Pre-filling a prompt in Bash - bash

Writing a bash script, and I want to get user input. Awesome,
read -p "What directory should we save in? " -e FOLDER
Except that what I'd like to do, ideally, is have the user see something like:
What directory should we save in? /home/user/default/
with the cursor at the end of the line, and the ability to delete backwards or append or whatever. Essentially, pre-filling the user's input, but giving them the ability to edit it.
Readline obviously has the capability, but it appears to be not exposed in the read command. Any alternatives? I'd prefer to not have to use perl or such.
The constraint I'm working under is that I'm writing a single shell script that would be nice to disseminate widely, so should rely on as little pre-existing infrastructure as possible. rlwrap and read -i both work if their dependencies (rlwrap and bash version >> whatever I have, respectively) are available. Both good answers, choose whichever works for you.

$ read -p "What directory should we save in? " -i "/home/user/default/" -e FOLDER
What directory should we save in? /home/user/default/
that should work, right?

You can wrap the command in rlwrap, which provides instant readline capabilities:
(rlwrap -P does what you want)
As far as a pure bash solution is concerned for the 3.2 line (which i am presuming you are using), I dont think its possible


Using variables between files in shell / bash scripting

This question has been posted here many times, but it never seems to answer my question.
I have two scripts. The first one contains one or multiple variables, the second script needs those variables. The second script also needs to be able to change the variables in the first script.
I'm not interested in sourcing (where the first script containing the variables runs the second script) or exporting (using environment variables). I just simply want to make sure that the second script can read and change (get and set) the variables available in the first script.
(PS. If I misunderstood how sourcing or exporting works, and it applies to my scenario, please let me know. I'm not completely closed to those methods, after what I've read, I just don't think those things will do what I want)
Environment variables are per process. One process can not modify the variables in another. What you're asking for is not possible.
The usual workaround for scripts is sourcing, which works by running both scripts in the same shell process, but you say you don't want to do that.
I've also given this some thought. I would use files as variables. For example in script 1 you use for writing variable values to files:
echo $varnum1 > /home/username/scriptdir/vars/varnum1
echo $varnum2 > /home/username/scriptdir/vars/varnum2
And in script 2 you use for reading values from files back into variables:
$varnum1=$(cat /home/username/scriptdir/vars/varnum1)
$varnum2=$(cat /home/username/scriptdir/vars/varnum2)
Both scripts can read or write to the variables at any given time. Theoretically two scripts can try to access the same file at the same time, I'm not sure what exactly would happen but since each file only contains one value, the time to read or write should be extremely short.
In order to even reduce those times you can use a ramdisk.
I think this is much better than scripts editing each other (yuk!). Live editing of scripts can mess up scripts and only works when you initiate the script again after the edit was made.
Good luck!
So after a long search on the web and a lot of trying, I finally found some kind of a solution. Actually, it's quite simple.
There are some prerequisites though.
The variable you want to set already has to exist in the file you're trying to set it in (I'm guessing the variable can be created as well when it doesn't exist yet, but that's not what I'm going for here).
The file you're trying to set the variable in has to exist (obviously. I'm guessing again this can be done as well, but again, not what I'm going for).
sudo sed -i 's/^\(VARNAME=\).*/\1VALUE/' FILENAME
So i.e. setting the variable called Var1 to the value 5, in the file
sudo sed -i 's/^\(Var1=\).*/\15/' test.ini
sudo grep -Po '(?<=VARNAME=).*' FILENAME
So i.e. reading the variable called Var1 from the file test.ini
sudo grep -Po '(?<=Var1=).*' test.ini
Just to be sure
I've noticed some issues when running the script that sets variables from a different folder than the one where your script is located.
To make sure this always go right, you can do one of two things:
sudo sed -i 's/^\(VARNAME=\).*/\1VALUE/' `dirname $0`/FILENAME
So basically, just put `dirname $0`/ (including the backticks) in front of the filename.
The other option is to make `dirname $0`/ a variable (again including the backticks), which would look like this.
my_dir=`dirname $0`
sudo sed -i 's/^\(VARNAME=\).*/\1VALUE/' $my_dir/FILENAME
So basically, if you've got a file named test.ini, which contains this line: Var1= (In my tests, the variable can start empty, and you will still be able to set it. Mileage may vary.), you will be able to set and get the value for Var1
I can confirm that this works (for me), but since you all, with way more experience in scripting then me, didn't come up with this, I'm guessing this is not a great way to do it.
Also, I couldn't tell you the first thing about what's happening in those commands above, I only know they work.
So if I'm doing something stupid, or if you can explain to me what's happening in the commands above, please let me know. I'm very curious to find out what you guys think if this solution.

