Image Submit Not working in IE - image

I have the following code submitting a form
<div class="free-download">
<input name="method_free"
value="<TMPL_VAR lang_free_download>"
alt="<TMPL_VAR lang_free_download>" />
it's working fine in firefox, but in internet explorer it just loads the same page for some reason, any ideas?

Try the form attribute in the input tag.
<input type="image" form="(ID of the form it belongs to)">
Sometimes inputs can get lost in layouts.

Have you checked to see if you are getting method_free_x and method_free_y posted back to you? Seems when using an image to submit, you get the X and Y coordinates that were clicked.


parsley.js 'fails' when trying to validate checkbox

We are re-designing a site and part of that re-design involves making the site accessible to screen readers and the like. I'm using latest version (2.8.0). Here's what's happening --- validation for all text, select and textarea fields in our forms work perfectly. In order to be accessible, checkbox and radio inputs are wrapped in tags. The html for a set of checkboxes looks like this:
<div class="form-group">
<p id="applicant_type_desc" style="margin-bottom: 6px;"><strong>I am: <span class="text-danger" aria-hidden="true">*</span><span class="sr-only">Required</span></strong> <em class="small">(check all that apply)</em></p>
<div class="checkbox">
<label id="applicant_type_patient_desc">
<input type="hidden" name="applicant_type_patient" id="" value="N">
<input type="checkbox" name="applicant_type_patient" id="applicant_type_patient" value="Y" {checked_applicant_type_patient} aria-labelledby="applicant_type_desc applicant_type_patient_desc" data-parsley-multiple="type" data-parsley-error-message="Please specify whether you are a patient, relative, employee or other.">
A patient
followed by more checkbox divs without error messages and ended with an end div for the for form-group wrapper.
If I load the form and click 'submit', all the text fields are validated properly. If I add 'required' to the checkbox above, when 'submit' is clicked nothing happens and the form is submitted with no validation at all.
The same thing happens when I try to validate a radio button set as required.
There is some custom jQuery and parsley code which creates a div to hold all the error messages and transforms the error messages into links to the field id so that a screen reader can follow them and focus on the field in error. But imho, this should have no effect on why the form validation doesn't kick in.
I'm absolutely baffled.
FYI - I tried this using an earlier version (2.0.3) of parsley and the validation actually worked, although all my custom error processing was ignored.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
As it turns out, parsley handles the errorswrapper element differently for text, textarea and selects then it does for checkboxes and radio buttons.
The starting wrapper element for text, textarea and select contains the parsley-data-id attribute whereas checkbox and radio button elements contain the parsley-data-multiple attribute whether that was generated by parsley or entered manually in the html.
My code was looking for parsley-data-id and, of course the jquery selector failed and generated an error. A colleague was able to spot this for me while we were looking at the page in chrome inspector. Once i saw the error, making a simple adjustment to the form:error event function allowed everything to work.

Finding an element by XPath in Selenium

I am trying to use Selenium to navigate a webpage. There is a button I am trying to get to via its xpath. For other buttons on the site, it works fine. But for this particular one, I keep getting the error that the element can't be located. Firebug is just giving me the xpath in this format: //*[#id="continueButton"].
I notice that the button has wrappers around it. They are structured like
<div class = "cButtonWrapper">
<div class = "cButtonHolder">
<input type="image" id="continueButton" name="Continue" alt="Continue" src="/store/images/btn_continue.gif" value="Continue">
Could the wrappers around the button have anything to do with not being able to locate it?
Maybe the <input> element cannot be properly located by XPath because you are using invalid HTML. Try using <input id="continueButton"/> or <input id="continueButton"></input> in your page source.

