paypal express (or any express option) - magento - "terms and conditions" - magento

(Option One):
In magento, at Step 6 of One Page Checkout you see Terms and Conditions.
Now the problem:
Using PayPal Express Checkout (or any express option e.g. Amazon Payments, Google Checkout) there is no Terms and Conditions for the user to agree to.
I need to:
A. Call Magento "Terms and Conditions" block into a modal window (i don't know how + might be too intrusive?)
B. use -- fake -- express checkout buttons and fake/not-magento-native "Terms and Conditions" on Cart Page that user must agree to - before proceeding to: any Express Checkout.
User clicks and any express checkout option on cart page >
User encounters popup that has "Terms and Conditions" they must agree to >
Until they agree (probably via ticking a check-box) the real express checkout button is grayed out (or something similar) >
User agrees and then the real express checkout button is active >
User clicks express button and completes express checkout.
go to:
My question is about how to swap the real express checkout buttons on the cart page for fake ones (just images with some sort of onclick event) and then how to place the real express checkout buttons in the popout.
(Option Two):
here is another option I am looking at.
i created a static block with a Terms form and assigned a Widget to “PayPal Review Order page”
OK so it shows up but of course its in the wrong place and it does not interact with the Place Order button.
Pros: could work for paypal
Cons: at this point, it’s not an obvious solution for other express checkout buttons
so my fist post tries to address this before hand and this post tries to address it at the last stage.
Option 2 appears too limited. I am now looking closer at option one.
...any feedback helpful
I'm sure there are many other ways to do this but I came up with this if it will help anyone out there.
go to this page:
add to cart > got to cart > click paypal express button
and see i made a popout for express buttons
In general, you can see the code with firebug but it is just (highslide based)
JavaScript firing a popout and the popout contents are written in shortcut.phtml (for paypal exress) and each express button type has its own .phtml file that is similar (e.g. googlecheckout i used link.phtml).
1. On iPhone (my iPhone anyway) the popout launches but the checkout buttons are missing. SOLVED: All I needed to do was adjust the width in the js config and the width of the text area in the html.
I want to make the same "terms and conditions" on onestep checkout page - but not a popout. i want it hidden unless the user clicks the paypal radio button. then it appears - in page - and is required to proceed.
any tips?

I think this problem is solved in the Magento After the PayPal page, the T&Cs are displayed on the order review page.


Microsoft USD - Opening a third party application in USD Tab through CRM Page button click

I have two questions here. I am using Microsoft USD 4.0 with CRM v9 and I am in a scenario where I want to open a third party desktop application within USD tab.
Now, opening the application is USD tab is not so difficult but what I want to do is open that application by push of a button inside a CRM page that is already opened inside USD.
So the scenario is like below,
1) We have a CRM Page opened inside USD.
2) Once user push a button inside that CRM Page a new tab will open.
3) The tab will be opened inside USD after we push the button inside
CRM page.
The other question is,
We are also in the stage of developing the third party application. So what points should we keep in mind to make it compatible with USD?
One of the most commonly used way of opening a tab in USD from a button click in CRM page is to trigger an USD event from JavaScript tagged to the button click.
Create an event in USD, for the hosted control associated with the CRM page.
Trigger the same event from JavaScript something like below,"http://event/?eventname=YourEventName);
Make sure you check for window.IsUSD before executing this part of code within JavaScript.
Once this event call is added to the JavaScript, you will get that triggered in USD on button click of CRM page.
Once you can track the event in USD, you should be knowing how to take it forward by adding action calls under the event which got triggered.
Hope that helps. Let us know if you have any queries regarding the same.

Magento multi-step checkout

The problem is that when i disable One page checkout, the Proceed button is gone. My installation is 1.9.2 Community Edition. I've tried to enable that button from link.phtml but get the message "The Unilateral payment transaction is disabled"
Answer: You don't. What you do is disabeling the Magento Module Mage_Checkout_Onepage
Magento comes with one stock checkout, the infamous OnePage. There are many distributers of neat (and shitty) checkouts, mostly called OneStepCheckout or SingleStepCheckout. I suggest you find yourself a good one and buy it, because a decent checkout is a major difference between gaining and losing customers.
This guy had a similar question about disabeling the magento onepage checkout
Okay this is how i do it. I log in into admin panel, than i do:
1) System -> Configuration -> Sales -> Checkout -> Enable one page checkout "No" (because i wanna use multi-step checkout option)
Admin checkout settings
2) Add some product to cart and when i view content of the cart and proceed to checkout the button " Proceed to checkout" is missing.
Frontend checkout

Add to cart button is not working

Add to cart button is not working.
Is this due to any jQuery conflict.
I am not using any custom jQuery for add to cart button but had used many extension which had jQuery.
On clicking add to cart button, no action no effect is performed, even nothing is displayed in firebug console.
Can any one tell me how to debug this.
Have you attempted switching on the default template for Magento to see if it could be something in your custom theme? Have you attempted in another browser?
I have most commonly seen the "add to cart" button cease if there were a jQuery conflict or if the button class/name had been changed.
Not sure if you're on version control but if you have migrated the site, there is a possibility that some files may have been left out. If you right click > inspect, are you getting any 404 errors?
Again, we would have to see the code (and possibly a link to the site) in order to accurately diagnose.

"Add to Cart" in Lightbox – Shopify

Here's the URL to my store:
(PASSWORD IS nibblesofnirvana)
What I want to do is present people with two options when they click "add to cart." If you get to "add to cart" on the website now, you'll see that I already have a lightbox that comes up.
I want one option that points to the regular checkout page, then another option that points to a new checkout page that I haven't made yet.
But I haven't been able to get the shopping cart to work. I'd like "BUY NOW" to add the item the person is viewing to the cart, and the other option I display simply link to another page.
I'm assuming this has something to do with the Ajax API, but shopify's documentation hasn't proven to be all that helpful... would be very helpful if someone could point me in the right direction!
you can do this:
click add to cart --> pop up small window of highslide js and in this popup, you can place your two options.. am i following your thought?

joomla 1.6 paypal donate button

I've just got Joomla 1.6 up and running.
My question is this:
Do we need plug-ins to add a PayPal donate button on Joomla? Can't we just paste the code in the article?
You can't paste code in to an article without an extension. By default the article text field cleans any code out before inserting it in to the database. You can install an extension that allows code in articles or a Paypal button extension. I am not a fan of allowing users to insert their own code so the plugin or module method would be the better route. There are quite a few 1.6 native Paypal extensions -
I just went through the process of getting the PayPal button to work on our Joomla site. With the help of PayPal's technical support, I found that although I had back-end administrative permission, I had to log-in as the Super Administrator to get it to work.
Log-in as the Super Administrator and go through your article manager to edit the article. Once you are in the article, the "toolbar" above the textbox will have a blue "HTML" button on the right end the second row. When you click that it opens the HTML editor. I then pasted the PayPal code, and clicked "Update". The PayPal button then appeared in the text box and I was able to adjust the alignment as I wanted.