can the shell be told to save command output?

I'm thinking a hypothetical CMDOUTPUT would be useful:
locate -r 'regexp...' # locate finds a file: /myfile.
# Shell puts `/myfile' string into CMDOUTPUT
vim $CMDOUTPUT # No need to run locate again as with: vim `!!`
The locate command above is just an example. I want the output saved for all commands that I run so that if I need it I can access it quickly. (The output should still be printed by the command to stdout.) I don't want to do
command | tee /tmp/cmdoutput
or anything else that I have to do because that's more typing for me at the prompt for everything that I run: I want the shell to do it all in the background. Again, to make it clear: I am casually typing commands away and decide "Oh, I want to use the output of that last command in this command, let me just retrieve it...". Can I tell the shell to store the output somehow so that I can retrieve it.
If there's no option for it, is there some way that I can implement it that is as close to invisible as it can be, meaning exit codes from the command are not lost (...and that's all I can think of, but I'm sure there are other subtleties) etc. I'm primarily thinking of zsh, but answers for any shell would be useful.
I found a solution, not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for. But it should provide a start :)
zsh | tee log >&1

Converting a history command into a shell script

This is sort of one of those things that I figured a lot of people would use a lot, but I can't seem to find any people who have written about this sort of thing.
I find that a lot of times I do a lot of iteration on a command-line one-liner and when I end up using it a lot, or anticipate wanting to use it in the future, or when it becomes cumbersome to work with in one line, it generally is a good idea to turn the one-liner into a shell script and stick it somewhere reasonable and easily accessible like ~/bin.
It's obviously too cumbersome to use any sort of roundabout method involving a text editor to get this done, and it's possible to simply do it on the shell, for instance in zsh typing
echo "#!/usr/bin/env sh" > ~/bin/ && echo !523 >> ~/bin/
followed by pressing Tab to inject the !523rd command and somehow shoehorning it into an acceptable string to be saved.
This is particularly cumbersome and has at minimum three problems:
Does not work in bash as it does not complete the !523
Requires some manual inspection and string escapement
Requires too much typing such as the script name must be entered twice
So it looks like I need to do some meta shell scripting here.
I think a good solution would function under both bash and zsh, and it should probably work by taking two arguments, an integer for the history command number and a name for the shell script to poop out in a hardcoded directory which contains that one command. Furthermore, under bash, it appears that multi-line commands are treated as separate commands, but I'm willing to assume that we only care about one-liners here and I only use zsh anyway at this point.
The stumbling block here is that i think I'll still be running shell scripts through bash even when using zsh, so it won't likely then be able to parse zsh's history files. I may need to make this into two separate programs then.
Update: I agree with #Floris 's comment that direct use of the commands like !! would be helpful though I am not sure how to make this work. Suppose I have the usage be
mkscript command_number_24 !24
this is inadequate because mkscript will be receiving the expanded out contents of the 24th command. if the 24th command contains any file globs or somesuch they will have been expanded already. This is bad, and I basically want the contents of the history file, i.e. the raw command string. I guess this can be worked around by manually implementing those shortcuts in here. Or just screw it and just take an integer argument.
function mkscript() {
echo '#!/bin/bash' > ~/bin/$2
history -p '!'$1 >> ~/bin/$2
Only tested in Bash.
Update from OP: In zsh I can accomplish this with fc -l $2 $2

