keyboard shortcuts and/or menu items).
If you put your solution (*.sln) files in the same directory they can share files in sub directories.

How to prevent Visual Studio from adding generated files to source control

Here's my specific scenario: Using VS2010, Pex and TFS2008, generated moles files are getting automatically added to source-control (TFS).
Pex adds a "project_name.moles" file to your test project and then autogenerates 3 files at build time: project_name.Designer.cs, project_name.Moles.dll, and project_name.Moles.xml. I want to keep the *.moles files in TFS (it's source code) but I don't want the 3 generated files to be in TFS (they are still part of the project, but they are generated when first built on a new system).
There are two reasons I need this behavior:
1. It's not a good idea to store generated code in source-control (let's not debate the merits of that here).
2. Specially, the DLL file is BAD because every time someone builds, all moles files are regenerated and thus all files are checked-out and DLL files are checked-out EXCLUSIVELY (non-mergable) and so other people can no longer build on their local box.
The Pex/Moles team are working on this but the solution is still likely several months away.
Is there a csproj property that can be assigned to these project files so that they are in the project but not managed by version control? I don't mind hand-editing the csproj file.
Moles will not be adding any files to the project in the next version (v0.94). It will use MSBuild to generate the assemblies on demand.
I think it depends more on the version control tool than Visual Studio, as usually you can set up some kind of filters in your version control configuration in order to exclude some files/paths.
E.g. if you use Mercurial/Hg, you can (and should) edit your repository .hgignore file and specify e.g. to exclude all *.moles files and the whole sub-tree MolesAssemblies\*. I guess other version control systems have similar options.

Solution file vs. Project file in Visual Studio

Can someone briefly explain to me the difference between Visual Studio's solution file (.sln) and project file (.vcproj).
It seems to me opening either one open the correct solution/project in Visual Studio. Is one the super-set of the other?
Note: I am currently using Visual Studio 2008 working on a project that was brought forward from Visual Studio 2005 (I believe).
A solution is a set of projects. If you need more than one project in your software, then go with solutions. I.E.: A Class Library Project + A Web Application Project.
A project file typically corresponds to a single module: EXE or DLL or LIB. A solution manages a collection of project files.
A solution is a collection of projects. Visual Studio is made so that it cannot function without a solution, so if you open a bare project, it will generate the solution automatically (or try to find one).
One solution can contain zero or more projects. Everything is in projects, so a solution with zero projects doesn't contain anything at all besides the solution properties.
Visual studio keeps track of where the projects are used, so if you open a project file, it will open (IIRC) the last solution where it was used.
When you create a project from scratch, a solution is also created, but it's not shown until you add another project to it. It looks like you have only the project open, but it's actually a solution containing the project that is open.
Specifically project files are intended to contain the data required to build the files in the project into an exe or dll. This file is utilized by the local compilers or with systems such as Team Foundation system and server side build agents.
Solutions are a client (IDE) construct designed to manage collections of projects, which in effect is a collection of different build definitions and associated files.
Solution files are typically made up of multiple project files.