ajax return is not displaying in chrome until hover on main menu

I'm experiencing a problem ONLY in Chrome where an Ajax response is not being displayed. Oddly, when I hover over the page's main menu, the response shows up and also stays when I move the mouse away again from the main menu.
Here is a more specific description:
The page contains a search box that allows the user to start typing a contact name. As the user types, an ajax request is made to return a list of suggested contacts. The user can then click on a radio button corresponding to a contact in that list to display all the contact information of that one person. Up to that point everything works fine. But now if the user goes back to the search box to change his search, the previously returned list of contacts goes away, but the new one from the new search does not show up. It is the click on the radio button that causes the following search not to display any ajax responses. The odd thing now is that the response does show up if the user hovers over the main menu at the top of the page (which uses css), and it also stays if the user moves the mouse away again from the menu and everything works fine afterwards. Here is the page structure:
<div id="fixedTopBar">
<div id="pageContent">
<div id="contactListContainer">
<input id="contactSearchBox" type="text" autocomplete="off" onkeyup="showHint(this.value, 'contactList', null , 'include/ajax/getContacts.php')">
<div id="contactList">
<div id="profile"></div>
The ajax request is made with the showHint() function in the id="contactSearchBox" input, and the response is displayed within the id="contactList" div.
So in short, the click on a radio button causes the problem, and hovering over the top menu solves the problem (very strange no?).
Please let me know what other code you need to track down the problem if you have any ideas, or if anything I said did not make sense.
Thanks in advance!
I was able to solve my problem with some css:
The id="contactListContainer" div was positioned: fixed ...once I positioned it absolute, the problem was gone. Now, to actually position it fixed and not have the problem, I also had to add the position:fixed or position:absolute property to the child div id="contactList".

How to store to browser auto-complete/auto-fill when using AJAX calls

I've noticed that browsers do not store form values until the form is submitted, which means that if you're using AJAX instead of a standard form submit, your browser's auto-fill is never populated. Is there a way to force populate your browsers auto-fill/auto-complete so that I can have this convenience with forms that are submitted via AJAX? It's annoying to go to my AJAX page and have to type in the same things in the form fields every time because the browser doesn't remember them.
My question is pretty much identical to the this one, except that only a work around in FireFox is provided as the accepted answer to that question. I'm looking for a solution that works in all major browsers (at least Chrome, FF, and IE), if there is one.
Note: I am not talking about AJAX auto-complete plugins, which is what almost always pops up when googling this question. I am talking about your browser's built-in auto-complete or auto-fill that helps you fill out forms by remembering what you entered in the past.
For anyone who's still trying to solve this, seem like I've found the answer.
Chromium tries to recognize the submit event, even if you preventDefault and handle the actual submission yourself.
That's it, you need to preventDefault the submit event, not the click event.
This worked on Chrome, Edge and IE 11 at the time of writing (I'm too lazy to download and test it on Firefox).
Here's your form:
<form method="POST" id="my-form">
<input autocomplete="email" type="email" name="email">
<button type="submit">Subscribe</button>
Notice the autocomplete attribute. These are all the possible values that you can use for autocomplete.
In JavaScript, simply do this:
$("#my-form").on("submit", function (ev) {
// Do AJAX stuff here
The browser will remember whatever email you've entered on clicking subscribe button.
I have also come across this; there doesn't seem to be a great solution, certainly not a cross browser one, but here is one for IE I haven't seen anyone mention:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
function subForm()
<FORM id=f1>
User ID : <input type=text name=id></input><br>
Password :<input type=password name=pw></input><br>
E-mail :<input type = text VCARD_NAME = "vCard.Email"> <br>
<input type=button value=submit onclick="subForm()">
Use this Method:
AutoCompleteSaveForm = function(form){
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'uniqu_asdfaf'; = 'position:absolute; height:1px; top:-100px; left:-100px';
var oldTarget =;
var oldAction = form.action; = 'uniqu_asdfaf';
form.action = '/favicon.ico';
setTimeout(function(){ = oldTarget;
form.action = oldAction;
Tested with ie10, ff latest, chrome latest
Test yourself:
Have you try the answer of my question that you mention?
The answer is using hidden iframe but seems he claim the idea is not working on IE and Chrome on that time.
Try to take the idea, and instead of using hidden iframe, just put the username/password/submit visible input element in a form POST, in an iframe. So user will enter login details directly into iframe. With proper Javascript you can put loading image, get success or denied from server and update the parent or the whole page. I believe it should work on any browser.
Or if you still want to use AJAX since you probably implemented the API on server side. You can make the iframe to just send a dummy POST at the same time send the real user/pass to AJAX URL.
Or back to use hidden iframe, not to hide it but move it to the invisible area like top: -1000px.
After several hours searching, I found a solution at Trigger autocomplete without submitting a form.
Basically, it uses a hidden iframe in the same page, set the action of your form to the 'src' of the iframe, and add a hidden submit button inside the form, when user clicks your button which triggers AJAX requests, you should programmatically click the hidden button before sending the AJAX request. see example below:
In your form page:
<iframe id="hidden_iframe" name="hidden_iframe" class="hidden" src="/content/blank"></iframe>
<form target="hidden_iframe" method="post" action="/content/blank" class="form-horizontal">
<input type="text" name="name">
<input type="text" name="age">
<button id="submit_button" type="submit" class="hidden"></button>
<button id="go_button" type="submit" class="hidden">Go</button>
Then java script:
//submit the form to the hidden iframe
//do your business here
//whatever you want here
Hope this helps.