Get Input for a bash script by capturing it from a VIM session

I am creating a new CLI application, where I want to get some sensitive input from the user. Since, this input can be quite descriptive as well as the information is a bit sensitive, I wanted to allow user to enter a command like this from this app:
app new entry
after which, I want to provide user with a VIM session where he can write this descriptive input, which when he exits from this VIM session, will be captured by my script and used for further processing.
Can someone tell me a way (probably some hidden VIM feature - since, I am always amazed by them) so that I can do so, without creating any temporary file? As explained in a comment below, I would prefer a some-what in-memory file, since the information can be a bit sensitive, and hence, I would like to process it first via my script and then only, write it to disk in an encrypted manner.
Git actually does this: when you type git commit, a new Vim instance is created and a temporary file is used in this instance. In that file, you type your commit message
Once Vim gets closed again, the content of the temporary file is read and used by Git. Afterwards, the temporary file gets deleted again.
So, to get what you want, you need the following steps:
create a unique temporary file (Create a tempfile without opening it in Ruby)
open Vim on that file (Ruby, Difference between exec, system and %x() or Backticks)
wait until Vim gets terminated again (also contained in the above SO thread)
read the tempoarary file (How can I read a file with Ruby?)
delete the temporary file (Deleting files in ruby)
That's it.
You can make shell create file descriptors attached to your function and make vim write there, like this: (but you need to split script in two parts: one that calls vim and one that processes its input):
# First script
vim --cmd $'aug ScriptForbidReading\nau BufReadCmd /proc/self/fd/* :' --cmd 'aug END' >(second-script)
. Notes:
second-script might actually be a function defined in first script (at least in zsh). This also requires bash or zsh (tested only on the latter).
Requires *nix, maybe won’t work on some OSes considered to be *nix.
BufReadCmd is needed because vim hangs when trying to read write-only descriptor.
It is suggested that you set filetype (if needed) right away, without using ftdetect plugins: in case your script is not the only one which will use this method.
Zsh will wait for second-script to finish, so you may continue script right after vim command in case information from second-script is not needed (it would be hard to get from there).
Second script will be launched from a subshell. Thus no variable modifications will be seen in code running after vim call.
Second script will receive whatever vim saves on standard input. Parent standard input is not directly accessible, but using </dev/tty will probably work.
This is for zsh/bash script. Nothing will really prevent you from using the same idea in ruby (it is likely more convenient and does not require splitting into two scripts), but I do not know ruby enough to say how one can create file descriptors in ruby.
Using vim for this seems like overkill.
The highline ruby gem might do what you need:
require 'highline'
irb> pw ='info: ') {|q| q.echo = false }
=> "abc"
The user's text is not displayed when you set echo to false.
This is also safer than creating a file and then deleting it, because then you'd have to ensure that the delete was secure (overwriting the file several times with random data so it can't be recovered; see the shred or srm utilities).

Can I use what I wrote on the shell (bash, cmd, irb, etc) in a script automatically?

The general idea is pretty simple, I want to make a script for a certain task, I do it in the shell (any shell), and then I want to copy the commands I have used.
If I copy all the stuff in the window, then I have a lot of stuff to delete and to correct. (and is not easy to copy from shell)
Resume: I want to take all the things I wrote...
Is there an easy way to do this easy task?
Update: Partial solution
In bash, the solution is pretty simple, there is a history command, and there are ports of the idea:
IRB: Tweaking IRB
Cmd: Use PowerShell -> Get-History (or use cygwin)
Another Update:
I found that doskey have a parameter history to do this:
cmd: Doskey /history >> history.cmd
Yes, you can use:
history -w
This will save your command history to You may need to edit that to keep just the lines at the end that are part of your command sequence.
NOTE: This is a bash command and will not work with all shells.
script may help here. Typing script will throw you into a new shell and save
all input and output to a file called typescript. When you're done with your interaction,
exit the shell. The file typescript is then amenable to grep'ing. For example, you might
grep for your prompt and save the output to the file. If you're a clumsy typist like me, then you may need to do some cleanup work to remove backspaces. There used to be a program that did thisbut I don't seem to find it right now. Here is one I found on the
This approach is especially useful if you want to track and post on the web an entire interactive session.
