Virtual machine test suite - windows

I just got some VM software installed on my MacBook in order to have a test suite for cross-compatibility on websites etc. I need to be able to test for Internet Explorer 7 and 8.
Am I right in assuming I should install both Windows XP (with IE7) and Windows 7 (with IE8) to get the most optimal setup?

the result of testing the website with ie7 and ie8 doesn't depend on the windows version only on the browser version.
You can also run the ie8 in the compatibility mode but I made the experience that the result of ie7 and ie8 compatibility mode is not 100% the same.


IE10 on Windows 7 Side-by-Side IE8

Can I install IE10 Preview for Windows 7 and keep the previous IE8 version for development testing?
I don't believe you will be able to run IE8 and IE10 side-by-side on the same machine. Instead, I would encourage you to use the browser-emulation options found within the F12 Developer Tools. From there you can instruct IE10 to behave as though it were IE8.
If emulation isn't desirable, and you're not interested in downloading a virtual machine image, you could also consider exploring the BrowserStack service. It will allow you to spin up IE8 on multiple versions of Windows, and view both remote and local files.
I think this is a more reliable option for developers
IE 1-8 Standalones
it contains
Internet Explorer 1.0 (4.40.308)
Internet Explorer 1.5 (
Internet Explorer 2.01 (2.01.046)
Internet Explorer 3.0 (3.0.1152)
Internet Explorer 3.01 (3.01.2723)
Internet Explorer 3.03 (3.03.2925)
Internet Explorer 4.01 (4.72.3110.0)
Internet Explorer 5.01 (5.00.3314.2100)
Internet Explorer 5.5 (5.51.4807.2300)
Internet Explorer 6.0 (6.00.2800.1106)
Internet Explorer 6.0 (6.00.2900.2180)
Internet Explorer 7.0 (7.00.5730.13)
Internet Explorer 8.0 (8.00.6001.18702)
Also consider IETester -
You can run tabs side by side in different browser versions. Works well for my web dev testing.
MS started an extra Homepage for IE testing. Lots of options under
You may consider VMware thinApp (virtualize Application) or Microsoft RemoteApp (Run application from remote server).
In my environment, I have amix of thinApp and RemoteApp (some application virtualized (ThinApp) and then accessed using RemoteApp).

Run Visual Studio 2002, 2003, and VB6 side-by-side on Windows 7

I am upgrading my machine to Windows 7 but I would still be supporting VS2002 (.net 1.0), VS2003 (.net 1.1) , and VB6 applications.
Is it possible to load these VS and VB6 applications, build, compile, edit code, and support this source code in Windows 7?
Best way to answer your question is to do an experiment. You can setup a VirtualBox whose guest OS is Windows 7, then put whatever programs inside and test out. If they run fine, it's okay to do the real upgrades.
Yes you can.
Refer here
You need a virtual machine. Sorry. You could always see if the virtual machine in Win7 works - but failing that, do what I did and create a virtual machine running XP and run it from there.
I'm pretty sure I've used VB6 and VS2003 on Vista in the past, so there shouldn't be a problem with 7. I'd second setting up a VirtualBox or maybe try VirtualPC to give it a go.
Even if for some strange reason you weren't able to install the development tools, you could (assuming you're using a high enough edition) use Windows XP mode for those tools that you couldn't get to run natively under Windows 7.

Uninstall IE8 from XP SP3 Install?

So I'm trying to run some virtual machines for testing different websites, and the only version of Windows I have is XP SP3, which for some reason comes preinstalled with IE8. I'm wanting to uninstall IE8 and install IE6 on one install and IE7 on another. However, searching the internet there seems to be only two methods listed: Add/Remove Programs (it's not there) and navigating to Windows/ie8/ and running some spunint.exe file. As far as the second method goes, this install does not appear to have a Windows/ie8 directory. So, is there any way I can get rid of the IE8 that's already installed, or am I going to be forced to download Microsoft's trial XP which works for crap on my VM software? Thanks!
You could simply use the Microsoft-provided Virtual Machine Images.
Unfortunately, if you installed IE8 before SP3, SP3 seals it in. Microsoft announced that on their blog here:
The blog post refers to the beta or IE8, but is still applicable to the final release. The work around is to remove SP3, then remove IE8, then re-install SP3.

Windows phone 7 takes forever to deploy

I'm playing around with windows phone 7 development, when I press F5 Visual studio takes forever to deploy the app, I get
Window Phone Emulator is doing complete OS boot.
What would be the problem?
PS: I'm using windows 7 on Mac with Parallels Desktop
The emulator isn't supported running inside or side by side other VM's at this stage. It is implemented as a VM itself. VM's running on windows platforms will be detected by the emulator startup and a specific error message provided. I've noticed several people having the same issue from Parallels on Mac ... presumably the VM detection doesn't work over there to stop the attempt.
System requirements documented here and here for your reference.
Similar to how we have to run a Mac to develop for iPhone without hassles, you'll need to run a PC to develop for Windows Phone 7 - at least for now.
You may also find your issue with the WIndows Phone Emulator is because the Emulator actually the real phone ROM running in a Virtual Machine.
Since your situation is a VM (Windows 7 on Parellels on Mac) this may explain your performance issue. Developers using VMWare have had similar issues plus Virtual PC / Hyper-V does not support Windows Phone 7 at all.
Running virtual machines on virtual machines is a massive performance hit, your only solution may be a cheap PC installation of Windows Phone 7 tools etc on compatible hardware ie Graphics Card / with WDDM 1.1 compatible drivers etc.
For my WP8 deployment, I notice that disconnecting my MacBook Air from the power source will slow the deployment down considerably (so will the debugging and tracing).
Simply plug the laptop back to the power source and everything will become fast again.
Don't kill the emulator between debug sessions. There is no need.
Also - Visual Studio 2010 Express For Windows Phone, which is installed with the tools, is much more responsive as it has less features running.
So if speed is really an issue, that may be an option.

Additional languages in Virtual XP mode under Windows 7

Is there any way to get additional languages in Virtual XP Mode under Windows 7?
From my testing of XP mode it appears that its just a VM running on Windows Virtual PC where the VM add-ons provide hooks for Windows 7 to run any application that's installed on the VM. The key thing appears to be Windows Virtual PC and the add-ons, since you can have Windows 7 installed on the VM just as easily as XP.
I don't see why you couldn't have multiple VMs running different languages if that's what you're looking for.
Thanks, for the interest..
Anyway, I managed to make it work by inserting a physical Windows XP CD (Simplified Chinese, SP2) in and getting the language files from that. WinXP complains that the files are the wrong version though and that they're not the ones used by the install media, which in this case is an MSI that I got from the Microsoft website. So yeah, just ignore the warnings, reboot, you should be good.. :)