Safari Ajax bug? checked radio not checked

In Safari, If I load a piece of html via XHR (ajax) the browser does not render the radio button that has the checked="checked" attribute as checked.
the html I fetch via ajax:
<input type="radio" name="radiotest" value="off">
<input type="radio" name="radiotest" value="on" checked="checked">
the browser renders two unchecked radio buttons. If I load the exact same code directly from a plain html file (no ajax) the radio buttons render as they should, the last being in its checked state.
what's wrong, is this a known bug? Is there a fix available?
Probing further this looks like a browser bug, and I could not so far fix it with jQuery Post processing, any help appreciated.. here is what I've found:
I have a page that pulls in some form element via ajax.
The html is this:
<input type="checkbox" name="checktest">
<input type="checkbox" name="checktest" checked="checked">
<input type="radio" name="radiotest" value="off">
<input type="radio" name="radiotest" value="on" checked="checked">
after the form element are pulled in, the checkboxed render correct, but the radios both render unckecked. Now, If i run the following jQuery command (from the Safari 5 console):
$('#activemodules input[checked="checked"]'); returns an object containing the one checked checkbox.
but if I run the command:
$('#activemodules input[value="on"]');
it actually retuns the correct object, and it even shows its outerHTML property correct like this:
outerHTML: "<input type="radio" name="radiotest" value="on" checked="checked">"
now, if I do:
$('#activemodules input[value="on"]').attr('checked','checked');
Safari get's it, and renders it correctly. I guess I'll just have to pass a data-ischecked="true" attribute and use that to catch and 're-check' all radio buttons after the ajax bit is loaded.. but still, even if I can do this, I'd like to hear any comment or suggestions on this.
This is what my solutions ended like:
First I add a data-ischecked="1" attribute to the radios that are checked:
<input type="radio" name="foo" data-ischecked="1" value="bar" checked="checked">
then, after the ajax call succeeds and finishes I run this:
$('#myradios :radio')
if( $(this).data('ischecked') ){
This seems to work fine.. but I found out some other stuff of importance:
If I called the data attribute simply data-checked instead of data-ischecked it DID NOT WORK, maybe this is a reserved name?
And also; if I ran the operation on the broader selector scope:
.each ...
then it also DID NOT WORK
I don't know why, but adding the id of a parent element of the radios that was also part of the html returned by the ajax call to the selecor scope like this:
$('#myradios :radio')
made it work..
I found that mikkelbreum's solution only worked if I did not include the "checked" attribute in the AJAX-injected code.
<input type="radio" name="foo" data-ischecked="1" value="bar">
